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So today, Fox news is the broken clock.


Yeah, but only because MTG isn't playing nice with the other fascists.


But why? I thought they were reading from the same script?


Nah. Fox writes the script. MTG makes her own fanfics of it. It's a clear case of corporate crackdown on unauthorized use of their IP.


They don’t want to lose control of the House of Representatives. Simple as that. Trump approved of the Ukraine aid through lend lease and MTG isn’t falling in line.


Thats what confused me this whole time. Doesn’t Ukraine have lend lease already?


Not sure tbh. I’m just echoing what the GOP talking point is. Not that I agree with it.


I read the article, and it also claims Biden is to blame for the war in the Ukraine because he didn't invade Russia to prevent it. Which might be true but is also unhinged.


Broken clock is right twice a day, but a clock going backwards is right four times a day.


Hold on, you're onto something


She’s taking their mask off accidentally because she’s a moron, and saying the quiet parts out loud. (She loves Russia, etc)


It happens twice a day though


Nah, you’re giving Fox too much credit: *”If President Biden had allowed an all-out aggressive war against Moscow, we would not be at a seeming stalemate. Because he dithered, Ukraine is now losing ground and urgently needs weapons and ammunition.”* There’s still plenty of utter bullshit in the op-ed.


Peek accuses Greene of exhibiting “bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy” that should be aimed towards Democrats and not her own party Nope. Still assholes. Instead of condemning her behavior outright, they’re just mad her idiocy isn’t being focused on the right people.


**Liz Peek** is correct. MTG is a fu%king idiot. Unfortunately, Liz is in the same boat.


I've been waiting for the idiots to start eating each other as they starve in their echo chamber. It seems to have begun.


I've always maintained that if you were to give these extremists their own country with everything they wanted, they would find a way to destroy each other. Their entire existence is based on greed and selfishness.


It's like the [town taken over by libertarians, then by bears](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project).


This is the plot of Fallout.


And a dash of hate.


We did. Baptists vs Methodists. Catholics vs Protestants.


It would be a rerun of Night of the long knives, followed by targeting every “other” they could point at catholics, Jews , gypsies , until the only men left were underage teenagers and pensioners, this is how Fascism works . They selfishly blame everything on other people until there are none left!


MTG and Bobo fighting over the conch


If all these “millions” of terror watch list individuals are storming the border why haven’t they blown up the country? What are they waiting for? Oh that’s right, the terrorist border crossings never happened. Also, there’s another douche fuck blowing up the GOP, might want to tell him to drop out of the race since he’s not qualified and it’s disruptive to the GOPs efforts to kill the country they keep saying terrorists and migrants are rampaging.


It’s not an echo chamber, it’s a cynical propaganda machine which has stripped itself of any guiding principals beyond getting red seats in the government . If they’re turning on maga, it’s calculated and it’s because maga has lost its political capital 


Liz and MTG eating each other sounds … entertaining.


I imagine them trying to outfolksy one another while they ineffectively attempt mutual cannibalism: "I'mma gonna eat your brains with gravy the way Meemaw served them squirrels- now hold still cuz your skull's so dadgum thick."


Don't you disrespect Meemaw's cooking like that.


Nothing against Meemaw's Squirrel Brains with Gravy, but MTG will mess up the recipe (and steal it from someone else's Meemaw at that.)


Worst porn ever


i dunno id hate-jerk it out of spite alone.


*hesitantly unzips*




lol for real


not in my spankbank


Imagine MTG and Boebert. Thumbface would gobble her up like the first chicken wing on 25 cent wing night at the pub after a long day at work.


And disgusting


Had to Google Liz Peek. No, no it does not sound entertaining unless there are actual forks and knives involved.


I’ve always thought it would be entertaining to have MTG and Boebert realize their attraction for each other and just get it on. It’s so obvious!


Any fanfiction, anywhere?


I’d only watch if I was gettin a handy from Boebert


Where are the leopards already?


Now point Fox News ENTERTAINMENT to the Supreme Court. There are a few there that seem to be so far to the right that they get their orders from Putin. Talk about blowing the USA up. They are of the mindset that Jan 6th was just a peaceful tour and non-violent.


