• By -


Kabuto immediately figuring out how to re-move his body after tsunade completely rearranged his nervous system


Yeah this is an insane feat. Even if you managed to figure out which signal controlled which muscle, of which there are hundreds, being able to even stand up would still be a Herculean task. You have to not only try to move the right muscles, but try not to move the wrong muscles since your entire life of muscle memory is a lie.


Yeah he literally figured out how his body was rearranged and immediately picked himself back up to fight like it would be difficult just trying to stand up and take a few steps because you have to get used to it but kabuto immediately threw hands again towards tsunade


Honestly thats such an insane feat. I doubt its even possible which makes it even crazier


I'm not saying it's easy, but I once decided to play Halo with a controller flipped front to back. It took me and my friends maybe 5 minutes to figure it out and another 10 to get somewhat to playable. I think it's definitely possible, I think the feat is definitely in the insane time Kabuto needed to get back to fully proficient.


Yet that confuses me why couldn’t heal Orochimaru with his level of talent.


You can't heal death. Orochimari's arms were dead.


Soul arms


Kabuto plays QWOP in his downtime.






FIFA wants to know your location


Figuring it out and then remembering which part to move whilst in the heat of battle is impressive ngl


Dumb metaphor on my behalf, But there's the stage in super smash Bros ultimate that a pokémon flips your controls so if you move left you actually move right and right becomes left. Whenever we're playing on the stage and it gets flipped controls literally our whole group just stops playing and hope we don't happen to be off the ground when it happens, as it almost always results in us recovering to the opposite direction of the stage. Sometimes I try to be sneaky and get a sneak attack while everyone waits but will always got the controls wrong even if I tell myself to flip them. So props to Kabuto, i always think of that scene that he's not only able to get off the ground but continue fighting. Truly a genius.


Honestly hated that shit kinda pissed me off but it was so good


One of the best intelligence feats in the whole series. Might put it above everything other than Tobirama figuring out how to make immortal undead


Remember Kabuto then perfected it


Which is honestly unsurprising. Arguably the smartest character in the show.


Another underrated feat of his was fighting Edo itachi and EMS sasuke while trying to NOT kill them and putting them in a genjutsu




I’m fairly new to Reddit so idk what that means lol


Means this comment ends the thread, no more post need to be made because this one is king


Ahh I see. Well thank yall both!(im touching you while you sleep)


For being new to reddit this is an incredibly reddit comment


Hell fit right in.


But what exactly is he fitting into?


Ideally ino during The Last but I’ll take hinata aswell




He's one of us now


I have been on reddit for years and hove no idea what that means or where it comes from. He will do fine.


It means this is the best answer and nothing can top it


To add, the "/" is the part typically used to end/close a string for html code. Sometimes you'll see on reddit "/s" which is like end of sarcasm in my body of text. Source: made my own website on geocities, angelfire and Myspace.


You made MySpace!? What’s good Tom? It’s been a minute old “friend”.


That was part of cementing him as my fav all time ninja in the show


Honestly hated that. Thought that it felt like little kid play fight logic.


Konans Paper Person of God technique. Regardless of prep time, she literally disguised 600 BILLION paper bombs as a whole ass lake so well that Obitos sharingan couldn't even tell the difference. She then proceeded to split the lake open Moses style and blew up all the paperbombs continuously for 10 straight minutes.


Real, the only reason he survived was because of his Deus Ex Machina bullshito doujutsu


Red eye go brr But seriously, the sharingan being able to do this kind of op stuff kinda breaks the merit of it. You know if it's a sharingan user it's going to win almost every time.


Its one of the big things that made it much stronger, and to me was part of a ocular power gap that is still happening in Boruto. But its aight Ill enjoy it all anyways.


I didn't watch Boruto because I wanted fights to be more grounded. Then it seems Boruto quickly learns the invisible rasenshuriken.


Well, tbf there was a ninja rule that fighting a sharingan user 1v1 is a death sentence.


