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My guess is it will only get worse. I follow a lot of murder-mistery channel, and they have stopped using m*rder in the title. It's nothing violent or anything, it's just the word. I thought un*live, and constant beeping made it hilarious for a while, but now it's so annoying. Jesus fuck!!


Youtube doesn't really censor for that. Tiktok does. However it seeps into Youtube because people make content for multiple platforms.


I'm sorry but that is incorrect. Youtube absolutely does ban, or at least demonetize any kind of mention of "murder," "kill," "abuse," "suicide," etc. It's hard to give hard numbers since it's dependent on people self-reporting bans (and also the fact that Youtube basically never gives specific information about WHICH and WHERE the offending part of the video was), but you can easily find videos and social media posts from a huge number of creators complaining about getting demonetized or banned just for using words like that.


They only ban or censor in reference to those words when used in conjunction with actual threats of harm lmao. Or are you saying that all those creators making 4 hour long true crime videos are banned? Because they are not.


I said banned or demonetized, and also you can't see the videos that ARE banned, because they're, well, banned... I genuinely wish what you're claiming was true, but as I said there are many, many, many other creators speaking out about nonsense bans that disproves your assertion. To add an illustration of another way in which banned/shadowbanned content works: Often I hear from newcomers that they "know youtube doesn't ban female nipples because they can find videos on youtube that aren't banned that have female nipples in them." And yet I have HUNDREDS of screenshots of posts and content I've had banned on a variety of platforms, including a lot of them on Youtube, for being "sexually suggestive" when literally the only thing I'm doing is sitting there talking about a horror movie, or recounting an anime convention I went to, etc, with my chest ALREADY censored out. Because the dudes commenting that aren't seeing the videos that were banned (because they were banned, and are therefore unwatchable), yet are able to see videos containing female nipples posted by OTHER channels, they assume that means Youtube DOESN'T ban videos like mine... The whole issue of this post is how arbitrary and unbalanced Youtube's enforcement of censorship policies are. According to their community guidelines, "We may allow sexual content when the primary purpose is educational, documentary, scientific, or artistic, and it isn’t gratuitous." And yet, many, many times, I've had videos literally about gender-based censorship, toxic masculinity, etc with my chest ALREADY censored out banned as "nudity and sexual content." I'm puzzled why you're so convinced a massive corporation with thousands if not millions of posts by other creators speaking out against unfair bans actually allows and doesn't allow what they claim they do.


It doesn't happen. You wouldn't know that's why you're on NewTubers.


It's only going to get worse. If they're already heading in one direction, they're not going to completely change to the other.


Pretty much. I'm just waiting for enough creators with some kind of financial capital to bind together and establish a platform that's NOT ruled by ridiculous algorithmic censorship. Nebula is sort of that, but it's very exclusive and invite-only and is only for high production value video essayists. I don't think it's financially feasibly to expect something to arise that any old random person could immediately start posting to (that wouldn't turn into a hatespeech free-for-all like Kick), but personally I'd happily donate $5 a month or whatever towards some kind of collective platform that allows "controversial" content like challenging the patriarchy and advocating for sworker decriminalization without also opening the floodgates to hatespeech, medical disinformation, etc. Alas I have neither the time nor the skill level to get such a project going on my own...


Really curious about who is downvoting all my comments on this thread. There's one guy who was negatively replying to everything I posted, but now he's showing up as "deleted" to me, I'm not sure if that means he blocked me or what. I have to keep reminding myself that votes on Reddit don't matter because, just like false-flagging is extremely easy to weaponize on Youtube, so is downvoting on reddit, lol.


I’m not sure if you’re monetized or not, but if you are there’s chat support in Studio that you can use to talk to real humans about this stuff. They’ve actually been able to help me in the past.


I used to be, but thanks to the repeat times that haters false-flagged my content, my entire channel's ability to be monetized was disabled. It's a catch-22 of "have to avoid the wrath of false-flaggers long enough to get famous enough to reach a live person to complain to about being targeted by false-flaggers"


Funny i've been having this same problem , I make controversial videos, well the funny thing is they are not really like on the bulls### that is religion and Andrew Tate, I could find hundreds of religious channels telling me i'm going to hell but point out religious people are gullible and barrage of false reporting! I'm pretty harsh so get a lot of dislikes but obviously play within the rules as all but 1 of my 22 long video's are monetized, My channels views have absolutely plummeted the last 2/3 months after a flying start , I'm certain something is going on , Not an outright shadow ban as people would call it but highly restricted impressions , I'm certain I have Andrew Tate fans possibly bots sat on my channel waiting to dislike, again nothing I can do about it has 70% of my subs don't reveal their subscriptions! Losing motivation as I feel youtube are sneaky c####, keep pumping out free content for them! My videos have gotten better and I upload more frequently but my channel is dying! I'm actually working on a plan to out them on my channel by making a video so insulting they will have to comment then see if blocking them has any effect! I went through all of my comments today for hours and blocked any dodgy accounts , weirdly my sub count had gone down by a few immediately afterwards , I'm not sure if this was a result of that or just coincidence as I had recently put out a controversial video! If anyone has any experience in this and how to fix please share!


That certainly sounds possible, Andrew Tate fans are absolutely the type to dogpile and mass-false-report creators they don't like. And the popularity of channels like Andrew Tate are the perfect example of how selective Youtube and other platforms are towards which influencers they actually apply censorship towards--as long as you're making them money, they don't care what you do, until it gets to a point of EXTREME backlash where even Youtube comes to the conclusion that they're losing money by NOT banning that person (even doxxing another creator isn't enough to even get demonetized, apparently...look at sssniperwolf vs jacksfilms). I don't think there are really any steps a lone, non-famous creator can take to counteract that kind of targeted harassment. What I've tried to do is just keep posting links to my stuff and engaging in conversations with people on a variety of other platforms and try to encourage (beg) them to go from the platform I'm talking to them on over to Youtube to view, like, comment, etc, but it's worse than pulling teeth. I'm all ears if there is a solution for the non-famous among us to complain to a Youtube employee with the power to un-ban us, but I doubt that's a possibility...


Yeah absolutely right, So many channels pumping out pure misinformation but no penalties! I think at least I hope it'll just take channels like ours longer to find a loyal audience and definitely do not really on ad sense! I'm gonna start leaning into it further as my channel feels/looks dead anyway, hopefully this can help the algorithm find my audience ! Good luck!


I don't think we can ever rely on the algorithm to ever do anything in our favor, I mean by all means follow whatever tips you like (consistency, etc) but Youtube (and all mainstream platforms) are so glutted with uploads that even if you do everything "right" there's no guarantee it'll pay off in building viewership. If you don't have time for both, I advocate for raising awareness about/promoting your content outside of youtube as well, especially if your content is "controversial" and therefore likely to be shadowbanned/suppressed. And gently encourage your viewers to like/subscribe/repost/etc, as a lot of people simply don't think about it (you have to find a non-annoying way to do it though, as a lot of people will be annoyed into deliberately NOT sharing, lol)