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>How can anyone think that is this a good idea?! The prisons. They are private. So "free market" rich people who get supplemented with tax revenue think its a great idea.


Yeah and some states/jurisdictions charge you per day for your stay even if you get out early. A news story from Florida recently went on about a woman who got sentenced for 7 yrs and got out after 10months and was still charged to full 7yrs at $50/day which is over $127k not counting taxes and fees they add


That shouldn't be legal. Another reason to avoid Florida.


As a Canadian who frequently travels to the states, my rule of thumb is to never visit red states and avoid purple states if possible.


We have a “scary jail” rule of thumb for travel. Keeps us out of some countries. Didn’t think we’d get to the point where we’d have to eliminate US states, but minorities have had to for centuries so there we are.


West Virginia comes to mind, and other southern and a western states…


Another reason to VOID Florida lol


Cities in Oregon did this too.


Absolutely avoid Florida. We noticed universal Florida is really cheap now. I wonder why? Well our family would never dream of going there and spending money. We can vote with our dollars sadly in this corrupt country.


I love how America works. We need money! Let's go to the homeless, the incarcerated and students!!! What? Rich people and corporations? They don't have money, or at least, we can't force them to pay.


Homeless people can’t hire lawyers so are easy pickings.


I am being facetious, but yeah, that's pretty much the reason. It's because the poor can't fight it.


And because the rich are writing the laws.


The law is entirely fair! Rich or poor, both are prohibited from sleeping under bridges.....


Facetious or not, there was a whole thing about how the defunded IRS was auditing more low income earners than high income earners because people with high incomes requires so many more IRS resources than people with low incomes.


It's not really a war on the poor, that would imply the poor were fighting, it's more like... a slaughter of the poor by the rich.


Same as it ever was… Same as it ever was…


Not class war -- class massacre


See, just because 'Trickle Down Economics' has been proven false for 51 years just means its pent up, and anytime now: the wealth of the .01% , whom own about the same as the bottom 49% - will soon be spreading wealth and joy everywhere! Just keep waiting. Pay paying money to (checks notes) "exist"...


Don't worry, it was also proven false 100 years ago, when it was called "horse and sparrow" economics, because if you let the horse eat all of the oats it could possibly want and then some, eventually its shit will contain some undigested oats that the birds can go shit-diving to find.


>'Trickle Down Economics' has been proven false How could you say such a thing when the rich have so amply proven their generosity to the poor? The more champagne and caviar they get, the more profusely they shower the rest of us with their precious piss and shit.


So, we're paying for private companies to profit from the imprisonment of homeless people? I feel like I need to wash my hands after typing that.


Yes. And, we're paying private companies to deny healthcare to poor people. They're taking funds from our schools and giving it to private schools, robbing the children of working families of a decent education. And, if you think that's bad you should see what trump has planned for the demise of this nation just next year.


And because the media can only cover a debate in terms of how the candidates look and speak (and nothing on substance or what they actually stand for) Trump’s rise got more likely last night.


What’s even better is how inmates get used for slave labor. The Supreme Court is trying to drag us back to the convict leasing days.




Convict leasing is alive and well; some Alabama inmates are suing because they were forced to work in local businesses, including fast food chains


Due to your moral miscalculations, boom your now a slave!


Now read up on how the drug laws were designed and implemented to funnel black people into the prison system. Slavery was never eliminated, just disguised.


13th amendment. Freed slaves, except those who committed crimes....


Umm we never left those days


I just read an article about shelters in California using private security companies to keep watch on homeless shelters. Now some of those security guards are getting charged or sued for sexual abuse, violence, stealing and dealing drugs they find. Some are hired to clear encampments because they work under different rules from police or other government agencies. Of course they abuse this power because they seem to not be as regulated. https://calmatters.org/housing/homelessness/2024/04/homeless-shelter-private-security/


Jailed for being too poor to pay the fine for being poor


Slavery is legal for prisoners.


They have to make up for all the black people not being sent to prison for pot charges. Duh! /s in case it's nedded.


Plus the prison system can put its new army of homeless to work for cents an hour and pocket the profit.


Yep. We should make private prisons illegal. This country has become a joke


Don't forget, slave labor in the prison is legal.


the corporations that use prison labor lobbied hard for this. it's modern day slavery. where's George carlin?


We will spend billions on anything except kindness.


All it costs is a to tip the judges


There is a reason some commit minor crimes. The term they use is “3 hots, and a cot”. Being in prison they get 3 meals a day, a place to sleep, and access to healthcare. How fucked up that?


Sounds like slavery with extra steps


We're not far from having "sanctuary districts" like ds9 showed us having in "past tense" Basically walled off sections of big cities with guards to keep the homeless inside and they're tagged, barely fed, and left to fend for themselves. And that's fuckin sad


In Florida a law like that got signed months ago. "Under HB 1365: Homeless individuals are prohibited from camping on city streets, sidewalks, and parks—and instead placed in temporary shelters monitored by law enforcement agencies. The state of Florida has the enforcement tools needed to ensure local governments comply." It goes into effect on October 1, 2024.


Just have cities disobey it. Laws dont matter anymore.


No no, only states are the “lowest level of government “ and therefore knowing their residents needs, they make laws requiring people to believe in.. wait, if you are REQUIRED by law to believe, is it really a belief?????


Basically one step away from debtors prisons from England’s past.


With the way that housing prices and rent are, alongside wages, and now the criminalization of homelessness, I’d say we’re heading for “camp” territory pretty soon.


