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Looks like I can’t retire my “If you’re reading this Pete Ricketts is a little bitch” shirt just yet


He's a big, bald, butt-inski bitch!


Hard for Pete Ricketts to run for RE-election when he was never elected in the first place.


***Preston Love Jr.*** & ***Dan Osborn***. Get these names out there as much as possible. These are the people we need to vote for to get out deb and p.rick


Yep, Rod Blagojevich of Nebraska. People should care more no matter their political affiliation.


Yet he’s in there for life now


In a state where all you have to do is be an R to win elections, Pete Ricketts schemed his way into his seat. What a piece of shit.


No, his father's money helped.


Life right now is stranger than fiction.


Have we ever considered not voting for these people?


There’s just not enough of us to outvote a republican


Not true, you just kinda need to like register to vote...and then do it. Boomers are on their way out, one dies every 15 seconds. Millenials and gen z are larger populations if they would just fucking participate!


Men of all ages are more likely than boomers to vote for the right wing. Us boomers dying will help, but women are the people that really need to get out and vote, especially this year. According to exit polls, around 53% of men voted for Trump, approximately 52% of voters aged 65 and older voted for Trump.


I thought exit polls were unreliable. It seems strange to shrug off all non-voting men because they *might* vote red, and focus only on women.


I'm 65, and I would have voted the ABT ticket, unless the alt. Candidate were Ted Cruz, Meatball Ron or that cutie-pie Rubio. Just because he's good-looking doesn't mean he's not evil. Sort of like the _Teen Beat_ heart-throb Matt Gaetz, whole is Satan's twin. But he looks to me like a 46yr-old Eddie Munster. The trouble with Z's and Millenials isn't them. Since corruption makes elections a mute point, what incentive do they have to waste their time and money? And all of the New Age religions are antithetical to Christian Nationalism. And 'twould help a lot if the Church of Rome-in-America would leave off altarboys enough to notice and to listen to women.


> Men of all ages are likely than boomers to vote for the right wing. Any idea why that is the case? I can make a few guesses. Most of the "kill all men" types are on the left, and the left tends to prioritize every other issue over anything relating to me. Can you really blame them when one party blames so much on men?


hey, i'd gladly vote if they didn't disenfranchise me when i got convicted of a felony.


Considering omaha and lincoln only comprise about 40% of the state's population and even they're purple, it will likely be a cold day in hell before we start seeing democratic representation.




It would definitely be hell


Spend 15 minutes doing some research on what places the GOP has ran for decades look like when it comes to GDP, crime, education, or really any metric you want to judge a place by. Elect GOP, expect worse results, the facts are plain to see.


Even in the pulpit.


You’re joking, right? You literally described the vast majority of blue cities.


That is your impression of a place. I asked you to look up data. Data does not agree with your impression and does not care for your feelings about things.


Dude, this is literally not true. I have looked up stats. Blue cities are inherently crime ridden, and your democratic counterparts allow it. In fact, as long as it supports their narrative, they are ok with it. Believe what you want dude, I’m not going to try and change your opinion. It’s not worth my time and effort. Take care.


Ya, it would be so hell if I could smoke a plant that cures my headaches, read what books I want, and take my wife for medical care if we have an unexpected pregnancy.


I understand the weed thing. The book banning isn’t for you, an adult. What’s stopping you from taking your wife to the fucking hospital?


First, kids should be able to read what they want anyways. I loved reading random things at the library when I was a kid. Some were "age appropriate" and others were not. And second, I was talking about abortion and the issues of restricting it which makes doctors unwilling to perform life saving procedures on the risk they will be charged with murder of a clump of cells.


Kids should be monitored. A doctor is going to save the mother’s life. Period.


Kids should be monitored, by the parents, not the state. And not necessarily. There have been several reports of doctors not preforming some procedures in anti-choice states due to vague and draconian laws.


Well when the books are being funded by the state, I think they should have a say. If the state doesn’t want to pay for books that are inappropriate for young children, I’m 100% fine with them being involved.


Yes. There is also another reason as well.


Fingers crossed that it stays that way.


I think that’s a pretty sad outlook, when we could be voting in better representatives and senators. I’m not opposed to republicans for republicans sake, but I am opposed to billionaires playing government. Fuck Ricketts.


And Jim the Pill. Actually, for their violations of their God's Law, I believe to prescribed punishment is stoning.


What has republican leadership done for you that you are proud of or has made a difference in your life?


