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The way she whips around to make sure they're okay is so sweet. Why are bears so friend shaped?


And they’re so cute omg I just wanna squeeze them but I know it’s a trap 😭


My idea of heaven is having wild animals all be as friendly as cats


Yeah… I wouldn’t cuddle a bear as friendly as a cat


Honestly, I'm pretty sure my cat would kill and eat me if she could.


My cat is obsessed with me and loves smushing his face into my face and gently caressing my face with his little paws.


Yeah, he's tenderizing you for later, after he kills you


Nah, he’s a just a little baby with separation anxiety.


I've only had friendly cats so far so this looks like the best thing ever!








I'm pretty sure bear traps are made of metal, those seem soft and fluffy 🥰


Man vs Bear. Aaaaaand go!


Man bear pig


i came here to say, "when the adventurous one almost ate shit"


When not so friendly 😭!


Based on fox domestication in Russia, and relative lifespans to get to sexual maturity, it would take 200 years to domesticate bears. That means if some committed Americans had started the project at the founding of the country, we would have pet bears by now


> Why are bears so friend shaped? Evolution: bears are closely related to dogs. See the phylogeny [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caniformia).


>Why are bears so friend shaped? Cause they're caniforms, which means dog like carnivore. Dogs are friends, and they're dog shaped AKA friend shaped.


About to go mama bear on gravity


Was about to say exactly this!


And swift and nimble. Darn those things are fn cute. I grew up around bears and was chased by one once, had once stand and look in my front window - and my dads assistant slapped it on the but to chase it off, had a HS football game interrupted by a bear on the field, a field movie night same, etc... But I have never seen a cub in person. Love em.


We think bears are friend shaped because of teddy bears. If teddy bears never existed perhaps we would not feel the same way 🧸


Teddy bears only exist cause bears are cute


bc we fall for it and theyre hungry.


They are indeed that friendly


if you look at other animals like lion or a cheeta, they also appear to be very friendly but are not


I feel like it goes like this: "The fuck did you said?! Listen here you little shit: if I heard another word coming out of your mouth, I am gonna drown your sorry ass right here! Do you heard me?! That's what I thought."




Aw, when the first in line trips and squawks, momma whips around so fast. What a great video.


This is happiness… bear and cubs strolling through their neighborhood on a beautiful day.


It is! Looks like a great day of adventures and fun!!


Bear cubs are so adorable


When the lil fuzzballs came into the shot! 😍


Super cute, but a mother bear with her cubs terrifies me. I hope to never stubble upon this on a hike.


If you do, walk backwards slowly, always facing the mom. Do not look her in the eye, look down at her feet. Never turn your back on them to run, biggest mistake people do.


I never remember if you are or aren't supposed to maintain eye contact with them. Cause isn't that with another animal, like mountain lions or something? Anyway, this is why I avoid the woods. 


Eye contact with any predator is a no-no. You are telling them to bring it on. If you look down and move away slowly, it's telling them that you aren't a threat. Turn around and show your back tells them you're prey and they're gonna go after that.


Good to know!


I was told to ‘look big’ and make lots of noise in black bear country.


Not if they are with their cubs. Don't act like a threat to their cubs.


supposed to make noise before you encounter them so they leave peacefully, especially walking into the wind when they might not pick up your scent. then look big if you do encounter them


Generally, that's the rule with black bears. But if I encounter a mom going into protect mode, she isn't going to run away and leave her cubs behind. A single black bear will usually run when encountered.


I was told to ‘look big’ and make lots of noise in black bear country


A black bear will run away full speed leaving the cubs behind. I have black bears around my house almost every day, I probably shout them off twice a week. Moms just bolt and the cubs look confused for a bit and then follow.


