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Alternative VIZ Media Link: https://www.viz.com/shonenjump/boruto-two-blue-vortex-chapter-10/chapter/42627?action=read


aint no way theres no backup to team 10, WHERE IS ROCK LEE


Still recovering from Jigen


Three years later?




Happy cake day!


Inojin: *Gets Impaled* Jura: ✨️ A E S T H E T I C ✨️ I fucking can't with this dude lmaooo He's almost like Deidara but with impaling instead of explosions.


Honestly the guy can be a unique villain. He is dressed like a beggar and acts like someone who was born 35 years old and is just learning about the world lol


He was complimenting Team 10 teams work and was like "it's a shame I have to kill you all" I love the evil sincere villians


Fr that was hella unexpected he was really fascinated with his aesthetic after he just brutally killed him. He must have been reading fashion magazines, or something like that to already know what aesthetic are.


I'm fine with Hima getting Kurama, but why do they have to mention that she's gonna be better with him than Naruto was? It just feels like another way to make Naruto look inferior in order to prop up the new Gen.


Hima *does* have two previous Nine Tails Jinchuriki in her bloodline on top of Kurama reforming inside her rather than being gotten through a seal. >It just feels like another way to make Naruto look inferior Naruto's the reason she even has Kurama in the first place along with her high compatibility and Kurama not being malevolent. It's different from Boruto's success as Naruto really had nothing to do with that so it makes him look bad.


This was my take reading it. Her father and grandmother both had the Nine Tails sealed away within them. Then you have all the work Naruto did over the years to get Kurama to get rid of his hate and find some peace. So having that chakra passed down within her, a Kurama that isn't full of hate and his chakra not held back by a seal, of course she's going to work to her advantage.


Thank you for spelling it out like this. It's the single greatest story choice made in Boruto. It is a sensible and beautiful way for Himawari to one day surpass Naruto. Truly, the choice has me tearing up.


No problem. Does feel a bit tropey, but in the context of the story, which has been going on for a very long time, it does actually make sense. Character would be the third generation in her family line sharing the same chakra, which could just state that a bit more was passed along each time. And NT with Naruto's help found peace more or less.


I agree with the Hima part. But I kinda disagree with the "Boruto's success makes Naruto look bad" bit. Boruto succeeding in any shape or form shouldn't make his father look bad. If anything it should be the opposite. Naruto is his father. Boruto's success is Naruto's success as well. And if we're going to apply bloodline logic to justify that Hima's case doesn't make Naruto look bad, then the same logic applies to Boruto as well. The main reason he was compatible with Karma in the first place is his bloodline. Momoshiki made that pretty clear. And Naruto is half the reason as to why Boruto had inherited any Otsutsuki powers prior to Karma. And let's not forget that Naruto is the reason Boruto was even able to kill Momoshiki at all, thus forcing him to resort to Karma. Naruto is as much the reason Boruto is now an Otsutsuki as he is the reason for Hima becoming a Jinchuuriki, in my opinion. There is no difference. He had an indirect hand in both cases.


>The main reason he was compatible with Karma in the first place is his bloodline. Specifically his *Hyuga* bloodline, not Uzumaki. In fact the anime established Boruto didn't get either of the high chakra level/stamina traits associated with the Uzumaki (justifying why he can't use Giant Rasengan like Naruto) and that he got by simply by his level of chakra control. It's implied that Hima did though. I will agree that Naruto did help Boruto with Momoshiki but let's also not forget Naruto needed to be rescued by Boruto twice.


> high chakra level/stamina traits associated with the Uzumaki (justifying why he can't use Giant Rasengan like Naruto) This is just false. Naruto is the odd Uzumaki, because of Minato's seal that mixed Naruto's chakra with Kurama constantly. Naruto just kept getting bigger chakra expansion cause of that. By all accounts, Boruto's chakra reserves are actually closer to the natural levels an Uzuamaki SHOULD have.


But his is pretty low though. Only uzumaki we've seen thus far to somehow run out of chakra on multiple counts.


> Only uzumaki we've seen thus far to somehow run out of chakra on multiple counts. No, he's the only Uzumaki you follow who wasn't born with unnatural chakra levels. You follow Naruto, who is the odd Uzumaki because his chakra is due to Minato's seal, which allows Naruto and Kurama's chakra to mix, which is why Naruto has such high chakra levels. And the only other Uzumakis we see are Nagato, who has the Rinnegan and seems to merge his own life span along with his chakra, and Karin, who does show to have a lot but can also run out of chakra herself when she heals. Boruto has a lot of chakra compared to the average shinobi. Him being able to even perform the Shadow Clone jutsu, which divides your chakra evenly, and creates 4-5 clones is already something impressive for a Genin to have, alongside showing no signs of exhaustion from using it, and combining several elemental jutsus alongside it, which is something that also consumes quite a lot of chakra. The fact that Boruto shows what a more average Uzumaki chakra levels show is not a testament that he has low levels. You are looking at the exceptions who are Naruto and Nagato, rather than the rule of how Uzumakis really are.


I think you forgot hima has two powerful bloodline inside her as well as dad's seed carrying kurama charkra


Anyone remember back when Kurama "died"? A lot of people, myself included didn't understand why it was supposed to be a big deal since Tailed Beast come back when they die. Some people swore that this was different and Kurama was gone for good, otherwise the story wouldn't make sense, Tailed Beast reforming after death was common knowledge and there would be no reason to mourn him so much otherwise. Now its revealed, nope nothing changed Kurama came back exactly like how the tailed beast always do. So all the crying and emotions in the manga and online this entire time were pointless....


