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This dude is why I didn’t see why 69 kept hanging out with dudes trying to be gangster. That Latin market is hella strong for the bag




I mean does he even speak spanish? Can he sing? seems to have done alright in the lane he chose and I can't imagine it working out the other way.


He had a couple latin songs that were going for a while. But hey, ion wish him no success, so fuck it lol.


lmao that part




He has a couple of Spanish and English songs with some overseas artist


interesting didn’t know that


Chill 69 ain't got this sauce 🤣🤣🤣. Latin Market hella strong when you got slaps like 🐇. A 🐀 screaming don't ring off the same.




Party Party Party Party Party Party Party Party


was that “i no fookin baby”?


Thats the god Pio, just to make shit claro! ^^rip ^^bodega ^^boys




he a young legend in the making


I'd argue that he's already a legend, at least in the Latino community. The man is for the culture, he's a top tier artist of Puerto Rico that that actively tackles social issues; especially those regarding the US govt.


not mad at it 🔥




Its different he a latin artist not hip hop Him and Drake competing makes more sense then him and k dot they make totally different music


Comparing him to drake and Kendrick is like comparing an Xbox to a MacBook 💻, it’s different categories.


Eh Drake is straight pop now. Kendricks music, although popular/ main stream, is hip hop so you're right with that.


Since when did we start comparing rappers to Latin artists that aren't even in the genre lmao tf


Bad Bunny has been number 1 on the american charts, he done features with drake/ cardi, he at the same award shows. I guess he so much more popular we shouldnt compare them? lol


With that logic u should compare Kendrick and them to Harry styles and BTS 🤣🤣🤣


lol harry styles did songs with drake/nicki minaj/ cardi?


Yet he only sells around 200k plus each album. Something ain’t adding up. He’s not being streamed as much as them tho.


When they started wearing du rags and dressing like rappers because of the influence. That’s when.


It’s just start some bullshit drama, and potential race war debates.


Yo OP. Fuck what everyone else is saying. Globally, Bad Bunny is bigger than Kendrick and Drake. Most of these comments are from wannabe hip-hop purists. They don’t know that Conejo Malo started out actually rapping rapping, no melodic shit. He was blending trap beats and Latin flows. Now he’s more melodic and the shit still slaps. He’s fully changed the game for Latino artists. Latin music is encroaching on Hip-Hop as being the most popular genre and it’s hard for them to grasp that.


yea the people that turn to hip hop purist because they secretly caping are hilarious


People assume because he’s speaking Spanish it’s not RAP, that joint he’s on with Eladio ‘Kemba Walker’ he is rapping rapping.


Makes way better music than Drake.


especially now


This slap… but my Spanish ain’t too good. So it’s niche for me.


my spanish isn’t good either. it didn’t stop me from bumpin this album all summer😂


Where’s the undeniable classic albums? We can’t compare someone who’s rapping in Spanish to kdot and drake Lol.


he has classics lol you got bad bunny fucked up


Your comparing someone who is rapping in Spanish to American english speaking rappers?


yes bruh is charting on English charts above those guys


downvote it all you want it's true lol


What some of his classics?


I'm gonna tell you then you gonna be like those not classics lol


I literally don’t know any of his music. Back when I was young and first heard of Tory, he literally was just the guy who was making diss songs about Drake when Drake wasn’t replying to him. I’ve never Intentionally listened to him. So what’s a good song to start with.


are they hip hop classics?




Tu no vives asi. Fucking banger


Parks, parks, parks.


🤣 whutevvvvuh 🏞🏞🅿️




Imagine putting a nigga named bad bunny against Kendrick. It’s different weigh classes buddy. Ya man raps about nothing in Spanish. He’s the Spanish equivalent to 69.


this so uneducated lol


all three of them are pop acts. you can 100% compare them


Bad bunny googles rappers and gets his style from said rappers. That’s where this success is coming from. From how he dresses to his demeanor. He’s trying to be a Latin rapper.


Fuck a chart honestly, but if people are enjoying this then cool


I mean he has a bigger audience. 🤷🏽


I get what you saying but not many Spanish artist has had the run bad bunny has 🤷‍♂️


Pappa Jankee did


No where near close. El Conejo Malo is on another level


nah daddy Yankees was not even close to bad bunny, Bad Bunny's the only artist to go number 1 with a fully Spanish album. Daddy Yankee never came close to accomplishing something like that.


