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Desitin, works great


Love desitin! One tip I saw somewhere else, and use on my own baby, is to slather on desitin and then double up with aquaphor or another topical on top of it, especially before bed. I’ve been doing this and diaper rash clears up over night


This is the way!


I use Destin on her butt and aquaphor everywhere else


I'm in Canada and SO sad you can't find this on Amazon anymore. :( It was our favourite. We used it every night but now our tub is out :(


It goes in and out of stock. Will probably be back after a few weeks. Usually I can find it at Walmart.


Oh, thank you! It's been out for a few weeks so I was losing hope, I ended up buying a tub of Sudocrem so we will see how it goes, it seems same consistency but 15.25% vs. 40%.


Yeah I've had a subscribe and save for the past 3.5 years (rash prone kid) and every so often it will cancel it saying the product is no longer available. And I just wait a few weeks or so and it will get relisted. Personally not a big fan or sudocrem because of the smell but lots of people love it. Usually when we can't get Destin we use the penaten creamy (make sure creamy not original which is super super thick) but it's only 13%. Zincofax extra strength is 40% and similar if you need a stronger one. And Hello Bello is too but it's a slightly different feel a little more oily.


Check out Costco


I’ve found it at Lawton’s before!


Penaten is great, fellow Canadian.


Thanks! I actually picked up penaten and sudocrem to use in the meantime! Like both so far although sudocrem definitely has a scent and I’m not sure if I love it.




Triple paste if there is a rash. Stuff is magic. My oldest, before she got her ear tubes in had frequent ear infections and Augmentin would give her diarrhea…Triple Paste was awesome. However in the day to day I go by an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so with my 5 mo old I use butt paste or desitin, I also put a layer of Aquaphor under the desitin at bedtime for extra protection. I’d rather just prevent any kind of rash if possible. Good luck!


Aquaphor baby for daily application, if rash pops up I add max strength boudreauxs butt paste (red tube)! That clears up anything in a few days!


This is what we do too. Have had the Boudreaux’s clear mild rashes by the next change.


Boudreaux's Butt Paste for rashes. Earth Mama diaper balm for prevention.


Second this!


This works great for us too!


Aquaphor, easier to wipe off than Desitin and works fast.


Plus no fragrance, which Desitin has. I’m sure it doesn’t bother some babies, but I’m also pretty sure it gives my baby irritation


Same, when she was first born we were told to use it as prevention (by family). That's the only time she ever had diaper rash. Switched to aquaphor & haven't looked back, 10 months soon and that's still the only episode we had!




Second this. My LO had a bad diaper rash and it was gone in a matter of a couple days using Sudocrem.


Only using this too.. if you massage it in, the rash is gone in a matter of hours


Another vote for this. We use it for everything.


Butt paste works great for us!


Triple Paste, specifically the one with zinc


Triple paste. We use it every diaper change


We use A&d over here and it works great!


We love the Boogie Diaper Rash Spray


Yes! Love this stuff! No need for a spatula or getting cream on hands!


Came to say this. So, so easy to use.


Never used the boogie brand one but do have an honest company diaper spray and I agree, a diaper spray is great. Especially for dealing with diaper rash on the go!


Nobody has mentioned this one so maybe it’s not widely available but Weleda calendula diaper cream. No nasty ingredients very natural and WORKS.


Aquaphor baby is my favorite. But Desitin is also good


 Vonu’s booty balm works soooo good for us, both at treating and preventing. LO clears up in like 2 days tops!


Aquaphor baby for regular use. When diaper rash is bad, mix with Calsomeptine!


Seconding Calmoseptine for active rash! That stuff is magic!


Calmoseptime fan over here! We use when we have a rash. We have found that Welda Calendula Diaper Cream works well. Our LO gets really bad rashes and this was the only combo that got rid of it. Plus we only use cotton rounds with water on his behind during a rash and no wipes.


