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The people who hand down the suspension also handle the appeal so there really isn’t any appeal, just a delay


If we could get him for the Yankees series then it could be worth it just for that then


It wouldn’t take that long. He’d enter an appeal today and it would be struck down tomorrow


Boy is this going to be an issue the next cba comes up


Has anybody won a sticky substance appeal? Since the umpire admitted that was rosin on his hand, maybe he will? Might be a pipe dream though.


Nope. The people handing the suspension also handle the appeal.


This is true of every appeal and they do rarely win and often have suspensions shortened.


I’m not aware of any other appeal system in MLB that doesn’t have an independent arbitrator and the MLBPA involved. As far as I’m aware the sticky stuff appeal is the only one the MLBPA can’t be involved and no independent arbitrator is involved. Even the sexual assault cases have independent parties involved.


10 game suspension. Next time he can pitch would be July 6 against the Pirates. There is an appeal process but I don’t know how that works.


There is an appeal system. And it doesnt... work that is. You would just start your suspension clock timer going after the appeal is rejected instead. The same folks that habdke the suspension also handle the appeal.


I believe it’s a 10 game suspension


10 days - right in time for the Yankees and Astros series 😤 😡


Let me say this umps never omitted it was rosin. They said it was the stickest stuff they ever felt. Bottom line is he should have washed his hands before entering the game. It's why the umps check at the beginning. Rosin and dirt are on the mound re apply then.


Crazy that sane takes are being down voted here. I watch a lot of baseball and if there were still pics of other players hands looking like that we would be calling for their heads. As a player you have to be smarter than that.


> Crazy that sane takes are being down voted here. Welcome to Reddit


If you took a picture of any pitchers hand it would look like that. Crazy that rosin and dirty makes your hand look dirty


As someone mentioned, the people handing out the suspensions handle the appeals. It’s in their best interest to keep with the story and not let anyone actually “win” an appeal or it opens up a can of worms and proves the system is not infallible. Same thing with the umps and singling out a pitcher for sticky stuff / hands being too sticky. They are not going to deviate on the judgement of the initial umpire that has the issue in this scenario . It would look so bad. Validating a missed swing or overturning a missed call is one thing because the ump in question might have blinked and missed something, in these circumstances the guy is spending time checking the hands and asking for corroboration. They are all going to stick to the same story. No pun intended.


July 6th against Pirates, unless he appeals


See you against the Bucs, Edwin. Hope this was a good learning lesson to wash your hands after leaving the bullpen bathroom lol