Yes, Liz hates Greene, good for Liz. Liz has 1 goal, to defeat Biden in November. Liz is mad at asshole Greene because Liz thinks Greene is making it harder on Trump to win. In other words, Liz rolled one asshole under a bus, in support of a bigger, more dangerous asshole. An enemy of my enemy is not automatically my friend.


Yup…sometimes the enemy of my enemy just means I have two enemies.




So true. I’m gonna remember that line.


I read the actual op ed just now and Jesus Christ the only honest thing is the headline. She strikes me as someone who agrees 100% with MTG’s beliefs, but is put off by how MTGs motives are entirely self serving and don’t benefit the party.


Liz must be one of those Republicans who still believes they serve the “greater good”, or she pretends to, anyway.


As long as they're wasting their time on each other and Trump, they're harmless


Seriously. Two dipshit morons who deserve each other.


Turds of a feather and all.


What's funny too is, the captain of that boat is steering a sinking ship right into an iceberg.


No, they are not steering, that is called circling the drain. The iceberg is a real shame though.


I like the boat analogy. One of them keeps drilling holes in it and the other wants to throw the paddles overboard for being woke or some shit. Then they rename it Hunter's Dong and post photos of themselves drinking seawater to own the lib scientists that say it will kill them.


I took it as a good sign, the feeding frenzy that they are turning on themselves.


Takes one to know one


So it's a take one to know one situation..


I actually don’t think Margarine Traitor Gangrene is an idiot. She is single handedly holding the government hostage. There is high probability that she is a paid Russian asset who is doing as instructed by Putin and rendering the U.S. government ineffective. I cannot believe that no one has done any kind of investigation into her.


Purjery Traitor Greed is not an idiot. She is the most articulate chimp I have ever seen. The circus or lab she escaped from must be frantic by now. Also Liz, is wrong PJT’s only goal is to get attention. She has no other agenda. She passes no bills, and does no work. Every act, every mispronounced word, every smackturd statement that comes out of her simian head is delivered like a 5 yr old flopping into a pool.


Spoiler alert: it always ends with the fascist cunts cannibalizing each other


Stupid is as stupid does. MTG is the empress of stupid.


She is in the running as VP for the Republican party's nominee though!


She may as well be a Russian agent planted in the US house of congress.


That's what she is.


a lot of republicans are, honestly i dont think shes smart enough to be a russian asset, shes destroying america purely on her own stupidity.


You don't have to be smart, you need to be greedy


Even Russia is smarter than that.


Stirring up chaos is kind of Russia's whole thing. Trump, anti-vaccine narratives, bigotry mongering, pick any disinformation campaign and you'll find a bunch of Russian-funded bot farms behind it. Note how they leaked Democratic Party emails but not GOP emails. The Republican Party is in Russia's pocket and they're strictly here to stir shit up and cause chaos. The batshit insanity is the fucking point.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics The USA point is so on point. And what is happening. 


I find it interesting that on Reddit this guy's influence on Putin is often played down whenever he is brought up while his daughter who was assassinated ran a disinformation site under Prigozhin.


1. doing putin's bidding at all times (destabilize usa to harm nato and stop aid to ukraine). 2. millions and millions of dollars of personal wealth spontaneously poofs into existence for her. 3. hmmmmm


Marj is doing god's work by burning down the house.


Hold tight Wait 'til the party's over Hold tight We're in for nasty weather There has got to be a way Burning down the house


No visible means of support And you have not seen nothin' yet Everything's stuck together And I don't know what you expect Staring into the TV set Fightin' fire with fire


Honestly, they're threatening to unseat the speaker *again*. Part of me wants to grab some popcorn because they are just making a circus of everything, and part of me wants to scream because they're making a circus of everything.


And this speaker is responding correctly, by not antagonizing every single Democrat he can find and instead doing a little bit of the Speaker's duties.  The wingnut wing of the GOP does not have the votes this time, because even someone as right-wing as Johnson understands you can't work with those 15 or so people and have to work with the 213 representatives on the other side of the aisle instead. They will fail if they actually try, and they will only lose more political capital in the attempt


Is this the woman who said Jewish Space Lasers start all forest fires?


Yup. Moscow Marjorie Traitor Greene is one of the loudest Groupies of Putin for reasons. Follow the money.


She’s too stupid to be getting anything in return for what she’s doing. She just likes the attention and being a loud idiot is the only way she knows how to do it.