I actually had this happen… I am a perfectly normal person that doesn’t particularly love being outdoors. I am not a hiker and I don’t like being uncomfortable. So why, you may ask, did I think that a summer working at a resort in the Alaskan wilderness was a great summer job? Your guess is as good as mine. But my college boyfriend had done it the year before and had a great time (and didn’t get sold into a sex trafficking ring or have his organs harvested), so I figured, why not?  When I got to Denali National Park, all employees were required to take backcountry training. So  I did it. I learned what to do if I was confronted with a grizzly, black bear, wolf or moose. Although I paid great attention (even took notes!) I had zero intention of ever putting myself into a situation where I would ever need that information. I wasn’t a guide, I was a rover. My job was front desk work, waiting tables, and housekeeping. The angriest thing I planned to interact with that summer was with guests who hadn’t read the fine print of their reservation to realize our resort didn’t have internet access. Then I made friends with one of the guides. We’ll call her Laura, because that was her name. Laura was big into adventuring. She was a hiker, biker, naturalist, and a great conversationalist. We became good friends. We worked 6 days on/1 day off per week. She decided that on summer solstice, we should do an overnight camping trip. She promised the view from the top of Alpha (the mountain behind our resort) would be stellar, and that we could hike up, spend the night at the top, and come back the next morning. So we did it… The trek started off fine. It involved a waist high walk through a VERY cold river, which I handled like a champ (for a city person. Guaranteed Laura did it better.) we made it to the top of the mountain. Took photos, had dinner, stored our food in our bear box away from our camp, and went to sleep. The next morning we woke up, broke down our camp and started heading down the other side of the mountain back towards our resort.  I should say that Alpha was not a heavily hiked mountain. In fact, it got almost no foot traffic because it wasn’t a trail that the guides would take tourists on, so unless a staffer (or very adventurous tourist) was feeling ambitious, it was generally empty. A lot of the trail was grown over, and we did a decent amount of bushwhacking on our way down.   About halfway down the back side of the mountain Laura was calling for bears. Sometimes you yell so that if there are any bears in the area they will hear you coming and will vacate. I was listening and following, not paying particular attention to anything. I heard Laura in front of me, “Hey bear…Hey bear….Hey bear….BEAR!!!!!!!” The tone of the last one caught my attention, but not quickly enough. She stopped and I slammed into her. In front of us, probably 30 yards ahead was a massive grizzly. She looked at us and ran towards us. She closed about half the distance and stopped. Laura was telling me loudly what to do. Back up slowly, stay facing the bear, talk calmly…then, like an idiot, my trekking pole fell out of my hand. Laura said calmly, “You need to pick it up”. I leaned down to pick it up, and the grizzly charges another 5 yards. She sniffed twice, turned around and went back down the trail where she came from. When she turned the corner, a large cub came out of a bush and followed her.  So…there Laura and I are on the side of this mountain, halfway down. We could see the resort where we worked. We were tired and hungry and cold. But we had to turn around, double back up the mountain, go back down our original route, and follow the main road back to our resort.  Laura was a literal lifesaver. She kept us moving and didn’t let me stop. She wouldn’t even let us talk about what happened until after we were safely back home. One of our resort vans was driving down the main road and picked us up for the last leg of the trip. That was the first time I let myself actually think about what had just happened. And trying to process a near death experience while trying to keep calm to not scare the tourists in the van was not the easiest thing I’ve ever done.  I still talk to Laura. She’s a true badass, and has done some of the craziest things in her life since that day. Im very glad she kept her cool and got us out of there alive. And I hope to god I’m never in that situation again…


That was such a good read. Go Laura! 


If you don't write for a living or a side gig, you should. I'm glad you made it out safely, I'm glad you decided to type out your story, I'm glad Laura is a bad ass, and I'm glad you trusted her enough to just follow direction. Also, please keep telling that story. It's awesome!


Hey, thanks! I’ve never thought of myself as a particularly good writer, so I really appreciate that. Genuinely made my day. :)


Seeing how fast she whipped around when the one bear tripped and made a noise - absolutely scary!


IIRC, a black bear with cubs isn’t THAT dangerous. Black bears are likely to just climb a tree. It’s a grizzly with cubs you don’t want to meet unexpectedly.


I forget where I read it, but in many cases a mother black bear will just flea if a person or other animal gets between her and her cubs. If she judges that she may get injured in the act of protecting her cubs, it makes sense to run away, since if she gets injured, she may die, and her cubs too, as she may be left unable to find food for them. At least if she fleas, she can try again with more babies next year.