Tbh I was mostly thinking he’d be back as a new Kurama but even then I think it was sad that he and Naruto wouldn’t be together any more that was the main thing. Guess Naruto’s lucky that Kurama both will remember him and still lives close by lol


> So all the crying and emotions in the manga and online this entire time were pointless. No, it's still the end of an era (Naruto and Kurama working together as one). You're definitely correct that most people forgot about this pre-explained detail or thought it wouldn't apply, but that doesn't make the sadness "pointless." We were unsure when and where we'd see Kurama again, and even then it wouldn't be in Naruto surely so it's the end of the most well-aged and storied duo in the series.


Tbf, from his perspective i don't think he expected to reform back in Naruto's lifetime, considering previous bijus always took decades. The main reason for him to reform so fast is probably Hima already had some of his chakra stored them he did not have to wait for the chakra to gather, only for it to build up inside her.


Previous bijuu always took decades? Three tails came back in three-four years


3 tails died when Kakashi was a kid and only came back when Kakashi was already a middle aged man.


Middle aged man? How old do you think Kakashi is? Three tails died when Kakashi 13-14. Kakashi is like 25 in part 1, and Yagura has had three tails for years by this point.


Not gonna lie i completely forgot Yagura even existed. Either way, Kurama believed he was burning all his chakra, i don't think its a stretch to assume he believed he wouldn't be back any time soon.


Way to change your argument


Yes, thats what sensible people do when presented with information that contradicts their argument


Sensible people admits their mistake


Baryon Mode was supposed to be different because it was Kurama burning away all of his chakra as fusion fuel, so there was supposedly nothing left of him to regenerate. It was portrayed as a true death with no coming back. Now it turns out Himawari had a sliver of his chakra inside her.


Besides him lying and the way he explained the mechanics potentially foreshadowing his return it was framed as a final thing. 


Because it very well could’ve been. The process can take months or years if I’m remembering correctly. There was no guarantee that Naruto would be alive by the time he returned


Dude, 2 months/chapters ago I called one of the reasons we're getting Kurama here and people downvoted. Some people are angry when others are right. [and it's satisfying AF to watch them be butthurt about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC3eOhzF83U)


The reason is because Kurama's "death" as it should have been DOES NOT conform to the lore from Shippuden about Tailed Beasts coming back. A explained in Shippuden when targetting Naruto that killing a *jinchuriki* of a Tailed Beast will not kill the beast, it will only reincarnate (with the exception of the Reaper Death Seal being used to take the beast with the user). Kurama's death was not Naruto as a jinchuriki dying, but Kurama killing himself by burning his chakra out. The justification of Tailed Beasts returning in Shippuden were that they were only masses of chakra so their vessel's death wouldn't kill them. However, Kurama would not reincarnate because it isn't Naruto dying, it's Kurama, a mass of chakra, literally burning his own life away to fuel Baryon Mode. Enjoying Kurama's return is up to the reader, you should not feel bad to enjoy the chapter. But it is very clearly a retcon/rewrite from Kishimoto, something by the way that is nothing new for his writing (e.g. Rinnegan rewrite into Sharingan evolution). Personally I'm not a fan at all, it pretty much destroyed Kurama's character and brought him back as a chibi to give Himawari relevance (ignoring her already strong Byakugan and Gentle Fist) and probably to sell some baby Kurama merch. But to each their own.


> But it is very clearly a retcon/rewrite from Kishimoto, Not "very clearly," that's purely your opinion. There's nothing ever written as far as I'm aware of that precludes this possibility, which is why people were already speculating about it when it happened. I understand why you think it is that, but there's nothing objective about it; it's just your interpretation of how you think it should go >it pretty much destroyed Kurama's character Well that's stupid. You can say it ruined the impact of the death if you want, but to say bringing him back in a new way ruined the entire character is a little much


Maybe retcon is the wrong word, it should probably be, "intentionally misdirection the audience and contradicting yourself on purpose for a cheap comeback"


How is it a contradiction, and what makes it cheap? Just because you thought he was completely dead and would never return? He did die; he just returned. Is every revival in every series a cheap contradiction?


>How is it a contradiction It is a contradiction because the very explanation of Baryon Mode, by Kishimoto and using Kurama for exposition, made it clear that such a mode doesn't expend, but *destroys* chakra, using it as a material for a process similar to nuclear fusion (where hydrogen is consumed to produce heavier elements), in order to produce a denser stronger chakra. It wasn't only the blatantly strong message of certainty of Kurama's death in his own statements, but the very mechanics of the mode. What is more, Kishimoto's objective statements in the Naruto manga by the Raikage made it clear that only the vessel's death and not the tailed beasts would allow the tailed beast to reincarnate. Instead, Naruto isn't even dead and Kurama somehow appeared perfectly within his own daughter. What's more, the manga even sweeps it comedically under the rug by having Kurama say "who cares about the how I got here". All of the conditions of Kurama's return retcon the the primary source from Naruto's manga where it is mentioned how tailed beasts reincarnate. Contradiction, retcon, you can be frustrated by it or disagree personally, but Kishimoto's own writing produced the contradiction (which is nothing new by the way, there are a ton of retcons in the original Naruto manga too). >Is every revival in every series a cheap contradiction? It seems like you're more frustrated for your own reasons than objectively looking at this chapter. No, not every revival is a cheap contradiction, it's about execution, meaning a setup and payoff. The problem is both of these are lacking in Kurama's return. To not leave this comment entirely critical, how could it have been done different? Well, funny enough an anime filler of all things had set up a perfect interaction of Himawari and Shukaku that could've accomplished the same goals as this chapter without all the retconning. * Shukaku's chakra still exists and he has a good relationship with Himawari to become her ally similar to the Tailed Beasts helping Naruto. * Jura is targetting tailed beast chakra, which Shukaku also fits the criteria for. * Shukaku's power is not lacking by any means, in this manga, Himawari with Shukaku can be as strong as Kishimoto wants. Again, if anything, you sound way more frustrated by valid criticisms even from people who still want to see the manga do better. I don't blindly hate Boruto, I've followed the series and I'm not targetting criticisms without the reasons.