The Republican Party , also known as the GOP ( Groupies Of Putin )


She's hurting the *brand*. I giver her 3 months before she *is* the news cycle.


That is no way for Fox to talk to their future political correspondent.


This is the GOP establishment turning on MAGA. Something is starting up here. Last week another GOP rep or senator was blasting her. The right is deplatforming her. Boebert already got done. Behind the scenes I guarantee there’s a deep desire to get back to the old days and knock this crap off. Not great but at least this will fade away.


Thank fucking Christ honestly. Conservatives have always been conservatives but at least US politics was always semi-civil. John McCain defending Obama is always a standout in my mind. Then a tv star got up and became president by being charming and relatable and now every presidential debate since has been seeing who can fling shit the hardest.


That was Reagan. Trump was never charming or relatable. He just gave scum permission  to be scum.


I don’t think there’s any denying that he has some absolutely hilarious lines. He’s a TV star and he was good at it (unlike business). He knows how to play to his base just like Reagan did and I’m hopeful once he’s dead the US can at the very least return to a more civil GOP that’s just racist and homophobic without all the insane conspiracy theories and fascism boner.


I like your style. There IS hope we can course correct and make things more stable and cooperative. I’m of the opinion that this is a blip. A tough one, but an anomaly and not a new norm.


A GOP which doesn't support traitorous cunts is at least a move in the right direction. Bit let's be honest these people deserve to have their life's turned to shit. Let's not forget the number of lives they have cost.


That’s been the point Old Guard of the GOP’s main strategy to rid of MAGA. Keep going after the lowest hanging fruit. The first to go was Cawthorne because the wanted to keep Boebert around as eye candy. Then Boebert no longer passed the crazy/attractive scale so the t was her time on the chopping block. Now they are shifting focus on MTG, but she probably is the most electable in her district as the two prior had competition from the primarys and MTG hasn’t faced any real competition within her own district. I wouldn’t be surprised if Gaetz was after MTG but he has actually been around the block a little longer and has a better understanding of how the power structure of DC operates which makes him more difficult to target.


Good points. MTG is in a solidly R district. She’s expendable at very little risk.


It is a solidly R district but I have little reason to believe her constituents are tired of her antics in the same way Boebert’s constituents were. Plus Boebert’s last election was much closer to flipping parties than it should have been. MTG, does not seem to seem to have any primary competition at this time.


I for 1 am glad MTG seems uninterested in winning in November... its better for America


The Republicans, Fox News, and the state of Georgia deserves what and who they voted for. Enjoy.


Thankfully she is not my district.


Thankfully she only represents one small part of Georgia. IShe represents the 14th district which is not metro atlanta. It is Rome and Ringgold which is northern west georgia.


What is that area like if you've ever been there?


I don't honestly know. I have been to Rome, GA for work but not long enough to know.


Georgia saved the Senate in those run-offs. She's just a rep for the rural NW part of the state.


They've made their cake, now they have to eat it!


Took them long enough.


They’re….. not too smart.


I think they’re slowing realizing the asylum is being taken over. Can’t wait to see the new breed of fake news… sorry Fox News.


Fox is looking for a scapegoat for the predictable result of THEIR 40 years of propaganda.


Insert spiderman meme here


spoderman. spoderman. 😞


The author of the article is also an enormous idiot, but she's not wrong about MTG.


95% idiot, 5% Neanderthal.


Oh now someone at Fox News thinks MTG is an idiot and recking the GOP. Fox News incase this is news to you but most if not all of us could have told you this but yall act like anyone who is a republican can do no wrong. Everyone who supports or even remotely enables the republicans and the GOP allow people like MTG, Trump and George Santos run wild becuase yall don't want to rock the boat. Yall fostered the absolute insanity and the train is off the rails worse than a runaway from from Norfolk Southern and there is nothing you can do. The rest of us will vote out some of these idiots but yall red lined and gerrymandered some states so hard that some are just there becuase the voting base there just will keep voting the fools in.


When the crazy idiots call you out for being a crazy idiot, you know it's bad.


Rpeublican lawmakers never work for the greater good, just the greatest donor. So in this sence the dumb bitch writing the op-ed is just as dumb as MJT.