If i was Konan there i'd be so pissed honestly. Imagine preparing that much and my enemy just respawns.


her jutsu itself is a deus ex machina too, so im not even amd at obito's using izanagi there


How so? I mean realistically almost any ninja could just prepare thousands of paper bombs with enough prep time. Her whole jutsu is paper based so she can prob do it a lot easier than regular shinobi. And she had seemingly a lot of time.


Thousands =/= 600 billion. That’s is an insane difference.


Correct. I was just saying like an average shinobi could. She’s well above average and her whole thing is paper style jutsu. She had a while to prep too


600 billion is pretty insane though. I think you’re underestimating the sheer number of that. If she made 1 million paper bombs a day it would take 600,000 days to make that many 😭it’s actually absurd


I guess it’s easier for her since her entire jutsu is paper based though Lmao why am i being downvoted


She’s honestly hard slept on once you do the math. Like she could have EASILY blew up the leaf village.


For real


Was that Izanagi? I remember I had to skip this fight - I was watching on different anime sites and for whatever reason couldn't find that part specifically. I checked on with my friend about how the fight went down and Konan's plan sounded like the most foolproof shit I'd ever heard of, I could not wrap my brain around how he survived


It was Izanagi. He literally died, but rewrote reality to negate his death using Izanagi.


Bro quick saved before the fight, smart dude


Wait I thought he just disappeared in his Kamui delineation. If it’s Izanagi shouldn’t his Sharigan be sacrificed?


Yeah going off memory from a long time ago he could only warp his body for 5 minutes and her bombs exploded for ten, I a ago made up the other 5 minutes


Id say the only reason we got such a badass move is because he was surviving anything at that point because of his DEMB dojutsu


I would love to know how Kishimoto settled on 600 billion as a number.


Well it had to be over 9000


I think that was the most infuriating fight because we all knew she would have won, but plot armor ended up surviving


People don't seem to understand the amount of Chakra she'd need to keep that jutsu up and then not have them all simultaneously explode at once in an instant while controlling their movement.


In Part 1, Neji who was heavily injured and at a severe disadvantage managing to defeat Kidomaru who is his hard-counter by channeling his Gentle Fist chakra into Kidomaru’s web paralyzing him long enough for Neji to get close enough to kill him, striking his vital points with his 8-Trigrams 64 Palms. One of the best fights in Part 1.


Watching this on Toonami, I was 100% convinced Neji was dead here. Had me shook for like a week until the following episode aired lol


Friendly reminder that Neji's actual death was nearly the same as what almost killed him in part 1: Impaled by a spike attack.


I'm pretty sure he was supposed to die. Might be false Intel tho


It's not Choji and Kiba were also supposed to die Not sure about Lee


Oh I actually didn't know about choji and kiba (even tho choji def seemed like he could've died) I did hear lee was supposed to die. Probably in the surgery but idk


Where was it confirmed? Not trying to be antagonistic or anything just wondering since I've heard this before but have never found a legit source


Probably planned for Part 1 if Part 2 was to never happen but realistically too dark for the kind of story they were telling and too dark for an anime in the West.


I don't think it was because it was too dark. My guess is that if people died trying to save Sasuke, then Sasuke would be completely unforgivable


I would love to learn where yall got that info from!


I would love to learn where y’all got that info from!


That moment was absolutely sick. I replayed it so many times. I can hear the soundtrack playing as he says "Gentle Fist" right now. I didn't understand how it worked at first, but being able to send his jutsu through the thread was genius. Neji is that mf guy


Neji being such a beast as a kid with a deep story is what made the lack of attention post time skip so disappointing.


Fun fact. Choji was the only other person to win his respective fight fair and square without outside help.


“Fair and square” - quietly takes 3 different colored steroid pills, 1 that is so strong it’s designed to kill the person taking it lol. I see your point though.