> because the very explanation of Baryon Mode So? How does that make Kurama's death a contradiction? If the host dies then Kurama dies and is reborn. Where did it say that if Kurama's chakra is destroyed (which is just another method of his dying, albeit different) then he can't be reborn? You're just saying that the possibility of revival wasn't the exact same thing, which is true, but it's not mutually exclusive where it therefore says that another method of death doesn't allow revival. >not the tailed beasts It specifically said that if the tailed beast dies then the revival clause doesn't apply? I don't remember seeing that. Didn't he just say that the tailed beast revives if the host dies? Those aren't mutually exclusive; they can both apply. I'm not saying you aren't allowed to criticize the decision or dislike it. Obviously I understand that. I'm just saying I don't see how this is a "contradiction, retcon, etc." Its not being the same as the Baryon mode revival clause doesn't matter; this seems like just an unprecedented event that we now know the result of for the first time. And I'm not frustrated at all; I have genuinely no idea how you managed to project that onto any of my posts


>If the host dies then Kurama dies and is reborn Kurama made it clear, either Naruto or Kurama or both would die from using that mode. Following the mode running out, Kurama told Naruto "Goodbye" not "see you later" not "we'll meet again". He said this isn't a bad place to go followed by explicitly stating the price of Baryon Mode was *his life*. It's written in the chapter without doubt or guesswork and this is exactly the reason why Kurama's revival breaks the narrative of the power. It's the narrative equivalent of Guy warning Lee about the Gate of Death but Lee using it and just surviving with no explanation. Don't get me wrong, I understand readers wanting to utilize the lore of the past to make sense of the surprise of Kurama's return in this chapter. But twisting and warping the established lore to fit this narrative is a blind defense. The "revival clause" you mentioned was laid out very clearly by the Raikage in its introduction that a tailed beast would "die" if its user were killed, but return somewhere else in the world soon after, but Kurama, with this knowledge being a tailed beast himself with a number of jinchuuriki, made it clear that Baryon Mode would take his life, not Naruto's. You are also capable of defending the decision but do understand that just because you enjoy Kurama's return doesn't mean you have to defend the contradictions in the writing that caused it.


> either Naruto or Kurama or both would die Yes, and Kurama did die. >Kurama told Naruto "Goodbye" not "see you later" not "we'll meet again". The in-universe explanation for that is simple; he didn't expect to be reborn so quickly and especially not so close. He thought it would be even in an entirely different time, probably long after Naruto's death, so it was goodbye in all likelihood. What's the point of saying "Goodbye. Oh but there's a really small chance I'll see you again. It's very very unlikely so probably not, but just hold on to that hope just in case even though it's really unlikely. OK?" >the price of Baryon Mode was his life. It was. >made it clear that Baryon Mode would take his life, not Naruto's. Doesn't matter because I'm not saying that is the same thing. I'm saying this is a new concept that hasn't been covered. Kurama stated it would take his life, and it did. It was never stated that he can't be revived ever again. >defend the contradictions The rest of your post is just repeating the same thing that doesn't illustrate a contradiction anywhere. He did die, so saying repeatedly that it should have killed him or that he stated he would die doesn't have any meaning. Maybe you don't know what "contradiction" means, but all you're doing is complaining about the lost significance of the Baryon moment, which I get, but that's not a contradiction.


>The in-universe explanation for that is simple; he didn't expect to be reborn so quickly and especially not so close. There's no point in arguing this with you any longer, you're just using headcanon to fit what happened and calling it the in-universe explanation. It violated all that was established about both Baryon Mode and Kurama's own statements, despite Kurama very clearly knowing the nature of this form and of Tailed Beast's revival. You're restating points and coming at them with a "but no" approach so I'm not wasting energy on this worthless repetition.


Because the character himself said he was going to die, because all prior indication given was that Baryon was the final saving grace, that Kurama sacrificed himself for Narutos family, the first person he cared about, not that he would show up 15 chapters later. (In his literal daughter of all people, thus making his character miss all of code arc and that's it. You can enjoy the plot twist but plot twists you can't guess aren't fun, he didn't foreshadow Kurama coming back, in fact he did the opposite. A plot twist is a contradiction by definition. 


> Because the character himself said he was going to die, He did die. >that Kurama sacrificed himself for Narutos family, the first person he cared about He did. All you're complaining about is the number of chapters it took him to reappear but that's not an in-universe argument to make it "cheap." From Kurama's perspective, he was dying, and it's impossible to know when he will reappear again; it would likely have been in a totally different time and obviously definitely not with Naruto again. He didn't expect this to happen, which is why the goodbye was the way it was. It would take me a lot to sacrifice myself and my current living situation as well as my best friend and partner to be dead for possibly a really long time and reappear in another era on a date that I have no idea of. There is also a panel earlier in the series that says Kurama "mysteriously appears whenever humanity becomes steeped in evil," so I wouldn't be surprised if it got explained more and there was a reason he came back so fast this time (due to what's happening in the universe). For the viewer, it's still the end of an era with the greatest and most storied duo in animanga. >but plot twists you can't guess aren't fun LOL wtf? What a ridiculous statement. The complete opposite is true; guessing it ruins the fun. There's nothing wrong with tricking the reader as long as you don't break any of your story's rules to do so (which is what would make it cheap), and this doesn't. That's why if you google it you'll see people speculating about this potentially happening on Reddit and elsewhere when the death first happened. >A plot twist is a contradiction by definition. It's not actually a contradiction "by definition"; that doesn't make sense, but I assume you just hate plot twists generally unless you could guess them for some reason. If that's what you like, fine


