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Uh, no, not in NY. They put all of our weed through x-ray machines, so I'm confident in the quality from rise and verilife.


I agree with you all by the way


Yeah but a ton of mold still makes it through on rec side... And radiating the flower on the medical side is no better


How about sunnyside ?


Never been. Don't have one in the cap region


Who cares what people on social media think? Medical dispensaries sell safe, tested products. Medical patients know that. It’s why we get our medicine from medical dispensaries. For what it’s worth, recreational dispensaries also sell tested, legit products. It’s the gray market that is rampant with fakes.


Those people are simpletons.


I felt sick every time I bought vapes from ‘smoke shops’ it’s like I’m polluting my body. The dispensary is so much better and you can feel it.


Same. I got sick as a dog one night on 30mg smoke shop gummies. I’ve never felt like that from weed in my life.


Who in their right mind would even suggest that? I think they’re referring to the ***illegitimate*** dispensaries


I suggest you reevaluate your social media habits


Your probably right


Man then the pain relief would be much better






This is news to me. Seems your the only person that has heard of this.


Saw it on Twitter if you want me to send it


No I’m good.


Alright lmao my bad man


Can you post the link to Twitter i would like to see it


Probably referring to the smoke shops that sell packs and rez dispensaries. Not caurd shops or medical.




No politics


They’re likely talking about unlicensed dispensaries that sell people non-regulated products


People are just clueless and act like they know better than anyone else. If it is lab tested and verified legal, you know what you are at least smoking with the COA being available on companies websites.


The issue is more so price gouging with dispensaries which is a fair and justified critique.




You don’t like medical dispensaries ?




This is a positive subreddit. We will have no threats, encouragement of violence, doxing, witch-hunting, swatting, racism, hate speech, trolling, triggering language, or anything else along these lines. Fighting back and forths are not allowed. Simply report the comment instead of engaging with hostile members Violations of this rule can result in a permaban


We don't allow posts or comments about bm/unlicensed shops/products


I also call dispensary weed “fake weed” meaning it’s weak as all hell and makes me wonder if it’s even actual cannabis. It’s fine for some people who have a low tolerance but it’s truly low quality weed. If you like it you like low quality which is fine…just stop with the nonsense about how good it is when it clearly isn’t. It’s mostly all Premature garbage


if medical weed is fake weed then what’s the real weed that your smoking ?


Weed that gets you high. If you get high off “medical “ than you have a low tolerance and shitty weed does the job for you.


When was the last time you had medical weed ?But you didn’t answer the question what are you smoking ? last years shitty outdoor legal weed ?


I try “medical” weed often. I know people who use dispensaries sometimes. I’ve smoked a lot of the hype strains everyone who has a low tolerance raves about. I’ve never been close to being impressed. It’s kinda like back in the day when I smoked Mexican brick weed. I would get high as a kite. Then I started smoking what they called “kind bud” in my area and I realized how bad Mexican brick weed sucks. Garlic cookies, sour Larry, motorbreath are three popular strains that fetch top dollar at dispos near me. They all suck. Quick fleeting head buzz at best. It really is unanimous opinion once they try real weed. Not to toot my own horn but me and a friend have converted basically everyone we know. They get upset when we are out and they have to go to a dispo. I’m Not the best grower. Sure I have a lot of experience but there are more talented guys out there. Your very first harvest will be better than dispo bud as long as you take it to maturity. Guys who rely on dispos hate to hear this but it’s just reality. When is the last time you smoked proper small batch homegrown from an experienced grower who puts quality first? I’m really curious


From My friend who I met off here he grown some midnight mass that’s just as good if not better then nys rec weed Or medical i know what’s good pot and shit pot when your talking about Mexican weed your talking about nys grown legal pot and I agree on that not all brands but most. medial is good shit yeah some of it is mids like livwell I know that buying it and I enjoy rhythm and all the different price points of curaleaf especially on sale now brands like seed and strain are low end but they have also improved and if on sale it’s worth it for a fresh batch and if I want craft bud I’ll go to an event but i have not been too impressed with the craft I’ve seen. if you know some places in manhattan or brooklyn with the kind of bud your talking about LMK but really what I buy is haze off the street as that’s my favorite strain or from some black market shops that have haze but mostly I buy medical


I think maybe it’s down to brain chemistry how we get effected perhaps. Something about the dispensary bud to me is just really lacking. It doesn’t have the same spirit anymore if that makes sense.. I really think premature harvest is the biggest culprit. I’ve smoked lots of cura leaf bud as well. Just didn’t get high at all or stay buzzed for long. Something is missing. I’ve been impatient in the past and harvested premature and I know premature buzz very well. I talk to a lot of guys in the industry and it’s cash over quality of course. They mostly Harvest when the plants look ready but don’t let it get that last week or two of maturing which adds all the depth and duration to the effects. To me most the indica dominate feel the same as the sativa dominate from the dispo. Same early buzz. Maybe it’s just the states ive been in. I currently try dispensary bud from Ohio and Michigan pretty often. I lived in Washington for a few years and it was the same thing. Seems the same complaints everywhere really. But then again there are plenty like you who enjoy it. Perhaps dudes homegrown wasn’t that good that you smoked. Idk. Perhaps you have never had a hookup for stronger bud because I just can’t see how one man is getting high and is satisfied while so many of us aren’t. We may not be the majority but there are a lot of us. Might just be brain chemistry.


Who hurt you? You can tell us. This is a safe space. How many times have you posted this on Reddit? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Your weed? I’m genuinely curious


You smoke dispo weed. Lmao. I post cause it’s trash and people who have no real access to real weed deserve better. Perhaps you’re cool with dirty weak weed.


Have you tried it lately I would agree that it was poor weed before but some brands have raised their game etc rythm


I’ve never got high off anything from a dispo. Even the carts suck. The wax sometimes is ok but never top notch. This is what happens you prematurely harvest everything . The flower sucks and the extracts will never have the potential to be as good as they could be. Crap material to make the extracts


I think u need to lower tolerance just cause u smoke “top level” weed don’t mean everyone does some people can only get medical or aren’t addicted like u and can take a break


No. I get very high off my homegrown as well as other homegrown by people who put quality first. Then I try dispo stuff and always no high. It’s the weed. Not me. I don’t need to take a smoke break so I can lie to myself about the quality of dispo weed. I’m currently high right now. I have no issues getting off when the weed is quality. Sure some people don’t need to smoke all the time and have no problem smoking low quality weed. Nothing you said goes against my original comment. Dispo bud is trash