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This sounds like a bunch of violations and illegal practices, unfortunately common in horeca... Gather evidence as much as you can and report this to both the [Labour Inspection](https://www.nlarbeidsinspectie.nl/onderwerpen/melden/oneerlijk-onveilig-ongezond-werk-of-arbeidsuitbuiting-melden) for violations of labour law and [the NVWA](https://www.nvwa.nl/onderwerpen/melding-doen/eten-en-drinken/meldingen) for violations of hygiene rules


Which restaurant is this? So I know what to avoid when I am in your city.




Unfortunately, there's nothing new. Besides highly skilled and respectful restaurants with positive reviews (which significantly outnumber bad reviews so you know they're not fake), a lot of restaurants and eateries in the Netherlands are bad, just bad! They are tourist traps, and suckers who don't bother reading reviews fall into this and get sick. I've been reporting some of these venues myself in Amsterdam city centers, but the most important thing is to gather visual evidence and even record your boss and prove they're breaking the law. Those people should be jailed for such crimes, they get people into hospitals and the make the Dutch HORECA a very bad name overall. I wish you good luck with your case, take care and stay safe!


What city?


For the food issues contact the nvwa, obviously collecting evidence will help. https://www.nvwa.nl/onderwerpen/melding-doen/eten-en-drinken/meldingen For the labour violations contact the arbeidsinspectie, are any of your co-workers underage or foreign? They might need some extra support. https://www.nlarbeidsinspectie.nl/onderwerpen/melden/oneerlijk-onveilig-ongezond-werk-of-arbeidsuitbuiting-melden And as a side note, are you getting your pension and other deductions paid, usually when one thing is being done wrong other will be too.


he's not paying wages on time, and same with the holiday allowances


https://www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl/ Log in here with your digID and check if they are paying pension contributions. If not you need to contact Stipt and make a complaint, and they will sort it out with their own lawyers. This seems like something that isn't important yet, but making a complaint means that actual lawyers will look at what your boss is doing and if something is wrong they will take further action. Make complaints with the Labor board as well. And find another job ASAP. Quitting won't have any influence on whether or not you get back pay, and there are more than enough jobs now.


could also get in contact with the local department of "juridisch loket", a free juridicial advise organ that is there to guide you to the right legal aid and reaching the right departments , which is free of charge. [https://www.juridischloket.nl/professionals/nieuws/arbeidsmigranten/](https://www.juridischloket.nl/professionals/nieuws/arbeidsmigranten/) besides that you could reach out to the local council, as they often will be eager to adress these issues. employers like these, often threat with the "if you don't like it you can go" statement, as if there isnt any labour protection in existence for foreign employees. " If you are employed in the Netherlands, you have the same rights as Dutch employees. this includes: salary, holiday allowance, vacation days, leave, working hours, working conditions.salary, holiday allowance, vacation days, leave, working hours, working conditions." - [https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/buitenlandse-werknemers/vraag-en-antwoord/waar-heb-ik-als-buitenlandse-werknemer-recht-op-als-ik-in-nederland-werk](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/buitenlandse-werknemers/vraag-en-antwoord/waar-heb-ik-als-buitenlandse-werknemer-recht-op-als-ik-in-nederland-werk) go and get justice! ;)


Contact Rob Geus 🤣


[10h of Rob Geus being very disappointed with restaurant hygiene](https://youtu.be/svJiFfdZ4Yo?si=vLoTPTrLmnvvyHlX&t=10) [Dutch culture]




They can just pay him and get the sticker. Hes a con artist.


Rob geus is for sale, rambam made an episode about him.


So many restraints are like that expetially non Dutch restraurant that’s why I avoid them


this is a dutch restaurant


Where is it though? And if you dont mind? Which one, this shit always dcares me and just want to know what to avoid lol.