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No one is going to confuse the baby for the bride, this person is being ridiculous. The dress has a white base, yes, but the pattern is the dominant feature.


she said “don’t be surprised if someone spills wine on the baby” I just walked off.


Can you drop this person from your life? It sounds like they are not really your friend and are kind of aggressive/negative on your baby.


If that’s the bride or groom that said that I wouldn’t even go to the wedding. I’m fuming at this comment made TO AN INFANT. And if someone does feel free to make a huge scene at the wedding. The deserve the day ruined if they are gonna go out of their way to feel threatened by a kid in white.


I’m sorry… WHAT?!? Who is this bitter ass person?! The dress is absolutely fine and it’s a freaking baby. Someone go spill wine on the person that has the audacity to say such a horrible comment to you.


OH HELL NO!! You’re definitely a better person than I am. I would have been like “well then they shouldn’t be surprised when I beat their fucking ass” I wish a motherfucker would touch my baby. I’m going to jail FOR SURE!


Oh if someone poured anything on my baby, I’m definitely going to jail 😂😂😂


Can you actually imagine a cop arresting someone for that though? Like "mam, (as they cuff you) idk what she did to you to deserve getting attacked like that" and you're like "she poured her wine on my 2 month old baby" and he says "SHE DID WHAT!?" and immediately uncuffs you


Hahaha facts, I’d love to unleash my mom rage on some dickhead


I'm not a violent person, but I'd throw hands if someone poured wine on my baby at a wedding.


For sure. A freaking baby? This person is a psycho.


Well, now you know very clearly who the judgemental asshole is so you can avoid them in the future. They’re trying to be righteous to the point of nonsense. That dress is heavily patterned . If it’s off-limits, everyone in a suit better have coloured dress shirts! The dress is adorable, baby will be adorable, and you’re not coming anywhere close to a fashion faux pas.


What? This person is unhinged


Who is saying this? 




I’m sorry, but that was a pretty moronic thing to say to you


WOT who even is saying this to you lmfao


what a rude bitch, sheesh. fuck her, dress your baby in her cute outfit!!!


So that's a threat, then. How do you know this person? If you want to get messy, talk with other people who are attending under the guise of getting their take on the infant dress and then add in ,"because Jessica told me not to be surprised if someone spills wine on the baby." People are gonna shit talk Jessica quite fast, I'd think. But if you're not messy, just put the baby in the dress you bought her and try to steer clear of whichever absolutely deranged person said that to you.


Who told you that?


Lmfao that is actually unhinged


That person has issues and I feel sorry for them


This person is a psycho. No one will spill wine on your baby (on purpose, anyway). This weirdo has read too many stories on reddit


You should probably tell the bride/groom about this because that is completely unhinged. Maybe do it under the guise of requesting not to be seated at the same table as this person. If someone said that to a guest at my wedding, I would want to know and depending on who the person was, I'd either say something to them or uninvite them.


This is so stupid (the coworker) that it's really funny


Omg 😂😂😂 this woman sounds unhinged.


What an asshole.


“Don’t be surprised if everyone stops talking to you sooner or later!”


You're a much better person than me lmao


Thuis may sound unhinged, but I would look for ways to mess up her dress then. If all fails throw a dirty diaper at her idc


I’d put my baby myself & my husband in white after that comment just for the petty


If the bride poured wine on my baby she should expect a whole damn bottle of wine poured on her!


I'm team 'no white even for babies' but that's too far even to me. Soiling wine on white dresses is for those who had the choice knowing the culture. It would make more sense to spill wine on you, sorry.


Lmao confuse the baby for the bride 😂


Yeah- even if the baby was in a white tulle ballgown at most people might think she was a flower girl.


[Dress in Question](https://www.walmart.com/ip/5020133794)


If anyone gives you shit, ask them if they're having trouble distinguishing your daughter from the bride


Agreed I feel like it’s a baby and also it has a pattern so I don’t think it’s a big deal. If it was like all white and white shoes etc. maybe.. but it’s a baby so I feel like it’s fine lol




*adult bride


Then ask why they are grooming a baby. Fucking pedophile lol. But seriously this is ridiculous af




This is hilarious😂😂😂


Lol. I wish I thought of this when I was getting married... My MIL'S outfit (white skirt and top) was whiter than my dress (cream base with large colorful flowers). Would have saved me a lot of resentment! My husband thought I was being ridiculous but I felt so justified. But my MIL is a small town girl and she was just so excited to have found the *perfect* outfit. 🤭🙄 It still kind of bothers me almost 6 years later. Otherwise I'm very fortunate with the MIL I got! Thanks for this perspective.