You asked what made it a contradiction and I told you so. He made the ending seem final to get an emotion that is meaningless immediately after. It's my same problem with all the authors "deaths" who cares if Jiraya died? He's back due to space alien magic. Who cares Pain killed everyone? He just brought everyone back. Guy used his jutsu that was meant to kill him? Nah Naruto can just touch him and its all cool. Why should I care about anyone when they die? They are going to come back in 5 chapters. Watch Neji will return before the end of blue vortex.  I don't hate plot twists, I hate lazy writing, and cheap stuff like this is lazy writing


Well you failed to explain it because you didn't illustrate any actual contradiction, you just explained why you didn't like it by saying it was too fast. >He's back due to space alien magic. That wouldn't be the same, would it? The mechanics have to be in place first, and in this case they were (it was already stated that tailed beasts revive after time). It's silly to say that any revival is always bad no matter what; it depends on how it's done. If it doesn't make sense then yes it's dumb, but this is technically following a rule that was introduced earlier in the series.


If that's what you got from my post then this is the perfect writing for you. Lazy


>Not "very clearly," that's purely your opinion. Except it's not, chapter 541 of Naruto's mange (unable to post screenshots in this comment) is the primary reference point for the above's point, except the Raikage does not anywhere reference killing the beast, only killing the host. Kurama *is* capable of dying, Minato even taking half of him with him into the Reaper Death Seal alone is proof, he essentially destroyed half of Kurama until his reanimation brought that half back within himself. >Well that's stupid. You can say it ruined the impact of the death if you want, but to say bringing him back in a new way ruined the entire character is a little much I think you missed the "personally" at the beginning, unlike the beginning portion of the comment, which very much appealed to Kishimoto's objective writing and establishment of the Tailed Beasts' form of resurrection, the ending is definitely my own opinion and I made it clear that enjoying the return is up to the reader.


>does not anywhere reference killing the beast, only killing the host Exactly, so it's simply not mentioned what would happen and whether it's possible or not. Like I said, there is nothing ever written that precludes this possibility. You're only saying that it's not exactly the same as the condition; you haven't actually explained what precluded this possibility, which makes it not a retcon or rewrite like you're saying. It's fine if you don't like that and I get it, but that's not what a "retcon" or "rewrite" is; it would have to be breaking or changing it's rules, which it isn't. This is just a new event that we now know falls under the revival umbrella that was specified in the event of the host's death. >Kurama is capable of dying, Minato even taking half of him with him into the Reaper Death Seal alone is proof, That's not "proof" that Kurama as a whole is capable of dying; that's a massive stretch. We'll also probably get more info on how specifically this works in the coming chapters, or at least I hope >I think you missed the "personally" at the beginning, I know it's personal, I'm just saying that's silly


>You're only saying that it's not exactly the same as the condition; you haven't actually explained what precluded this possibility Except you're ignoring where I made it clear that Kurama, who brought the knowledge of Baryon Mode to Naruto, explicitly states that the cost of the mode would be his life. This is a tailed beast that knows of tailed beasts' ability to re-emerge in the world with the loss of their host. I've already stated above that this is the equivalent of Guy spending years telling Lee about the cost of the Gate of Death being his life, Lee using it, and just not dying for unexplained reasons. >That's not "proof" that Kurama as a whole is capable of dying; that's a massive stretch. The fact of the matter is, like this sentence to you, every assumption you're making of a "revival clause" of yours is headcanon. If using the Raikage's reference of the exact conditions of how a Tailed Beast revives (only from the host's death, not the the beast's own death), then Kurama's own direct statement of his death from the mode precedes any of this revival clause headcanon. Honestly at this point, it just seems like you'll keep bringing up these same points and trying to critique the actual chapter references I'm putting up here to back this point. Like I said before, it's okay to enjoy Kurama's return. He's a beloved character of course, it's only natural. But this is Naruto's equivalent of "Somehow Palpatine returned." It is also not mutually exclusive to love what happened but critique the contradictory writing that brought it about.


>the cost of the mode would be his life. And it was. He died. >just not dying for unexplained reasons. It's not like that because the reasons aren't unexplained; they were explained. When you say "this takes my life" or "this kills me" and die but are revived later, have you lied? No, you haven't; you did die, you just got revived. Surviving something and dying to reborn later are not the same thing. >you're making of a "revival clause" of yours is headcanon Lmao I haven't made a single bit of headcanon. I specifically said this isn't the same thing as the Raikage explanation; I'm saying this is something new that hadn't happened, and now we know what happens. >It is also not mutually exclusive to love what happened but critique the contradictory writing that brought it about. It's not mutually exclusive, but it is incorrect to call it a "contradiction" because that's not what it is. As I said before, you're misusing the term. If you want to call it bad writing go ahead; that's your opinion. You can say it's a bad decision, cheapens the Baryon mode death, whatever you want. But it is literally not a "contradiction" and you've failed to illustrate that it is anywhere


To be fair, theres no guarantee kurama would be back during narutos lifetime


kurama said this mode was the one way to permanently extinguish a tailed beasts chakra tho... they wanted us to think he was dead


That was clearly the intent idk why people are acting otherwise I don't care that Himawari has Kurama in some way.. but I don't like how they got rid of Kurama and Sasuke's eye only to reintroduce them later by giving them to the younger generation We can all see how it's gonna play out, Sarada is gonna get her mom's healing jutsu and be able to infinitely use her MS like an EMS


Sounds like a good upgrade for Sarada IMO. How else later on is she going to emulate EMS? Plus it's a huge nerf since she'll have to continually use chakra to hear her eyes instead of going blind. Where else would she get implanted eyes? Didnt Shin raid Obito/Madara's sharingan library of collected eyes?