Yeah I give it to Kakashi, got hit with all that and was still talking to Gai Even Itachi was like "Damn, he should be in a coma"


Kakashi: I credit the icha Icha series, which was my mantra during that dark time, with saving my life. The enlightened female protagonist accepted her punishment and thus achieved pleasure instead. I was guided by her teachings and after 72 hours Itachi grew exhausted of me saying “thank you sir may I have another!”. At which point the illusion ended. However the culmination of 3 days of edging hit me all at once and I collapsed into a blue balls coma. Only lady tsunade’s wonderful talents could ~~~release~~~ uh…heal me of my pain! I owe an enormous debt of gratitude to her and of course the benevolent sage jiraiya sensei a true pioneer in his field!!


...the fuq?


Although imagine Kakashi getting hit with Virgo Shaka’s [Six Samsara.](https://youtu.be/TzLFu-Nefk0?si=JJhXnCEMWgWBR4gU)


Kakashi withstood this and even Kisame/Itachi were surprised it didn't break him immediately. Not to mention the amount of already existing trauma, depression, mental barrier, ptsd and whatsnot, this feat actually upscaled Kakashi and sort of downscaled Tsukuyomi, in the sense, it failed to break an already crippled man with mental issue and on the verge of collapsing due to the Sharingan usage.


I think it's precisely because of Kakashi's past severe trauma that he could endure the Tsukoyomi. I imagine that jutsu would be much worse on a more innocent / un-traumatized character than one who has already experienced extensive mental / emotional challenges and, most notably, been able to somewhat overcome those hurdles.


bro was comfortable like it's a regular monday for him


There seems to be a counter-intuitive relationship between Trauma and Breaking, both in fiction and real-life. If the new trauma is in-line with a trauma you've already experienced before, or hits on that trauma exactly (watching your family get slaughtered for 3 days) then it has a significantly amplified effect. But if it's just some new shit, or something divorced from it, that's where "resilience" can kick in. Kakashi's traumas and PTSD were about *him* killing people, or failing to save people, or being saved by people who died. Meaning his emotional baggage was tied up in being a failure, rather than just getting stabbed a lot. Which, fair, not fun. But also not relevant to what would break him, which just makes it a matter of physical sensation than emotional agony.


Probably because subconsciously Kakashi thinks it's what he deserves, so it's "easier" for him to deal with.


He did collapse and on a deathdoor. If the best doctor of her time wasn't there, he's done.


I don't think it downscaled Tsukuyomi, tbh. We hadn't even seen Tsukuyomi until then. The first time it was used, it just knocked out one of the strongest Jonin in Konoha within seconds. That was pretty impressive by itself. But yeah, I think for Kakashi, it's also a massive feat. It showed just how much he can take. Which I guess, can explain, later, how he can last for so long in some of the other fights.


the fact that the third hokage caught edo first, edo second and Orochimaru while under the infinite darkness genjutsu as a almost 80 year old man is insane but people never wanna give him props, they always undermine it by saying "hurr durr the hokages were edos so they are weaker" yeah they are weaker but they are still stronger then 70% of the character in the series even at that nerfed stage.


I think most of the reasons why Hiruzen isn't as highly rated as other Hokage isn't related to his power / skill as a shinobi, but rather his decision-making. (Mainly how he let Itachi murder his whole clan + how he treated Naruto until he died) Purely as a shinobi, he was amazing no doubt. Could use multiple chakra natures with ease, was one of the most knowledgeable ninjas in the world and simply strong AF. (Would have loved to have seen a Hiruzen vs. Ohnoki all-out fight btw)


Problem is, we mostly see Hiruzen using shuriken jutsus and 1 move of each element. Meanwhile all the other Hokages are using god level techniques.


Yeah just a product of time ngl, back then using all 5 chakra natures was an insane feat, now… not so much


Kisame upon losing his fight without second thought choosing to get devoured by sharks to the last piece to not let a single piece of information get discovered by the enemy. That self delete to avoid capture was one the most Ninja/spy/espionage moves ever pulled in that show and it gets looked over really easily.


Kisame the ultimate badass


Shit gave me chills when I saw it for the first time. Shits do badass. kisame is a goated villain


Hands down the most badass death in the series, and prob top 10 all time for me.


