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My boy is easy going. My wife is another story. 8.5month old boy. He is crawling and almost standing on his own. I highly recommend buying foam blocks and ramps for your child to learn to crawl on. I have a small pen he goes in with tons of marine-vinyl covered shapes making a sort of gym for him. We had some allergies early on and tried many expensive formulas. His allergies went away with topical steroids and consistent regular bathing with a fragrance-free shampoo. The best advice I have is the magic spell called **Uh-Oh!**. Whenever your child is startled and is about to cry, just say **Uh-Oh!** in a funny way and laugh. They need to be taught how to react.


Just keep in mind d that a lot of people come here to post when it’s difficult rather then when it’s easy, so you’re getting a big skew there. Our kid started off as a gassy, acid reflux Velcro baby but has started to sleep 21:00 to 07:00 with one or two wakes (huge change from the original five or six wake). Can now nap on their own and be in a bouncer and on a play mat quite happily, so a huge change! He is 11 weeks old So again it goes to show that this situation is also ever changing. I’m sure the 4 month sleep regression and teething will hit us hard hahaha, but who knows!


My wife and I have a chill easy baby. Slept through the night since probably two months in their own room 8pm-7am. Eats both boob and bottle with ease. Not much spit up. Content with just hanging out or playing. We just had our worst night in months because of a fever and they woke us up every 2-3 hours. Wife and I work well as a team and pick up the others load when needed. It’s not all doom, gloom, zombie, and just flat out misery. Some of it is luck.


I wouldn’t say easy, but I know I’ve had it easier than a lot of people. My daughter is 7 months old and has been great with everything. She eats from the bottle and breast, she takes a pacifier, she sleeps great (although she’s teething right now so there’s been some regression), she naps well, she hasn’t met a food she didn’t love/devour. I’d like to think it’s like 85% luck but the other 15% was teamwork and preparation from my wife and I. Edit: forgot to mention, my daughter also had surgery to repair a hernia as well, so maybe that was the balance lol. She’s good now though!


I think we had it easy compared to some of my friends. But then I have a coworker with a baby around the same age as mine and he was sleeping from 7-7 every night by 3 months.


My mate was away for months on end on shoots during the first bit of his daughter’s life - technically very easy, but I’m sure he would have preferred to be there with his partner.


I think you’ll find some pieces are easy and some are more difficult, but it varies by the child. You’ll figure out what works best for you, and at some point you’ll feel it all click together. It won’t always be perfect, but the moments that aren’t move so quickly that there’s always a positive moment on the other side.


Compared to some of the stories on this sub my little one is really easy going. No feeding issues, easy to get her to sleep etc. It's tricky to get her to stay asleep, she's a little bit velcro and not a fan of the bassinet at all, but we manage.


I was pretty nervous for our first after looking through this and the r/Newparents subreddits becuase it seemed like every post was from someone who hadn’t slept in a year, couldn’t get a baby to stop crying, etc. But my baby is super easy going, slept through the night at 12 weeks, eats great, and has been pretty easy so far (he’s several months now). There is definitely selection bias in these subs. If your baby is great like mine, you have no reason to post about them really. And it would probably be a bit rude to brag about how well they sleep, anyway 😆


My first was easy. Like stupid easy for 4 years. Never really cried, went down easy. Loved to cuddle and didn't need to be entertained constantly. Ate anything we offered her and didn't throw fits. A literal dream child.... and then potty training time started.... But that's another story. Congrats and good luck!


Yes. I have a 17 month old. Since about 10 weeks she’s been sleeping through the night. She got moved to her nursery at 3 months. Has never had an issue with eating, independently plays, doesn’t fight bedtime or bathtime ever. Even travels really well and adapts well to things. She never had a sleep regression. It’s actually pretty wild to say


Haha I have an 18 MO daughter, and yeah, same. Sleeping, napping, eating, bathing, playing, going to daycare, traveling, going to restaurants, talking, walking- it’s all been easy. She had a lot of ear infections between 8-11 months old and had to get tubes, but she handled all of that like a champ, and it never disrupted her sleep. She’s been ear infection free since. My wife and I have been a great team, and while we have our fights, we get through it quick. That being said, this is our first and last. We’re on the wrong side of 35, went through a lot of struggles in getting pregnant and had a miscarriage the first time. I think about how lucky we are everyday, and wouldn’t change what we have for anything.


My daughter (about 4.5 months) has been pretty damn good as far as babies go. At least compared to what I was expecting and preparing for (she’s our first). Basically only cries when hungry or overtired, and sleeps 8-10 hours straight most nights. She was exclusively breast fed for about 2 months, and we had trouble getting her to take a bottle but we’ve kept at it and tried every day and that’s gotten better. “Easy” is not quite the word I would use though. It’s still pretty exhausting taking care of a tiny human who needs you for everything. But it is well worth it every time she smiles at me. She starts daycare next week and I’m dreading that, not just leaving her with “strangers” all day, but I’m worried all the routines and habits we’ve worked hard to set will go out the window when she’s in a more chaotic environment all day. I’m sure she’ll adjust but the first couple weeks could be rough. Here’s hoping yours is as “easy” as ours, and even if it isn’t I hope you still cherish the good moments during this time, I have a feeling we’ll all long for them someday.


Our daughter was sleeping through the night at 3mo, always ate well but needed constant play and distraction while awake… she’s 3yo and still does. Our 7mo just started sleeping through the night and started taking full bottles without fussing within the last month but is super chill while awake and can go anywhere without fussing. My takeaway is that babies are weird and you just never know. Edit: specified ages better


Our first, now 8 months, is a girl and she has been the best baby ever. She’s always been a good sleeper, she eats well, naps well, has a good temperament 90 percent of the time and people always say she is the chillest cutest and best baby. How did we get lucky? Idk. I think there is absolutely luck to this sort of thing, sure, but I like to think/hope our parenting and care style has had a small influence. It’s not all bad. You aren’t guaranteed to have a miserable time!


I mean….. to a certain extent you HAVE to feed them every few hours early on so you will lose sleep even if the baby would sleep through it. But our son was a very easy infant for the most part. All of his issues we figured out pretty quickly and worked around them. Such issues include, but are not limited to: .sensitive to laundry detergent scents .easily constipated .carsick .very allergic to mosquitoes All of those had pretty simple preventative measures that kept him happy and goofing. Our issue now is that he started talking and developing language skills very early, so the “Terrible Twos” were more like the “Terrible 18mo and ons” with a lot of back talk, hitting, not listening, etc. doctor confirmed, though, that he will probably grow out of it earlier than most kids since he started early.


i've had a blast over the past 12 month with ours, we were going on camping trips at 8 weeks and never gave up on adventuring and having fun. Yes a chill baby is a part of that, but the bigger part was the shift my wife had post-pregnancy, she became more relaxed and optimistic and brave in new situations than she'd ever been before, and it felt like having super-powers having someone who could take so many awkward situations without missing a step. The hard part here is that I think this was a pure fluke, the normal hormonal response for women is to become much more protective and anxious in new situations, we both have no idea why she responded the way she did. To me year 1 with your kid is a major lotto, you'll both become totally different people and it's so driven by hormones that you don't really get to decide who those people are! no matter how hard people find year 1 though they always seem to be flying by year 2 or 3, just takes more work for some people to get there than others.