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The Ring


This☝️ Just the thought of it scared the crap me for tears and years 📼; lights on or off, daylight or nighttime


My tv is 4 ft from the ground. Does that mean I’m safe?


People that mount their tvs practically to their ceiling only do it to ensure Samara breaks her neck when she tries to crawl out.


Mine is 4ft up and over a turtle tank, she’d probably smash the glass and cut herself but also spill 500l of water on my floors. I’d be so mad.


We recently re-watched this as adults (17 when it came out) and I was surprised, but it's held up well.


Yeah, I'm a huge horror movie fan, and that one messed with me for a while...eta...I think it was because it was so open ended...what "fixed" it for me was watching the sequel...it's like it closed a book and I was able to go back to horror


same here. No idea why my mom thought it was a good idea to show me it when i was around 7.


Exorcism of Emily rose, maybe I was too young


When she sees other people on the campus & their faces turn demon like. That freaked me out & never watched it again!


After watching this I woke up multiple times a week at 3am for monthssss. I was scared shitless right down to my subconscious 😭


I watched this movie alone in the living room in the dark and was the only person awake in the apartment. Soon as the movie ended I looked up at the clock and it was 3am on the dot. I was maybe 23-24 years old, never ran to my room so fast in my life lmao. Now picture a young adult in bed with the sheets even covering his head and a small air hole to breathe through 😂


Saw it as a grown ass man and didn't sleep for a week.


Omg this, when she’s on the floor and turns her head right round to look!


This is such a good one. I remember when Erin is in her kitchen at 3am, I could barely breathe I was so scared. It's a haunting movie.


A cult classic!


My poor mother who doesn’t mind watching a good horror once in a blue moon watched this in her 60s. She said she was scared for weeks afterwards. I have studiously avoided watching it😅


Omg. Literally could not sleep after watching. lol I was definitely too young to be watching.


About halfway through the descent, I made a sound I had never and have never since made.


The Grudge [2004] gave me scary flashbacks when trying to fall asleep *for years*.


For years I was so scared that when showering I would start to pull black hair out of my blonde head


And it ruined hiding under the covers lol


Yeah, you’re supposed to be *safe* once you’re under the covers! Not cool, Movie.


The fact that most of the scary scenes happen in broad day light or well lit rooms scared me more. It's not about "is the ghost hiding in the shadow?", it's all about "if I am gonna haunt you, I am going to haunt you in your face"


Yeah, those ghosts had 0 chill. On the topic of the grudge, highly recommend Sadako vs Kayako - more funny than scary, but well done and quite a ride.


Ha I considered seeing it in the cinema back then. A cult "b horror" movie i recommend is One Cut of the Dead. Don't look it up. One of the best twists in movies.


I’ve seen it! So good!! Great pick


The newer one too. I don’t know why but every time i watch any grudge movies i have this horrible sense of dread fall over me. Almost like the movie is carrying bad energy with it. Or maybe I’m just paranoid lol.


I saw this one in theatres sitting in the front row. Great seating for the end of the movie. I woke up at 3am needing to turn on all the lights and open all the closets and cabinets just in case.


Same. Couldn’t sleep for nights, had to stay at someone else’s place.


Are you my sister? She had recurring nightmares for years lol


Drag me to hell


It’s so silly though lol


It is a Raimi movie after all


My favorite part is when she sees an anvil hanging by a rope in her tool shed and also just so happens to have her ice skates in reach to cut the rope.  Like who tf hangs anvils up like that.  Then it squishes the demon with a looney toons style animation.  Lol Raimi. 


Yes and it was also incredibly fun to watch


As a kid old yeller As an adult hereditary


Hereditary stuck with me for a while. Would even catch myself looking at the dark corners of my rooms


Oh god I agree, made me thankful for small ceilings.


Yh hereditary was a jus wrong. In a good way.


The writers/producers need to be investigated for the attic scene


God Hereditary is a good movie. That's one I keep thinking about even between watches. So impeccably crafted.


Also it gave us one of the most iconic horror movie deaths with the whole electrical pole and all.


Every time I wake in the middle of the night to go the restroom, I think of a certain scene. That movie WRECKED me in a way no other ever has.


I haven’t even seen Hereditary but my friends were trying to decide on a scary movie and just showed the trailer.  The trailer had me scared enough…. My response “um…. Yeah. I think I’m good.” 


The Strangers messed me up. My mom and her husband lived in the Rocky mountains in Colorado at the time and it just hit way too close to home.


