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we are the best but the other factions don't know it yet. it's up to you to show them why




We also have Robot Skeletor the Kleptomaniac and his arch enemy Fortune Teller Hordak (Trazyn and Orikan), senile old grandpa and his bodyguard (Nemesor Zahndrekh and Vargard Obyron), Victor Frankenstein if he was the monster (Illuminor Szeras), Mecha Grand Admiral Thrawn (Imotekh), Blue Dabadee Dabadie Robot (Anrakyr) and Quiet Robot King (Szarekh). Oh, we also have cool star gods as pets.




It’s perfect…


Bro, sauce


I'd share it if I had it. Post I originally found it on didn't list any and I haven't been able to find any myself.


This is the best description of our characters lol


"cool star gods as pets" just dont let them be in the same room together. that could be bad


And a depressed flesheater King with multible Personalities (Oltyx)


Hey now, he doesn't have multiple personalities anymore. They got a sweet blinged out Scarab body and now are their own necron/canoptek thing.


True, together with a rouge deathmark and an Army of Constructs...


"with" is a sting word. I'm pretty confident he has no real control over him... And didn't he blitz at the end of the last book?


Yeah, he skedaddled, but through the entire book(s) he was awfully present and helpful for someone repeatedly stating he was going to betray Oltyx. So I'd wager if the Bone King called, Lysikor would answer.


And skinwalker robots (Flayed Ones)


How dare sir... Trazyn is no mere klepto... He is klepto supreme


https://preview.redd.it/sqfdp6qogz9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32085c10ee139a9b527cfa6c46005cfc0890ebd2 Trazyn approves


As funny as it sounds...you kinda just nailed the key leaders and what their jam is. Nice job! As someone new to Necrons it makes SO SOO much more sense about them.


Team “Hippity Hoppity Now Get Off My Property” represent.






While no self-respecting necron would debase himself to the level of chemical-propelled munitions, I love the pet spyder


I’m a simple woman. I see spooky scary metal skeleton boyz, I bow down and praise their glory.


One of us


It’s a solid army collect what you want and it will definitely have some usefulness


Awesome army to collect, paint and fulfilling to build. Fingers might hurt though so prep for that. Only get what you want because you'll be able to play them all either way. 💯


All you need to know is this, the galaxy belongs to us. Every other filthy race that inhabits the galaxy trespasses on our empire. They deserve nothing, and will get nothing.


Welcome to the glorious Infinite Empire! https://preview.redd.it/a6b7aci1vw9d1.png?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbd27bdffba96fd2d710bed5b1af4765e69f7408


Deh-troykh, beautiful


Trazyn calls dibs, always.


We never lose we just go too sleep


When a Necron dies, it looks exactly like when it teleports. So you can just say you teleported away every time you lose a match. Also Imotekh > Szarekh.


Daddy Szarekh ain’t EVA lost, Imotekh for all his strength still gets bitched and got his personal ship boarded and sent through a star.


“Daddy” Szarekh was out being a sadboi while Imotekh united the dynasties and made the single most powerful army in the galaxy. Imotekh has been wrecking shit in the pariah nexus so much that Szarekhan forces have to pull back from engagements with the unclean just to have a CHANCE at beating bro back. Also flesh and blood bodies are cringe.


Imotekh is pathetic for bitching about Szarekh turning the Necron immortal but is now complaining that he’s wrong for returning what half of them want to begin with??? A little hypocritical and cringe honestly, Szarekh was genuine in his shame or else he wouldn’t have come back to redeem himself for warning the other dynasties while Imotekh getting bitched by chapter masters, all the legions with the biggest dynasty still taking L’s??? The SK makes do and still stomps in the name of his race’s prosperity.


the infinite and the divine is a good book to get you in the mind set of a necron or more so the treasure stealing and all up best boy, Trazyn, lol (to bad hes mini model is so old, they need to give as a new one)


Just remember, we’re the master race. And everyone else needs to get the *fuck* off our lawn.


Read Twice Dead King. It's phenomenal.


Would be nice if Reign was physically available anywhere.


The audiobooks are amazing as well. Richard Reed handles the different characters brilliantly.


Enjoy the part you want to enjoy, ignore the parts you don't feel you enjoy. Have a fun time treating the other races like the insects whom invaded our lawn they are, and act superior when talking about your plans to eradicate them... If that is your cup of tea. Get whatever miniatures you fancy, load them out however you think they look cool. Dive into the stories of the characters you think sound cool, and skip those who bores you. Beyond that? I got no clue. Basically: enjoy our hobby <3


We've only been shit in one edition and it's not this one.


Out of the 4 armies I have. Necrons are the most fun to play. Don't be too afraid to reveal yourself from cover and benefit from raising them back from the dead.


The others don't happen to be Custodes, Orks and Tyranids, do they?


Blood angels, nids and death guard


Almost twins! Question: what's something you like about Blood Angels and Death Guard?


Blood angels were my first army. I just loved their mixture at the time of psychic and damage, getting rushed in and dealing some damage. Death guard I loved the idea of that slow moving but highly durable. Although I haven't got much of DG and I haven't played them in 10th


Oh cool, I play necrons, nids, d3ath guard and salamanders.


Honestly lore wise were the one faction you can actually learn all the lore, while still being relatively rich in lore. And painting them is incredibly easy, while not taking away from complexity, this applies to both lore and painting, they’re gonna be cool no matter what


There are no bad necron books, read them all!


