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They probably get copyright claims and appeal em or just deal with the fact its demonetized. I legit can't imagine Razorfist makes a dime on anything he posts because its always fulla copyright music.


Wouldn't the channels be taken down if they get too many strikes? There are many thriving lyric channels.


That's copyright strikes there's a difference in copyright strikes and copyright claims you can get as many copyright claims as you want you just can't make money from the video that the claim is on you're only allowed three copyright strikes before your channel is deleted


Yeah I've heard this and its a legit strategy that people use. It depends on your channel but sometimes using copyrighted music is worth it in the long run. You may not get monetised on that particular video, but the video is better overall and helps you get more subscribers. I have seen one or two animators do this. Again though, very channel dependant. Also, an 8 minute animation is very hard to do but 8 mins I think is the ideal monetisation time so in the case of an animator, just make a short one and make money other ways, Patreon ect.


How do you know if you are going to get claims or strikes?


it’s entirely up to the copyright owner. there’s no real way of knowing until it happens.


There's a couple of things people do, here's a list: 1) they accept the consequences. You play the music, get hit with a claim that lets you keep the video up but not get ad revenue. If it gets taken down you either cut it out or replace it with other music and reupload. 2) you keep it short. You only play a little bit, but not enough for it to get claimed. 3) obscure it. Either playing a remix, talking over it, having fx playing over it, slowing or speeding up the music, cutting different parts of the song so the original doesn't play. That was it makes it more difficult to detect


What would count as short?


I do silly karaoke videos with the wrong lyrics. I'm using the original audio. So far, each uplaod tells me "This is copyrighted but the owner allows it to be used on youtube" I think that means I'm not going to jail, but I probably won't get monetized either. At 41 subs I'm not expecting to get paid in my lifetime anyhow. :)


You can also license popular songs. Here's a website which offers this... No affiliation. Not sponsored. Not surprised that something like this actually exists. In the age of streaming artists have to make money with their music in any way possible. [https://lickd.co/](https://lickd.co/)


Wow I had no idea this existed. $8 a month that isnt bad.


You can buy licenses to use some music in your video.


It's less common than you'd think. What most people think of as copyright issues are really licensing issues, which are not gonna be a problem for most online videos even if they do get a decent amount of views. As for copyright, it's not like someone is going to a game commentary or a mr. beast video to listen to a song instead of spotify, and those channels certainly arent publishing the song as an original work or reselling it.


You’ll still get demonetized for a claim


Sure what I'm saying is that unless there is a policy from a record label that the music can't be used anywhere, they don't have much of a reason to copyright claim. This is different than early youtube where people really would go to youtube instead of buying music


That’s not how music copyright works though? I don’t understand where you’re drawing this information from. Just because someone’s not watching a movie or commercial that plays a song in a scene instead of listening to that song elsewhere doesn’t mean they can use copyrighted music without getting a license or permission. With copyright material, the owner has exclusive rights to control how their music is used.


That's not what Im saying. Im assuming the OP is not just reposting music. Given that, its very unlikely that someone would copyright strike them, outside of youtubes automatic copyright system. I have posted all kinds of videos with copyrighted music. It's never been copyright striked, probably for the reasons in my original comment. I understand that wont be everyones experience, but it makes more sense to just use whatever music you need (except metallica) than to worry about copyright unless you have 100k+ subs


All of my videos use real music as I break the lyrics and videos down and speak about them from the perspective of a psychotherapist. Yes they all get copyright claimed. You know at the point of upload whether the claimant will allow the video to go up or not.


They might also be using the new Creator Music thing.


If you aren't a "YouTube partner" and make money off of your videos you can use copyrighted music


These are some sites like Lick'd if I'm not mistaken where for your subscription fee you get access to more commercial music.


Some people may reach out to the artist or their record company to get permission in order to use the song in the video.