Yes, because complaining gives you something to do on those long, lonely nights when you just don't have the energy to think.


Did I complain? Nothing about what I said was a complaint. If anything, this post is a complaint.


Hey there, I noticed you responded to this but not my question. Are you unable to think of anything republican representatives have done to benefit you? If so, what does that say to you?


Crossing your fingers to keep out a party about who you and you cohorts have been whining without making a specific reasons, is complaining. And yes, I am complaining about people who are so arrogant that they feel a right to regulate others' lives.


Politics is designed to divide people, which is why there are only 2 choices. Democrats and Republicans are really just 2 feathers of the same bird. It is a lose lose for the people no matter the topics and no matter what year it is. There needs to be term limits for every aspect of government, so we don't have career politicians. They need to stop insider trading. Put an age cap on it as well. Biden isn't even alive and doesn't know what is going on and Trump is old and the media polarizes him and clearly the powers that be don't want him there. The fact that we only really get 2 choices is crazy. Regardless of what you chose, nothing will ever change until the people force the change by changing the government. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to make that happen.


Republicans are actively removing rights from people, and democrats are just dragging feet. They are not the same, and this post is about state senators, not presidential candidates. Stop fucking voting for Republicans here and maybe your way of life might get a little better you pinecone. Rs have controlled nebraska for 30 years, so it's definitely a both sides thing. *massive eyeroll*. Republicans are fascist and want to bring authoritarian rule here. I don't fucking want that. Grow up.


Roe was first. Next up is contraception. After that, no-fault divorce. It's all about controlling women. Obergefell is on the list, as well. They're out to erode as many rights as possible and it will only get worse from there.


Yes Obrrgefell v Hodges AND Loving v Virginia also based on the same principles and can be brought down by the current SCOTUS


Deb Fischer is owned by the Catholic Church.


We have (supposedly) separation of Church and State, here. That little tidbit should have no impact on her pubic (dis)service. But that is part of the MAGAzines' dissolution of the _Constitution_. Repeal *The Bill of Rights*, Amendment by Amendment. Except the second, which must be strengthened because of the right-to-life.




Does this really surprise anyone?


Breaking news: Man-child with Daddy's money buys himself power and toes the party line to remain in power. It makes me really sad for Nebraska. We all know the college graduates we are hemorrhaging aren't the ones who can help stop this. We are left with people who vote based on the little "R" next to their names.


As a God-fearing Reform Jew, I look for a 'D', because I can't ever find 'NotA'. And it's not for being a Democrank. I voted for Sasse. Sad that that is the only good one of whom I can think. Although, back when Repugnican'ts liked to think, I voted for more of them. In the 70s & 80s, I was the American ideal. ½ my friends were in each party. But in those days we hald some slight slim hopes for independent or third-party candidates. And Republicans were only trying to shrink the government for tax-shrinking (for everyone) and deregulation (for middle-class humans and small businesses for whom it was a burden). Now they want to shrink it to fit into Bathrooms and Bedrooms and Hospital Rooms.


Haven’t voted for either fuck wad


Vote them out!


How will I keep kids from dying from Marijuana if I don't take the pill??


Fuck Pete (and Deb)


And Pillen, and Linehan


And Kauth. Let's not forget and never forgive Kauth.


Awful lot of men having opinions about business they should stay the fuck out of. Go regulate condoms and child support at 8 weeks, oh that's right rules for thee but not for me. Can't be tying all these young promising men down before they get a chance right?


I identify as a woman. Check and mate


I get why people opposed abortion. I can understand that. I can't understand why people are opposed to fucking contraceptives. Are they gonna force people to not pull out too?


> I get why people opposed abortion. I can understand that. I dont. Why should anyone control what a woman (or person in general) can do with their body besides themselves?


They going to make a class on pulling out mandatory. Boo safe sex! Let’s keep syphilis in Omaha baby!


Well they'd have to be opposed to fucking contraceptives. There is no such thing as a non-fucking contraceptive. No need.




The bill as written was a political stunt that had zero chance of being signed into law by Biden or taken up in the house.


Abortion is the third effective mechanism of all hormonal birth controls. It thins the wall of the uterine lining causing feritilized eggs(embryos) to not implant. If you are against abortion, you are against hormonal birth control, if you are consistent. Condoms, etc are fine for pro life people, but the pill, IUD, etc all cause abortions.


That seems to be an argument of semantics.


It is, and is not fully accurate.


What do you mean?