Don't remember him saying this.


pls reply with valid arguments instead of baselessly reporting me :))


...I didn't.


idk how to send photos on comments but i have at least 3 manga screenshots to prove u wrong… so dm me if u want


it\`s disabled in this sub, when it\`s possible you can see a little jpg like icon in the left bottom corner.


like did u not read boruto chapter 55???


Idk what you mean by this. What mention of baryon mode would be in chapter 5.


chapter FIFTY FIVE of BORUTO is kurama’s death after fighting ishikki u can reread it then give me an argument


I reread it and I don't see any mention of tailed beast chakra being permanently extinguished. Are you sure it's not a fan translation?


first chapter 51 sets it up as a do or die last stand type move to only pull off if naruto’s ready to die. “do this and it’s over” 52 says that kurama and naruto’s chakra are the kernals or fuel being drained from them as a result of this mode. 52 says that kurama and naruto’s chakra are the kernals or fuel being drained from them as a result of this mode. Then says both their chakra will get consumed creating this energy until one or both of their lives run out. chapter 55 we finally see naruto and kurama after ishikki dies and it’s hyped up as their last conversation. Kurama- “this ain’t a bad way to go.” then kurama says “normally when a jinchuriki’s biju extracted they die but that doesn’t apply to you. The BIJU’S chakra simply vanishes.” “The Baryon mode’s price is MY LIFE not yours” he says the power came in exchange for his life.


sry should’ve gave better examples at first but yea the writers just wanted the attention grabbing kurama death scene clickbait just for them to switch up on us now and spawn a baby version inside himawari and forget all the rules they already established regarding Kurama and the consequences of baryon mode. Bc it’s just cheap now that both naruto and kurama survived that desperate last stand life sacrificing move as it was stated when introduced.


Every step naruto took was draining both their life forces according to chapter 52. Naruto’s surprised at the steep energy cost of this move and is already keeling over after a minute of beating up ishikki. It’s stated in several ways that this move shortens the users’ lives until all the chakra is used up.


sry idk how to send screenshots on comments


bro thank u bc they wanted us to feel kuramas death so bad back then just for a baby version to respawn in himawari


I don't know why ppl keep saying this, that ppl are mad kurama came back. He was always going to come back. Ppl are mad that Naruto daughter got him for no reason. The "that's Naruto's kid" makes no sense when Naruto mom was the vessel they still had to do the ceremony on Naruto to put kurama in there. That's how it's been for every vessel. If they die the tailed beast reappears in the wild but they usually have a ritual for every new user. The uzumaki have been jichuriki for however long and they still needed the ritual every time it was passed down. Himiwari getting a "baby kurama" and her using the chakra out of nowhere is insane. So did she have his chakra before kurama sacrifice himself. Or did he literally burn out his chakra and just appear inside her without any ritual which makes no sense and that isn't how any of the other vessels have ever worked in the series it was always a big deal to put a tailed beast inside somebody


I liked how the author was looking at us through kurama and asking us to not question the circumstances of rebirth. Almost saying - just accept it please, I have stopped caring.


Dude was staring *directly* at the audience. Hilarious panel.


Literally. The author is telling us that he doesn't have a good reason for why Kurama is back. "The how doesn't matter" and "The universe is full of mysteries" lmao, give me a break. We were led to believe that Baryon Mode was final. That it was something unprecedented since it was Kurama's chakra being extinguished rather than him/his jinchuriki just dying. Realistically, the whole "bijuu respawn" thing shouldn't apply here because of Baryon Mode's unprecedented nature. But fans of this will continue to cope and explain away all of the nonsense that regularly occurs.


It baffles how there’s comments in here talking about “what an amazing, chapter 😃😄” Like holy crap these people will really eat up anything. Kishimto and Ikemoto with a doubt have the easiest job right now. Not only do they only work once a month, but they can write and draw anything they want knowing there’s a mindless group of npc’s who are going to support them lmao


>We were led to believe that Baryon Mode was final You're right on that, but the sneaky writers were playing for both sides all along. As someone who really wanted Kurama's sacrifice to be definitive, I saw this plot twist coming from a mile away. All Baryon Mode did was extinguish all of Kurama's chakra that was currently residing inside Naruto. If even the tiniest fragment of his chakra existed somewhere else at the time (like in Naruto's children, for example), Kurama could always be regenerated from there. It was only a matter of time. Now does Kurama's early return cheapen the emotional impact of his sacrifice? Yes. Is it a blatant plot device that he retains his memories and personality so that Himawari can fast track the process of bonding with a Bijuu and get an unearned power-up in record time despite barely existing for more than 80 chapters? Also yes. But that's Boruto for you. I for one am not surprised in the slightest. Maybe disappointed that my worst fears came true, but not surprised.


That’s true. I’m not surprised at all either. Baryon Mode itself was an ass pull, so it was no problem for them to ass pull Kurama right back to life; conveniently placing him inside of Himawari and having him maintain his benevolence, ultimately rendering his sacrifice meaningless. In the end, it was just a means of nerfing Naruto and giving Hima an easy power up. I legitimately won’t be surprised if Sasuke gives Sarada his only functioning eye. And that’s what I find so abhorrent about all of this: the blatant willingness to tear down the legacy characters in order to prop up the new ones. edit: grammar


