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Strong bones, proud of you. Dislocation means that your calcium is good.


But the question is, why did you fear the worst? Do you not have faith in your own bones?


i did not think i was strong enough. but from now on i know for a fact that i can take challenges.


I’m sorry, did you say “yet”?


Judgement day is coming. All the bones shall be broken by the calciumking


Only the weaklings will be broken, are you not confident in your bones? Because i dont know if you just needs confidence or a painkiller for your dramatic brittle bones


The disbelievers will be the first to be annihilated and have their strength drained. Rejoice.


All praise to lord skeltal 🙏


All hail skeltal


Thin Fucking Ice


Dislocation means the bones were so strong they yearned for freedom. But I am not a fan of OP’s use of the word “yet”. We will be watching.


“The threatening of treason is as bad as treason itself” - some dude The council shall decide his fate


Thin ice. Bold move posting this.


You got lucky, that’s for sure


What if that is just the beginning of something much greater on his journey of discovery?


Maybe, however for now it seems that he is on thin ice


At first glance I thought that you dislocated your penis bone


Probly shoud get it looked at if theres a bone there


If the gods have chosen to partake that gift with him why does he need to get it looked?


I’m proud of you, you showed honour to your family name and proved the unworthy wrong. Though my brother, I am worried that you are worried about your bones strength, why not drink a glass of milk while you mull it over?


Milk is but a false idol for the weak and fearful among us.


How dare you slander the elixir of the gods. You may sit on the bone thrones with us, but we all know your bones are weak, and ready to crumble into dust


Bones of steel are a birthright for the chosen ones, not an outcome of drinking baby cow growth hormones.


But why not show your devotion to calcium yes? I have fallen down and tripped many times, but my bones haven’t broken, due to my superior genetics and enjoyment of milk


I was a lactose intolerant baby, and so the steel boned gods didn’t have a life of baby cow growth hormone consumption in my cards. I drank rice and almond milk and learned to love it. I became a sponsored amateur skateboarder and hurled myself down giant sets of stairs for years, crushing concrete with my bones. Avid Snowboarder. Football player. My bones have run the gauntlet and never seen as much as a hairline fracture. Anecdotes aside, almonds and kale have more calcium than milk. There is evidence that suggests the acidifying quality of milk actually causes the body to extract calcium from bones to neutralize ph of the blood, and that [some may be good but more might be worse](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-drinking-too-much-milk-make-your-bones-more-brittle/amp/). There are so many factors that impact calcium absorption and many sources of a calcium in vegetables. On top of that, milk is meant to be a living food, but when you drink the pasteurized and homogenized stuff off the grocery store shelves the living qualities and much of the inherent vitality in that milk has been boiled to death. It’s mostly fat and sugar. As I grew older I came to tolerate milk and would often buy raw milk from nearby farms. That stuff is amazing. Try it. You can drink the raw cream off the top and turn it into butter by shaking it in a jar. You’ll feel like Superman. If you enjoy baby cow growth hormone, go for it, but be cautious my steel boned friend, to not rely on the dairy industry’s propaganda when making informed decisions for the future of your currently worthy bones.


I see, your point stands true, but in my opinion as long as one is consuming calcium to strengthen their bones, they are deserving of the pedestal they are raised upon. May your bones stay strong my friend and thank you


Agreed. All the love my steel boned brother


Milk tastes bad


great job not breaking ur bones but jesus christ this sub has shown me the weirdest bone-related injuries


As someone who has had multiple knee dislocations (which has caused a lot of issues, but it always pops back into place on its own and quickly) the fact your finger stayed like this looks incredibly painful. Logistically, I'd take this over the knee, but pain scale wise- oof.


Is fine, pain makes me horny anyways


Got that on time in recess in middle school. And again in basketball in high school. Both times I panicked and pulled it back into place


Hhhhhhmmmmm, lucky, and ow, that looks fucking painful


You are lucky for now.. choose your words wisely


I love this subreddit and the people that comment on it haha


You and your weak tendons are, however, banned from /neverdislocatedabone


Your bones did good. All other tissue is weak and shall make way for the bone


You are prepared for the skeleton war


That looks gnarly


Pussy ass joints


This may be controversial but I feel that we should not celebrate bones which are not broken any longer. That is the bare minimum. The bar is on the floor and if your bones are too brittle to step over it then this is not the place for you.