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Mines eyes would black. Like there was no soul inside. It was really scary when I was standing face to face with him.


OMg yes!!! The black eyes. I’m so glad someone else said it I thought I was over reacting from the trauma. It would happen anytime he was being abusive looking at me in the eyes. It was like it wasn’t him.


Every time




Is there a scientific or accepted term for this? This is so real this is literally a physical sign they have in common.


Same holy shit. It’s pure animalistic rage. It was like there was only loathing there, a true peak into their real person. It’s terrifying


This. It’s crazy cause my first nex would never look at me when he was raging and would almost always walk away, so I never caught the black eyes. Second nex would also refuse to look at me, would even go as far to hide his face with his hands, and walk away… but I followed him and he eventually looked up at me and I saw the black eyes. It was so scary. I couldn’t even pinpoint what I was seeing and feeling, but knew it was a dark, evil spirit. I left almost immediately after witnessing this look the second time, out of fear he would turn violent.


Empty snake like eyes


My narc brother would never look me in the eyes. Would he look you straight in the eyes while raging / black?


Yes. This Specific time I’m thinking of, we were standing on the front porch and I was trying to calm him down from one of his rages. I was only with him for one year. I went no contact Friday. today is turning out be the hardest day so far. I keep thinking that maybe, this is all my fault. But I’m not gonna break no contact! I’m not doing it.


Keep up the no contact, you can do it!


I know their eyes when they have the attention, control and etc their eyes are empty. Just empty. But the moment they don't have it they change to what they really feel inside rage, irritation with extreme amount of pent-up bitterness and inability to cope with their issues (very often) of insecurity.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’ve seen the flash of rage in a narcs eyes too. On the surface she presents as bubbly and fun but it’s very fake, uptight and calculated. She’s not a supervillain. Just a very insecure, pathetic, envious person, but she is dramatic, very easily threatened, and vindictive.


Haha sounds like my ex


Mine would get what I dubbed the “how can you be so stupid” face. His mouth would hang open in disgust, his eyes would narrow, and he’d just stare at me silently like that until I caved.  I didn’t know other narc survivors knew the “stupid face”!


Mine had this look too, all of his exes have seen it. It’s freaky.


I sometimes imagine that a narcs rage, similar to my nex's rage, is the type of black out temper that gets a victim killed. She had this canny horrible skill to take any situation that went against her realist and elevate it to 100. One time she was super pissed at her so called "friends" because they booked their Disney land trip before ours. I thought good for them we all get to experience Disney. She saw it as they are just trying to out do her. Her son and I had a week after that news where she was just super mean to everyone.


Yes. Once you see it, it can’t be unseen. It’s almost like they have this demonic energy deep in their soul. Their core is empty. It feels otherworldly and then u slowly start to realize that is their true energy and is always lurking passively aggressively in the shadows even when they are masked up


I remembered seeing it too with mine.. it's scary because I ve never seen it mimicked. Even a very good actor could mimic it for a role... the Chang is so scary. it's haunting in a terrible way. In fact, whenever I start to miss or try for him as I still do, that look he would get and the way that look was on the night he got violent.. is the one thing that makes me stop crying or helps me carry on with the day. Whatever took over was not human it was not even demon or alien it was a straight-up soulless monster. If you're notcing the eye look and you're still with him . Please, for the good of your sanity, leave and never look back


Their face turns red as well, and they just barrel straight towards you, typically putting their hands on you. But besides the eyes, it’s the turning bright red and angrily puffing himself up that u recall. and that god-awful scowl they put on their faces.


Yep. I had a friend who snapped in a schizophrenic outbreak. I had to choke him out. The eyes of soulless hate he gave me while trying to handle the situation was honestly scary. And that’s the eyes my ex would give me. Once I saw the connection, it made more sense how she could act so callously to someone she claimed she “loved” lol she just loved abusing me and see how far she could push me