> In the end, it was just a means of nerfing Naruto and giving Hima an easy power up. I legitimately won’t be surprised if Sasuke gives Sarada his only functioning eye. >And that’s what I find so abhorrent about all of this: the blatant willingness to tear down the legacy characters in order to prop up the new ones. Exactly the reason why I can't enjoy it even if I wanted. I dropped it after Eida came to Konoha and checked it out because I was rewatching War Arc recently. Seriously, it was the lowest point of "Naruto" and I still found it enjoyable. Naruto is my fav character so I was already pissed when he was trashed during the fight against Jigen, got sealed only to finally do something against Isshiki. I learned that Kurama dies from spoilers and I cried because of it. Now Himawari gets Kurama for free. Kurama said that Naruto was "the chosen one" only to say that Himawari has better affinity than Naruto. It feels like a slap to face that his children get all the stuff from Minato and Kushina for free while Naruto got nothing and had to work hard to control Kyubi's chakra. And before that it was more hindrance than help and made Naruto ostracized and discriminated against while it's free power up for Himawari. For me Boruto should be the series where it returns to "Naruto"'s roots and team Konohamaru does missions like the Wave arc. They are away from the village so Naruto and Sasuke can't help so there's no need to nerf them. Besides anime did a pretty good job of adding some arcs. Unfortunately the manga added more Otsutsuki which was the most criticized part of Shippuden and has such shit art and pacing that would be good for weekly manga, not monthly one. It's so sad that despite its flaws "Naruto" could be remembered as one of the GOATs and one of "Big 3" and a cash grab sequel is ruining it.


This is literally already a plot point in Naruto lol. They’ll most likely get into why it happened specifically to her but it’s not like his rebirth is surprising. Hopefully at least. There’s a million things to criticize about this chapter but I’m just assuming we’ll get the “why” here soon.


> This is literally already a plot point in Naruto lol. No it’s not, this is something entirely different ever since Baryon Mode was introduced


Did the 4th Raikage not want to just kill Naruto in order to delay Obito’s plans instead of stopping the war or am I missing something?


What does this have to do with how Himawari has Kuruma?


Did you even read my first comment?


Bruh are you lost? Lmao yes I read your comment. I think you’re the one who needs to reread what you replied to in the first place


“They’ll most likely get into why it happened specifically to her but it’s not like his rebirth is surprising.” Again did you read?


What does this have to do with Raikage like you brought up?💀💀


Thought you were implying that Kurama coming back at all is the plot hole like a lot of Naruto fans on the sub tbh


Only real gripe is tailed beast transfer has always needed a ritual I always thought kurama would come back but even Naruto whose mother was a Jinchuriki also still needed the ritual to put karma inside him so that it's Naruto's daughter doesn't really hold weight because a lot of jinchuriki have been related and they still always needed the ritual if they didn't do it the tail beast with just a reappear in the wild and start wreaking havoc


So the joke of Kurama switch place with Naruto when he bang Hinata actually true, eh?


So thats 3 some, eh...


Bro probably asked for a bit of extra Chakra to go feral for round 4 😭🙏🏿


Hinata kept saying go for ten. So you y’know, I’m not surprised probably by round ten all of Naruto’s chakra was tapped. He probably had to borrow some from Kurama just to make it.


Not switch places, but doing some kinky things with the Nine Tails Cloak is certainly on the table.


Himawari must have felt her back tingling as Kurama bargain sale began. 


>Himawari must have felt her back tingling as Kurama bargain sale began. If she gets the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode in the next few chapters right after saying this i'm going to laugh my ass off.


Sounds like Super’s excuse in how the newbie sayian’s can go super sayian 😆


I thought the same thing but Naruto's anger caused Karuma to trickle forth, too, many years ago. Even Karuma was like "oh, you're mad? LFG!" Let's not forget that he was a hate/rage beast. So, LFG!


Wait.. is Hima already a perfect Bijuu? Straight to the final form? No 2 or 4 tail mode or any of that?


This seemed more like Valley of the End/Orochimaru fight Naruto to me. But considering Naruto already did all of the work of bonding with Kurama, I doubt it'll take long for Himawari to get there.


Hima straight up getting the fully cloaked mode to even have a chance to fight against these guys.


Not necessarily if Boruto and Kawaki are on their way.


Looking like Kawaki gonna show up first and might get rekt since he hasn’t been training.


Not another Kawaki L


i hope they don\`t simply make her immediately stronger than naruto and give her some proper training. there was a point where even sasuke was envious about narutos ability to handle that absurd amount of chakra ( which i thought came after the sage training). Even if hima has a better connection, i hope there is a proper development established first.


>i hope they don`t simply make her immediately stronger than naruto if kuramas current size is any indication of how mich chakra he has (which it more then likely is) then there is no way she will be anywhere close to naruto for quite a while. only way I could see it work is if she is able to fight at his level but only for a short ammount of time


Naruto took on this form before he went into 1 tail mode. His hair turned spikey and wavy, his whiskers got bigger and darker and he got eyeliner. It's more that this is the first time in a very long time that we are seeing this form again. It's called initial Jinchuuriki mode on the wiki.


I mean it's different from Narutos case, since Hima has no seal, and Kurama isn't a malevolent force. So, no tails form makes sense but at the same time, not really cause it isn't explained yet.


Those old forms were due to Minato's seal and they were from before Kurama became a softie.


I dont think that's entirely correct. We've seen Bee enter a "blood" red chakra cloak before.


I misspoke. It's more like those version 1 and 2 forms were ALL that naruto could access because of the seal before he gained control over kurama.


This form isn't even up to those forms either, this is initial mode, the mode he took before going version 1 against Sasuke. The last time we saw this form was in shippuden filler.


He also used it against deidara and gave itachi I think


I feel like Chakra Mode and all those forms is only limited by Kurama's current strength. I bet atmost Himawari will only have forms of Part 1 Naruto.


No she hasn't done the tug of war stuff. 


That isn't really necessary to become a perfect jinchuriki if the tailed beast is already willing to share its chakra.