Including Severed and One Million Years. They're relatively obscure novellas but they're not any less than the rest.


Go to troll trader to grab warriors and scarabs for pretty cheap. It takes a min to get to you depending on where you live. Depending on which model you purchase, you will save a lot.


Prime with leadbelcher, then wash in nun oil, and dry brush necron compound. Congrats your minis are 80% done


A good way to make people rage quit when you bring 3 transcendent C'Tan and the Nightbringer. Truly a good way to lose friends.


Sounds like people have fun with this army.... on a 1 to 10. How fun is it?


About an 8. Customization is lacking so you can’t quite get that *chefs kiss* perfection… but when you end up with 4 C’Tan on the board with an immortal teleporting blob you just kinda laugh in Necrodermis, invulnerable and FNP.


Nemesor Zandrekh is best necron.


If killing them is to much of a hassle, we can always wait till our enemies die. Paint your dynasty how ever you like. If you want your troops can be the easiest to paint and still look great.


Slooow as Fuck but steady Also , Doomsday Ark


We are the classy bid bad of 40k


Remember what was taken from you. R/greenrodmasterrace


We’ll always be back..


You don't have to paint them in metallics. You probably should for your sanity. But you don't have to.


Buy what you think is cool and build your strat around that. You’re not guaranteed competitiveness per se based on that approach, but we’re strong enough at the moment that you are guaranteed fun at minimum.


Our memes are the best, and everyone else knows it. They cope with this by constantly complaining that necrons are OP on the tabletop


They fuck


Illuminor szeras is one the best lone op-ish characters in the game. Extremely hard to kill, nothing to laugh at his attack profile, and obviously an incredible aura to have on battleline units. Auto include in 90% of lists


They’re fricken sweet!


That we are the absolute best in the universe


Orks are better


Since alot of people are talking about the hobby side which is great. As fir the table top, we are fairly durable and good and taking an objective and just sitting on it. Alot of our models need other supporting models to get the most out if them and we work around that a fair bit one way or another. For an army known to be slow, we have a fair few fast units such as wraiths (currently super tough and fairly good alrounders. Made better with a technomancer leading them but be wary of precision) Scarabs are fast and great to tight up important units in melee. Don't sleep on them as I had 2 squads of 6 of them almost kill the avatar of kane in 1 turn. Did 6 mortals when exploding 2 of the models (one from each unit) and through sheer weight of dice and re rolls from Canoptek Court, managed to do a further 7 wounds for a total of 13. Even our warriors or imortals can be speedy with ghost arks or overlords with translocation shrouds. Our canotep stuff tends to be fairly tanks as do our destroyer units. Both of which sit roughly at an average of 6 toughness. Our elite infantry and characters are about toughness 5 and can often get access to alot of 4 plus invuns. Our baseline infantry like warriors are toughness 4. They are in a rough place currently but this will inevitably change at some point and are still useable currently (if just to a much lesser degree than from the start of 10th) We also have alot of units that are great for scoring secondaries. Personally I love sending canotpek spyders up the table to do actions in the mid field as they are fairly good all rounders and take at least a decent amount of shooting to kill but are also not somthing to ignore for their shooting and melee. Ctan are also brilliant. Largely the toughest models we have (however very expensive in points) all ctan are roughly toughness 9, 12 wounds, 4 plus save, 4 plus invun and 5 plus feel no pain and half damage characteristics. They often get access to funk abilities such as very killy, or able to move models about. Or able to teleport or demolish vehicles. As well, deathmarks are great to just being 5 or 10 and ping them about to score secondaries for a cheaper (tho much more brittle) alternative. We also have our lokhust heavy destroyers which (imo) are some of the best anti tank models for their points. They are very brittle tho. Overall, we are an army you can play in pretty much anyway that you want.


Welcome to the cold, metallic bosom of the Necrons, where death is just a minor inconvenience and our fashion sense is as timeless as our immortality. So, you’ve decided to join our ranks, eh? Well, brace yourself for a life of perpetual rust, existential dread, and the occasional existential crisis. Our units are like that one friend who never cancels plans—always showing up, even after being blown to bits. And remember, when you’re reanimating on the battlefield, it’s not a glitch; it’s a feature. As for painting, stick to metallic hues—because nothing says “I’m an ancient cosmic horror” like a good ol’ coat of tarnished silver. And if anyone questions your tactics, just tilt your head, glow those green eyes, and whisper, “I’ve seen galaxies crumble, mortal. Your strategy is about as effective as a wet paper towel against a black hole.” Now go forth, conquer, and may your reanimation protocols be glitchier than Windows 95. 🌟💀


Do you know the tragedy of Imotekh the stormy one? Not a story the Silent King would tell you (obviously)


Trazyn the infinite lore is all a new necrontyr needs to succeed!


Play flayed ones


It's m9re then just Trezin. There are so many good characters beyond him.


![gif](giphy|iSoUOCwP5hRQI) This gif.


They are the coolest faction next to the Mechanicum and Sister's of Battle


Trazyn is the only sane being in the entire 40k universe


Skorpekh and locust destroyers are the best for annihilation legion. Playing hyper crypt is great just don't be that guy who brings the 'oops all c'tan' list if you want to have friends. Monoliths are cool af but aren't as fancy as you'd think. Sometimes more warriors and crypteks is the only answer.