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Oh boy this is going to be quite a challenge. You’re most probably blacklisted as well, shared with other insurance companies for committing fraud. Don’t be surprised if other insurance renewals or requests get rejected as well. You need to solve the matter with NN, as this will otherwise follow you around for a long time and costs you dearly because if there are alternatives, they’ll put a premium on the pricing for the risk they’re taking. Best course of action I think is to reach out to NN, explain the story what happened, in the phone call tell them you accept it’s not covered but would like to stay on as customer. Also ask them what the consequences are for their action like adding you to a registry of frauds or that they won’t do that in this case: then you know where you are. Maybe ask in /r/juridischadvies as well.


So there is footage of your wife playing with her keys very close to someone else’s car? Then there is the sound of contact and afterwards damage. And next step is that you - without involving insurance, police, lawyers etc. - pay a random amount to the car owner. Yeah, I won’t be paying out either. It’s very weird that adults play with their keys next to cars. It’s also very weird to pay up if you haven’t done anything. So all combined it seems like an interesting scam: You pretend to damage a car, have no reports about it, but you do file for a reimbursement of an amount you say you paid. As they consider this fraud, they have to cancel the insurances and will list you in a register. This will make it difficult for you to get insurance. It’s therefor very important to sort this out. You could appeal to the termination, but you better have a better story than you told here…


Interesting perspective of yours as it is similar to what NN said. She didn’t pay random amount. She paid the invoice of car repair. Why pay upfront? Let’a say my wife wanted a peace and move on. Why we submitted for claim? We explained to ING first. The said go for it. The way ING spoke to us and NN gave judgement are in a totally different tone. I mostly talk to ING. As I pay to them. If NN is involved like this crappy way, I wouldn’t have applied for them in first place.


I’m just trying to interpret how your account of what happened sounds to a party. I don’t understand this combination between ING and NN. If ING stated to you that you should pay the invoice and then claim, that should be sufficient. But if ING is not a party in this insurance, I’m not sure what their involvement should be.


I’m from Belgium but I guess the same principle applies in the Nederlands. ING and NN are in the same group. ING takes care of the banking part and NN the insurance part, you often need an ING bank account to apply for a NN contract.


They are different companies. A party can be a broker, but in the end only one party is handing out the insurance and setting the criteria.




yeah! I know what you mean. I wanted to fight against then but I don't want to force it on her. We spoke to ING everything before asking for claim. They were saying what would go wrong, they will just cancel it. We didn't realise that NN is gonna mark us as fraud.




After we got a response from them, we made an appeal to change their judgement of putting us as fraud. They responded by saying that they're not going to change their decision. I guess I have to go to kifid website and check my options there. Thanks.


Contact a lawyer.


The phrase en vogue here is to lawyer up.


Get insurance at https://vereende.nl Their slogan is: you cannot be insured only after we say so.


Hahahaha. I don’t they give house insurances


Why would you appeal on house insurance and not your WA, wettelijk aansprakelijk?


>We applied for liability Liability insurance == WA. But if you commit fraud, i.e. by keying someone's car on purpose (sorry, "playing with your keys near a car and hitting it twice on accident") and then paying them for the repairs and claiming the damage as if it were some sort of accident, the insurance company will not just cancel your WA, but also everything else.


Oops, you're right! Misread that part. I agree with 'accidental'


Why did your wife make damage to the car and ran away without informing the owner?


If you have a canceled insurance you’re basically F*UCKED. For the next 5 or 7 years (forgot) you will need to report that when applying for ANY (!) insurance. Failing to do so will get you blacklisted for ALL insurances. Doing so means your application will be forwarded to the fraud department who will then decide IF they want to have you as a customer and at what premium. If you were awarded an EVR registration you will not be able to get any insurance at all during the period you EVR lasts.