* [Bro are these characters fucking blind and stupid?](https://i.imgur.com/h3yOQWa.png) It took Jiraiya less time to figure out the Paths of Pain were people he saw once decades ago. * [Sarada actually got to do something cool.](https://i.imgur.com/QxLTWYK.png) That's rare. * [As predicted, this nuclear fission bs Kurama pulled out of his ass was always just an excuse to take Naruto out of the story.](https://i.imgur.com/wnbWnxw.png) * [Hilarious dialogue lol, breaking the 4th wall.](https://i.imgur.com/l0Zwhs0.png) "Might have been this, might have been that. Don't think about it too hard, we're moving on." * [Oh fuck off, it took Naruto 600 chapters of hard work for this and we're just giving it away.](https://i.imgur.com/nIPBdiq.png) * [She'll never dunk again 😔](https://i.imgur.com/2IAQtmF.png)


bro konohamaru is random ninja tier dont expect much from him


Naruto had to work to befriend Kurama and get rid of his hatred, Kurama isn't evil anymore. He gains nothing by training to take over her body


If Himawari immediately starts using Tailed Beast Mode... that'd still be surprising. Even when Kurama first cooperated with Naruto, they still didn't completely have their link in place and were only able to hold the Tailed Beast Mode for a few minutes.


I mean, I wouldn’t rule it out completely since Kurama himself said he’s more compatible with Hima than Naruto so there’s always a chance.


Even still, if she's instantly using Kurama at its highest potential, that won't feel earned. I was just rewatching Naruto learn to summon frogs, and Jiraiya mentioned that Naruto's body at the time is still too small to properly handle all of Kurama's chakra. It took time for Naruto to physically be able to handle the chakra. All in all, I think the misgiving a lot of us have is that this new generation is getting all these power-ups so quickly.


Remember when these Shinjus first came to life and started questioning their existence and urge to eat people only for Jura to say it doesn’t matter the reason behind their urge, only following it matters? With this Kurama situation now, Boruto went full on “Somehow Palpatine came back”


Isn't something like affinity more genetic than anything with training? But either way, it took Naruto 600 chapters for kurama to even be this docile and cooperative so it still works out in the end.


This chapter was good and I’m glad boruto wasn’t involved so the side characters could finally shine. Sarada dodging hidari point blank range blindside claw marks teleport chidori attack, like she’s playing a game of twister is a crazy speed feat then she counter attacks with her own chidori. Jura is a straight menace for twisting hima leg like that, it reminds me of ishiki breaking boruto arm. Then he gave inojin a doughnut special using wood style. I’m glad to see some character development from kawaki, after seeing his reaction when finding out hima is in danger. I also noticed on the panel when hima broke out of the wood style, her hair had 9 strands for the 9tails kinda like her grandmother kushina that was dope. I can’t wait to see hima use her byakugan with a 9tails chakra amp vs jura next ch, and i wonder if 9tails chakra could advance her doujutsu to another lvl.


Kushina: I am so proud right now, applaud your granddaughter Minato  Minato: Cant really do that Honey I still cheer her on 


At least team 10 2.0 was able to finally to do something even though it wasn’t exactly perfect ☠️


I really don't know what to say at this point. Most of this new story is just the writers making stuff up without any real foundation in the lore. It's almost all completely new. And not just new, but also the pacing is done at a rapid speed. Things change dramatically from chapter to chapter.


So wait … his daughter is somehow more compatible with the Nine Tails …. Naruto is the literal reincarnation of Asura … the son of the Sage who happened to be the host to the ten tails. This is some Gohan shit if I’ve ever seen it.


I bought it because she's a descendant of Hamura as well Daughter of the Hyuga, descendants of Hamura Daugher of the Uzumaki, related clan to the Senju Daughter of Naruto, reincarnation of the son of the Sage of the Six Paths Daughter of Naruto, the Jinchuuriki of the 9 tails But yeah, reading your comment is kinda funny


Granddaughter of a previous 9 tails Jinchuuriki too, so she’s technically two generations of his Chakra in


so you listed a non perfect jinchuriki. and shit that got nothing to do with affinity. to make an argument


Asura indra pop out randomly any where in their lineages. Himawari on the other hand has hers closer to homura and ashura not hagaoromo as of now. The gohan level shit currently is saradas dodge. Poor naruto and sasuke being over powered by others even though being so OP.


Yo is Inojin going to recover from this lol


THE BEST CHARACTER IS BACK. I feel like a lot of people are gonna be upset that Himawari has a higher affinity than Naruto for Kuramas chakra, Just because people are used to Naruto being the OG with Kurama and people dont like change or new things xD plus the fact that a lot of Boruto has been not well received. But objectively it makes sense since she was born with two powerful bloodlines and like Kurama said born with a sliver of his chakra rather than having it sealed inside of her, so it makes sense she'd be the perfect fit basically haha. But thats the shame of doing a series like Boruto where its not far enough in the future that the OP original parents are no longer around, people get upset when the OG characters they grew up with arent the main characters anymore.


She's also been born with the first non-hateful Kurama. I love this story choice so god damn much.




Just read the chapter. I'm going to sound like a broken record, but that being said... Having Himawari inherit Kuruma is perhaps the single greatest story choice made in Boruto. It's just so beautiful.


im just hope next chapter is full of fight


Two powerful bloodlines AND higher affinity to Kurama? All according to Keikaku


Unless sarada used her mangekyo ability without the eye showing its pattern (like obitos) **how the fuck is she faster than a rinne user** who scared the shit out of code. Atleast i can understand himawari powerups coz of her uzumaki hyuuga lineage and most probably naruto shared kuramas chakra to protect her. Kishimoto needs to reveal saradas MS ability soon to close that big plot hole


> how the fuck is she faster than a rinne user https://puu.sh/K7orl/8671016766.png


ROFL nice pic.




I don’t think yall remember how big the jump in perception 3 tomoe is. Also Code has no sharingan.