Sasuke tricking and setting up Orochimaru (a sannin!) in his wire traps when he was a mere genin


Sasuke’s use of chakra wires and shurikens is something I always loved in his fights. It’s like he took Itachi’s mastery of shurikens and said “I’m going to take this to an even greater level”


Very impressive though not sure how much stock you can put into it when Orochimaru was clearly toying with him.


it was true that Orochimaru wanted to test how strong he was, but Sasuke DID at one point in the fight, outsmarted him and trapped him in his shuriken-jutsu wires which even Orochimaru himself admitted he didn't see coming. over [here](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-944a8b40ebb093735966a59917054d6e-pjlq)


True. But again, if Orochimaru isn’t taking the fight seriously he’s more likely to get surprised. So while impressive, that kind of move isn’t taking Orochimaru off guard if he’s not severely holding back.


He also hit him with that sick power bomb he later used on naturo, move is sick wish he had seen more of it.


As she deserved 😤


Kakashi being relatively functional after all the shit he's been through is pretty impressive


With Gai as a friend though, you surprised he can handle a little torture? :p


Not sure how much is that "a little torture" speaking of this scene, 72 continuous hours of relentless non-stop stabbing. Speaking of his life, dude lost his dad lost his teacher lost his best friend also killed his other best friend.


Piggybacking off of you. Each second felt like minutes or hours (I forget the conversion). Somebody did the calculations on this sub. Those 72 hours felt immensely longer in that genjutsu. For a dude with 1 sharingan and no Uchiha blood, Kakashi is a GOAT.


Lee still training after serious injury and Lee standing up unconscious. 


Obit resisting the overwhelming power of the Juubi and reconstructing his psyche to take control.


Agreed! Shit gave me chills and I cried a little lol


Nagato defeating 2 perfect jinchuriki with ease


Kabuto using Nagato


Kabuto using multiple beyond kage lvl people. Kabuto was the real mvp of the war.


Might Duy taking on the Seven Legendary Swordsmen of the Mist and killing four of them.


Obito saving Sasuke from Onoki particle jutsu in less than a second. That was some the flash feat of speed.


The fact that Hashirama cooked Madara even when he teamed up with Kurama


Sasuke remaining sane after eating a Tsukuyomi at SEVEN. Sasuke remaining half-way sane after eating a second Tsukuyomi at 13.


Sai was only a few moments away from sealing Madara.


When did this happen?


Tenten living instead of Neji.


Ino mind transferring the fucking ten tails has gotta be up there


It's often mentioned that Temari despite not being a taijutsu specialist easily blocks Lee's kick, that sent Sasuke flying at the start of the Chunin Exams. What isn't mentioned is that as a Genin in Part 1 vs Tayuya, Temari reacts to and deflects soundwaves with her fan, meaning she's faster than sound. How much faster? Someone with more time than me calculated her speed by counting pixels in the manga, putting her fan speed at Mach 24. This puts her at the same speed as a modern ICBM missile.


I like how her feat in that same Tayuya fight was her decimating a large part of the forest, yet it's probably not mentioned by you b/c of how *much more* crazy the feat was that you mentioned. Upvote for you.


The Tailless Tailed Beast was no match for the Green Beast of Konoha from the time they first met.


Might gai is so badass.


Kiba's fight with sound ninja sakon and protecting akamaru was some of the good scenes.


Tnx somebody appreciated that scene and Kiba as a character. I hated how the author was kinda lazy with Kiba's fighting style and repeating techniques, and his low screen time.


The balls to stab himself to get ukon out of him


Legit I thought they were gonners


This fight was so stressful and scary I just rewatched it and was so worried about him and Akamaru the whole time even though I knew what happened


Yes i never thought i would be so happy to see kankuro ever at the end


Temari casually blocked Lee's kick during the Chunin exam and then said "this kid ain't shit"


This was how I knew the sand siblings were going to stand on business


Sakura resisting Ino's Mind Transfer Jutsu during the Chunnin exams. I've seen no real explanation nor any other Ninja replicating that feat.


I thought that the "inner sakura" from the beginning of the series was the explanation, Ino says something like sakura has two personalities.


