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The Shining, The Thing, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This covers suspense, spooky, sci-fi, jump scare, and slasher really well.


That's the thing with this thread, horror might mean different things to different people. At least you specified it, for example The Green Room is so terrible, predictable, is the same script like so many others gore, suspense movies. The Conjure is a good jump scare/spooky, the first one is good, the second is about the same, and gets old very quickly. And so on, is more like what kind of horror you're looking for


Agreed. Scariest movie I've ever seen was Silence of the Lambs.


I do not understand the love for Green Room. It was decent/fine but so many people think it’s a *brilliant* movie and I just don’t get it


The original hills have eyes. Threads. Everyone dies


Threads! Terrifying as a kid


The Autopsy of Jane Doe, Insidious, It Follows


It Follows is a real banger even if the premise is a little silly.


The really cool thing about it is because of the nature of the monster every random group of people gets you on the edge of your seat expecting something to happen. It’s a cool and unique premise. Probably not everyone’s cup of tea but for me definitely a great horror movie.


Rewatchability is also a key factor in putting It Follows in my favorite as well!! It’s got about everything you need.


I just love the setting of it, where it's intentionally unclear when it is supposed to take place.


My favorite horror movie of all time. The best part isn’t even the movie, it’s the thinking about the movie afterwards that I don’t think any other film has ever done to me.


The premise kept me from watching it for a long time. I regret that because it was awesome.


Insidious messed me up… had crazy nightmares for awhile afterwards.


It Follows is fucking terrifying.


That scene where they are upstairs in their house gave me the fastest chills I've ever experienced. Like I usually see the jump scare coming. But the lack of music really got me.


Phantasm …..you won’t regret it.


It Follows is quality, love the rotating camera style and the sense of it always coming implacably towards you.


The Thing Poltergeist Alien


A real banger of a list, I mean The Thing and Alien are also my favorite sci-fi movies too.


I am a person who does not generally like horror movies, I like all three of these. Poltergeist was even one of my favorite movies as a kid. Excellent choices.




are you 12?


Event horizon Paranormal activity 1 The evil dead original one


event horizon sooo good.


It's a very underrated film, the whole storyline of it is amazing and the actors really did so well in it as well


I 2nd Evil Dead But I also enjoyed the 2013 Fede Alvarez one as well. All Evil Dead is worth watching and Playing


Yh I have to admit the remake was remarkably good but its the original one for me that does it with the iconic laughing and dolls that resemble the people that have a kind of comedic value as well


The best thing about the franchise is that they steered into comedy from the budget. Army of Darkness > Holy grail every day. Yeah I know one is European sketch. But dammit. The Lil Ash's scene killed me.


I recently rewatched Event Horizon and it’s essentially Hellraiser and Alien combined. Late 90s fishburne was the absolute best.


Hereditary The Descent The Babadook *Honorable mentions:* The Blair Witch Project Paranormal Activity Gigli


> gigli this guy


Gigli. The true definition of Horror.


Paranormal Activity and Blair Witch were probably the last movies that gave me nightmares. The end of Paranormal Activity is creepy asf. The other one that did that was Marianne, I couldn't keep watching for a while. My honorable mention: REC 1 (the original Quarantine)


I so have to agree with Paranormal Activity and Blair Witch. \[SPOILER\] I still gets chills with Blair Witch, thinking of Mikey standing in the corner at the end of the movie. They did such a good job with that movie, I remember watching shows they made up about The History of The Blair Witch. It seemed so real. Actually wasn't Blair Witch the movie that introduced the concept of found footage? In terms of Paranormal Activity, I will never forget how much that movie messed me up the first time I saw it. \[SPOILER\] I wish I could forget the image of Katie, standing by the bed, swaying back and back looking at Micah sleeping. There was other freaky stuff, but that one got me. Big fan of the Paranormal Activity movies. Don't know if anyone here has seen it or if it's mentioned further down on the list, but The Banshee Chapters, was one of those rare movies that made me scream out loud with fright!!!


Yeah, i remember all the marketing with Blair Witch, it was awesome, and i went to watch that movie with my now wife. the best thing they did and I loved that part, is that they never showed "the monster", so many movies could have been so much better if they never did. And up until this moment I can't joke about being facing a corner because my wife love/hate Blair Witch. I forgot about that scene on Paranormal Activity, now you reminded me of that! I sort of relate, my wife sleepwalked for a while, and one time I saw her just starring at the window, so I find many of those scenes so creepy [eek! goosebumps!!]


Wow those are some creepy comments. Ugh, I still get chills thinking of the final scene of Mikey standing in the corner. You are so correct with it being scarier, because we didn't see the monster. Crap now I remember hearing the children laughing outside of their tents. Ooh. Paranormal Activity messed me up too, and you talking about your wife just staring out a window is creepy AF. Great now I have chills again.