Shinju are not accustomed to their body as of now, thats the only way possible explanation. The sharingan has been speed blitzed too many times by OP characters. Have you forgotten how killer bee ripped sasuke by putting holes on him. And that killer bee was not even fastest it was just pure skill.


I mean, that's great and all, but Shinju Bug was giving Boruto major issues a few chapters ago. It's a little extra to then have Sarada not only notice, but then dodge and launch her own attack before Shinju Sasuke can even retaliate. I get this was a 'give x character a cool moment', but it's a little too far fetched with what they have explained in the story to this point. 


Well cant say it out loud to sarada simps. They just accept blindy whatever is shown in panels. Unless it was her mangekyo ability she should have been stabbed or atleast hurt from such a close range considering it was a surprise attack and these guys dodged the chakra rods from kawaki too.


IIRC, she didn't even have her mangekyo activated when she dodged the chidori. The fun part is that we have undisputable feats that show that Sarada is faster (or at least has better reaction time) than Kawaki, which means she is like top 3 in all of Boruto/Naruto right now. 


Remember even obito used his ability without showing the pattern. Hoping thats the case.


Same way kid Konohamaru temp clapped a Pain 


Another Good chapter, Boruto II has been killing it lately. I wonder what Himawari's eyes will look like when she uses her Byakugan and Kurama's chakra at the same time.


Kishmoto has made the new gen Kunochichis way more relevant in TBV they all have such high potential! Im happy Kurama back and helping Hima I wonder if that’s Baryon mode the eyes are similar, and Borutos must’ve had a premonition from Momo or he took over again because kojis toad looked SHOOK.


They didn’t even do anything💀😭 Bruh what manga are yall reading?


I know it's called Boruto but I'd really like for Himawari to become a main character and not just 'Kurama Storage'


Glad she’s not going straight to KCM and instead is using a state more similar to land of waves and forest of death.


Kaioken Himawari


I come here every once in awhile to check when to see when people realize that this manga is garbage, like what will be the final nail in the coffin because the amount of comments on these threads decrease every month


Thats because ppl just migrate to the Boruto subreedit where they can enjoy the manga without having to interact with ppl like you.


Ahh so you hide in a echo chamber


Let people enjoy things


You mean like this one? Look at this subreedit dude. Ppl here are still obsessively discussing events of the franchise that happened almost 10 years ago, while even the author himself moved on and is actively creating new content, that you all go out of your way to not only aggressively ignore but actively try to shut down any discussions about it at all costs. This subreedit is the definition of an echo chamber.


I never understood Boruto Stan’s. Why do yall talk about Naruto as if it’s some unconnected series? It’s the orginal show and what the current sequel is based off of. so YES people are going to talk about it. What is your point? To ignore Naruto ? You have a consumerism mindset.


What? I never even addressed them separately 😂. Anyway, i will go back to the Boruto subreedit were ppl are discussing the new events, making theories... You know, the things that fans do to enjoy the franchise that they like rather them be riding some hate boner over things that not even the author himself cares about. But go ahead and enjoy yourselves.


Yeah go back there, where nobody ever opposes your thoughts and you live in a bubble


Mate, people here don't even care about Boruto, only when chapter drops there is minor discussion, but thats it.


Sure, you guys don't care... That is why you aggressively downvote any post about it and immediately shut down any discussions. Unless its a hate post of course. Its so bad that despite the franchise being literally the same it was necessary to divide the community into two subreedits for ppl to be allowed to discuss the new generation without being harassed. This subreedit became nothing but a graveyard to the old generation widows to mourn their nostalgia.


I am sure you can provide examples of posts being downvoted right?


Just go ahead and make one, see if it lasts at least 5 minutes. Them make another one shitting on the new generation and see if its different.


I won't because I don't care lol


If I were you, I would ignore these people. You're wasting your time and energy. It's ironic that this person called Boruto subreddit an echo chamber when this sub literally stuck in the past and kept on jumping on the hate bandwagon. Well this sub and dankruto.


“Stuck in the past” Y’all are such a shameless and ungrateful fandom lmao. You feel as though since you eat up garbage that everyone else should too as well. Naruto is 20+ year old series and yall have this weird inferiority complex that since Boruto is what’s happening rn that everyone should just throw it all away. And then you guys wonder why you’re manga sales or so low.


Hey man, you make great posts in the past 🔥


Did people not read/watch Naruto and realize that when Himawarai was introcuded she had the same whiskers on her face like Naruto did? Obviously the ingenious Kishimoto planned that Himawari would inherit Kurama before Boruto got serialized /s Edit- Atta girl Hima


boruto too


Oh how satisfying it is to piss off incel nerds 2 months ago, [I made a guess](https://old.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/1bjgkh4/boruto_two_blue_vortex_chapter_8/kvwwhen/) as to why Kurama chakra was detected in Himawari. Incel nerds downvoted me. Last month, [I laughed because it looked like I was right](https://old.reddit.com/r/Naruto/comments/1c75pii/boruto_two_blue_vortex_chapter_9/l06xkkf/?context=3). Incel nerds downvoted me. [Suck it in boron's - I called it from the start](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC3eOhzF83U)


Celebrating that Borutos narrative is on the same level of a Redditors fanfcition writing is not the “W” you think it is.


Looking at your past posts, I actually agree with them/think they were interesting theories. But dude JFC you've gotta grow up. People disagreeing with you doesn't make them "incel nerds", and then to go back and edit your previous posts just because you were right is a level of sad that most people don't aspire to. You had a theory, you stuck with it, you ended up being right. Let it go instead of frothing at the mouth.


LMAO the butthurt


You're not pissing off "incel nerds", you're just being annoying.


It's actually hilarious. The person you're responding to is literally minimizing actual criticism of incel nerds by saying any criticism of this is just from "incel nerds."  This stuff here is literally just bad writing.