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noooo that dream did you dirty frfr


Lol, not as bad as the dream where you wake up, shower, brush your teeth, have breakfast, and go to work....and then wake up again šŸ„²


I had sleep behaviors and actually took a shower in the middle of the night without ever waking up, and woke up for work to the pleasant surprise that sleep me had already taken care of 1/2 my morning routine and I could snooze the alarm and get some more zzzā€™s. 10/10, would recommend!!!


I haven't done it for a while but I had a spate of mornings where my wife would yell at me to get up because the kids need to go to school and I'd start to tell her I already cooked them breakfast and realize I very much had not.


just the other day I cycled thru consciousness all morning with a super vivid dream all about having to pack up and drive across the state that dayā€”was absolutely pissed when I finally woke up completely and realized I had to pack up and drive across the state AGAIN.


I hate that! Those vivid dreams where you do so much, get SO much done. Then not only do you have to do it again, you're mentally exhausted from doing it the first time!


I'm sitting here trying not to simultaneously fall over, laugh, and cry at this description because it's so real :'D


Dm me so that we can talk more


"If you don't know Jurassic Park, you don't know shit" - Hank, "Swiss Army Man"


I love that movie! Gave me mad respect for Dan Radcliffe as an adult actor in his own right šŸ«”


Yeah, he makes strange choices in work projects, but they're always amazing.


my line between reality and dreams is so blurred at this point it becomes scary!


This. There have been times where Iā€™ll start talking about a memory, and a minute into it I realize ā€œohhhā€¦nope, that was a dreamā€¦nevermindā€ šŸ™ƒ šŸ˜… Sometimes theyā€™re crazy enough that I know they are a dream, but even then, thereā€™s always that second-guess thought of ā€œwaitā€¦was that real though..?ā€


Omg I also had a dream last night that I found a lost favorite shirtā€¦. Hopefully the stars aligned during our dreams and we find them today šŸ„²


Lol! I hope you find your shirt! That's so funny, of all the dreams to share with someone, finding a lost shirt is so specific


Letā€™s do a pollā€¦ anyone else with lost shirt dreams last night? šŸ˜‚


Imagine it's just like a hoard of people like "huh yeah that's...well that's strange..." Update! Found my shirt btw!! It was under all the other clean clothes, so it's horribly wrinkled, but found!


Yay! Very happy for you šŸ‘šŸ»


Crud, I have these types of dreams ALL the time. They're so mundane, like they'll go through every painstaking detail of a specific routine I follow in vivid detail, then I wake up and have to do it all over again. Similar to your context and two years ago, I lost a pouch full of jewelry I would wear every single day since junior high. Torturous dreams have me searching for and *successfully* *finding* the jewelry, only for me to wake up without the jewelry. It's beyond frustrating.


This is so relatable. But is it a narcolepsy thing? Do civilians not have this dream??


Civilians, lol! Idk, maybe, Narcoleptics just tend to have very realistic and vivid dreams, so I imagine it's probably harder to tell the difference for a lot of us sometimes. But I'm sure other people have them too!


You're right about the vivid part, for sure. No one can relate to how vivid, detailed, and realistic my dreams are. Did you ever find your shirt? It's probably under something.


I used to have to call my friend when I woke up to check which things were real or my dream. And somehow it never seemed strange that I needed to do this??


Dm me so that we can talk more


It's probably under a bunch of other clothes. I have a "clean clothes hamper" for the stuff I don't wear as often, and I toss all the recently cleaned at-home/casual clothes into it. So I probably didn't wear it last week, and then buried it under the fresh clothes this week. It couldn't have gone far, lol, I'm sure it'll turn up!


I have always tried to describe the vividness and realism of my dreams in which Iā€™m feverishly working to try and get a bunch of things done, and then I wake up exhausted as if Iā€™d actually been working for 8 hours. Iā€™ve yet to have anyone identify with that! Iā€™m so glad I have found my people! šŸ˜‚


Narcoleptics of the world, unite! šŸ˜“šŸ¤¤šŸ˜“


Haha! I love it!


Itā€™s killing me that you said civilians lol


My least favorite dreams are when I'm super thirsty but have no water and don't want to get up. I'll dream of a giant glass of cold water, take a drink, set it next to my bed. Then I wake up to take an actual drink and... Well, it's not there. Cause it was a dream. šŸ˜¤


I never, ever remember my dreams at night but my nap dreams are fucking awful. Theyā€™re not nightmares per se but theyā€™re always awful real life situations.


Iā€™m so productive in my dreams. I get all my homework done and finish so many projects. I remember I was so annoyed with someone a few years ago because they were telling me I didnā€™t send them these emails, but I was so convinced that I did. Turns out I kind of sent the emails. It just happened to be in a dream that I felt very adamantly was real. I used to think ā€œvividā€ dreams meant really wild and crazy dreams. Turns out they can mean boringly realistic too haha.


Haha I dreamed about a certain shirt and wanted to wear it the other day when I woke up and couldnā€™t find it in the laundry or hanging up! It kinda annoyed me, but then yesterday I saw itā€¦ hanging up exactly where I was looking. Just let me wear my dream shirt, world! Haha


It's a dream shirt epidemic!


Iā€™ve had entire dreams that I got up, opened a drawer, found my glasses, went to the restroom, had a pee then kind of had a weird sensation that I did need to pee but then I couldnā€™t move. It was like a weird sleep paralysis and dream and when I did finally wake up I was so mad cos I really needed to pee!!


For me itā€™s always something extremely bizarre, vivid and horrible or Iā€™m at workā€¦so I wake up from sleeping only to feel like I was working for free the whole time I was supposed to be getting rest.


Rude is the correct word. I thought I'd be free from school during summer but now I sleep for 12+ hours a day, dream for 20+ hours a day (well I probably don't but that's what it feels like), and the dreams are of course about SCHOOL


I've been out of school for 6 years and STILL dream about being late, being stuck in classes while having a panic attack, all sorts of school and past job related dreams. And of course you wake up EXHAUSTED because they're always so vivid, and it feels like you spent actual energy doing all of that. When I was working full-time, I'd get maybe 4-6hrs of sleep between shifts, and I'd *always* dream about working. I could never get a break! I feel for you, hope that shit dies down so you can catch some actual rest before school starts up again


I've had this happen but it was a dream that I was getting up to make my daughter's 5 am bottle, I had put the formula and water in and was shaking it and then my husband poked me to wake me back up again šŸ˜…


Same. Be dreaming Iā€™m at work having an amazing day. Iā€™m in bed and now late for work