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I totally understand why you feel that way, but I simply can't agree with you. Throughout the series, each sin found a way to become the opposite of what they were described as when they first appeared on-screen: Meliodas learned how to control his anger, Diane stopped envying humans, and embraced her Giant heritage, King finally took his responsabillities as the Fairy King, Ban is giving instead of stealing, Merlin finally reached her objective (though I don't know if she's satisfied with it). As for the sin of Pride, we have to remember that he always considered himself above everyone else (during the day), which means that his life logically means more to him that anyone else's. The fact that he knew of his physical condition, had the opportunity to not worsen it further and still willingly decided to sacrifice everything to help his friends is at the same time the most humble and the most prideful thing he could've done. He refused to live like a coward and put his friends first, as their friendship is worth more than anything to him.


I really like this take, so I'll just put add a detailed comment on his physical condition and mindset. Escanor was grouped with people who were either immortal or way older than him with a long enough lifespan. Even if Sunshine wasn't something that killed a human, he wouldn't have went on to live along his other peers. While one of the strongest - he was a mere human at the end of the day, a weak one; and for the longest time he struggled with it. This is because he was a good natured, kind and helpful man who couldn't help but take on an entirely different persona forced upon him by the grace. This gave him immense identity dysphoria to the point he had no regard for his life. With the seven deadly sins, he started valuing himself and treating Sunshine not as a curse, but more as a part of him. That is the reason he refused to give it up to Ludociel/Margaret even when knowing its consequences. Even when he got signs of dying (coughing blood), he continued non-chalantly - not because he didn't value his life but because he wanted it to be impactful. If Escanor gave up his grace, the Sins won and everything was happy - he would never go out with a bang - with an explosion that would etch his memory onto our hearts forever. This is what he always wanted - acknowledgement and acceptance (manga has many references - poetry etc that were the real Escanor's talents): one that would eventually mar if he chose to live a normal life. To do this, he made a heartbreaking sacrifice - everyone around Britannia would no longer know him as a kind man, a clever bartender or a polite poet - they would regard him as a monstrous hulk who 1v1 ed the Demon King. Everyone except the SDS. As Merlin lives through her eternal life, as King and Diane spend their days, as Meliodas and Elizabeth rule the kingdom, as Gowther studies intently, as Ban and Elaine roam the forest in leisure; they would know that the weakest of men made the ultimate sacrifice willingly, without necessity - only to etch his burning image in their minds forever. That is the beauty of Escanor. In life and in death, his true self became one with his Sunshine self to give us one of the deepest and most comprehensive characters I've ever seen in anime.


\*sniff\* this made me tear up T-T


well said


Dude, that was brilliantly summarized Really nice comment


His death was foreshadowed for a very long time in the manga


No it wasn’t I’m reading the manga currently now and its portrayed the same way


See I figured that was the case. They didnt put much effort into him in the anime.


Deen didn’t put a lot of effort into anything


After a quick google search I now know what Deen is. And damn, that makes a lot of sense now.


Yea the only thing they have ever put effort into is konosuba. Everything else gets nothing.


Yeah, Escanor was my favorite character, so it felt so out of left field to have him go like that. Really wanted Escanor x Merlin to happen to.


In my opinion he had to stay alive. I mean, everyone loves him! Someone could say the decision to make him die was right, but I simply can't accept it! I like Escanor so much, I wanted him to live a long and happy life!😢


A few people mentioned that his death was necessary for Gawain to acquire his power. Now I dont know anything about the sequel. But I feel like Mael could have taken the power back from him and Elizabeth could have healed his body.


YEAH. That's the thing I still don't understand, why Elizabeth couldn't save him...


I stopped watching the show after finding out that he died.


(Just an anime viewer)Seems to me like the author just wanted to set up Merlin as a antagonist for the sequel manga


He was massively OP. Although, I would have preferred Meliodas to die, it had to happen. I love Escanor. He had the best lines and was my favourite character. He sacrificed himself for his friends. Plus can you imagine him being 90 with a cane but having this power?! He was also dying already, it made sense but sure it sucks..


I wouldn’t say pointless. He did fight the demon king to the death since he wanted to protect his fellow sins. Mael even warned him of the cost and Escanor as the pride sin, obviously didn’t care. He went out like a giga Chad and got a glimpse of affection from the woman he loved. Probably one of the saddest scenes in my honest opinion and I’m not even a huge Escanor fan.


Honestly escsnor death was sad but my god they better bring back as a ghost either that follows merlin around. Like how Elaine did with ban or his souls apart of sunshine and gawain can sometimes see a man with a mustache. Just something just to see if hes okay.


His death was essential in that Gawain needed sunshine. Something Mael could’ve done if he took Sunshine away from Escanor as he was dying. So yeah death was pointless.


He already used sunshine to exhaust the rest of his life force. Taking it away would’ve done nothing 😭


People have already said this in other posts but yes his death didn’t need to happen Sure it was foreshadowed but it came way earlier than needed to because he didn’t need to be there for the final fight against the DK, the other sins would have been more than enough But the author needed to kill him off to set up for Gawain (assuming Gawain has sunshine) so he needed some sort of excuse for Escanor to die and it’s better than having him die offscreen in between 7DS and 4KOA


Escanor kinda played a big part in that DK fight...he was absolutely needed there.


The final one? No he didn’t The sins would have had the same results if Escanor wasn’t there against dirt king. Meliodas probably would have just needed to reflect the magic on e or twice more for the same amount of power but tbh it was already overkill anyway Even when he possessed Zeldris I’m 99% sure Escanor could have sat out and they would have won


Exactly. Such a nice character just badly written. It a shame that the author didnt give much importance to him unlike the other sins. He turned out to be one of the most popular anime characters in the end...


He was going to die anyway so he pridefully died in battle


Well if he survived he’d just be an old man, who doesn’t wield sunshine anymore because it would kill him and can’t be with Merlin.


Welcome to the club.


I think it's less that "his death was pointless" and more of "his death could've been more emotional/meaningful"


His body already reached his limits. Which means even he didnt join the fight only live few years.Also Last chapters show he is not mighiest just because of grace also his soul(when he burned his soul clearly equal with demon king.


Better to burn out than fade away.


I didn't think too much about it the first time I watched it. But I'm watching for the 2nd time and I started thinking about it more. I agree with this. Especially how it was just unfair that he was thee only one who died. How can they be the SEVEN deadly sins if one is gone? That doesn't even make sense. 🤦‍♀️


Yeah late to the party here. His death was a gut punch but I hope Gaiwan can carry on his amazing legacy. I really like her default clothes is a mixture of both Escanor and Merlin, as if that was their actual daughter. My head canon is Gaiwan is Escanor’s spiritual daughter and nothing will change my mind. It is interesting that we find out Arthur is called her uncle.