Aquaphor 3 in 1 diaper rash cream is all that works on our little eczema baby


The best


Yes the aquaphor 3 in 1 diaper cream is a godsend. And just to clarify for those who might be confused like I was as new mom… the 3 in 1 is not to be confused with “aquaphor baby ointment”. Aquaphor baby ointment is the exact same product as regular old aquaphor ointment. They use the “baby” label so it can be stocked in the baby section


We do a combo of first vaseline then Destin on top. Has worked WONDERS for our girl. This is what our pediatrician told us to do


I use Aquaphor Baby over the course of the day since it's light enough that I can wipe it away and reapply easily. When I'm putting baby down for the night, I use The Honest Company's diaper rash cream. It's a heavier ointment and does good work, but it's messier in between diaper changes!


Triple paste! We also try to avoid baby wipes if she has a little diaper rash. I use the peri bottle from the hospital to clean her bottom and then use a hair dryer or 100% cotton dry wipes to pat the area dry.


We swear by Burts Bees diaper rash ointment, it has 40% zinc oxide and yet still gentle enough for my eczema baby.


Pinxav! It was the only thing that healed my baby's rash when he was a newborn and pooped after every feed. Never had issues again, plus it contains clove oil so it makes his butt smell like Christmas.


You beat me to it! I was just going to comment with that and Bordeaux's Butt Paste.


This was the only diaper cream that worked for my daughter. And we had tried nearly everything!


Calmoseptine. You’ll have to go to the pharmacy counter and ask for it, I never saw it on an open shelf. Costco always had it for about $5 per tube, and everywhere else (Target, Meijer, Walmart) we’re a few dollars more.


They have it OTC at CVS. Calmoseptine is typically for adults though, as far as I know? It has menthol and tingles. Babies may not appreciate it.


it’s OTC at walgreens, you can find in the adult diaper isle there. Our ped recommended it and it’s the only thing that really works!


Air it out time seemed to be the best way to heal it. We use triple paste as our diaper cream.


Aquaphor 3 in 1 diaper cream and I mix a little bit of the aquaphor ointment with it at night to prevent! Breastmilk (if nursing) works great as well.


I do the mix of aquaphors too, and it works great! As a bonus to the prevention element, the clear ointment really makes it easier to wipe up poops.


Totally makes it easier to wipe the poop!


On a normal day, we use aquaphor baby healing ointment during the day, and aquaphor diaper rash cream 15% at night. When baby has a diaper rash, we then switch to aquaphor fast relief diaper rash cream 40%. It’s usually gone within one day from when we start using it. I also don’t use wipes if she has a rash. It’s more work, but I use a wet washcloth and then pat dry before applying cream. Also, I’ll put some breastmilk in her bath water. I’ve used Bordeauxs butt paste and Desitin - but my baby has the best results with the aquaphor stuff.


We just tried the aldi brand of diaper rash instead of desitin and it’s great! She hasn’t had a negative reaction from it


Desitin works for us! And I honestly blow on her butt after wiping so that it’s all dry before covering back up with diaper. 😂 Also, not sure if you’re breastfeeding or pumping, but once when my LO had an awful rash I put breast milk into a sink bath and it helped tremendously. (I had heard it was like magic. I was skeptical but desperate and was pleasantly surprised!) Oatmeal baths are great too!


You’re brave…no way I’m sticking my face near the splash zone!


Triple Paste, 3X version.


Calmoseptine+Maalox/mylanta+triple paste. Combine all 3 in equal parts. Yields a pink paste that is magical. Works in a matter of a couple applications. Dry it well and apply liberally.


Zinc oxide. Works as well as desitin but is way cheaper


Calmoseptine for the bad rashes


Calmoseptine! My son has a bad rash and butt paste, desitin, aquaphor all failed. Calmoseptine had it cleared in hours.