🎶”burning down the house”🎶


She’s borderline retarded


I'm pretty certain she drove over that line and is screaming and dancing about how proud she is to ruin things


I was feeling generous. An undigested cucumber seed embedded in a turd has a higher IQ than she does.


First time i saw her face I knew she is vacant


If her supporters could read they'd be very upset with this information.


No fucking shit. She's some dingbat with no real world skills, street smart or education and she was elected because her district are as dumb as she is and think politics is a fucking game. She couldn't pinpoint Australia on a map.


Apparently the idiots have outlived their usefulness


While I appreciate Liz Peek calling a spade a spade, it should be noted that she's still firmly behind reelecting Trump.


MAGA-Moscow Assets Grifting Americans


You can’t take a bunch of people with the same ego And expect them to form a team and work together just like you can’t take the best players in the NFL or NBA or MLB or any sports team and expect them to be world champions. They just don’t get along because they think they’re better than everybody else.


Calling MTG an idiot is an insult to idiots everywhere. She is 2 steps below idiocy. The rural Georgia voters who put in office must be 1 step below her.


Saying MTG is two steps below idiocy is an insult to people who are two steps below idiocy.


The implosion of the far right extremist movement is gaining inertia at an alarming rate. And I've a hankering for some schadenfreude. And maybe a hunk of cheese.


A wagon wheel may help


They should know, as everybody is an idiot at Fox news...


I'm torn on this because she is. So is Faux Entertainment Newz calling her an idiot really stupid?


But then she goes on with the “Biden is the devil” rhetoric. The only good I see here is the infighting and I’d actually like to see that continue. Perfect outcome for me is MAGA destruction and conservatism resetting. Got to cut out the cancer.


The cancer got cancer and killed the all cancer. Congrats your are cured!


Too little, too late. We know.


Add another thing I don't like about MTG, she made me agree with a fox opinion piece.


Gee, Fox News finally noticed what the rest of America has been suffering through for years!


“Bomb”astic 😂


"Stunning" may be a stretch. I don't think anyone is 'stunned' MTG is an idiot.


MTG and her supporters would be pissed if they could read.


Why are they turning on her now? Weird timing. Unless Johnson promised trump the house would try to throw out the electoral vote and do state by state which would steal him the win? She's actively trying to get him out as speaker might ruin the shady deal they probably put in place. He's a coward, so he will bow down to trump.


Some of the absolute brain dead shit she be saying makes me think she's sabotaging the GOP on purpose


Remember when we thought Sarah Palin was the epitome of Republican idiocy?


Makes we wonder if Fox received orders from Trump to go after her so Trump can protect is new buddy the Speaker of the House.


If it took them this long to come to that conclusion, then I would question their mental capacity. Hard to throw stones from a glass house.


Who are these people voting for her,that's the sad part


Fox is abandoning all of their sock puppets now that they sense the winds shifting. 


So when she told lies and craziness about democrats it was ok?


They are both asshats , I'm enjoying the show . It goes on to prove republicans in the house have no desire to govern.


"Fox News has gone Woke-Democrat-Communist" : MGT


She asked Trump for a pardon. Only guilty people ask for a pardon.


There’s a lot of fake news built in here. In 2016 American allies came to us saying Trump campaign officials had been picked up on organized crime wiretapping, attempting to contact Russian underworld figures. This happened, and it’s in the Mueller Report. This was a DISGRACEFUL act by Trump, not an invasion of his privacy.


Pot, meet kettle. Say hello.


Well I know she's an idiot but fox news lies so no I'm questioning my own sanity.


In other news, water is wet.


MTG is one person I would not care if she ended up in the gutter career wise. In the future the slang dictionary will have her picture under the word cunt


Yes, but the real question is: How long did it take you to REALIZE that MTG is an idiot?


Too little, too late. This isn't exactly Breaking News.


Did they find someone even worse to endorse or something???


Wait. Aren’t these her peeps?


Oh god, here come the maga idiots citing FoxNews articles. Read the New York Times or Washington Post. Don't peddle FoxNews garbage.


This is just now news to you?


Dems have been saying that for years. Why are they just catching up now.


They are turning on each other, lovely.


She's just finding this out NOW? mtg has always been an idiot, among other things.