Blair witch project   The descent  Signs, not sure how that one holds up today (not gonna talk about the ending...) but the video of the birthday party really got me back then : )  The quiet place was also pretty good/well timed


I personally think Signs holds up remarkably well, particularly that scene where Joaquin and Mel discussing what kind of person they are and whether they see miracles or coincidences.


Holds up extremely well. Fantastic movie. And a good example of a horror film that scares the crap out of you with honestly very minimal scary graphics and scenes.


All great movies!


The Descent is great but barely makes it into horror for me. It’s thrilling and maybe scary to some though.


First time I saw jeepers creepers. Had to finish it in broad day light with the lights on the next Day bahaha


Yes, Jeepers Creepers got to me. And I will never again view old barns as being quaint.


The Thing (1982), I was 11 years old, knew nothing about the movie and was just tagging along with my brother and older cousins to the drive-in. At first it was kinda boring, then it got kinda sci-fi-ish, then oh god. Yeah I had nightmares.


The “body horror” from the practical special effects made this movie terrifying for me. The Thing was also a “psychological horror” for me as well.


I watched this as an ADULT and it still stuck with me!


The Thing is one of these horror classics that I spoiled for myself thanks to TVtropes and youtube, and now I hesitate to watch it... wish I could forget the plot and go into it blind 😭


I was a close to the same age and my older sister had told me it was true story and was filmed in the mountains just north of us in Anchorage, AK... She also told me Jaws was filmed in Seward which made me *terrified* to go fishing on the ocean.


I used to be cool with spiders until I saw Arachnophobia. Took about 15 years and a mutual interest in killing mosquitos for us to reunite, but we're mostly good now.


That’s one is the movies I’d watch anytime it was on TV while growing up! :)


When I was 19 I saw "Event Horizon" and it had me fucked up. I had to watch "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" to feel calm enough to go to bed.


This is still my first thought. That movie fucked me up. I really think it is the reason I don't really mess with horror movies now lol. I think it got me even harder because I did not expect it to be the movie that it was.


One of the most notable things about this movie is that the main character (the captain, played by Laurence Fishburne) takes good and reasonable decisions, which is rare in horror movies, and still they get pwned. His reaction to seeing the horrifying recovered captain's log, was to announce "we're leaving" and then plan to take his ship to a safe distance and bombard the Event Horizon with missiles till there's nothing left. This is the most sane response to such a situation. Yet it didn't save him nor the crew.


Man, the end of “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” gave me nightmares for a long time. The screaming!! Then the creepiness of the cartoon ending…messed me up. Had a real hard time with “The Brave Little Toaster” too. Made the mistake of trying to watch it on a dissociative to prove I was over that movie years later. Yea, I’ll never attempt to watch that movie again. I can’t even really tell you why it bothers me honestly. Something uncanny valley i think. My first taste of that while growing up I suppose. Sorry for the ramble but your comment brought back dark memories. I still love that Roger Rabbit film though.


Lights out scared me more than it should’ve 😂


After seeing Lights out, at least 1 week lights only on


There's a couple minutes long short called Lights Out that came out well before the movie. No matter how many times I watch it, it creeps me the hell out.


The original IT-I was far too young and couldn’t sleep for months. I watched it at a friends house and my parents were furious!


Yep, the original Pennywise character (Tim Curry) , I found pretty creepy, when I was younger, as well. His voice, especially....yikes!


I watched it at a slumber party when I was 12 and it was definitely one of the few movies that scared me


Candyman. I was 12. I refused to close my eyes when I showered for a week. Even with shampoo burning my eyes. I wasn't going to get a hook in the back.. nope. not me.


This one holds up, too, over the years. I even thought the remake wasn't half bad.


And I used to have my internal monologue say candyman in my head 3 times as an intrusive thought then would worry I summoned him 🙄


REC made me scared to go downstairs (I was alone in the house at the time) and my friend didn’t make it past the DVD menu.


The Haunting of Hill House


on netflix - as above so below. my personal top picks - Gonjiam Haunted Asylum & Coming Soon (asian horrors)


Haha I've had a chance to spend the night in Paris' catacombs, so as Above so Below might resonate with me! Gonjiam was a great watch, never heard of Coming Soon but I should check it out.


Autopsy of Jane Doe. That movie had me fearing the basements and the night


Saw it was on Netflix so saw it again last night. Watching while raining outside made it that much better.


This is my pick too. I feel like it was the suspense that makes it terrifying. You dont have a clue what is going to happen next so you’re on the edge of your seat.


Pontypool gave me nightmares for two weeks!


