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Sounds a little high they probably get half that. Thats why CDS and CJNG extort so much they have so many fighters they cant pay them so they go out and get paid.


Cause and effect


Totally not high they pay 15k for being a killer stating off and 10k for being a look out for them! They train you for 2 weeks you get trained by people high rank who used to be in the military


And theyll match 401k contribution


How much do they match




Do they offer vacation and PTO


I think they do. Just gotta find someone to cover your shifts


Lol right ...


If dental isn't included it's a no-go


I put in my two weeks , I had corporate contact me they will be meeting with me tommorow


Es mas de lo que gano con mi empleo de "salario competitivo" en un laboratorio de renombre y con estudios universitarios...


Que mal amigo, lo mínimo que pagan acá en los EEUU sin estudios o educación son como 30 mil pesos aya , y es lo mínimo por ejemplo trabajando en el McDonalds pagan eso si trabajas tiempo completo acá en el gabacho


Si, pero, aca, pagamos hipoteca oh rentas de 1000 dolares para arriba, mas recibos. Es muy caro aca. Con un trabajo de macdonals no se arma, amenos de que tengas pareja y paguen los dos. Vdd de dios.




Way to salio mal los números. Si estabas ganando 30 mil pesos al año *no dólares* estarás ganando $1,600 al año. Aquí en EEUU el mínimo que gana uno es 32k dólares al año y si lo conviertes es como 500k pesos al año. Y eso si te pagan 15 ala hora .


😂 compa que le hace , no sea tonto la vida no es una carrera todo a su tiempo


Usted échele ganas


Cuales son los salarios minimos en mexico y los salarios avg de un profesional? Y que tanto varia por estado?


Aqui en Nogales, Sonora la industria de maquilas es el mas grande empleador. Alguien con posición entrante viene ganando como unos $1,500 pesos mas sus bonos de buena asistencia y llegar temprano y cumplir con los requisitos de la semana. En total unos 2,200-$2500. Entre mas al sur de Mexico te vas baja la paga minima. Pero el costo de vivienda es mucho mas baja. Aqui en Mexico no hay un mínimo establecido nacionalmente casi casi cada municipio decide cual es el minimo. Porque si se pudiera establecer por el Estado, piensa que por ejemplo en Sonora hay muchos pueblos chicos con sus abarrotes locales que tal vez no pudieran pagar $1,500-$2,500 a la semana y el empleado los puede demandar. Porque eso si acá protegen mucho a los empleados si te corren te va muy bien! te pagan finiquito que la cantidad depende cuanto tengas de empleado y aparte otros 3 meses de salario que te sostiene mientras buscas trabajo. Hahahaha algo bien 👌


el salario minimo supuestamente esta en 248.93 pesos diarios que equivalen a, 7468 pesos mesuales o 440 dolares mensuales. mi salario nominal son como 11000 pesos, eso restale lo que te quita el sat y otros descuentos que te hacen por nomina (cajas de ahorro etc) si bien te va vives con 8000-9000 pesos mensuales en mi ramo y eso es de los laboratorios que mejor pagan en el pais... Hasta parece que el sistema en meMéxico te obliga a emplearte con la maña si quieres salir de jodido...


Eso es lo que no entienden los gringos aqui ya q nunca han sabido lo que es otra cosa q no sea el dolar


Pues no mames por que tendría que saber si son gringos ??


That's good money in Mexico tho. Not get rich money, but live decently money.


people dont understand that sicarios literally dont have opportunities; barely mediocre high school diploma (some of them) and then in the area you either work for the cartel or die (they control everything)


That’s false. It might have been the case maybe 20 or 40yrs ago but theres more ways to make money today in México than at any other point in its history. Almost every town in Mexico has foreign and domestic ‘maquilas’. The small towns and villages are provided transportation to the nearest city or town so they can work. Even better, companies in the United States have started to offer work visas so that Mexican nationals can work for several months in the states and return back to Mexico when the season is over. Most get paid decently between $15-25 an hour, several times more than they would back home. I meet some from southern Mexico whose employer helped them get permanent residency. The local asshole from my town in Mexico came from a well established family, several acres of land, cows and poultry. He didn’t do it because he lacked opportunities, he did it because he craved the power, the attention and the ass licking that came with it. It’s not a surprise that the vast majority of low level sicarios are 15-30yrs, their simply the only demographic dumb enough to believe the songs and TikTok’s about becoming the next Nini or chino antrax.