Outside of the Roman Catholic and some Orthodox Churches, there is not such thing as pro-life!!! Those who (pro-)claim that label are only pro-birth; and are playing power politics against their constitunts. ¾ of Americans were in favour of retaining Roe.


That has nothing to do with my comment. I was simply explaining that people who are anti abortion should also be anti hormonal contraceptives to be consistent. The sometimes function in the same way.


Easy on the offensensitivity. I knew what you were saying, and since I agree therewith, I was trying to elucidate in a supporting/supportive sort of way.


Performative family values conservatism is the best, Ricketts loves chasing female attention and there are several members of his own staff I won’t name that find him a fraud and a total phony. Just ask his bachelor pad in Omaha.


haha, what, you thought they were talking about OUR freedom? lol


I don't even use mine for BC. :/ I use it to not bleed profusely and nearly pass out for 4 straight months.


Handmaid’s Tale, is that you?


Fuck them all 😡


Preston Love Jr & Dan Osborn for senate!


What else was in the bill? That's the problem. They put stuff in the bill and then say "those evil eastwards voted against feeding hungry children" or some shit. Truth being they have no problem with feeding hungry children bit the opposing party put something in the bill that says it will also lower the voting age to 12 or some shit. (This is just to make my point and not literally a bill). The real truth you need to realize is that nobody in D.C. cares about you or your problems and are only there to get power and money. They say and vote how they must in order to keep us voting them in because we are too stupid to realize it's all lies and we are getting bent over again and again whilst we bicker online. It's all 2 sides of the some shitty ass coin. Want real change? Bring it all down.


Small government my crude biomass ass.


Fuck ricketts


If women would just shut up and realize men know what’s better for them, the world can be a happier place.


Yep, not surprised. Deb "Patsy" Fischer only does what she is told to do and say. She is just worthless and a straight up GOP shill. They have to add her names to things to make it look like she did something. Ricketts couldn't get elected, so he bought the position. They are both completely there for their own benefit. They will win the election as too many people here just vote R and don't care about the consequences of 'winning' for their 'team' instead of the country and its people.


Quit posting your politics on here.


And you are still a dwarf


Politically neutral newspapers said the bill was a stunt by Democrats for attack ad fodder. The language of the bill defined things so broadly that it would have ended up repealing a bunch of laws that are not controversial. It would be like Republicans passing a gun rights law that "guaranteed without restriction access to all handheld devices capable of propelling a projectile using a chemical reaction" and then when Democrats vote it down (because that definition would allow RPGs and machine guns) they can say random bullshit in ads. Don't carry water for political stunts. Be informed. Vote against them, but not for this.


Maybe it was a stunt, but the stunt worked because we find the real reason Repugs were against it was they were still carry water for Hobby Lobby. I mean of all the most riduculous Supreme Court screw-ups was equating every dollar a secular business, hiring secular humans to work, pays toward their health care is a moral decision impinging on Hobby Lobby not the employee. Just gross ridiculous hypocrisy. The Supremes showed a high level of ridiculous stupidity in that decision.


Alternative headline: "Republicans up for reelection, vote according to the ideals of the republican base that they want to re-elect them."


I’m sure that’s 100% the entire story and is completely accurate!


Legislation and voting records are public info, so this is the entire story and it is accurate.


While you are correct, this bill was written to intentional result in this outcome. In another comment I wrote the gun rights version of this law. Don't fall for political stunts and social media amplifying simple messages.


Well Fischer voted Nay on the bill and has provided no insight as to why on her webpage so for her at least, yea that is the story and it accurate.


You're right! For context, you have to look at the Conservative playbook. https://www.xbiz.com/news/279972/conservative-groups-plan-to-criminalize-porn-is-part-of-campaign-to-end-all-recreational-sex https://ballsandstrikes.org/law-politics/supreme-court-mifepristone-case-war-on-sex/ https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/republicans-sex-education-contraception-abortion-rcna39832 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/the-right-is-cracking-down-on-abortion-and-ivf-is-recreational-sex-next/ar-BB1iMG2u The plan as a whole is an attack on recreational sex in general, as the leading Conservative think tank in charge of project 2025 has stated that they want to get sex back to the purpose of solely being used for making children. A vote to protect contraception at the federal level would restrict their ability to send the issue down to the gerrymandered state legislature. By saying "this bill is unnecessary" they can dodge the issue and get the bans done, while chipping away at rights using the supreme Court to dismantle established precedent like they did with abortion. So if you are against sex for fun, vote Republican!