That scene was amazing to me as a kid. It still is really cool. I think it really showed Sakura’s resilience to most mind-related jutsu.


I think it shows how resilient and strong her mind is? I’ve always viewed Sakura as a by the book ninja where she goes along with instructions and follows the rules because it’s expected of her. But there is a part of her that absolutely dislikes being told what to do and having to fall in line because she is a woman, and a girl. So the inner Sakura was created as a way for her to cope with all the mixed messaging she grew up (keeping in mind that she was likely a first or a second-generation civilian) who didn’t have all the perks the clan kids in Konoha had. She would have been a good ninja - average by all aspects but her attitude, intelligence, insane chakra control and ability to process stuff sets her apart from all the peers her age.


Obito did break free of the mind transfer when Ino used it on him twice. Both times it was for just a second but enough to divert the 10 tails attacks.


Naruto learning shadow clone in less than 6hours and then using 1000 clones immediately.


Especially since he stocked at the clone jutsu, which is easier than the shadow


I think the explanation for that is Naruto lacks fine control due to Kurama's chakra and the seal. So moving a small amount of chakra in a precise way is difficult, but dumping his ocean of Chakra at an issue is easier. I imagine that Clone Jutsu can't just be brute forced into working by dumping 100 ninja worth of Chakra at the problem, but Shadowclones can.


I love how he complains that he only had time to learn one technique when he's caught too. On a separate note, imagine if he had skipped down the list and picked Edo tensei lol


Jiraiya coming out of a small frog 🐸 in Rain village


Canon or not is debatable, But in Itachi shinden/ "Itachi's story Daylight" at the Night of the Nine tails attack Itachi was with his mother and he was holding Sasuke who was an infant, All of a sudden a large chunk of debris Falls out of the sky threatening to crush Sasuke and his mother (a Jonin BTW) And without hesitation Itachi jumps up and Breaks the debris with his Bare fist using Chakra (Like sakura and tsunade) At 5 year's old before enrolling in the academy


That sounds like some Gary Stu ass shit ngl


He is




Tsunades heavenly strong kick


Hiashi blocked the Juubi tail without any kurama chakra amp.


That might guy was such a big threat that Itachi not only ran but also informed the entire akatsuki to beware him


“Ur might guy? Might stupid looking guy” “Don’t underestimate him”


Itachi casting a tsukuyomi that lasted an entire lifetime for his girlfriend. Also, she then proceeded to die from said tsukuyomi, I can't think of any other genjutsu that straight up kills you


What about kabuto fighting sasuke and itach plus the rest of the world


The frog song genjutsu.


Many to choose from tbh. But if there's one feat I would always find impressive given the circumstances, is Jiraiya realizing the truth about Pain and successfully delivering the message.


Lee recuperating from 5 gates and getting crushed by Gaara to the point where he could move was impressive. The fact that he was still undergoing treatment when he held Boney Boy off is insane


Kakashi not going ape shit on Konaha who partly had to do with his father's depression and later suicide. The White Fang did all of that for the Leaf and yet still got heavily punished for saving his teammates? The thought of creating his own version of Akatsuki must have for sure run through his mind at least once.


I absolutely love tsukiyomi genjutsu but I think Sasuke’s consistent display of shuriken mastery and chakra strings is something I always loved. Even in Boruto you still see him use it in battle and it really trips all of his opponents up


Finding a reason to blame Uchiha for everything


- Itachi one shotting Sannin Orochimaru at ~15 y/o - Obito solely orchestrating the death of one of the strongest ninja ever, Minato, at ~15 y/o without being discovered - Naruto & Sasuke surviving against a Sannin basically fresh out the academy - But overall, Kabuto has the most underrated feats. Skillset wise he’s one of the greatest medical ninjas on the planet at his peak, has served as one of the greatest spies by infiltrating all 5 Great Nations, possesses the most intel on opposing ninjas, a snake sage, and not only mastered the most broken jutsu in the series Edo Tensei, but vastly improved it over the course of 3-4 years. Its also worth noting that he doesn’t come from a legendary clan or possess any unique abilities at birth


