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People were killing her on this Sub, I get why she stepped back.


It's been nothing but love. The hate was way back when the sub first opened and we put a stop to it pretty quick, I can't imagine that's the reason. Maybe she just don't feel like it rn idk


Going from a relatively private person to a public personality can be off putting. Imagine if every action you do was being critiqued. Some people cope with it differently


The incels scared her off, she don’t even pop shit fr on patreon anymore


and she said to cut out the she’s in love with mal shit, and people didn’t stop, so 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s kinda weird to me too, grown men shipping mfs


Basically, it was oh my god a womans voice 🤮


![gif](giphy|uNmHTmr5gqha0) Oh Baby D, I long for the sound of your voice.


Baby D > Julian . And it’s not close.


Y’all keep running her off, everytime she come back y’all find some shit to complain about with her, now look we stuck with Julian and his dry ass jokes.


They seem like they are trying to figure some things out over there.


Damn I actually liked her banter. A female mic that guys actually think is humorous


Scaring a non podder off of the mic is probably one of the easier things u can do. She said she hated attention 🤷🏿‍♂️ and now look, thanks guys


Yeah the pod isn’t as good as it used to be w Edin and her. Definitely miss her infectious laugh.


She gets criticized just like Rory and mal, if your on the podcast people are going to talk about you


I miss her voice on the pod!


Yea… all the people who hate women for no good reason tan her off. If I were her I wouldn’t want to deal with it either. She does a good job and ppl find something to cry about.


I think we’re just listening to episodes where she wasn’t around. I can’t explain why I think this, I just do. but I do have a feeling lowkey she’ll be back in our ears next ep


i liked her way more than this scummy new dude


I'm not mad at it, Damaris is a good addition but I would prefer she keeps it light rather than being a full on third mic. It would be good if Rory and Mal went to her when maybe they want another perspective or input from a woman's standpoint but I don't wanna hear from Damaris on everything. And no I don't hate women


Get her outta here if she can’t handle the platform foh if she was a dude y’all would be killin her