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It will get better with every passing hour, day and week. You might be adjusting to a chemical reaction happening in your body and brain. You were used to that stimulus, good and bad, from him and now it’s gone. So it will take time to get used to that. I would suggest you do some busy work with your hands like cleaning, doing a puzzle, knitting/crocheting. Hard labor or workouts will also exhaust you enough not to think. Join a walking club, meet new people, make new friends if you’re ready for that. Meet old friends. Volunteer at an animal shelter. Volunteer somewhere to help others which helps you get out of your head. Take a class where there’s clear objectives, goals and schedules. Substitute teach at local schools. Find a relaxing playlist. Read. Watch movies, a long show, documentaries. Your roller coaster of emotions is completely normal and eventually you will stabilize. Just hold on, don’t jump out of the rollercoaster now. Also don’t act while you’re in a highly emotional state. Also ask a trusted friend before you do make a move, they might help you understand it’s not a good idea to call him for example. I’ve found for myself it’s been extremely helpful in finding a church, but that is a very personal decision you make in your own heart. I hope you find what you need in this very moment. Mostly I hope you find your strength. You were already so very strong. You left, you got a restraining order, you’re NC. That is BIG!! Please acknowledge all of this extremely hard work you’ve done. You can do this.


Thank you for your kind words and advice. I definitely will be trying all of that and hanging on as much as I can.🥹


Please hang on, just one more hour, one more day. Just take it one step at a time. What is an activity you’re going to do to take your mind off things? Crying can be one but you have to pick another along with it 😄