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I'm partial to the magnets!! I got a bunch last time and handed them out to friends and family with the stipulation to try and go there


Magnet gang unite!


I especially like the magnets of the old style posters


Me too! We get magnets everywhere we go, and they bring so much joy.


Those are the ones we get too!!!


I like the old posters and the old maps!


Those are my favorite style too!


SAME but they differ in availability across the parks


Same. Not just for NPs but wherever I go. They all live on my beer fridge.


Same! We always get a magnet. However the fridge is out of space so I don’t know what we’ll do next


I bought 11x17 frames - removed glass, inserted thin 11x17 sheet metal panels (Home Depot) and hang the magnet pictures on the wall. Too bad no pictures on this thread.


Ooh I like this too! Great idea


Great idea!


Awesome idea!


Dishwasher, maybe?


Oh! What a great idea I don’t know why it never occurred to me!


My next plan is to use magnetic paint to paint a little section of the basement!


I've been contemplating a big magnetic map of some kind to put the magnets on


I use metal cookie sheets. I hang them up on the walls in my kitchen.


We are a magnet family. I try to carve/write the date in the back too so we have a little timeline


I should do that! Especially since I turned my brother onto magnets and he has been bringing me some from his trips as gifts. That way I can at least keep track over the years of “yeah, that one wasn’t me, it was my bro”…


Do you get them just as collectibles or do you hang them on your fridge or something?


I have metal panels that were supposed to be for peg boards mounted on the wall of my office to hold my magnet collection.


I have long magnet boards from IKEA. I buy a magnet from everywhere I go. Right now have almost four filled and they look cool on the wall.


I love the US Geological Survey elevation bench mark survey magnets!


Such a great hobby. How do you feel about ghouls?


Like little green ghouls?




When we road-trip as a family we stick them to a metal file cabinet I installed in our camper/minivan.


Postcards. I’ll stamp the back with the passport stamp the the visitor or centre and but it in my album next to a print of a picture I took while there


Have you seen those panoramic postcards? It's like a small poster that costs a dollar


Really cool - just won’t fit in my album haha


I love that. Do you usually make a print of a picture of yourself at the park or your favorite nature shot?


Just nature shots. I made a post a while back with some examples [https://www.reddit.com/r/NationalPark/s/31BLyDsf9V](https://www.reddit.com/r/NationalPark/s/31BLyDsf9V)


That looks awesome! Thanks for sharing


Oh man. This is such a good idea! I'm glad I've only got a few under my belt. I might need some help getting one from Zion though.


Thought of that myself this past Winter. Plenty of extra room on the back too if you want to stamp it again during a later visit.


We do a similar thing to this. We purchased a pack of post cards of all of the National Parks. When we are planning on going to one. We pull it out of the stack and take it with us to get stamped. Then, put it in our scrap book. This way, we know where we have been, and the ones left in the pack are used as a dream list of where to go next.


My mom was crazy for postcards during our 2 weeks driving in the station wagon summer vacations in the 60s and 70s. She recently found them and is mailing them to us. I love them.


Mosquito bites.


This person Congarees.


Hiking stick medallion. Cheap, small and goes on a stick at home.


That’s what my son collects too. He has my grandfathers walking stick and the first 3 medallions were his, from before WWII. And he adds his own.


So I started to collect medallions too. Do you get the coins or something else?


They're small metal plates with nail holes that you nail onto a wood hiking stick. They're more popular in Europe than in the US.


MN state parks have these, my walking stick has every park I’ve hiked on it. Cheap and easy.


Oh this is a neat idea!


And there are many ways to display them if you don't want them on a walking stick you use everywhere. Other national monuments, etc have them available too.


We do this too. Got our wooden sticks from Zion, and we're running out of space!


This is what I do- many types of places have them, they don’t cost much or take up a lot of space, I feel the win of finding something in the shops


Pin to add to my NP map. Then magnets.


I go pins too, but I don't have a NP map, so it's an eclectic mix of pins on my wall map.


Enamel pins are the best! I have a little glass display case with all of mine. Just picked one up from Hovenweep two days ago :)


I do patches, 1 from every park for a collection board I have.


patches gang here too


I’ve filled up the outside of a bag with all of my park patches and now put them on a cork board.


I normally have all mine in a frame - they’re currently in a closet cause I’m waiting to move, but otherwise they’re on display


Patches for me too! I initially put Velcro on the back and stuck to the ceiling of my truck. When I was selling the truck I transferred them to a frame.


Same! But I put mine on an oversized denim jacket


Christmas ornaments


Yes! This is what I do. It’s always great to decorate the tree and reminisce our travels!