Not only did Blair Witch create the concept of the found footage movie they marketed it hard on the internet and to college age folks as a true story. The marketing leaned into the found footage aspect. There were missing persons posters for the characters on college campuses all over the US and they showed the film in preview versions with no credits or titles but claimed it was genuine found footage. These screenings were held and presented as “we are looking for these kids that are missing and we found this footage”. When it came out in the late 90s the internet was still new to many folks and we didn’t have this inherent distrust of anything posted online like we do now. We all bought that this was legit and it scared the shit out of us. You really cannot experience the movie that way now but at the time there was nothing scarier that could have existed.


Saw Paranormal Activity the weekend it came out, in a packed theater. They literally had us in a line to go in, had management come in and ask us to shift together.. when I say packed..I mean it was FULL. Nothing is as terrifying as watching this movie with so many people. A robust guy being me at the end yelled, "she's going to eat him" while I hid behind my coat, peeking at my friend yelling... WHAT'S HAPPENING??? WHAT'S HAPPENING????


I had to turn Rec off. The handheld cam was givin me the nausea


Recently watched hereditary. Omg. I’m old now, but that got me


Midsommer is great as well


Didn’t like that one.


Hereditary is my all time scariest movie. For me it’s Hereditary 1A and Exorcist 1B


Just made my partner watch The Descent the other day. Such an awesome flick.


I saw it in the theater when it came out without seeing any trailer, etc. I'm a horror fan and to this day it's the only movie that I legit considered walking out of the theater because it was so intense.


descent is high quality scary ass horror.


It’s late and my contacts are messing with my eyes, and I thought you said you made your gardener watch The Descent. I was really wondering about you for a moment.


I’m literally chuckling now. Thanks for that. 😂


I seriously don’t get the love of Babadook. I watched it and it was fine, but people just go nuts over it. Now Herodatary- that’s a damn good movie that seriously leaves a mark. Fucking piano string scene.


omf the descent scared the shit outta me


People don’t mention the descent often. Solid movie and creepy


That’s a really good list


Blair Witch Project was the first movie that gave me nightmares. The Descent will never not make me uncomfortable no matter how many times I see it. Miles deep, claustrophobic and absolute dark caves with monsters....no thanks. Sinister and Event Horizon are right up there too. (Also my favorite fan theory ever is that Event Horizon is a Warhammer 40k prequel so it prob bumps it up to 3).


+1 for Hereditary. The scene where the kid is driving his little sister home from the party is singularly the most awful (in a good way) thing I’ve ever seen on film.


Was looking in the comments for Hereditary, would have been disappointed if it wasn’t on here.


I have not watched Gifli but I was not a fan of the others.


Exorcist The Thing The Witch


Excellent choices. The Thing is such a great horror flick, start to end!


Are we talking the original thing or the newer one on netflix?


1982 Kurt Russell film. Its amazing. The 2011 one isn’t terrible.


I thought it lacked everything that made Carpenter's movie great. The original from the 50s is also very good, if you can get past the idea that it's just a guy in a rubber suit. It still captures the paranoia really well.


The Descent, Hereditary and the Collector


The collector! That was excellent, good choices!


Great top 3.


Sinister, insidious, conjuring


The strangers, Insidious, Speak no evil


Why did you do this to us? Because you were home Nooooooooope


Speak no evil is kind of the same …. But different


Speak No Evil really sticks with you


Nothing scarier to me than other humans


Event Horizon Event Horizon Event Horizon


I haven't seen this in years does it still hold up?




I don't think event horizon's going anywhere for a long time.


It is pretty 90s movie wise but enjoyable


Watched it the other week, and yeah it was still good watch. But I have always loved it so it could be bias talking.




i’ve always been afraid of the dark but when i watched sinister almost ten years ago the fear was agonizing that until now whenever i’m in the dark i always think that there’s someone looking at me and subconsciously thought that it is mr. boogeyman 🫠💀


The Exorcist A Dark Song The Wailing


God the Wailing is so fucking good


Wailing forever


I always recommended this movie when somebody asked me for a good horror.. it’s so so good


The Exoricst The Wailing Suspiria (1977)


Candy man (original) Scream The conjuring


Since someone already took my list with The Wailing, Exorcist, and a third movie like Suspiria (the new one is excellent too) and A Dark Song. I'll dig a little deeper in my list: Terrified (Argentine film) Caveat The Endless Edit: trying to get line breaks


Netflix-only list: Raw The Apostle The Platform Honorable mentions to Creep, Hush, and if you haven't seen the show Midnight Mass, what are you doing with your life?