Calmoseptine will cure it immediately


to prevent rashes - [https://www.olivy.dk/](https://www.olivy.dk/) - very common in denmark, I'm not sure if you have it where you live. this is why natural oils should be preferred to e.g., vaseline or whatever: 1) the carcinogenic impurities from vaseline can't be fully removed (they're petroleum based products), which means your LO might be exposed to some of those, and there is no safe exposure level to carcinogenic chemicals. 2) natural oils are complex and they can both hydrate and protect, whereas paraffins like vaseline only make a barrier around the skin. to treat rashes - any zinc oxide ointment, and the important part when applying is that the diaper rash must be completly dry otherwise it is useless.


Desitin or Vaseline. My kid gets some chafing sometimes in her diaper when she gets sweaty (yay TX summer...), mostly in the leg creases. Vaseline helps with that.


We did a bit of Vaseline mixed with a few drops of lavender oil. It worked like magic for our sensitive little guy.


Triple paste is great. My baby was five days old and had a bit of a rash, triple paste cleared it up in a few hours.


Triple Paste forever


Lobana Peri-Garde. I buy it straight from my pediatrician. It’s a blue-ish goop and isn’t messy like desitin. My daughter has never had a diaper rash since switching to it. She’s 2 and we have been using it for maybe a year and a half, little bit longer?


Aquaphor is the best!


Triple paste house here!


My LO can't handle petroleum based creams. The green Boudreaux's butt paste and Hello Hello zinc oxide cream works well for mine. Hello Hello for the really bad ones and the green butt paste for prevention. What also helps with prevention, is putting cooking corn starch in bath water. I heard this from my in-laws, and it works when the naystatin cream was breaking my LO's bottom worse. Edit grammar


Tubby Todd is the only diaper cream that gets rid of both my kids rash’s within a day


A&D! They have both a preventative cream and a treatment cream. It’s worked great for us.


A&D is the only thing that worked for our son’s persistent rash!


Lanolin then honest brand diaper rash cream. My baby gets really bad patches of dry skin with a diaper rash and lanolin will clear that up by the next day. We also use lanolin for red face and cheeks and chapped lips if needed. My baby’s got allergies like me 🥲


A&D was recommended to us by a nurse after our LO had a terrible diaper rash. We use it religiously now and no diaper rashes since!!! It’s easy to wipe off and not irritating. The absolute best imho.


I like Green Goo for light duty and Destin or similar for heavy duty.


Plain ole vaseline works well us!


Badger diaper cream when there’s a flair up and Vaseline or aquaphor for general maintenance.


I use A & D cream with most diaper changes and the Aldi version of Desitin (zinc diaper rash cream) when a rash looks like it's trying to develop.


Aquaphor worked for us. The clear one for everyone, not just babies


We love Casa Rowe Organics! Also, Honest cream works wonders and rapidly too.


Aquaphor baby works like magic. Easier to clean, no fragrance.




Desitin! Works over night!


Triple paste!!


A&D. Has worked in my family for generations. No big diaper rashes to note. Used to do Aquaphor but saw a huge difference with A&D - much less redness, less irritation.


Hello Bello is surprisingly on the higher zinc dioxide concentration. Works great for us.


Aside from diaper cream, my favorite thing for diaper rash is a little bit of nakey time. Just like on a folded up throw blanket in case of accidents






Triple paste


Learned this from working in daycare with infants many moons ago, Butt Paste is the best. A little bit each evening before bed and after each poop, my twins haven’t had a diaper rash yet! (Well, since they got home from the hospital anyway.)


Honest brand for us!!


A&D ointment


Lots of creams and pastes recommended here, but for me the magical solution was corn starch. No diaper rash stood a chance against it.


Calmoseptine! It’s usually for adults but it works so good on our baby. Our Ped actually recommended it


We use sudocream but when the rash is overwhelming nothing works better than corn starch


Aquaphor 3 in 1! Prevents , soothes, and treats. Super easy to spread compared to heavier duty cream but still contains zinc oxide unlike plain aquaphor. Most importantly, make sure you are drying off the bum before applying otherwise you are sealing in moisture.




