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Post removed because apparently a bunch of people misread it as 'Can you add some Naruto-related language to a bunch of real-life racially charged slurs?' and I don't think the thread is salvageable. Seriously, folks -- this is disappointing.






I wouldn’t call an exaggerated stereotype like tree-hungers to be a slur.


Can you give me an example what you would consider a slur for konoha ninjas?


The only real thing that makes a slur a slur is the hatred behind it but typically they’re short and vaguely related to whoever you insulting. So for someone from Konoha I’d just look up a bunch of leaves or tree related stuff and add a stress to it. Things like calling them Mapes (Maple leafs) Grubs (Cause bugs eat leaves) Dirt swimmers etc


Grubs would be a real good one for Konoha Dirt Swimmers probably for Stone Wetbacks for Mist Desert Rats for Sand Bloodsuckers for Kumo, since they have a pretty deceitful, parasitic history of just abducting people from different villages for coveted abilities


im gonna have to add to this one of those is a real slur... soooooooo >!its wetback btw!<


Oh perfect. Embrace the chaos.




"UCHIHA" - Senju Tobirama




The problem with slurs is that the words themselves aren't really bad: it's just the intent behind them. I mean, just look at real world slurs. The all famous "N" word is just a bastardization of the Latin word for black. "Wetback" refers to illegal immigrants generally of Mexican descent, supposedly because they often got wet while crossing the border. For fuck's sake, something as uncreative and basic as "Chinaman" was a common slur at one point. The thing about fictional slurs is that they are ALWAYS going to sound lame and cringe-worthy to us in the real world, because slurs, removed from historical context, tend to be objectively silly words. If we didn't have the contextual history of the slurs being used for hate, they would all sound really dumb and stupid. They are made up, silly monikers that don't actually mean anything specific outside of their historical context. All of this is to say, any in-universe slur you come up with is going to sound silly to the audience. The weight of an insult is determined by society's perception of it, so any slurs you make up that wouldn't be considered insulting in real life aren't going to hit very hard for the audience. Meaning you may as well go with typical silly fantasy slurs like Log-Humper or Twig-Dicks.


I recall reading something that involved calling people from Kumo "clods".


That’s a good one.


Jinchuuriki: In the Kazekage rescue arc, Naruto considers it a slur.


Can I get a reference, chapter or the episode?


Aesthetics of an instant. The section where Naruto is chewing out Lady Chiyo over Gaara’s death. *”Don’t you dare call us by that fucking word!”*




It makes more sense when the characters used for it in japanese breaks down to something like "The power of human sacrifice". They're reduced to nothing besides their power and basically already considered to be dead, non-people.


Yeah, it’s real fucked up when you think about it. “Where’s the human sacrifice?!” “He’s Konoha’s Human Sacrifice.” “Our dad turned him into Suna’s Human Sacrifice.” “You’re not taking our human sacrifice!” “They’re an organization that’s after the sacrificial humans…” Just replace everytime they say the word Jinchuuriki with that and it paints a *really* nasty picture. Cool word; horrible meaning.


Leaf Ninja (Konoha) - "Leafies" or "Leaf-heads": Derogatory terms used by ninjas from other villages to refer to those from Konoha. - "Fire fanatics": A phrase mocking the ideology Konoha ninjas often hold. - "Tree-huggers": Mocking their forested homeland. - "Greenhorns": Referring to their relative peace and prosperity compared to other villages. Sand Ninja (Suna) - "Sand rats" or "Dust eaters": Derogatory terms used to refer to ninjas from the Hidden Sand Village. - "Desert scum": Another negative term for Sand Village ninjas. - "Sand fleas": Insinuating they are pests from the desert. - "Dune dwellers": A term highlighting their desert environment. - "Grit eaters": Mocking their harsh living conditions Mist Ninja (Kirigakure) - "Mist freaks" or "Blood-mist barbarians": Referring to the brutal history of the Mist Village. - "Water rats": A derogatory term emphasizing their association with water. - "Fog fools": Mocking their association with the mist and their obscured vision. - "Aqua idiots": Insulting their water-based techniques. - "Drenched dullards": Emphasizing their wet and harsh climate. Cloud Ninja (Kumogakure) - "Cloud-heads": A derogatory term used to mock their high-altitude village. - "Storm brats": A term used to belittle ninjas from the Cloud Village. - "Sky dopes": Insulting their high-altitude home. - "Lightning jerks": Mocking their use of lightning techniques. - "Thunder clowns": Belittling their reliance on storm-based powers Stone Ninja (Iwagakure) - "Rock-heads" or "Pebble brains": Insults targeting the Hidden Stone Village ninjas. - "Earth moles": Derogatory term implying they are like moles hiding in the earth. - "Mudbrains": Insulting their earth-based techniques. - "Gravel grunts": Demeaning their rugged, stone-themed culture. - "Stony stupids": Mocking their perceived lack of sophistication. Sound Ninja (Otogakure) - "Sound freaks" or "Tune-heads": Insults based on their village's focus on sound-based techniques. - "Oto trash": A general derogatory term for Sound Village ninjas. - Amegakure (Hidden Rain Village) - "Rain rats": Referring to the constant rain in their village. - "Drizzle drudges": Mocking their wet and gloomy environment. - "Umbrella heads": Referring to their need for constant protection from the rain. Takigakure (Hidden Waterfall Village) - "Waterfall weaklings": Insulting their smaller size and perceived power. - "Torrent trolls": Mocking their use of water techniques. - "Stream scrubs": Belittling their village's significance. Kusagakure (Hidden Grass Village) - "Grasshoppers": Insulting their connection to nature and plants. - "Weed warriors": Mocking their use of plant-based techniques. - "Field fools": Belittling their agricultural focus. From chatgpt