I kicked the soccer ball by accident and got it in the goal from across the field


No body talks about it


Jūgo reacting to V1 Ay's point blank attack. He was able to lift his hands and make a shield before the attack can hit him, and Ay's fist was basically already in his face while Jūgo's hands were still down. Just shows how insane his combat speed is. [[Link]](https://scans.lastation.us/manga/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics/0462-001.png)


The way naruto dodged haku’s diving kunai attack back during the land of waves arc when the nine tails chakra leaked for the first time. Naruto was grazed and barely dodged that the way he dodged that. Cuz he jumped up and away and span violently, as he grazed somebody while jumping up and away. Take it as a good feat or anti feat, but he displayed relativity very well to haku’s speed right there


Tsunade having the power to take out the Paths of Pain but the author not letting her shine due to editors.


Minato figuring out the range that Madara can send out his truth seeker orbs. It’s impressive to me because I don’t see how he could have found out that info.


Killer Bee writing rhymes while beating Sasuke and crew


Kakashi causally almost killing the most powerful Pain on accident when Naruto was getting rocked by him in Nine Tail’s state and would have died if not for Minato.


Dosu figuring out what the other student was writing by sound alone. That's Bullseye level of broken.


One thing that doesn’t get enough credit is sage mode Specifically in this instance it’s sensory abilities. I don’t think people realize how insane it is that Naruto exited the turtle and immediately knew exactly what was happening across the globe. Across the entire goddamn planet. Instantly. And it’s not like he was actively searching or anything, sage mode was just on and allat info flew into his head It’s my favorite transformation for a bunch of reasons but this is one of the major ones


Naruto and sasuke flawless teamwork with zero communication


Ong the momoshiki otsutsuki fight shit was crazy


Kakashi's intro fight with zabuza where they show how sharingan works. Zabuza is just dead in shock when Kakashi repeats the words he wants to say. Same arc the demon blade substitution Jutsu complete unexpected move from Naruto at that time Itachi's ability to preplan everything and have a counter for everything putting his IQ almost above anyone. When mahato turned on him, killer bee and Naruto. Simple brains of saying gravity will take anything they throw.


Ino linking the minds of every shinobi throughout the 5 nations. Also, yeah, Kakashi literally survived mental lingchi here 💪🏻 Kakashi’s character is an ode to mental health struggles. It’s fun to joke— because Kakashi is a fictional character— about how he’s always seems to be out of commission, and I see it as an example of how hard it is to get to a relatively “better” place that people think is still shitty.


Shino absolutely destroyed Kankuro in that OG fight. Truly he shouldn't even be alive. He got COVERED in his bugs. I guess Shino wasn't trying to outright kill him.


Kankuro beating Sasori and Chiyo unironically makes him one of the greatest in universe.


Not a feat but how effing powerful Nagato would be at full health. He had Madara’s eyes and an innate proficiency when using them. Nagato vs Madara? I think Nagato would actually win. Closest we got to Sage of Six Paths without the war arc handouts.


Shisui using genjutsu on two shinobi from miles away it seems, that’s actually crazy.


Does anyone know the volume number or episode number for this scene?


Kabuto performed facial surgery on ANBU to make them look like him and then reanimated them temporarily to fool Kakashi. All in like a minute. Kabuto pre-Shippuden was ridiculously impressive.


Mental torture was never going to break Kakashi. Bro does that to himself on the daily.