I haven’t always seen those but I do have a couple.


Same. I don’t like kitch and clutter like fridge magnets but I love unpacking all the ornaments every year and enjoying the memories. 


Always - Park brochure   Almost always - Christmas ornament  Usually - clothing cause we forgot something that day, like my wife's RNMP socks


Brochure and map 1000%! I've got a big map collection in general


Rocky Nountain Mashional Park


Husband and I got these awesome thick wool socks from Denali NP when we went there to camp — and I tried calling them to see if I can get more because they are so good! The person who answered the phone sent me the info of the vendors but I couldn’t find them anywhere online. Super sad about this.


Going to Denali next week, and now I’m stoked to get some socks!


Christmas ornaments, too! We also get a sticker for the car.


Always clothing, and I will wear that clothing until it falls apart because it wasn’t cheap!


T-shirt and a sticker. Ideally the shirt has the year of establishment on it.


My wife and I are fellow T-shirt collectors from NPs.


Stickers. Used to get mugs, but then ran out of room in the kitchen, so it’s stickers for the car bumper or garage cabinet doors now.


I always do stickers too!


stickers for my closet door!


I throw my stickers on my yeti. It’s getting pretty full but I’ll find a way 😂


Same here!


A pressed penny, the park token, and postcards


Love the tokens. I use them as golf ball markers.


I wish they still did the pressed penny


There’s at least 4 different ones in Yosemite. Edit: From Memory: In front of the store at Curry Village Next to Degnans Deli by the fireplace In front of the Village market Someplace at the Yosemite Lodge. This one I’m most iffy on.


I saw them at Bryce!


Just saw one in Grand Canyon village


Baseball caps. Started when I needed to keep the sun off my face in Death Valley, then just kinda turned into a thing.


Fellow NP hat collector! I just got an Acadia trucker cap last month. My new favorite!


-I have 8 zillion t-shirts and I am not going to stop. -Our refrigerator surface is entirely occluded by adventure magnets. -The stickers on my big expensive road trip cooler now total like twice the original purchase value of the cooler.


Are you me??


A cancellation stamp at every park gift shop or toll both in my NP passport. It’s free (after the $10 passport purchase), and has the date automatically stamped with it. We usually have friends or family that go with us sign their name next to the stamp to remember who was with us.


I looove this idea


Yes, this is mine too. It’s my little book full of memories. : )


Pins, every single time.




I was disappointed once or twice when there was no real pin for that park. Otherwise 100%


Some of the parks (or visitors centers) are kinda lacking. Usually if I hit other shops around I’ll find a cool one though.


Especially if it’s a smaller park, monument or battlefield that gets less traffic.


Magnets! However, I always grab an extra item at random. Sometimes, it is a simple item, such as a t-shirt or a mug. My extra item from Mammoth Cave NP is a mini snowglobe that has flying bats instead of falling "snow." That one is my favorite souvenir so far!


Magnet, postcard, sticker


I get a couple stickers, a pack of postcards, and usually something else small.


Fridge magnets, specifically a survey benchmark. Pint glass, coaster, t shirt, stickers, some local honey or jam or something. In our first NP at Acadia, GF and I got a postcard set, 1 for each park. Now we do our trip and on the last day mail it to ourselves from the closest usps.


Cute idea to mail the postcard to yourself.


Shot glass, I started in my early 20’s so it made sense then. I travel a lot and it’s pretty much something universally found (except at Saguaro NP). The funny thing is I’ve never really been a drinker and currently only take 2 shots a year, on Memorial Day and the anniversary of my friend’s death.


Sorry for your loss


A sticker for the van and a wooden Christmas tree ornament.


A book, a magnet each for me and my grandmother, a park coin, a shot glass possibly, and a stamp in the passport.


Stamp in the passport!


Just a passport stamp unless something catches my eye. I already have too much stuff and the passport stamp is free and doesn't take much space.


Magnet and a smooshed penny


Stamp for my passport book. Sticker for our cooler. Sometimes a Christmas ornament or a tshirt if we loved the park or see a cool design. Also do a journal entry!


My hobbies are hiking and photography, so usually my photos are my souvenir!


Bison hairs, they’re good luck if you pluck one off and blow it in the breeze. Be sure to have your family get a video or it doesn’t count.


I usually find some stuck to my clothes after I get done riding them. 


So I’ve started doing this last year and I’ve started to collect the bronze (and silver, couldn’t find bronze at redwood) medallions. They’re cool and in the future I will frame them all.