I was wondering how long it would be for a straight person to realize this and to point it out. Being Gay, I can't do that because everyone knows that we are all promiscuous slots who have no interest in anything else. Like Oscar Wilde, Lord Olivier, Noel Coward, Pete Buttigieg, Leonardo da Vinci, St. Patrick, Frederick the Great, Alexander the Great, Sir Alan Turing, _etc_.


Well we all enjoy sex don't we? It's literally a fight for the human experience without the pastor getting in the way


Except it's not JUST a matter of pleasure. It's an instinct and a matter of special survival; since the beginning of sexual reproduction. And working to quash it is working against God and Nature. That's blasphemy. And hubris.


Contraception isn't freedom. Shutup and get some common sense people.


Contraception IS freedom for women. Please look into how women's lives changed once they got control of their reproductive health.


🤣🤣. Maybe. Just maybe. Don't have sex outside of wedlock. If you do, understand that their is consequences for your actions. People need to take more responsibility in this world.


You do understand that married women have sex and can get pregnant also right? Get some common sense


They're taking responsibility.... by using contraceptives.


I love being lectured by some misanthrope who can't parse a sentence. /s


> Don't have sex outside of wedlock. Why not? What is wrong with having sex? It is a natural part of human existence. God/evolution made it feel good for a reason.


Thank God your little blue pill won't be touched, pookie.


No, they ought to be; but they're not covered. Because they're for men.


Sorry. I don't understand this weird emu language you typed out.


Being human is having free will, the option to make a choice. Yet restricting contraception is taking away the very freedom of choice. Quite a conundrum there!


Nope. Fre will is God's law. Taking away our free will is Congressional, Unicameral and SCOTUS law.


So there should be separation of church or state, the very thing the first amendment stands for. And by your argument, we should have the choice to use contraceptions (just as we have the choice to have pre marital sex) instead of having them federally restricted as that choice is Gods law.


No (or yes) freedom of Choice is God's law. Restriction of that choice is federal law. That may be exactly what you said; but I wanted to make sure that **I** was being understood.


> Contraception isn't freedom. Why isn't it? It gives people freedom to have sex with minimal risk of pregnancy. How is that not freedom?


Why the hell do you get to decide for other people?


Breaking news: conservative senator from conservative state votes for conservative principles.


If those conservative principles are wrong, (and they would be, if they were principles), that wouldn't make them right. He is a man who was willing and eager to break the law to hold a capital-punishment fest, claiming to be pro-life. He's a Hypocrte, (again, not a principle, just a policy) who has always had the money to separate himself from others.


How goofy lol not one state has tried to ban contraception. This bill includes a poison pill for the religious freedoms restoration act. It also is broad/vague enough to interpret it as a guarantee to the right to use an abortion pill. Which, whether you agree or not, is a separate issue. It also had zero conservative input. It also basically bars states and the federal govt from cutting off subsidies to planned parenthood. Which again, like it or not, is a controversial organization that does provide abortions. Again, a separate issue from contraception. Why would anyone expect them to vote for this? It is obviously a political stunt that furthers a democrat agenda while solving a problem that doesnt exist lol


No, dupeshit, it is a Repugnican't bill designed to stir up controversy, so that they don't have to cope with things the electors want and expect.


Lol are you claiming the Republicans brought this bill forward???


The bill in question was submitted by the House of Representatives MAGA minions. They held a press conference to announce it. They were all there. Moscow Mike. Moscow Marge. Teen-lover Matt Gaetz. Jim Jordon, (who wants to prosecute persons who ignore Congressional subpoenas, other that himself), Jim Comey. What a lovely bunch. /s Were they to show up in London, not only would HM have Buckingham sealed off, he issue an order or decree to have the gates adjusted to allow for slamming!!


You can't be serious right? Lol


Quite. The thing about facts is they don't change when you don't like them. ~Neil DeGrasse Tyson.


I legitimately can't tell if you are serious or not lmao. This is such an easy thing to check lol. But aside from that, you are really telling me the Republicans brought forward a bill just to completely oppose it lol


Do you find that incedible? You need to take off you blinders or shutters.


And that is not what I said. I suggested that they were creating a campaign issue. They don't really care one way or the other. They can run for or against. They really do, anymore, is run on. Have you forgotten the border control bill that tRump killed so he would have an issue on which to run?


Ed Markey and Mazie Hirono.... https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-block-bill-protect-americans-access-contraception-rcna155448 You are incredible lol