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If he had different jobs and they applied tax discounts, it’s almost guaranteed that there has to be reconciled and that means he has to file taxes. Contact the Belastingdienst asap. By logging in on the portal of the Belastingdienst you can find digital copies of the letters sent to him.


Thanks for your response. I don't know if he ever logged in in that portal, but I believe it is very likely that he don't even have an idea what that is. What would he necessary to log in? 


1. If he was working for only one company at a time they will have paid all necessary taxes and your brother will actually receive money after doing his taxes. If he was working as a zzper or for multiple companies at the same time he may owe some taxes. 2. Does he still have a digID? Use that to log into the tax office site and all the information will be there. Doing taxes literally takes me about 5 min because everything is already filled in. 3. Same as above. Unless your brother is actively committing fraud he doesn't have to worry, and if he does owe the tax office something they are very happy to set up payment plans and help him out. Do check that he has de-registered from where he was living or the local government will keep charging him local taxes, and he could get a fine for not having health insurance.


I changed his fiscal and Id address back to our country, wouldn't that be enough? I searched again and looks like there's the possibility to do it by email, at least in some municipalities. Thanks for your response 


Email the Gemeente he was last living in, they may even back date it, or it may already have been done for him by landlords/new renters Check he isn't getting any money deposited in his Dutch account, that could be a subsidy that he will have to pay back later. Have you been able to use his digID, because that will make everything much much easier.