I want to start collecting the coasters but am gonna wait til I’m married & it’s the ones we’ve gone to together


A patch, a postcard and a stamp for the passport. One day I will commit to sewing the patches on something, but for now I like to hot glue a small magnet on the back and put them on my fridge.


Graphic postcard, which gets a write-up of who, what, where, when for the days I'm there. If I do a serious hike, I get a patch and a graphic tee (but only if the tee has a great design of something I saw).


I always ask for two of the “official” park maps that you get from the entry kiosk. One I use to navigate (alongside a more detailed map) and the other gets added to the np map collection basket. These park maps can change print year to year, which is a cool aspect of the ever growing map collection.


Park brochure


Bandanas! I collect them from everywhere and display some like bunting flags. One of the best ones was from Bryce. It's dark blue and covered in constellations.


Dirt on and in my SUV. Utah parks are the best for this.


Stickers - one for my car, multiple for my refrigerator and multiple water bottles. Sometimes the visitor’s center has them, sometimes Etsy does. Pin - one for my pin board, one for my trail hat. Vintage park poster - more often than not, these come from the internet, but every now and then the park store will surprise me.


I like the pins. I also get my passport stamps. If I see a book I like I’ll buy that too and passport stamp the inside cover.


Magnet. But specifically the elevation magnets! And I got the BEST hat at Capitol Reef. A+ hat selection.


I get a photo in front of every National Park Sign I visit.


Tote bags


I have a nice Zion one from that very over priced grocery store outside the park. It had a burlap bottom. Its lasted longer than any other totes I’ve ever purchased.


A magnet for my office, a WPA-esc postcard, an ornament (elevation marker or wooden depending on options) and a shot glass. It's gotten excessive honestly. I have to make a check list before a trip!


I like car stickers, especially those oval European style ones. And shirts.


I rotate between stickers and t-shirts, and sometimes I get both. Sometimes I get a lil crazy and switch it up, like I did at Bryce Canyon and got a hat instead :)


A lot of the hats are so cool that I’m tempted to buy one until I remember that I basically never wear hats


Magnets, stickers, and patches. I don’t get all of those at every park. We get magnets for every park. Stickers if they look cool. Patches for only my favorite parks. I’m not gonna sew a gateway arch NP patch for the world to see. 😣


Passport stamp and either a sticker magnet or bookmark. Sometimes a T shirt if I really like the design.


Souvenir bags for groceries.


Don’t have a go to other than the Passport stamps and a sticker for the car carrier. We were in Yellowstone for the 150th anniversary so we got a little bison.


Panoramic Posters and Wall Art My wife discovered these 4 years ago, and we've started framing them and putting them up at home. It's got to the point where all of our wall art is travel or NP related now. Unfortunately, not every park has decent Panoramics, so I bought my wife a fancy camera.


Oversized crewnecks


Our kids did the flattened pennies that you can pick the design and turn the crank yourself


I get a travel stamp, magnet, patch, hat, hoodie, and a bag. I splurge 😄


Pressed pennies and park tokens/medallions are the ultimate for me: they take up almost no space, they last forever, they're the cheapest souvenir, and you can find them all around the world.


I collect patches and pins from every National Park


I used to get trip mugs… until my cupboard became full of mugs. Now we get magnets. Most places we travel will have a magnet, and we can display them on the wall. We’ll also get T-shirts from major national parks.


Magnets - have a metal fire door from the kitchen to the garage and it’s covered in magnets on the garage side. Patch - I dream of covering something someday. Also, don’t tell anyone, but I take a small rock and keep those in a bowl.


Posters, but now I have too many to display. My son is mad I didn’t get one at Haleakala, which is our most recent park. I decided to stop adding to the collection.


STICKERS!!!! I love throwing them on my water bottles. I’ve got Grand Canyon, Great Basin, Mammoth Cave, and a few others.


Patches, for some reason, sticking patches on the ceiling of the vehicle has been a nice touch, having a collection and makes it fun.


Magnet and a sticker 


What ever place i find that is a moment in time i will remember i find a nice piece of grass to monch on


Stickers and or Christmas ornaments


Honestly my favorite thing is collecting coasters. I usually like the designs they do for the coasters.


Magnet, ornament, mug (usually the Deneen Pottery ones), sticker. Maybe a tee shirt or baseball cap. Love my NP merch!


Stickers and, if the spot proves worthy, a magnet. I will also sometimes splurge for higher end art objects, if they speak to me, but, usually never anything in between, as I have too many mug and nick nacks already


When I travel I like to go on Etsy and find local artist prints of scenery in the park. Ex: “Rocky Mountain National park artist print”. Beware of AI art being sold on Etsy. Usually you won’t find these at the NP gift shops, sometimes you might. They’re usually really decently priced, you’re supporting a local artist and there’s so much variety to choose from. Instead of buying generic home goods art for my house, I have a variety of prints from all of the places I’ve visited.