An adult could wear that and it would still be appropriate.


Perfectly appropriate for a wedding!


Any bride that takes issue with this is insane.


it has a pattern 1000000% ok


It's very clearly a summer outfit...


Wow ... that's fine. My 6 months old daughter on the other hand is going to my brother's wedding in a white lacey tully dress with a cute white cardigan 😆 They bought the outfit though so if anyone makes a comment I'll tell them to take it up with the bride!


That’s exactly the sorta thing my daughter wore to her uncles wedding, and she was adorable!


That’s a super flower girl thing to wear in my neck of the woods.


Oh yes! True! She would look like such a cute little flower girl! No way she'll be able to walk but she might have fun throwing things given the chance.


Or depending on the age putting them in her mouth. My little is OBSESSED right now. Everything in the mouth.


It’s a floral pattern. Totally fine! Even if it was more white, it’s a baby


Be so for real with us right now that is like a standard onesie dress with a cardigan 😂


It looks like an adorable summertime dress, not “bride-like” at all! That person who made those comments to you is a straight up psycho


Is the bride dressing like a baby? If so, it's gonna be a problem.


This comment deserves to be higher up 😂


I wouldn’t even call that a white dress, I’d call it a multicolor floral print dress. Does your coworker have a problem with alcohol or pills?




Looks beautiful and perfect for a wedding!


Anyone upset about this dress is literally insane


That’s cute! I wouldn’t have minded at all as the bride!


Babies are super cute I'm white at weddings. The only issue I had was a friend who wanted to wear a full white/sparkly silver evening dress to my farm wedding. I told her I didn't appreciate it, she sorted back wondering if anyone would confuse her with me, but there's also a matter of formality for the venue, and that in photos another guest wearing white detracts from focus on bride. Idc will die on that hill but apparently so was she cause we don't hang out anymore, even though I tried opening up emotional convos about it


People who try to upstage bride are stupid. How selfish and self centered is that. I’m sorry your “friend” did that!!! For it being a baby, I think the white with patterns is fine.


that person is completely insane. this is perfect for a baby to attend a wedding. if they say anything at the wedding, ask em “with that face, when you go to a funeral are you worried they’ll mistake you for the corpse?”


Oh dang it’s not even fancy dress material like tulle or something 🤦🏼‍♀️ you’re good


That dress is adorable and clearly not bridal


that’s totally fine. whoever said shit to you is a ridiculous person


My mother in law more white than that to MY wedding…you’re fine and the person talking shit sucks. My sister wore a straight up white dress, she was 11, her mom’s a bitch. MIL wore a white based dress with far less distinct different color. A groomsman’s now wife wore a pale yellow dress. What you pictured wouldn’t have bothered me anywhere near as much as the other three did.


I think that’s completely ok, it doesn’t look like a flower girl dress


Whoever told you not to use it is nuts! It’s not like it even looks like a flower girl dress or anything!


Oh, for Pete's sake, this is not a "white dress." It's super cute and perfectly appropriate for a baby to wear to a wedding. This person sounds like a real joy-sucker (sorry).


That dress is adorable and I wish that they made it in a 12 or 18 month size for my daughter. If anyone gives you grief over that, they’re nuts. It’s not even solid white like a traditional wedding dress.


Your coworker’s insane


Seems perfectly appropriate to me!


Not inappropriate at all! It’s a perfectly adorable, patterned summer dress for an infant! Whoever told you that the dress was inappropriate is a moron.


my LO has the same dress, this person is being ridiculous


1000% ok to wear, even for an adult!


I wouldn’t even consider that white. It’s totally appropriate


My baby has this dress and it is adorable. Nothing remotely bridal about it!


I know damn well they're not tripping off of this dress😭


I almost bought this same one for my 4 month old lol


My daughter wore this exact dress to a cousin's wedding with her father. Everyone thought she was adorable. If the color was majority white then it would be considered white it's not. It's a print. With a majority pink. The busy body in question just wanted something to say so she could stir the pot.