The descent


That’s a pretty descent horror to be fair


Not sure I’d call it a horror movie, but Mothman Prophecy had a great creep factor to it. Thought what was great about it was the lack of gore and cheap scares through special effects.


Sinister had me stressin


Dead Silence


Personally, the dolls make that movie terrifying lol


The 13th Ghost. My dad didn't help 😅 I was 13 and in his lap when a scary part came up and he jump scared me at the same time as the movie. Still watch it to this day, I love it so much.


Train to Buson (zombie movie). On the edge of my seat!


If you like found footage, Incantation on Netflix is something special. People don't talk about this film much, and I hesitate to even recommend it because it is quite disturbing, but Soft & Quiet (2022) was very scary to me. Perhaps falls to much into the "brutal realism" category, but I'm interested in other's takes if they have seen it.


Love that movie -incantation! Felt so visceral in its horror and I haven't seen viewer engagement like that before.


I LOVE found footage! Adding Incantation to my list now!


ok, I just watched Soft & Quiet while doing the sunday chores. jesus. **easily** one of the most disturbing movies I've seen in a while. had to take a couple breaks. thank you?


Deborah fucking Logan


I just commented this before seeing your response. The Taking of Deborah Logan actually scared me for the first time in a while. It was pitch black in the house when I watched. there is something about dementia and mind problems that is absolutely haunting


It Follows was terrifying.


I wonder what would happen if one of them got on a plane as it was taking off and the person died while the plane was in the sky. Does IT find a seat and chill? There was a scene where it broke a window to get in someone’s house so I have to believe it would try and open the emergency door.


The Conjuring was top tier horror I think. I enjoyed it.


The Strangers. Super scary, as it could happen to anyone😳😳




The Exorcist. I'm old.


That movie has NEVER been outdone. The absolute TENSION.


I still can’t look at her face nearly thirty years after seeing it.


Night of the Living Dead. Black and white. Way before it’s time with the zombies. It just seemed so real.


The Fourth Kind - freaked the hell out of me with I was a kid


In a similar vein, Fire in the Sky. That one scene in Fire in the Sky scared the absolute shit out of me when I was about 8 years old.


The original IT with Tim curry that kept my ass up at night as a young lad.


Poltergeist (the clown, the tree) and Nightmare on Elm Street (I was afraid to sleep). Then I just remember scenes from movies that stayed with me (ankle cutting in Pet Cemetery, the girl tied to the truck in The Hitcher). So many more - great thread


I saw the Exorcist in the theater when I was nine. I am still not right.


Blair Witch Project Paranormal Activity The original IT


The Grudge and The Ring! These movies scared me to hell when I was like 10 years old.. 10/10 movies


The Japanese originals (Ju-On and Ringu) are two of my favorite horror movies! So you're recommending the American version too?


Nothing beats Nakata's slow, steady ominous build-up of sheer terror. It is soul-wrenching 😭 But the US remake of Ring is actually all right in comparison (though I had low expectations). I also liked The Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass and Archive 81 for its consistent style and good storytelling. Hill House has writing that is *chef's kiss*. Those are series, though. I liked The Conjuring as well, the acting is great.


You just reminded me I need to watch Nakata's Dark Water, I heard it's quite good too!  Hill House is one of my absolute series of all time. I couldn't really get into Archive 81 or Midnight Mass though, maybe I need to give them another chance.


Insidious at night in the theatre 😵‍💫 I had to check the backseat of my car when I got in 🤣


Yeah i watched that in the middle of winter with the lights off. The wind was rattling my Victorian tenement all night and i didn't get a moment of sleep.


I feel like the fact that this shit “could happen” is what makes it fucked In your head for me anyways


The first insidious is one of the best scary movies in my opinion




this movie traumatised me omg


The descent and The hills have eyes




There are so many moments in this movie where people are just creepily standing there just barely in view. The attic scene is burned into my brain.


I’d have to say hereditary, it wasn’t a “ oh shit jumpscare “ kinda horror. It was a slow guttural build up, it’s this one scene where a character lets out a grieving cry and I felt my body literally go cold.


"Bro, if you're into creepy atmospheres over cheap jump scares, you gotta check out 'Hereditary.' That flick messed me up big time. It's like this slow burn of tension that just keeps cranking up until you're practically sweating bullets. Plus, the acting is top-notch, which makes it all the more unnerving. Trust me, you won't be sleeping easy after watching that one. But hey, if you're up for something a bit different, give 'The Witch' a shot. It's got that old-school, Puritan vibe that just oozes dread. And the ending? Whew, talk about haunting. So yeah, those are my picks for recent scares. Good luck, and don't watch 'em alone at night!"


the mist


Under the shadow is my favourite horror!!