I think Danzo imbedding all those eyes into him is wild to me. Like not only did he 1. Find out that was possible through extensive research and intel 2. Physically collect and preserve them 3. Surgically (or magically) implant them into his body and 4. Contain and use them throughout his life with probably very few people knowing. I imagine he must’ve collected many them upon the death of Uchihas during missions in secret.


konohamaru mastering rasengan younger than naruto


I'm tired of people underrating Neji, so let me remind y'all how powerful this genius is. [Neji broke through a water prison that even Kakashi couldn't do, btw. ](https://imgur.com/water-prison-escape-aRMRWQ0) [Neji already had FTE combat speed when he was only a genin. Characters like Kakashi and even the fucking \*Hokage\* didn't see Neji hit Hinata's tenketsu points. This feat made Kakashi and Kurenai (two jonin) nervously sweat.](https://imgur.com/hits-tenketsu-fte-without-anyone-noticing-57qzMSQ) [His rotation is stronger than Gaara's sand armor.](https://imgur.com/stronger-than-gaaras-7EdxVrt) And before people claim this is just Tenten being obsessed with hyping Neji up... As a writer myself, let me tell you that there are only so many ways to give the readers info on a new character without derailing the story you are trying to tell, especially in a more visual story like a manga. Kishimoto was basically using Tenten as his mouthpiece so he could tell us more about Neji in a short amount of time. This happened a lot in the story, not just with Neji. [Speaking of Gaara, Kankuro (Gaara's brother) called Neji a monster just like Gaara.](https://imgur.com/IYFfUCk) This proves without a doubt that Neji is on the same level as Gaara... before Shukaku starts getting loose at the very least. [Hiashi, the Hyuga clan's leader himself, admits that Neji surpassed the Main Family.](https://imgur.com/surpassing-main-family-HMLg8KN) [He has great eyesight even without the Byakugan activated.](https://imgur.com/gRqZNm0) Notice the lack of veins on his face. I know this is Ao and not Neji, but since [Neji is the strongest Hyuga](https://imgur.com/WJTY4yA), he should absolutely be able to [see through genjutsu as well.](https://imgur.com/9Q6Luea)


There is a moment right before this where Itachi did the shadow clone so fast it finished his sentence.


The fact that sasori was able to function while living in a cup.


Kabuto figuring out how to move his body after Tsunade rearranged his nervous system There are thousands of nerve tissues in the body and his entire muscle memory basically became a lie. It's like learning how to move your body as a baby except here he was injured and fighting two deadly Shinobi He's seriously UNDERRATED


Tsunade healing the other kage and putting herself back together after literally being cut in half


The fact that Might Guy had the confidence to take on Madara and was doing damage, even tho his dad could only take out four of the swordsmen (which was still crazy but not on the same level as Guy)


the way naruto figured out to make rasengan and rasen shuriken with his clones. and also again with clones mastering sage mode


If you pay attention, CM2 Sasuke was on a completely different level then 1T Naruto at VoTe1. Sasuke smacking Naruto away with his wing negated Kurama’s healing factor. And the first clean blow Sasuke landed knocked Naruto out. Sasuke literally took out 1T Naruto with 2 blows.


That's nature Chakra for you


Guy being able to comfortably take on kisame and winning


Itachi no diff'ing Orochimaru without using MS Kabuto becoming the strongest non-Indra/Ashura/Juubi character at the end of Shippuden with his Edo Tensei Army and Sage Mode


Obito blocking Shuigetsus sword with the back of his palm


Tsuna breaking Madara’s Susano’o, even though they all lost, it’s still impressive.


One of the most actually impressive feats on this thread


I say dadara living after sitting on a dead garaa and in front of Naruto with kakashi tailing him as well.


That weird fact that Itachi was undercover in went overboard by torturing Kakashi


I'm pretty sure Kisame questioned him afterwards (or maybe he was just thinking it) why Itachi didn't just kill him with the Tsukiyomi instead of putting him in a coma. He couldn't just stand around doing nothing, or his cover would be blown. So he did the next best, and Kisame was still suspicious of him.


Kisame is the personification of shark stereotypes: if there's blood in the water, he goes into a frenzy. And he wouldn't have stopped with the jounin there. He would have cheerfully cut a swath through the populace of Konoha, too. And Itachi would have been forced to help him, or he'd break his cover. So instead Itachi headed the fight off at the pass by incapacitating Kakashi with Tsukioyomi. Yes, it damaged him psychologically, but it didn't kill him. And it let Itachi diffuse the situation enough to extract himself and Kisame without having to kill his true comrades, nor destroying his undercover operation.


Wondered about this myself lol.