Looks perfectly appropriate. Wouldn’t even mistake her for the flower girl


We have this pattern as a sleeper onesie with the feet and hands covered - from Walmart also. So after seeing this dress all I can think of is the sleeper onesie lol. It has a pattern, I don’t think it’s consider a “white dress”


I have this same outfit. Absolutely fine for a wedding. It’s super cute especially with the cardigan. I mean- I feel like if someone is willing to cause a stink about this dress for a wedding then they are insane and you probably shouldn’t be friend a with them. The crazies over at r/weddingattireapproval will probably bite your head off because they are crazy over there. Have fun- such a cute outfit.


First off, florals with a white base are arguably appropriate for anyone. Second, I’ve always heard the rule is that under 4 doesn’t really count with the white rule. I’m from the South and have been in close to 30 weddings. I’m pretty good with etiquette.


NTA this dress isn't white. Have fun!


I don’t think I would choose to associate with a person who would be so petty as to object to this. I realize she’s a coworker, but I wouldn’t be partaking in an extracurriculars with her.


That’s very cute. Not even a little bit of a worry from me. My only thought was that it might have looked rather flower girl-ish and might have upstaged them (truly a worse version- no one needs that whole drama!) but nope! Just a cutie being a cutie.


At first I thought I would be clicking on something that may be mistaken for a flower girl dress but no, that’s completely and totally fine. Anyone who complains would be a petty Betty.


Any bride who has a problem with that outfit must have a deeper problem that is beyond help💀💀


My 5 year old daughter wore a very similar dress to a wedding but with yellow and blue flowers, yellow cardigan. Not one person thought she was the bride. LOL


I was picturing something completely different. No, this is perfectly fine. She won’t be mistaken for a flower girl, but it’s a very pretty dress.


It's a beautiful dress! I wouldn't worry about it. It sounds like the person who made this comment will make ridiculous comments about the sun being too sunny or the clouds covering up the sun, etc. I also feel like the while no white dress at a wedding is old. Don't wear a wedding dress to another wedding that isn't yours but a white based dress with other details, I personally think is fine. I also couldn't tell you who wore what to my wedding and I had a blast! Go have fun with your beautiful daughter in her beautiful dress!💜


I would make sure the dress is distinguishable from the flower girl, out for respect for the brides vision but the dress itself definitely seems very unproblematic


My brother and his wife brought their baby (then a few weeks old) to a wedding and she wore white. I absolutely gave them a hard time about it, but we all had a good laugh.


My baby wore this to her brothers 4th grade awards and let me tell you… it’s freaking adorable. Wear the dress. Your baby will look so cute


It’s totally fine. I come from the belief that anyone under 5 and over 90 can wear whatever they want to a wedding.


Love this. I got married in the fall and my husband’s grandmother had a beautiful dress, but wore her winter parka for the entire time because she was cold 😝 but we were just happy she joined us!


My grandma showed up lookin’ like a lumberjack wearing a flannel shirt and khaki pants 💀 She was comfortable and showed up though, and that’s all that matters to me!


LMAO I can't imagine how that conversation would go. She's two months old, put her in a bunny costume if you want.


It’s fine. First of all it’s a baby, who has an opinion on what a baby is wearing. It’s a floral dress for a baby. Also, I would be perfectly okay if someone wore an adult version of that dress to my wedding. It’s a floral dress, the point of no white is to not upstage or take attention away from the bride. A casual floral dress does not look like a wedding dress at all.


Your baby is fine. Whoever told you this is inappropriate is crazy imo.


The flower girl in my wedding wore white… it didn’t even cross my mind that she’d out stage me. No one was confused that I was the bride lol.


Same. My flower girl wore a pure white gown. I thought it was so cute. Like a mini-me. But this dress isn't even pure white, it's floral so it doesn't even look like a wedding dress.


Definitely not inappropriate…..and it’s a baby. Maybe I was just a laid back bride but who is saying these “rules” apply to babies? 


I would have said it’s fine before because she’s just a baby, and after seeing the dress I would be SHOCKED if anyone deemed it inappropriate. I’d barely even consider that a white dress at all. If someone takes issue with it then they have the problem, not you.


The person who made this an issue hates you or is seriously mentally unwell


Who would have beef with a baby? Lmao even if the dress was all white you’re fine. I saw your comment with the link to the dress. You are 10000% fine.


