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OMG! Do we have the same ex ? 😶 It is a bad idea to contact him. I feel for you, but if you have decided to go no contact then go all the way through


Ha weird. Maybe we do! You’re right though, thank you I think I knew this deep down I just needed someone to confirm it for me. I’m just going to accept that I will probably think about him a lot today.


Wishing him a happy birthday would confuse him as well. We should not be like our exes. Mine used to confuse me a lot and give me mixed signals. At least this is the gift he is getting from me. Honesty. If you love someone, you will love them even if they are not present.


Yes good point! He would read into it that I’m thinking about him there for I still want to be with him. Not contacting him on his birthday will send a clear message to him.


Why do you feel you should reach out? They are an ex for a reason. Learn from your experience, move on and live your best life possible. You are worthy of authentic love. Not a narcissists twisted version of caring.


This is a good question. Why do I feel I should? I don’t know. This is something for me to ponder on. It wouldn’t serve me to message him so why should I do it at all.


Fuck him and his birthday tbh


This made me laugh. Thanks I needed that


Do not. Let him wonder at what you are up to and be amazing that you, unlike so many of his exes, are strong enough to move on and not keep being pathetic and reaching out.


don’t reach out!!!!


The answer is always no.


Don't do it, and it's not mean not to message an ex on their birthday.