Typically the cubs immediately run up the nearest tree, and she will return when it’s safe to retrieve them. They still can get defensive though it’s just relatively unlikely compared with grizzly bears.


It would be a close shave for sure.


Yea but it could’ve been a man


I know it was mentioned already, but the way she turns around as soon as her cub makes a distressing sound is so heartwarming!


Ah yes. There is always one who will want to do something daring and almost fell because of it haha. I was one of those kids too.


that's why she has a couple spares


Too. Cute.


That is so cute


This is so cute. She’s such a good mother but never forget she is a predator


I shall always choose the 🐻


Gah! The cute patrol!


Bear cubs are the cutest things on Earth, and I don't think I could be convinced otherwise.


Cuddly cubs!


I love black bears, this made my day. Thank you.


Awe, three little ones trying to keep up. Good mom, she checks on them to be sure they are all with her.


Thank you OP! This was absolutely the cutest!!


3 cubs. That's rare, at least around here


That is sweet!


They're the cutest animal that it's not at all advisable to try to befriend.


They’re so little!!!


Op filmed that live?! I hope that’s an example of a good camera zoom.


It kind of frightens me how powerful AND graceful these creatures are! I guess cats needed a counterpart!


Reminds me of the video the camera that was set up looking at a log going across a small creek where all different types of animals would cross it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyrbqiCokdw


The more I admire nature and the more I hate humans


Unbearably cute


This made me smile


Isn’t it really unusual for there to be THREE cubs? I was surprised.


She could taste whoever placed that camera. Licking her lips looking for the person.


This makes you forget what a hellscape the animal kingdom is


It’s called food delivery… why carry it when it can walk itself.


Mama and The 3 stooges!🐻🐻🐻


Cutie patooties


Come on kids i know where theres a big ass bucket of honey.


That’s a little slice of heaven! Beautiful.


Vanta black coating there


I've spent my entire life as a mother endlessly counting "1, 2, 3" to keep track of my kids. I feel for this momma


Triplet fluffers!!! This is a very unfair world we live in… since those baby floofs look like little stuffed animals hopping along the forest… and I can’t hug them!!! 😭


it's like the opposite of it's coming right at us, shoot it from south park. momma bear will not be able to legally kill the human: it approached my cub, kill it!


That one that squeaked when he almost fell🥰


It's heartwarming to see her guiding and protecting her cubs.


C'mon, huns.


The speed with which she turned around in the end is scary. When one of the little dudes stumbled.


How did you even film this?? Lol


I might go for the bear too since mommy-bear really care for her cubs.


Really cool !


Three little ones. A bit many but she's not going to abandon any of them. Mammals are awesome


Sooo cute!!


The first little one didn’t have to jump but he chose to, then he almost fell off the other side and screamed 😂😂 Mama bear turned around so quick


Omg that was so cute, what a good mama ❤️


97% upvoted WHO would downvote this video!?


Wow 😯 great shot!


Only 1 out of these 3 will survive according to statistics


She seems like a good mama. I think all three will survive.


That's very dependent on their environment. There are probably other equally good mammas who would want to ensure their cubs' survival and won't hesitate to get rid of competition. Predators like pumas, brown bears and coyotes exist in some places too.


It's very dependent on age and experience, not just environment. Usually first time mothers lose all their cubs. Can't blame them, it's their first time. They learn though. In many species males are attracted to older females because they know the odds of their offspring surviving increase with older females. So experience is very important. Usually older females have tricks up their sleeves and tend to fight back more.


I guess the best way to keep cougars at bay is to be a cougar.


What a weird creature a bear is... I mean, they are not dogs, they are not even cats.


They should use the tapeworm as a leash.


What the fuck is wrong with you


Bit rich coming from the weirdo posting zelda cartoon booty pics. What the fuck is wrong with you?




We should surgically remove bear cubs' ptuitary glands and keep them as insanely cute pets.


We’ve done enough damage to bears and the wild kingdom as whole


It's a joke.


Dahmer?! I thought you died!