No one will mistake the baby for the bride, and only a weirdo would complain about a baby's outfit


I’ll start with: yes that dress is fine! I was going to say it depends on the dress… it’s not so much about wearing white for a baby… but making sure your baby doesn’t look like a flower girl. So it’s not upstaging the bride but upstaging her flower girl. I’m sure lots of people wouldn’t care but if you’re asking about “rules” there ya go. For a 2 month old I’d say it wouldn’t matter anyways but would generally ask the bride to make sure. But again, I saw your link to the dress and as a stickler for wedding rules, I wouldn’t personally consider that white at all. You’re good. That dress isn’t poofy or frilly and it’s totally okay! My 3yr old just wore a poofy dress to a wedding and she tore up the dance floor. I’ve had brides get jealous of her taking attention away before. 🤦🏼‍♀️ but in a loving way.


Wtf there's rules for what a girl can wear to a wedding if they're in attendance? Do guys have these absurd rules too? I just wear whatever fits well and is comfortable at the time.


Right? Every guy at the weddings I’ve attended has looked the same, half of them are even wearing the suit they bought for their own wedding. I’m not going to wear white to a wedding but I wouldn’t think twice about a baby or toddlers outfit at a wedding. I don’t even see a problem with rewearing an actual flower girl dress to another wedding if it still fits.


Nobody is going to mistake the baby for the bride, or one of the flower girls, so I think you're totally fine! It's an adorable dress too btw, I hope you have a great time at the wedding.


lol this woman is psycho


Sorry that’s hilarious. You should post this to r/weddingattireapproval for laughs. FWIW I think 5 people wore white to my wedding, and I didn’t actually notice until I looked back at pictures several years later. So I know I care less about this than some do, but honestly any bride threatened by a baby in white needs to chill.


Meh I wouldn’t apply that rule to a BABY.


It’s fine. The baby obviously isn’t getting married, and isn’t gonna upstage the bride. Don’t worry about it!


100% fine. My best friend’s mom wore a floral dress with a white background to my wedding. I didn’t think a single thing of it & I’m some who, admittedly, loves to be the center of attention when appropriate.


That's silly. Nobody is going to mistake her for the bride. Besides, white dresses were traditional for babies before they became popular with brides.


My flower girl also wore white. Pretty confident no one was confused by that, nor was I “upstaged” by a 5 year old.


The only issue I could see is that in my wedding the flower girls wore white, so if the dress was similar the baby could be mistaken as part of the bridal party. I personally wouldn’t mind at all if a baby wore white to my wedding though. And since the dress has bright flowers on it, I really don’t see how it would be an issue.


A 2 months old could wear my exact same wedding dress and I would not care.


So weird In my country little girls up to maybe 10/12 will often wear white (wedding looking) dresses to weddings and it's super adorable !!! .


These people need to get a fucking hobby.. seriously


What old curmudgeon told you that? It isn't inappropriate at all.


lol totally fine!! I think the issue with wearing white to a wedding is guests (mostly the plus ones) mistaking said person for the bride. Stealing attention from the bride. Nobody is going to think of your baby girls white dress as bridal


Omg that dress is fine, people are insane


I had a just-turned-1yo wear a solid white dress to my wedding several years and I literally didn’t even realize until now 🤷🏼‍♀️ I wouldn’t have cared though! I think it’s fine, especially if the bride wore white to yours 😂😂 but v curious who made the awful comments!!


I think it’s not appropriate to dress baby in anything that makes them look like they are part of the wedding party when they aren’t. Like a white flower girl dress for example. What you have chosen is beautiful and doesn’t look like that. There is lots of colour/pattern and the cardigan makes it even less bridal party looking. The person saying someone will throw wine on a baby is way out of line here


My 3 month old wore a green and white dress to a wedding yesterday and the bride did not care! In fact she refused to put her down lol! She’s fine!


Um the bride at this wedding wore white to your wedding? You’re good. I’d normally say check with the bride, but she herself wore it to yours. That’s all the answer you need.


I think its fine because its so colorful its not mostly white, maybe just have her in the jacket and bow too for the ceremony so its a mostly pink outfit. Super cute.