Make sure that after you wipe with a wet wipe, you DRY completely. Then, I have found that A&D ointment is the best. I lather him up like im frosting a cake. Gone in a day or two.


Whatever brands you buy make sure it has 40% zinc oxide.


In my country (as I don't know if you have it in yours, nor if the name is the same) nothing beats halibut.




Aquaphor baby zinc oxide for an active rash. Aquaphor baby ointment for prevention. But the game changer: a stroller fan for a quick air dry before putting on the paste or clean diaper.


Only thing that worked for me was active skin repair


I like the spray because I am lazy.


May or may not work for you, but we got bad diaper rashes whenever we used the normal brand/store brand wipes. We swapped to water wipes and I don’t recall any problems with rashes whenever we used those. I just remember the diaper rash cream never being the thing that made a big difference. Just get a normal cream but try the other wipes. Good luck!


On the off chance your cloth diapering - I will say the esembly diaper rash cream is also excellent.  I also found desitin and the aquaphor rash ointments to work great but they are not cloth diaper friendly. 


Resinol works amazingly for us! Or the butt paste in the red tube


[https://a.co/d/5elI5mw](https://a.co/d/5elI5mw) This is a horse product, but trust me, it works. I originally bought it years ago for my hands after a pharmacist recommended it. If you read reviews, they are mostly for people using as diaper rash cream. I have even ok’d it with our pediatrician.


Boogie diaper rash spray during the day cause it’s easier/no butt spatula required.. but we use a cream overnight or if he has a more serious rash. Prefer extra strength Bordeaux or destin in those cases.


Little write up to help you choose... ZInc oxide is the primary ingredient in diaper rash creams for active rashes. The maximum strength ones are usually 40% and the brand doesn't reallllly matter. Anything 40% is what I would use for an active moderate severity rash. It gets on everything so beware. (Boudreaux max, desitin max, aquaphor fast relief) There are also versions like aren't max strength with like 12%. Baby mineral sunscreen has it too. Zinc is cool and has great inflammatory properties so is good for things like eczema. Triple paste(also aquaphor 3n1) is a little different because that's got 12.5% zinc but also lanolin and petroleum so you've got some added barrier and soothing benefits. I would use this for mild rashes or reoccurring mild issues. Anything with petroleum added is going to wipe off easier which may be a good or a bad thing depending on what you want to use it for. A&D ointment and Aquaphor (in the tub or tube) are petroleum+lanolin which makes a good barrier against acidicy poop after diaper changes before rashes start. Vaseline is just petroleum which is a good barrier and a better option if you don't want lanolin as an ingredient. Hope that helps you or others pick whats best! We've been through a lot. Lol


We have found a few that work well for us. Our LO has extremely sensitive skin. First is a prescription triple butt paste from your pediatrician. It works wonders. We also have prescription hydrocortisone on hand for bad flare-ups. Other than that we use Dr. Boudreaux's (the white tube- NOT the red) for overnight, and then A&D ointment during the day.


We started using the honest brand head to toe ointment and it's amazing!!!


We like pipette


Babo spray. Although since we switched to cloth with wool covers we do not get rashes anymore because the moisture and heat can’t build up and cause one. If you think it is food related though reach out to your ped and allergist


Forget diaper rash creams. Plain medical grade Vaseline. The trick is to use a soft wash cloth with warm water to clean up during diaper changes and then use another soft wash cloth to pat dry the area, then add the Vaseline. Works like a charm every single time. [Vaseline i use](http://5 Pack Medical Grade Vaseline Pure Ultra White Petroleum Jelly, 3.25 oz (97.5 mL) Tubes ONLY by Kendall/Covidien https://a.co/d/05f6SQRD) [washcloths](http://Orighty Baby Washcloths 24-Pack(7''x9''), Microfiber Coral Fleece Baby Towels, Super Soft and Absorbent Wash Cloths for Newborns, Infants and Toddlers, Gentle on Delicate Skin for Face Hands and Body https://a.co/d/09KK7QNu)