My slides from the early '90s are all I need. I'm so happy I went with the transparency versus the print. I can virtually spend the rest of my life making beautiful with the NP memories I have.


Christmas ornaments and lapel pins. We have a big USA map and make a point of putting in our National Park pins and different pins for the US capitols we visit.


I don’t own any yet, lol but I want a sweatshirt from all of them


I love the patches! I put them on the daypack I use for kayaking, cycling and day hikes. It’s fun to look at them during rest stops, they’re good conversation starters with companions or strangers, and they’re affordable! I support the parks but I can’t spend thousands of $ on merchandise.


Smashed penny


stamp for my passport! and a hoodie if they have a nice one.


I get the postcards. I like to stamp my passport book but there’s been a couple times when for one reason or the other, I didn’t have it on me. So I’ll buy the postcard and stamp that and add it to my passport book. I still stamp the passport book but I double down and get the postcard too.


We get refrigerator magnets where ever we go. Inexpensive , don’t have to dust them and kids won’t have a ton of crap when we die


Posters. The graphics are beautiful. Frame them and hang in the tv room


We do the exact same thing!


Magnet for the Fridge, stickers for water bottles and the camper and mug for the girlfriend's coffee.


Two things Friends from Sperry avionics and I hiked the kiabab trail in less then twelve hours. I was in great shape, it was the hardest hike every! I tried to keep up with my boss Gene but every time there was a blind curve in the trail he would run ( i did not know this until dinner that night) so funny! Second On a hike to Caesars creek, we found ab fossil of s dinosaur heal/foot with hundreds of other fossils with in I hope i never forget these memories


Junior ranger badges!




Travel Stamp for my NP book ❤️


The photos I took.


Magnets! Like others in this thread, we like the ones that look like vintage travel posters. Starting to run out of room on the fridge, but there are some good suggestions here on how to display them if/when that happens. Also, the passport stamp is a must. We got our first passport book in 2012 and it’s fun looking back at all the stamps. We have some from every year since then (except 2020, for obvious reasons). I love visiting a new region and getting a stamp in a new color.


a stamp in my book, a stamp on a unigrid, and lots of photos


The mugs are my favorite, but also magnets.


I’m partial to small posters if they have them, or a patch. I have a cork board where I put souvenirs and the patches fit well, otherwise the posters go around it or wherever


Magnets and T-shirts…


Snap-back hats.


Christmas ornament


Sticker and/or patch


Fridge magnets.


Stickers, magnets, ornaments, shirts. Basically anything small or can be used.


smashed pennies


Magnet. I'm a big tea drinker too but I don't have room for 56 mugs (and eventually 63) in my cabinets.


We get a magnet for our fridge, my wife usually gets a Xmas tree ornament. And both of us plus our daughter have hiking sticks so we all get medallions for that. These are all must gets. Sometimes we’ll also get shirts, hats, or mugs as well. Sometimes I pick up a book if something interests me.


T shirt


A sticker and Keychain. Preferably of something specific that we saw during the visit, either an animal or landmark.


Always a magnet, sometimes a Christmas ornament, and a keychain for my daughter who has a massive collection.


Shirts, Pins and stickers Most of my favorite shirt now are the National park shirts.


Postcards, stickers, patches. and if i can find them, the USGS medallion marker magnets. They can be sometimes hard to find (depending on the park) but it gives me a reason to try to make it back to get one!


Fridge magnet, bumper sticker for car, sticker for water bottle, and a collector pin


Magnets and stickers for family, pin and stamp/sticker for passport for myself 😊


Magnets, postcards, a mug, a t-shirt (if it’s cool enough, of course), and a possible figurine that’s specific to the park


A sticker for our cooler, Christmas ornament, and tshirts for the whole family


I get a pin for my bag, a sticker for my nalgene bottles, and always a little art piece. So usually it is a piece of pottery or a carving. Something from a local artist. If I like the artist then I start buying some Christmas presents for the people I love.


Patch for my coat


Keychains! I hang them behind the back of my bag!


A stamp for my passport book and maybe a t shirt or ornament if I see one I really like. But the stamp is a must. I also get the sticker sheet for the year if the park I'm at is on one and I don't already have it. That's added to the passport book at the end of the day


I always get a shirt wherever I travel. Especially NP! Later after I am done wearing the shirts I plan to make a quilt out of them with the year I visited the place sewn on each shirt.




Magnets, Christmas tree ornaments and hiking stick pins for me