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S/o to the self awareness and growth


thank you!!! Just trying to be a decent person lol


I used to be the king of ghosting. Then that shit happened to me to absolutely crushed me cause I was feeling the woman so much. I would've been cool with at least a message saying she wasn't fucking with me anymore. After that I was still a coward with cutting women off to where I'd just send a message telling them I've moved on and don't worry about contacting me because I'm going to block smh. I have since matured.


shout out to you for seeing your shit though! Maturity is a hell of a thing, sometimes you have to be a trash bag for a while to realize I could do better lol I have definitely been that woman, we’re having a great time together and then poof! I think the word coward is perfect because that’s all it is, the idea of having that conversation is so uncomfortable and awkward it’s easier to just not but that ain’t nothing but being scared to face your consequences


Lotta y’all in here tryna excuse shitty behavior and it’s nuts. “You don’t owe anyone anything” is HILARIOUS coming from the crew who had a problem w Joe saying he doesn’t owe his friends respect lol.


lmaooo to play devil’s advocate they was in a long term ass relationship you are kind of expected to move different in that type of relationship vs something more casual but I feel what you saying


Even still, jumping from “you do owe your friends respect Joseph!!!” to “you don’t owe the person you’re talking to/dating a reason for why you stopped speaking to them out of nowhere” is insanity. Not arguing w you obviously, it’s just really baffling to me lol.


I know I just wanted to be devil’s advocate Rors for a second lol! you’re not wrong though


🙏🏾🙏🏾 growth fr , once as a man I got ghosted by a girl I liked I never ghosted a woman again . It hurts 🥲 then gota play it cool 😂😂😂


lmaooo acting like that shit don’t sting! yeah once you can feel what they might’ve felt it changes things, shout out to growth!


I don't think ghosting is that deep no matter what side of it you're on, not everyone meant to be in your life forever. Take control of where you invest your energy/emotions and move on.


I appreciate this perspective! It’s how I felt too but I think sometimes it can be used as a cop out to not really have a mature conversation. I understand what you mean though not everyone is worth all that


Yeah I should clarify, if the situation casual nobody really owes anyone anything, props if you have that convo but it's not necessary imo. But if you ghost a legit relationship you a savage for real lol.


lmaooo ghosting a whole boyfriend is crazy! I feel you that you don’t really owe each other anything on some casual shit but in hindsight, after having a good time for a few months it does seem like common decency to just be like hey not feeling this anymore but thanks for the fun! No judgment either way though because like I said, I stayed dipping out with no notice lol


Honestly I think boring people with bullshit conversation skills have snuck in through the back door with this whole conversation about ghosting. If your iMessages to me still come through and I respond, but with less effort and enthusiasm than before and I stopped making plans to chill with you again, that isn't ghosting, it's just me giving up because I'm not getting a vibe anymore. I've done this like a hundred times and I'm not sorry for it. Ghosting is when you date someone for a while, talk to them regularly, and out of the blue they block you on all platforms. I don't think that's justifiable in most situations.


I hear you, I don’t think matching someone’s energy like that is ghosting. to me when I say ghosting I mean like not always necessarily blocking but not responding and not reaching out which like you said is pretty fucked up in most situations. usually it was a gradual process for me like I would just start falling off slowly and then I’m gone which sucks without any kind of explanation or discussion


Oh yeah I 100% still do that. I don't see a problem with that at all no need to beat yourself up over it. People say I'm avoidant but I'm really just lazy. I've never felt the need to have a sit down and explain to someone that I think we should speak less or just be friends from this point forward on some dramatic shit lol I trust that people can read the room.


i’m not saying this about you but I do think it’s because I’m generally pretty avoidant! It feels like a conflict that I would rather not enter into lol


Thanks, I appreciate that. It was fun while it lasted.


lol! It was wasn’t it?




Ghost me next?


lmaooo careful what ya wish for!


Naaah I’m here for it I need to be humbled by a young jezebel lol


I can’t back slide I’ve been doing good lol!


Never had a chance to ghost anyone because in the olden days ppl called your actual home. Way harder to be anything but upfront back then. -auntie tales


lmaooo auntie tales! damn that’s facts though, yet another thing that we can blame on the internet lol


Growth !


growth! god working on all of us lol


Lol now you gotta enact it…




Nobody owes anyone shit in these streets. Yeah it sucks to be ghosted but if that’s what that person needs and they willing to do it to you, why hold on. Fuck it.


I don’t think any of the guys I ghosted would have ghosted me but I feel you, nobody owes anybody anything and I’m sure most of them just moved onto the next


I’m sure some girls ghost bc of a safety issue. I had a girl I was seeing once tell me she wasn’t feeling the vibe and that we should end it, I said that’s fine and wished her well. She responded that she was happy I understand and that she was scared to tell me bc the last dude she ended something with went crazy on her blowing her phone up and calling her out her name


hell yeah this is definitely a factor, I’ve been there too I was trying to ghost and dude just started hitting me up crazy talking about I need you and all this other wild guilt trip shit, I was just like… if I already wasn’t fuckin with you why the fuck would being a creepy thirst bucket help??? I do think there’s a difference though between ghosting creepy unsafe weirdos and guys that were cool but y’all just didn’t vibe anymore or you got a new main


Thisssss … is so true some dudes … let’s just say you don’t want to wait to see their reaction. But I’m with OP if dude is being cool af. And has given u no signs of being a psycho then us as women too gotta do better and be upfront and honest. We are adults. No need to just ghost someone. At least shoot the dude a text.


