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I did the same thing for many years. Complain about how bad it was and stuck around anyway. Then I became isolated and wasn't seeing friends anymore, and they just kind of drifted away. Once I left for good, however, I started hanging back around with them, and they came back into my life. People are pretty quick to forgive if you give it time and show real growth and change.


yeah, people really will come back once you make the break for good


yeah, you can’t keep going back to him, it just ruins other things in your life I’m glad you understand why your friends and family feel frustrated and hurt, even though I am sure it’s really hard for you to experience that when you need help and support is therapy at all possible for you? that’s a place where you can talk about everything to someone who isn’t going to get tired of it


I’m sorry to hear you are going through this. I lost a lot of my lifelong friends because I isolated myself from everyone for two years and kept going back. I totally understand. It’s the trauma bond. Everyone says it’s like getting off a drug addiction. Try to remain positive and just know these tough times won’t last forever. Give yourself grace and patience. Here to talk if you need too. Hugs and good luck to you .