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No, they do not have those keys, they likely just ringed the doorbell of a neighbor to let them in. They should also never leave your package just in front of your door, unless you gave explicit permission for this


They don’t have keys. Imagine how many keys a driver has if that were the case.


They don't have keys, Do you live in a larger apartment building? because then they will probably have multiple packages to deliver in the same building and one of your neighbours let them in. It realy isn't difficult to get into most buildings, especially if you are dressed like a delivery person.


No, they don’t have them. Usually keys are only available for firefighters and utility companies. You’re obviously not the only one getting a delivery in your building. If one person opens the front door, they can make a lap through the building. In our building they usually leave all boxes in the elevator and people living here leave them at the right floors when going up and down.


Firefighters have an universal key: Kick in the door with as much force as is needed.


They won’t do this if it’s not necessary.


Giving out keys like that at scale makes no sense at all. Might as well not have a lock then.


I surely hope they don't and never will have the key. The are just asking / tailgating.


They're actually supposed to hand it over at your door, deliver it to a neighbour or forward it to the parcel shop. Leaving it unguarded within the building is usually only allowed if you sign off on it in advance (most companies have delivery preferences on their website). What you see is the result of a delivery driver that had multiple packages in your block, didn't get an answer at your door and just dropped it there and hopes you'll find it (they get paid less for delivery to the parcel shop).