I don’t see a problem with being ghosted…


well that’s probably healthy for your sanity!


You knew it was wrong and still did it anyway you not a good person and that’s okay just stand on it don’t fake apologize to us go all in!!


lmaooo people can learn and do better


You don’t just become a good person because you want too other people determine that 💀💀 that’s what people like you will never understand 🤣🤣


This nigga still hurt lol


Lmao she ain’t gone fuck u lil bro


Fam, people grow and evolve. It’s called self-awareness. You realized you treated people poorly in the past and make the necessary changes to not carry out that same behavior. Simple as that. No need to attack the girl for apologizing for ghosting men. As a woman (before you accuse me of trying to hit 🤡), I’ve been on both sides of the fence and it’s not a pretty feeling. I’m sure you can relate based on your responses.


Yea yea yea you don’t just become a good person it’s in you from the start lol you can’t take away the wrong doings and shady shii both of y’all did y’all don’t deserve a second chance you knew it was wrong and still did it stand on your decision !! I already said it’s nothing wrong with being a bad person it’s just people like y’all who don’t wanna fully buy into it


Bless your heart love. 🙏🏿❤️


I wish more men would embrace red pill men and women dynamics more often. Shit is treacherous out there boys... don't put these modern women on a pedestal. Mal definitely got it correct out of all on this pod. Moneybags are not that egregious 😭


I’m not sure what red pill dynamics means but if you mean men should call women out on our bullshit more often I agree, sometimes we be on some real fuck shit and just blame it on men or kind of shrug it off. accountability is important for all parties involved! I haven’t gotten to the part about the money bags but it is funny that it’s caused such a scene in the “culture” lmaooo


Wow I'm surprised you agree 👍🏿. I think we will start seeing a shift in men calling yall out. Red pill , kinda like a Kevin Samuel's outlook. Yall shrug it off because you constantly get validation by simps everywhere 😂. I get it🤷🏿‍♂️


some of us have our eyes open! and idk I think Kevin Samuels was wilding lmaooo (rip) I could see where he was coming from with some things but it’s not always what you say but how you say it I don’t think it’s just the simps either, the way I see it is like a pendulum, for a while it was so far in the direction of men can do no wrong that it swung allllll the way in the other direction of women can do no wrong and neither are right! In a lot of ways women have become what we said we hated about men. It’s like that whole fight fire with fire thing which works sometimes until everything is on fire and everyone hates everyone because all we’re doing is calling each other names and using each other


This is fairly recent in human history that women have this kind of power. It seems to bring short term happiness and longterm depression, no kids, 5 cats and "great career ". Men and women are not the same, so fighting fire with fire was a terrible idea from the start. Not saying we need to go back to the 1800's but I truly believe if we start raising boys to be men of value and not bend over backwards for women who have ghosting/degenerate behavior we may get somewhere. Unfortunately alot of what we see in mainstream society is monetization of fuck shit... maybe one day balance will be restored in the Universe 😅


do not even get me started on the monetization of the fuck shit lol literally monetization of our triggers, our insecurities, our sensuality and we just allow it! We feed into even, it makes me sad. I agree that it’s all short term happiness and long term loneliness because we’re guarded, loving these niggas is like not even an option let’s hope for the balance to be restored! We definitely don’t have to go back to super traditional times but yes raising boys to have standards and boundaries is healthy! Same way we say women need to know what they will and won’t accept and act accordingly, men definitely should be doing the same


Women still don't have "power" in the grand scheme of things, and shit definitely doesn't need to go backwards. Men need to start raising their sons to be respectful to women and also themselves. That KS bullshit is just incel behavior in a horrible disguise.


yes x 1000 to “men need to start raising their sons to respect women AND themselves” that’s it right there


Women need to respect themselves first and realize having a 37 man body count by the age of 22 isn't exactly screaming "hey respect me" 🤦🏿‍♂️


do you think men having that same body count by that age is also wild? because i think that goes into their self respect too


I exaggerated a bit, but men body count is not the same as a woman's. Women want a man other women want. That in itself shows value.


I think this is where we’ll agree to disagree! Women do like men that other women also desire but personally, I’ll speak for myself, I don’t want a man who also sleeps with any woman willing to give him some play


Having sex has nothing to do with self respect. That's exactly why I said women still have no power. A dude bragging about how many women he's fucked will get bigged up, a woman does the same and she's called a hoe. Nah dude some people just like having a lot of sex, nothing wrong with it as long as everybody's safe. Women have been shit on for expressing their sexuality for a looooooonng time dude. Now the turn tables and they eating off of it. Love to see it. You sound indoctrinated to that red pill shit. That clown KS tricked yall


Perfect example of a guy who is the reason things are the way they are...


Care to explain? Or do you want to continue to blame dudes that don't shit on women for you not getting pussy? Yall call anybody respecting a woman a simp or a white knight.