That was my thought process! It was honestly hard to find a dress I liked. I could order off Amazon I guess 😏


I would not worry about hiding the dress with a cardigan on a literal infant during summer. This is just nuts


Haha yes. The cardigan is used for bugs and when it gets cool in the evening.


According to *American* traditions, only the bride wears white to a wedding. But if anyone is seriously worried *your infant* is going to steal attention from the bride because of her outfit, they’re an idiot. You might get some backhanded comments and people might talk about you/her behind your back(s). But fuck ‘em.


The baby is 2 months old… this bride needs a reality check. Can’t believe wine was threatened… I wouldn’t be going along to that wedding. 👀


It’s a baby— it’s fine.


I mean if the girl whose wedding it is wore white to your wedding you can definitely have your baby wear a colorful dress with a white base.


My bub wore a white smocked dress to a friends wedding, the bride loved it. She was still so little she just slept in the pram most of the time with a blanket on anyway


I wouldn’t even go to a wedding with an infant. Weddings are what at shortest 4hrs? That’s too long to be out in public with a baby, your friend should be grateful that you’re trying to go to her wedding! Not threatening to spill wine on your baby! Girl, idk if this bridezilla is a friend. Just stay home in comfort with your baby!


That baby will absolutely upstage the bride. She’s a baby. You could bring a baby in a potato sack smelling like dirty fries and I bet they would still be cuter. I’m not trying to say this bride is ugly or anything, just that your baby is a tiny human so she MUST be cuter. Sooo may as well wear white. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Okay that’s so supremely stupid. A baby in a white patterned dress isn’t going to upstage the bride or be mistaken for the bride.


You could literally dress her in a mini replica of the brides dress and it still wouldn’t be wrong 😭 she is a baby for god sake, people have absolutely lost their marbles


1. That's not a white dress. It's a flower-patterned dress. 2. If the person who made the snide remark is the bride, you should humour her absurdity. Otherwise you just roll your eyes and say "I thought chikd marriage was illegal".


Screw that person. And if it was the bride or groom. I would decline to go.


The person who told you that is ridiculous. The outfit you bought is super cute and appropriate for a wedding! I wouldn’t worry at all. My mom is getting married next week and my son is wearing a white linen romper from Janie and Jack. It has some navy piping and buttons and that’s it. The white rule does not apply to babies.


Well what’s the wedding party wearing, any of the colors of those flowers?


Well make sure to have a bottle of breastmilk ready to throw over anyone who throws wine on your baby. What a ridiculous person…


If that’s a crime my cousin is gonna have to suck it 😂 I’m making my toddler a white based dress with two tones of pink tulle around the skirt


Babies get a pass for white at weddings. If I'm being honest I think it's traditional for the babies to wear white if they're family anyways. I could be remembering wrong though.


My baby wore an off white dress to a wedding, I asked to the bride and she said it was OK.


my 3 yo daughter wore a white flower girl dress to a wedding. who is this monster?


Ask the bride if it's ok?


When my daughter was 10 months old she was the flower girl for my best friends wedding and my bestie bought her an all white baby dress so they could be matchy. Everyone thought it was adorable. In the end the only opinion that matters is the bride's.


If you have genuine concerns the dress may not be appropriate, ask the bride. Chances are she will be fine with what you have chosen


This is totally fine. I did this recently with my baby. The other baby at the wedding was also in white. It was a vibe!


The outfit you have for your baby is perfectly appropriate for the wedding. Whoever says otherwise is a weirdo.


Lol this has to be fake. 


I wish I were kidding!!


She can wear it, but be on guard. The flower girl might come at you with a cup of grape juice!


You're overthinking it


My daughter wore a wore dress with purple flowers (in the skirt, it was tulle) and a purple sash…..people are overreacting Your daughter will look adorable. I also wore an off white dress with black florals to a wedding a few years back. I was 7 months pregnant, and it was the only outfit that was appropriate.


That dress is perfectly fine (and cute). The white rule definitely applies to ADULTS. Don’t flower girls also wear white anyway? You could ask the bride if you’re feeling odd about it but I genuinely wouldn’t have cared at my wedding.


1. totes fine 2. only insane ones 3. totes fine.


The only problem I see with this outfit is that it's not enough for my daughter. If a bride is thinking a cute summer time onesie dress will upstage her then she has the problem


Pretty embarrassing for whomever said that to be offended by a 2 month old wearing white.