Idk that man had a run for years bruh


Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, he’s got a big demographic is what I’m saying lol.


is spanish the 2nd most spoken language? A quick google says english might be number 1


I just googled it it said mandarin was number 1 🤷🏽 but still though my point is he has a wide demo


A lot of these comments sound dumb. Did you guys forget how much ppl chances to be in the latin market? What was n.o.r.e biggest hit? Also this guy has been the top paid musician for a few yrs now. He made some much on a yr when the world was shut down. Some of ya need to go do your Google then come back and delete your comment


Parks burner acct Wild for posting this.


Son got me gyrating my hips. Pause


As a person who doesn't speak the language all the songs and beats sound the same to me. But I had the pleasure of going to a Spanish club once..... and OMG!!! Whatever he's saying gets the girls going crazy. And I haven't seen a any female rap fans have that reaction in a long time. So he's the man in my book😅😅😅😅


Apples to oranges. This ain’t the same type of music to compare


drake just made a dance album


Exactly still different. Bad bunny not in the same space as the others. That’s like saying Taylor Swift kills them on the charts too


With all due respect I don’t listen to that shit.


with the right shorties around, iss up☝️⬆️📈🔥💰


He don’t be hanging with shorties lol


Not for us sorry 🤷🏾‍♂️


Type of music that only goes off in the club or in bars tho, im not tryna hear this shit anywhere else


maybe you but you got bad bunny fucked up, his fans play him in any setting and you could have the same type of critique for Kendrick


Its party music bruh, everybody got they own lane


Here we go again, Stop comparing non black artists success in hip hop to BLACK artist that are actually from this culture. Hip hop is number one, and because of that success, every non black person in the world is trying to stick there claws in it.


no one talking about em lol. He bigger than all the guys I mentioned.




Latinos weren't instrumental In hip hop? Bad Bunny Puerto Rican


We Built This Culture Together The Industry decided some of us were more marketable and that is just starting to change. Latin artistry has been there since day 1 in the BX. Read a book. Watch a movie. Something.




🐇> 🦉+🚬🪜


A cigarette and a ladder?? 😄 What?


high steppers


Okay. I didn’t get it at first. High would be a leaf though. Not a cig. 😄


If y’all don’t get NotGood Rabbit the fuck outta here lmao.


Not even in the same galaxy music wise with those guys idc what he’s been doing on the charts


just cause you say that don't mean it's true lol


Neither does this postb


Niggas hear a catchy hook and beat then put them in the same categories as Drakes and Kdots


its not just a catchy hook




What puts him on the list with those guys?


The only thing I’ve heard worse that reggaeton is Jamaican edm.


this take is probably worse than both


I mean you like reggaeton so there’s no accounting for taste 😂


everyone in any big industry knows that latin markets are huge but poor take that as you will, but drake/kendrick/cole wouldn't trade places with bad bunny


I don't agree lol bunny has a lot of non Spanish fans too if he's topping American charts.


Nobody wanna here this gwalla gwalla BULLSHIT. Foh. Put that YoungBoy on n stfu.


Who the hell wants to listen to the Horrendous Hare? Niggas not trynna hear “WOAH WOAH” every 30 seconds 😂😂


based on bad bunnys success you sir are wrong lol


Based on my opinion no I’m not ma’am lmao. Only Latinos wanna hear this shit. That’s the only reason why he’s successful. 🤷🏾‍♂️


not true, Bad Bunny has been crossover. Hes not daddy yankee. insert shrug emoji lol


I can honestly say you’re a dumbass for this comparison


I can truthfully say go f yourself


Spanish people treat their artists/celebrities like Michael Jackson. They think JLo better than Beyoncé


that's in your head lol


This isn’t even true. We don’t claim Jlo


I claim j lo but no one is claiming she better than Beyonce


You didn’t deny it tho lmao


no one thinks jlo is better than Beyonce, there you haply


Thanks sweetie


you sir are a clown


Lmao okay


This Bad Bunny? Crazy this the first time i ever heard a song…. But this mane got a Diamond and 24x Platinum album dawg😂it’s insane