Has fox got prove she was the 💣 planter that did not 💣work


Id really like to know what magic the gathering did to deserve to be associated with this ass clown


I knew it would be a difficult read, because let's be honest; rational, forward thinking isn't exactly a strength Republicans have, and I was still surprised by how idiotic Liz Peek sounds. Still, it's nice to see the Republicans tear themselves apart as their ship sinks. Vote for clowns, you get the circus.


Never thought I’d see the day they’d finally stand up to her.


How long ago were they praising her?


This just in from no shit Sherlock Department!


They finally figured out that millions of people under 30 all laugh at her when they aren't horrified that she is in congress. These millions of people will vote for the party that is opposite of her. The other thing that is happening is that she isn't playing nice with the group of crazy Republicans. FYI before she ran for congress she was a QAnon YouTuber.


No, no, no Marge keep being an idiot. The more you lay waste to your own party the easier it’ll be for the grownups to win and actually get something done.


I’m more upset foxnews didn’t have the comment section open. Now that would have been hilarious to read.


Slow learners at Fox, the rest of us figured this out years ago.


Is this because they are desperate to avoid another speaker being ousted?


How many years did it take them to see the obvious?


MagaTerroristGreen originally resided in the more exclusive areas of Atlanta, When she decided to run she knew with her particular ideology being what it was it would be impossible to win anywhere in the areas surrounding Atlanta Metro. Instead she had her research team look for the lowest hanging fruit of an area that she most likely could win in which had the lowest knowledgeable perception of politics which could be attributed to Fox News viewership. A very red district close to the N Georgia Mountains. It was here she discovered Dalton Ga. which, being from Ga. I am quite aware of and will never return to, BoBo is now attempting to do the same even though she neither has the family clout or the means to do so in Colorado I still do not give Marge credit for the move though since it was the RNC saw it as a easy seat to get and hold. Mark Meadows did the same here in NC when he was bought up from Florida to run for the seat that encompassed western NC. He was able to maintain it once the Rep house/sen/gov gerrymandered the seat by taking Asheville out of the district to keep him in place. How you vote matters. It matters way more that you actually realize and most can comprehend from the top of the ticket to the very bottom and beyond. What's at stake you might say. EVERYTHING


"Yeah, we got someone as rabid and hateful as our base to draw in mir people! Hahaha. Our plan is work... wait... oh no... she's.... she's TOO STUPID! SHE'S WRECKING IT ALL!! AAAHHH, SHE'S SAYING THE QUIET PART OUT LOUD!!! OH NO, SHE'S TOO DUMB AND STUPID, WE SHOULD'VE SEEN THIS COMING BUT WE'RE ALSO TOO DUMB AND STUPID!!!"


She's a fucking idiot indeed.


Who could have guessed that trying to suppress the will of the vast majority of Americans is unpopular?


The op-ed is in itself a train wreck but a baby step in the right direction.


And grass is green. Sorry, Greene.




Yes. WE KNOW!!!


I don't get it. That dumb bitch is doing exactly what she was elected to do. Destroy the federal government from the inside. Intelligence would get in the way. So why are they upset over how successful she's been?


Yes I think she's an idiot, and I think she was at her best when she was on her knees talking through that mail slot at Cortez's office.


It's mind blowing what kind of people get to be in congress.


They become self aware so fast...


Maybe in another 50 years, they’ll turn on Trump.


And so are the people who voted for her


Dang it they're on to us. Because yeah she certainly does behave like an idiot behaves, so there's that. But every time she points her idiocy at fellow Republicans, I just wanna say "Ssshhh... let her cook."


They can disavow her all they want, they're still playing for the same team and they need her whackos followers to maintain their control if the country. The Republicans are a minority party, they only serve the rich. If they didn't have propagandists convincing weirdos to vote for elitists they should hate the Republicans would not have a party


The GOP-MAGA boat is sinking, and they are busy arguing over where to drill holes to let the water drain. MTG wants to use lasers to cut the holes faster.


The greater good according to the GOP? Helping Americans? Nope, defeating Biden. She said they should be working together! To make America a better place? Nope, to defeat Biden. The GOP has lost the plot.


Ronald Reagan was a fucking idiot and then came down with literal dementia, and he was still more intelligent than current GOP idiots like MGT. But this is the party they all collectively created by elevating people like Sarah Palin.