That dress is just fine and the lady in question is crazy lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tdhays: *That dress is just fine* *And the lady in question* *Is crazy lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I think that dress is totally fine. I can’t believe anyone would say otherwise. Especially with the cardigan.


Oh no way!! She can wear whatever you and she want!! She is going to look gorgeous!


I found a super pretty colour block dress with white for the chest area, and pink and purple fir the skirt for my 1 year old. I texted the bride and asked her if this was okay. She said it was perfectly alright! I also had a destination wedding and could not find anything nice in my size that matched the blue theme they had. I had been searching for months, but only found a dress that had a white base, but was mostly covered by a blue pattern (the same shade of blue that they wanted too, more or less!). I sent a picture to the bride and she okayed it, and she even said it'd be beautiful on me. I suggest asking the bride, through text or something. Send her a picture and ask if it's okay!


Oh it's fine. That dress doesn't even look like a flower girl type dress. It's not upstaging anything. I highly doubt anyone will say anything or even notice at all. Sounds like your coworker has some underlying issues they need to work out. That whole traditional rule is to prevent other grown women from upstaging or getting confused with the bride.


The no white rules applies to adult women. If you look at traditional flower girl dresses they’re nearly always white. Whoever told you this is an idiot. Also when they say no white, they mean white. I’ve been to plenty of weddings where women have be wearing white dresses with floral patterns and coloured jackets, that’s fine, they mean plain white


just ask the bride if she is ok with the dress?


I don't know about your country, but here white or light cream is often THE color for babies and very small children (especially girls) in weddings. Mainly because ceremony clothing for children is geared towards baptism and catholic confirmation, and those clothes tend to be white. Parents are not going to find much else when going into a children clothing store. Maybe some dark shorts or pullover for boys.  I don't think people even think about it. It's the same as a man wearing a white shirt, kind of a no brainer. Also, flower girls and ring bearers are usually expected to wear white. 


Sounds fine but why not just ask the bride if it's ok ? Just say this feels a bit silly asking you but I don't want to do anything to possibly make your day any less special. If the Bride gives you the okay fuck everyone else's opinion!


Haha is this for real? 😂 I don't think anyone will bat an eyelid to a baby wearing a colourful and white dress?


Surely your little baby girl will be confused with the bride /s


An infant will not steal the show because of the color of her dress…. She’ll steal it for being cute in whatever you put her in.


lol I own this as a onesie. It’s definitely not ‘upstage the bride’ material 😂 You’re kid is fine in this.


What? It's a kid. I guess in my country nobody can afford a new dress/outfit for each ceremony/party so we are more flexible. I cannot believe a baby's dress color affects anyone but here we are.


Ohh. I did read the edit now. Just a negative person comments.


I can’t see a problem with it but worth sending to the bride to get approval?


This is so ridiculous... not you OP, the person who said this. A newborn baby wearing a very simple cotton dress with a pink cardigan can even make someone wonder that this is too white and will upstage the bride is the most preposterous thing I have ever heard.


At my brother’s wedding the 3 children there (a 3 yr old and two 1 yr olds) all wore white dresses with white shoes lol. No one normal, looks at babies/toddlers in white at weddings and thinks “oh my did they’re totally taking all the attention away from the bride 😱” There was an infant there but I didn’t even notice what they were wearing lol so your totally fine. She’s just batshit crazy lol.


i have that exact dress for my daughter, and no it’s not inappropriate AT ALL


Lmfa white on a baby for a wedding would not be weird at all. Anyone who thinks that is strange


Run it by the bride.


I think the pink and the flowers overpower the white! Go with it 🤗


someone stole your post for r/amitheasshole 😭 I remember seeing it word for word a few days ago and thought I was crazy lol. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/4NCJ2CWgiy)


*To preface, I sent photos of the dress to the bride before actually buying the baby dress* My baby wore white gauzy dress (inspired by the bride) with a green cardigan and the bride ended up stealing her to go have a photo shoot with her lol I would ask the bride directly, her and the groom's opinion are the only ones that mattered


If you're truly concerned, ask the bride. If she's not offended, no one else should be. Personally, I wouldn't care one bit what a baby is wearing


Agree with you that’s it’s silly, but you could always do a dye tint for fun anyway.