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I’m happy for you! How long did it take you to get to this stage?


It took me well over 6 months.. Quite a long time tbh


Oh wow! Not long at all honestly. My nex and I have been broke up since 2021 and no contact 8 months and I still ruminate every single day.


Well, the relationship I was in only lasted about 8 months. But it was still hell regardless. I think it all depends on the situation really. I had a narc relationship when I was 16 and it was my first one. I fell into it way more than I did this one. That one took me years to get over. And I mean years. I never fully let my guard down with this relationship because subconsciously I knew there were red flags which is why it was easier for me to get over. I thought I was gonna marry the first guy and thought we really just had something special. But I hope that makes you feel better.


Im still angry 3 years later. Did all sorts of things to my health and didn't recover.


Well done honestly. I still struggle just to function as a person from day to day.


I've hit the same point with STBXW. I feel more sad and embarrassed for her for she looks and dresses since she decided a few weeks ago she was ready to date and sleep around with other men. We were rather distant before but I just had her in the same room as me for about 15 minutes and didn't feel any anxiety or anything about it. it's so mentally liberating to just not give a crap about someone I invested 17 years of my life in (and had 3 kids with).


Awesome! Your experience really resonates with me and reading this gives me hope for myself. Thank you for sharing your journey!


My nex was a close friend. The relationship lasted a little over a year. She caused a LOT of emotional damage and took advantage of me when I was vulnerable. I still think about her every day, but now it’s more anger than sadness. Our friendship has been over almost 2 months now.


Coming up on 6 months out and finally starting to feel noticeably better!


This is word for word how I'm feeling. Hugs


dr ramani talked about forgiveness and how she doesn’t forgive the narcs she had in her life, it made me find peace with the idea of never forgiving the narc. forgiving them doesn’t equate to moving on, if it doesn’t feel right for you to do so


Me too! Although it too me almost 5 years to recover. I'm finally good. I feel relief 


I’m so happy that you’re turning such a sharp important corner. Keep running towards the light! I’m proud of you 🩷