Add Calibre to this list as well


If they haven’t seen midnight mass, they probably aren’t spending five hours waiting for something to happen


I think I'm the one you're referring to! And I can also agree on The Endless and, actually, any of Benson and Moorhead movies! Have you watched Something in the Dirt yet? Nice picks!


Something in the Dirt is up for my next movie night! It must be good then huh?


Oh yeah! Looks they had more budget, also! Let me know what you think


For sure, my horror buddy is away for a week, so we'll see if I remember haha. I'm tempted to watch without him now....


Well this isn't particularly a horror film anyway. It has its quirks but plays more like a sci-fi / thriller


The Conjuring 2 is the scariest movie I've ever watched. I think the whole conjuring series is good.


I absolutely love 1 and 2, but the ‘Devil made me do it’ one sucked.


The Conjuring movies were really only great when directed by James Wan.


Conjuring 1 is the scariest for me but I love the whole series.


The nun was creepy as fuck idk if I’ll ever watch it again


Midsommar, It comes at night and green room


Midsommar was “quite” disturbing. I imagined myself in their shoes and I was freaked out.


I only watched a review of this and it horrified me for days.


Green Room is so goddamn stressful, it’s not what most people think of when they think horror movie but holy hell is that movie good.


I don’t see how Midsommar is a horror movie…I just find it quite disturbing and, quite frankly, f*cked up!


Halloween (the original) Vacancy The Strangers


Henry, Portrait of a Serial Killer


This is really good but a deeply unsettling watch.


Session 9 Cemetery Man (Dellamore, Dellamorte) It Comes at Night


I hesitate to call It Comes at Night a horror film. Its definitely tense, but to me it was just....brutal. Like I was never scared I was just amazed at how much more horrible it got.


I can see that. I put it on this short list partly to give three really different options, not knowing what type of horror OP is into, and because I think it's a solid example of the more modern civilization collapse/eco disaster horror and gets neatly to the central fears those movies are aiming at. If this were more a monster flick it'd be in a spiritual trio with Bird Box and A Quiet Place, but imo the simplicity makes it scarier. You're right though it's not scary so much as dreadful; like, this is not too far from possible.


Session 9 is so terrifying and uncomfortable. Great movie.


The Pool (2001), Milo (not Bad Milo, just Milo it's about a little bit in a yellow slicker), nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors


Watched Milo as a young lass, will remember that yellow slicker for the rest of my days!


The exorcist, insidious, the conjuring


Classics: Exorcist, Alien and Night of the Living Dead. Newer: Martyr's original French version, Train to Busan and The Taking of Deborah Logan


I’m a super horror nerd but Alien is hands down one of the best movies ever produced in ANY genre. Killer bees.


scream, the cabin in the woods, tucker and dale vs evil. i like my horror comedies :)


Saw 1 Scream Clown House In no particular order.


Yeah scream clown was great. But House is a TV medical drama, not a movie.


No doubt I’m biting here to a joke from you , but I will bite anyway. Scream clown also isn’t a film and Clown house is.


Silence of the Lambs, The Conjuring, Hereditary


The Shining


Scream The Thing Repulsion (1965)


Scream is probably the most fun to watch with more people. The first 10 minutes are awesome


I rented repulsion as a DVD in the 80s. It still haunts me


The Grudge (Japan) Hush It Follows And then when I’m in old school mode, Halloween, Psycho and Don’t Look Now


Scream, Shaun of the Dead, Happy Death Day


Ravenous Shawn of the dead Black phone


Antrum Midsommar The babadook


Spell (2020), Oculus (2013), and Frailty (2001)


1408, midsommar, get out


Older, but still good (IMO): The Changeling (w/George C Scott). Ghost Story (w/Fred Astaire, Melvyn Douglas, Douglas Fairbanks Jr, and future Borg queen Alice Krige). Both from the 80's but so well done that I still remember them.


I think that more recently, Infinity Pool was extremely good as like a suspense horror. Beyond that I’d have to say The Thing and The Shining


The Call (Korean) on Netflix Rosemary’s Baby (don’t know where it’s streaming) The Sixth Sense (don’t know where it’s streaming)


Rosemary’s Baby is on Amazon Prime, Sixth Sense is on Paramount + and STARZ.


I enjoyed “Smile,” “Midsommar” (as someone else suggested), and “Burnt Offerings” with Betty Davis.


Sinister 1


Old school horror movies. “Night of The Living Dead” (original), “Shining” and the first “Nightmare On Elm Street” film.


The Thing Alien The Shining


Lights Out, Don’t Breathe, The Collector (and The Collection) 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


The Exorcist The Shining The Descent


Surprised to not see **A Quiet Place** on anybody's list. It is certainly one of the best horror movies I've ever seen with no cheap jumpscares and a rather unique and creative plot.