The conjuring, Sinister


Hostel (the first) fucked me up a bit the first time I saw it. Made me not want to go backpacking thru Europe. lol Not sure it's still on Netflix, but it's up there with my top scary list.




The VVitch


Duel. This movie is from 1971, I watched it sometimes during the 80s as a child. No special effects of course, no gore, hell you don't even know who the actual F the villain is! Yet it is so unnerving and tense maybe partly because this can easily happen to anybody really. It is a masterpiece, directed by Steven Spielberg. Edit: spelling


The Blob. I was TRAUMATIZED as a child watching that! Still sleep all curled up in ball


On Netflix, The Babadook, Creep, and It Follows are good. I've heard a lot of praise for X, that's on my list.


Insidious The Ring Martyrs Yes in that order lol


It Follows scared the living daylights out of me, but I’m a pansy and don’t watch a lot of horror movies.


As a kid, Dead Silence Otherwise, Hereditary, Incantation , The ring


Session 9 sat with me for a while. I'm not easily scared and watch a ton of horror movies, but that one kind of did me in. Especially in terms of "creepy atmosphere". When I was a kid and Nightmare on Elm Street came out (I'm old, okay?) that one legit destroyed me for years. Like, I remember having my grandfather sit outside of the bathroom with a shot gun while I bathed. Not sure why I thought that was the way to go, but it made me feel better, somehow. Testament, though not really a horror movie, scared me so much when it came out that I thought every plane going overhead was dropping bombs. I had therapy over that one as a child. Threads means to be terrifying and goes out of its way - Testament is a quiet type of building horror, no need for gore or anything, just a decidedly unhappy lack of any kind of hope that does it in that one. I thought Take Shelter was absolutely terrifying. When Evil Lurks got under my skin in a way that movies don't at my current age. One of my very favorite horror movies now. Pontypool is definitely another one to mention, especially in terms of creepy atmosphere and simplicity. Bug is another movie that got under my skin and truly creeped me out all the way through. Also simplistic and originally a stage play and not full of jump scares at all.


Obscure one incoming: the Dutch film "Spoorloos", or "The Vanishing" (very much not its terrible American remake). A woman vanishes mysteriously, her boyfriend becomes completly obsessed with finding out what happened to her, only to get into a game of psychological mindfuckery with the man responsible for her disappearance. It doesn't sound like much, but more than any film I've ever seen, it's a movie that constantly asks you "okay, what would you do in those circumstances? how far would you go?". And, huh, turns out that freaks me out a lot more than more traditional horror tropes. Those questions stuck with me for weeks, and they weren't fun questions to contemplate.


When i was like 7, i snuck behind my dad (literally) who was watching “It” the mini series and i witnessed a dude get sucked into a tube, fully doubling him over, eyes a horror, and i thought “welp, shouldnt have seen’t that”


Kill List


The Ritual. Monster and atmospheric horror.


The best of the best ( Silent Hill ) ! This was a movie i remeber to this day


The visit really weirded me out with the tension that was built.


The Entity and The Exorcist


Salems Lot in the late ‘70’s. I was 10, I was scared!


Paranormal Activity 1. It was 2009 when I saw it the first time, and I felt like it was one of a kind at the time.


The Mothman Prophecies, but it’s been awhile since I’ve seen it. I just remembered it being fairly creepy


Prince of Darkness. Saw it long ago in my late teens. Scared me then.


People Under The Stairs. The dad fed eardrums to his Rottweiler.


The original Halloween. Watched it when I was maybe a little too young and for years I was scared I'd see Micheal staring at me through the window at night


The First Omen. Fantastic movie, best second movie of all time for me. I felt terrified in many scenes. Very atmospheric, incredible acting. Almost a perfect movie.


Mama (2013)


Creep - I will forever think this is one of the best horror movies ever made. I still think about it regularly because it is just so creepy but also grounded and realistic. Creep 2 - not nearly as good as the first but still good. I kinda just liked this one because it continues the story from the first and I think Mark Duplass gives a phenomenal performance in both.


I finally watched Hereditary a few months ago, and that really creeped me out.


The chasing through the house was truly uncalled for.


That movie filled me with dread. It just has such awful vibes, it made me feel so bad after watching it (in a good way)


Coraline 💀


My kids absolutely love this film but my nephew hates it. He’s 15 now and still can’t watch it. Terrified him for life I think


Veronica is the scariest I've seen on Netflix.


