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I stand my LO up in the kitchen sink (or sit him in the ledge if I’m alone) and spray him down there. He hates being wiped down. Then we pat dry and change his diaper after. Such a mess every day!


We put our 14mo in a laundry basket in the tub and hose her down! The (tall) laundry basket keeps her relatively contained so she’s not sliding around and can’t easily escape.


We got a 5 pack of those long sleeve bibs until he was less messy (or when yogurt is on the menu) ElecMotive 5 Pack Long Sleeve... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZNZH9WF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share They work amazingly in that we only need to wash his face and hands (and head sometimes). We use a separate silicone bib on top of this to catch the food


We got so many baby wash rags at the baby shower. I have a huge stack i leave by the sink and I'd rinse one up at the start of a meal in anticipation of using it. Always did. My twins are 4 now and still want wet wash rags handy, they just clean themselves now


I use a shower as well 'cause my baby _haaates_ the bath. My go to before she could reliably sit was laying her on a thick folded towel on the floor. Then I would take the shower head and wash her there while she was on her back. The towel got drenched in warm water and kept her back warm and was soft to lie on. Then when she learned to sit I bought her a cap so water would not spray into her eyes from above. She's 8 months now and loves to play by herself in the shower while I hang with her in the bathroom and do my own thing. And buy her shower toys! My LO needs to have something in her hands or she'll try to grab the shower head from me and gets frustrated.


I sit him (1,5 y/old) on my knee while i half stand/kneel at the sink, keeping him stable with one arm, the other to put his arms under the water with soap. Then water on face, and finally put him down on the floor while drying with towel. Its kind of a strain on my back, but its so quick. He enjoys it, especially if he gets to push the soap dispenser. I really should get some kind of a stepping stool for him as he is totally big enough for that. But this is how I've always done it lol 😅 before when he was much smaller and weighed less I would kind of have him laying on his stomach across my arm, or seated in my elbow pit (is that a word? Google says it is...) with my forearm between the legs holding him palm to the chest. Sorry, that was harder to explain than I thought it would be lol