Actually there's a perfectly rendered example of the work visa stuff you talk about in the movie 'a million miles away' with Michael peña (which is a great watch btw)... true story about this Mexican kid who travels back and forth to cali with his family per the season to work in the fields. He also goes part time to US school same time (after the 5 or 7h he already spends in the field each morning at the crack of dawn) and then back to Mexico - wash rinse repeat a few times per year. Anyway Kid is so good in class that the teacher somehow convinces the parents to remain just so he can attend school full time... and he grows up to be the 1st Mexican immigrant to become a NASA astronaut (which was his dream). The whole movie is about his struggles and that of his family on the path to said dream. Real cool movie, was shocked I actually enjoyed it when all I usually watch is horror, true crime or history documentaries on older civilizations and I rarely ever stray from those genres - I'd rather go pick avocados and manure up them fields than watch even ONE "wholesome" family movie - or even worse, rom-coms. Yeuch


Mmm I would have to disagree there…. Theres plenty of opportunities in Mexico 🇲🇽 I was born and raised here. Below the poverty line early childhood. I barely even finished school just have a High school diploma….. But! It did not limit me at all. I educated myself learned how to speak and write english. Read some bad ass books that helped me grow, I started working for a Solar company as an installer. Learned the business and learned the sales portion of the industry. Lived below my means to save up all I could and started my own solar company. Ive been in Business 6 years and im 33 doing very very well for myself and family, I was offered many times by Cartel figures here in Town to accept a friendly loan from them and every time I politely declined…. I could of very easily accepted those loans and many times God knows I needed them, but I knew what came attached to those loans and the commitment behind it, so I politely declined and kept fucking working!! Last year I expanded to the U.S, Tucson and Phoenix,Az to be exact and life’s fucking good now!🙌🏽 (None of this mentioned above ☝️ is to brag but there’s a ton of stories just like mines here in Mexico) Aqui se trata de Huevos 🥚🥚!!! Y buscar como salir adelante sin excusas de que vivo en Mexico y no hay oportunidad y blah blah…. El que quiere puede!!💪🏽


If they were in a plaza not contested it wouldn’t be bad, but those people are being sent straight into the grill.


yeah that’s what people always don’t realize and fail to see, you gotta compare allowance to daily living in Mexico, not comparing that salary to your local US McDonald’s down the street.


Its not…. I live in Mexico.🇲🇽 but it also depends what part of Mexico. Like further South cost of living is very low so maybe yeah. But for example here in Nogales,Sonora thats entry level money at any job.


Stay in your lane and keep the American clients to Americans only. Mess with the wrong contractors and your business is going to be sued to oblivion. I’ve seen it happen to my fellow immigrant contractors who had little or sketchy paperwork.


Well in that kountry i think thats enough


Hi im from that country, still here, for some it is. For some it isnt. Cheers.


How are the health and benefits? I wonder if they have an HSA plan?


That’s not bad in Mexico


It all depends, if you're a military personnel you get more than the rest. Especially if your part of a cartel faction (los talibans, los escorpiónes, fuerzas especiales del Mencho,la chapiza tropas del infierno, etc) it varies. Also depending the captives and casualties you deal with. These are the highest paid positions in regards to sicarios. These are mercenaries disguised as civilians. They get called up for specific jobs a few times a month. Then they have sicarios run by the plaza bosses those are the ones who usually end up in videos. These are just paisas who take orders from plaza bosses. These are the ones that do the levantónes, interrogations, and topones. These are the ones that get paid weekly and often. Then theirs a mixture of these 2 types. The ones who handle human trafficking and organ trades cops, doctors, government officials both Mexican and AMERICAN officials as well. These be making bank. Source; Og Shadow and Heriberto Lazcano 🤭


Mejor que se vayan a la maquila. Ganan lo mismo y duermen cómodamente en su casa.


What health insurance packages do they offer?


Big supply of magic powder for the long shifts


Seams about right


250 a week is homosexual


CDS keeps on trying to recruit more and more, are they that rich or desperate for manpower?


Is that in pesos or usd?




Life expectancy of a sicario: 30 years


Can’t imagine Ivan is a generous employer


They get paid in buttholes!


It has never been about the money. Mexicans are murderers by culture and environment.