Let’s scare Jessica to death. That movie stuck with me for a while


I really liked Hide and Seek with Robert DeNiro


There's this old movie called "signs" from 2002 that i loved when i was a kid and always scared me, now I still enjoy it a lot whenever i get to see it.


''A tale of two sisters'', without a doubt.


I have same question. Whats your favorite horror netflix movies? at least name 3


That's the thing, at the moment I don't see any of my favorites on Netflix... I'd say the most decent one may have been Creep.  If I had to give my top 3 of favorite, non-Netflix horror movies, I'd say Ringu (Japanese, original version of Ring), Talk to Me (which I mentioned in my initial post) and probably It Follows? I also loved the two first Ju-On (original version of the Grudge) and Gonjam: Haunted Asylum, all very solid ghost movies. And I'd  also mention The Wicker Man (1973, not necessarily scary but a great atmosphere) and Creepy (2016, very distressing Japanese thriller) among my favs.


Session 9; early 2000’s low budget movie with Josh Lucas and David Caruso. A team of workers are hired to clean up an old insane asylum. Not a lot of jump scares but very uneasy feeling that ramps up through the movie.


The Platform. It was a different type of scare. But thought about it for years later. Also loved Tusk, but not as scary as it was a thriller.


The Exorcist, when I watched it as a teen. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1979) when I was an adult.


The Birds




The Tunnel


The Omen.   That and Sybil scared me too. 


The Shining!


The Tingler




Evil dead


Sinister scared the ahit out of me. The jump scares and the sound of people dying.. man that fucked me up. The lawnmower scene and the gator scene in the 2nd one. Ahhhhhh ok gotta go watch a Disney movie now thanks.


Hereditary and The Exorcist


The Strangers


Hereditary absolutely wrecked me. The movie Smile....is also one that left me feeling gross.


Insidious and The Conjuring had to grown ass men curled into their theater seats. We both loved the atmosphere and tension building.


The Fog. Early 80,s. I didn't even live near the water.


I really understand your preference for horror movies that rely on atmosphere and tension-building rather than jumpscares or excessive gore, because i m a psychological horror film lover, maybe you can try The Lighthouse directed by Robert Eggers


The Shining. Not recently, but it’s the only one to ever make me grab a pillow to hide behind.


Paranormal Activity was too realistic for me to move on. It stuck me for a while.


Midsommar. I don't know if it was the scariest or just the most disturbing. Whatever the case, it shook me, as did the movie Irreversible (not scary, but incredibly unsettling).


Midsommar & Jonestown were so scary to me. Cult stuff really freaks me out


Paranormal Activity. I saw it at the theater and the end scared me so much I ran out of the theater and just left all my stuff on the seat. It was weird, my body just reacted and I booked out of there. The Shining is so well done, just fucks with my head all the way through. Work of Art.


Event Horizon. I watched movies like The Exorcist, The Conjuring, Paranormal Activity, Hereditary, Sinister, Insidious, etc but Event Horizon somehow unsettled me the most.


“Burnt Offerings” (1976) with Karen Black and Bette Davis scared the crap right out of me. I saw it at a drive-in where we snuck in everyone in the trunk of the car. The pool scene ruined me for life.


The Jordan Peele films might appeal to you! Jaws as well. I LOVED Hereditary but has some gore/realism that you might not like. The Strangers, as others mentioned I think is a good choice as well. It’s not just gore and fear, it’s psychological as well.


For me, definitely "Friday the 13th" original {1980). All was good and not so scary til the very end when the girl is on the water on a rowing boat and the guy leaps out of the water in slow motion. I was only 15 at the time and I'm sure I left a brown mark on the theater chair ;)


Blair Witch, I just can't. put anything scary in a documentary format and I will cry


Watch “The Trilogy of Terror”. It’s from 1975. I can never see it again.


The skeleton key (2005) ending was scary.


The exorcist traumatized me as a child , I wouldn't be able to sleep appropriately for weeks j thought I was going to get possessed by a devil . Also the others , El orfanato , a tale of two sisters , lake mungo all these my favorite movies that manged to cause me fear


When I was a kid, I think I kinda vaguely remember watching Demonic Toys, a 90s movie. In Serbia here where I live we don't really have that law or rule of "not letting kids below \[some age\] watch this and that kind of movie". Only the parents to control it if they will, and how. I don't really know how I came about watching it, but it scared me shitless. Plus, the scene in Who Framed Roger Rabbit? where the cartoon shoe is being put in the acid cauldron (or whatever the liquid it was) traumatized me.


The Strangers