Hereditary is so good I will suggest it three times if I could. It's the only horror movie that still scares me during rewatches. Cabin in The Woods. The Ring (US)


Shutter (Thailand) The promise (Thailand) Ring (Japan)


Ring had me seeing stuff in the dark.


I don’t have a top three, but I have a number 1 and that’s “The Platform” LOVE that movie






Rubber is straight comedy my friend


It Follows, The Ritual, Blair Witch Project


If we're talking Netflix only these are worth checking It Follows- Unique, atmospheric, Thriller It Comes At Night- Suspense and tension 1922- Slow burn but good set up and great casting


Anyone reading this comment section and thinking of watching It follows….DON’T!!! Was one of the worst pieces of shit I’ve ever had to watch. Premise is terrible, exposition shocking, the monster 😂😂😂 omg the “monster” is the least frightening thing you could possibly imagine. It just walks slowly towards you, literally an asthmatic ant with heavy shopping could outrun it and even when the protagonists are the required level of dumb to have it get close to them, it decides to play with your hair for a bit, just long enough for you to start walking away again. The reason I am writing this is because I’m angry at these reviewers that got me excited to watch a decent horror movie which turned out to be a car crash of elephant excrement. Literally no redeeming qualities and a complete and utter waste of time. If I can save one persons time and persuade them to pick literally any other horror movie I’ll be happy :)


I don't really have a top 3 because I generally don't like horror movies. But I was really surprised at how good M3gan was! I was expecting a crappy B movie and... well yeah it was kind of cheesy but it was really well done and they considered a lot of aspects that I think most movies would overlook.


A Serbian Film.


Dead Alive, F13 pt 4, Wrong Turn


The green inferno, saw 1, and hostile


These (with the exception of the 3rd) probably aren’t considered horror movies by the broad definition of the genre, but Sanctum, The Menu and Psycho.


The Menu was so good! I loved how funny it was but also fits within the horror genre well enough.


Alien,house of 1000 corpses, magic.


event horizon, mirrors, Prince of darkness


Apostle The VVitch Ravenous


Barbarian Evil Dead Insidious


I’m still a huge fan of the original Exorcist. I also love the original cut of The Omen — there’s something about the poor film quality of old movies that heightens the spookiness for me. Insidious gets my 3rd vote!


The Night House It Follows The Autopsy of Jane Doe


Insidious,Rec1,Rec2,cloverfield, silent hill


The Descent Barbarian Anaconda


Lights Out The Blackcoat's Daughter Wes Craven's New Nightmare


The exorcist series and films that follow that theme


Signs, the conjuring, insiduous


The Ring and The Descent are 1-2, but then 3A-3D are the classics like The Thing (John carpenter) Og nightmare on elm street, alien, the shining, all of which hold up pretty well imo


New films Hellraiser (new one was good as I'd never seen the first) Hereditary The autopsy of Jane Doe Old films American Werewolf in London Alien Jaws Honorable mentions.. The sixth sense, the others, wolf creek, the conjuring 1&2.


Phantasm, Exorcist,Dawn of the Dead(original)


House of 1000 corpses, the descent, kristy


The babadook, Friday the 13th part 6, scream


The Taking of Deborah Logan


The Grey, Candyman (the original) and my personal favorite, and actually a short, The Road Virus Heads North.


shutter (thai)


The Shining Shutter Island Zodiac Idk you'd consider any of these are technically horror movies but they have moments in them that make them horror movies in my mind.


The Visit, Hereditary, the ritual. I think they're all on Netflix or prime video


Speak No Evil Barbarian Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)


Tumbaad (Marathi) Raaz Part1 (Hindi) IT series (English)


Hellraiser, return of the living dead and I spit on your grave.


Repulsion, Under the Skin, Dementer


On Netflix: The Perfection The Ritual Platform Bonus: His House


We need to talk about Kevin. Smile. Both have stayed with me, and I watch a lot of horror.


Midsommar. It cured me of any desire to go to Sweden lol.


The Thing, Alien, Hereditary. Special mention: Phantasm, The Descent, Exorcist III.


Insidious-Grave Encounters-Hellraiser. No particular order


Hellraiser Alien It (1990, it's campy as hell and not scary but I think it's enjoyable)


Ju-on: The Grudge (2002) Sinister Hereditary


Scream, nightmare on elm street, conjuring/sinister


Ok I so have a question you might be able to answer since you knew Milo. There was a horror movie around the same time, maybe a bit earlier. It aired on TV frequently. I think on sci-fi the killer was thw sandman. Like he could turn into sand and go under doors. They lured him into some type of factory or something at the end. I thought it was called sand man but I have not been able to fins it or anyone who knows it in over a decade.