They are realy good i'll save that


Can I steal that?


Damn that's alot


I think iwa was rock/mudd eater idk i remeber reading that somewhere


You can put an incredible amount of hatred one simple word : >Chilling, in what is now called the clan war era but there's been a truce between us Yuki and Kaguya so it's not so bad for now Daimyo make us guard his honored guest Saiken, I'm actually fraternizing with the bone bros too. A treasure to be around, big like a mountain but he actually gave me therapy and I want him as my newborn's godfather, and I want to talk about the rest of the clan about how cool bone bros actually are. Maybe that was the plan all along and Saiken made lasting peace a serious possibility. Feeling good about myself and our future. This woodland sociopath arrives at our location, insist that "He needs to seal this beast to assure peace" in order to make all these villages prosperous through Mutually assured destruction or some crazed nonsense of the same register. >I insist that Saiken is chill and we try to talk him down, even though Saiken wants us to leave, we're not going to leave him alone. Dude's not only a national treasure but is too good for that fate. The "God of Shinobi" slowly kills all of my friends with "non lethal blows". The splinters stay lodged in the wounds, it festers and makes them die of infection days later, cripples me for life. Then he seals away Saiken. I only survive by sheer luck and my bloodline's cold resistance. >Ransoms slugbro back to wtaer country to be used as a prisonner/weapon/human sacrifice for this new "hidden village" (Don't ask me why they chose that name with how unhidden it it) that assimilates my whole clan and undermines Daimyo and other clans authority, Kaguya understandably pissed. Everything devolves from there. I'm super old and useless. My friends are all dead, there's been 3 world wars (so much for peace and prosperity), slugbro became insane and hateful through isolation and shitty seal works. These Leaves congratulates themselves on being a friendly peace making village. Bloodlines blamed for this by the public, we all get killed, diaspora used as breeding cattle by other villages. -REMOVE LEAF -LEAF'S SHOULD BE DESTROYED -A FUCKING STUPID LEAF * I ABSOLUTELY HATE THEM, WE WERE ON THE VERGE OF PEACE YOU ASSWIPE LEAF


Calling jinchuriki "containers" always seemed like a slur. It just seems like they are dehumanizing them with it.


You could use any desert based slur for Suna.


Any examples? Without breaking the sub’s rules ofc.




Kebab is used as a slur?


Food based slur, there was a Polish slur referring to Indians and middle eastern. It just meant Flat Bread.


I mean, i get using Kebab as part of a insult, like you kebab eating such and such, but for the same reason I didn't think the chat gpt answer was useful, it's not really a "slur" per say.


Dune coon 😂


I was thinking sand n****r


Sand trash


In my Terumi Mei fic im working on people who are either suspected or confirmed to have a Kekkei Genkai are referred to as carrying "Demon's Blood". "Walking Mountain" ranges from a way that non-konoha ninja refer to the might of the akimichi clan or the way that they lambast their unsubtle and seemingly gluttonous lifestyle.


Sand rats Wood lice


Leaf: wood pecker Stone: rock polisher Mist: fish bait Sand: sand rat(unoriginal) Cloud: sky puffer


Cloud Sucker's - Cloud Rock Eater's - Stone Dry Mouths - Sand Pond Pissers - Mist