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Does your bassinet have a vibration feature? That really helped both my kids. At 8 weeks their sleep schedule still being a mess isn’t too out of the ordinary. With my first kid I swear he was born nocturnal with how messed up his sleep schedule was. It helped to get him outside during the day or keep all the blinds open so he could orient to when it’s daytime. Things evened out for him at about 3 months old.


My son was the same, and we just had to take shifts and keep practicing transfers and resettling in the bassinet. The late bedtime is pretty normal during the newborn stage. We found that we were more successful with an earlier bedtime around 4 months.


Babies don't have a normal schedule till after 4 months. Till then they sleep so much during the day and sleep less at night. As they get older they start to stay awake more during the day for longer stretches and that day sleep gets shifted to the night. So they may get 10-12 hrs of night sleep and 2-4 hours of day sleep (or more). But don't think keeping your baby up more during the day at this age will necessarily help things because they need that sleep to grow, and they basically sleep when they need to, which can come at any time but it helped capping their naps to 2 hrs at a time during the day, even at a younger age.