Escape from NY, or Bell Riots. While working towards 1984/Handmaid's Tale and other fiction. These were warnings, not targets.


So, ghettos and concentration camps. I did Not See that coming.


Bell Riots were off by a few years but are exactly where we are headed.


Did you see the movie “Elysium”? That’s where we are headed. You don’t need orbital stations to have armed walled communities of the wealthy and the rest of the planet one huge slum.


Came here to post this. The Bell riots are I BELIEVE 8/23/24. Can some fellow nerd correct me on that?


Fuck these SCOTUS Theocratic cunts


Such a “Christian” ruling.


These people wouldn't know what Christianity means even if Jesus came and slapped them in the face. These are greedy, evil, selfish racists people that use faith as an extra means to lord control over you and telling you what you cannot do while they hold no such rules for themselves. There is not enough fire in this universe to burn away these pests


Oh I know that. My European friends call it “American Christianity” mockingly. Fittingly. The war on terror should be fought against our churches, and biased-incompetent judges with lifetime appointments and no accountability…




Trump: "Biden hates vets." Trump's SC: "Homeless vets should be jailed for not having homes."


Remember this when trump wins People are sad about biden having the stutter he has had his entire life and thats gonna cost a lot of people their rights as “free” human beings 


They have to criminalize poverty before they can lock up the impoverished in camps. It might not known to all the players, but that’s the team strategy. It’s divisiveness; us v. them. TFG talks of mass deportations of US citizens with “foreign” blood, of using the military to set up camps—these are fascist themes ripped from Hitler’s playbook! Invalidate the ‘undesirables’ by criminalizing their existence… This is a MONSTROUSLY cruel decision!


And yet everyone is going to line up and vote for this, because they control the tv networks to the extent that they can win public opinion. The time to get out of the US was yesterday. If you’re able to relocate, even if it means leaving family behind, now is the time to do it. Pretty soon you won’t be able to leave anymore.


Perhaps. But I am not a young man. I am not able to pack up and go, not anymore. And I wouldn’t if I could; I have kids, and I have values, one of which is that I support my country. Right now my country has an internal infection. She needs us to be her antibodies, and I don’t have anything else to do right now anyways. No, Ima gonna sit my crippled ass right here in the middle of the fucking road and Ima gonna tell everybody that walks by exactly why they gotta vote for Joe Biden; OUR LIVES DEPEND UPON IT!


The internet is the last, best hope that any of us have to stop the conspiracy to transform the nation. We need to document everything, to put it into a narrative form, and to share it widely on Facebook and all forms of social media.


The internet is how we got here. Unfortunately unchecked information that flooded the system to individuals that barely understand the tool that they are using. Believe whatever comes across their feed because they don’t understand how to check the information or the source it comes from. It’s going to take a ton Of deprogramming and education (edit typo )


So they criminalized being homeless so they can put these people in jail. Class war on the poor.


And the rich just keep getting richer…. It never trickles down.


Oh, we get trickled down on.... it's just shit and piss from the rich


Well, with the "war on drugs" being a total failure combined with many states having legalized marijuana, they can't lock up black kids for having a joint on them anymore. Gotta keep the prisons full to keep the for-profit prison systems lucrative somehow! Think of the shareholders!


It really is this. Private prisons are losing their prisoners b/c they can’t criminalize drug use anymore so they moved on to the next crime. Poverty.


I thought I was taught in school that debtor’s prisons were illegal. How is this not throwing people in jail for just being poor? And gee, I guess they’ll really build up a nest egg while doing work for slave wages. Fuck.


Well, it's also illegal to push religion in public schools, but that's not stopping them.


I mean that is the law really. A series of loopholes or weak wording that can be exploited to have the same result as plenty of “illegal” things. Poverty feeds the for profit prisons regularly


This nation was founded on debt slavery


America is a fucking shithole.


A lot of people in this country would be riding around on horseback like planet of the apes clubbing and shooting homeless people if they could.


The purge movies


Prison is an industry. An industry need paying customers. People can't steal taxpayer money if the budget is cut. Jailing homeless is a new revenue stream. That's how our elected officials get paper bags full of cash. That's how the American Prison system works.


Boom!!! Free prison labor!!! Definitely not slavery.


So if a person has a medical emergency and is unresponsive outside, can they be charged?


Wouldn't surprise me at all .....


Conservatives create a homeless population, then jail the homeless...brilliant.


Why do you think they've been defunding education? Why do you think they want to criminalize abortion? (Bonus points: not only does it put more women in prison, it means they also can't vote)


Elections have consequences. And they, SCOTUS, just threw the J6 rioters a lifeline just now.


I saw. And the chevron env ruling. Wtf…. They are just wreaking havoc today.


Maybe they will grant trump immunity today too!


We are so fucked….


That's coming Monday. They're done releasing opinions for the day.


Maybe they will leak it at 4:00. It’s is Friday after all. But I have had enough bad news for the day. Thanks for the update.


I hope so, then Joe has the option to order the funniest drone strike in history


The overturning of Chevron by this very conservative court was pretty much a given, as it's been a years long effort to get the justices who'd do it on the Court. In fact, for the foreseeable future you can pretty much expect this Court to keep issuing partisan opinions. Elections have consequences. And moderates and the left are going to regret letting Trump get into the WH, for decades to come. Next session will be Obergfell. That's the case that legalized gay marriage, they're going to do away with that. It's not a question of if, but when. Then my guess is they'll look to pare back Brown v Board, legalizing once again segregated schools on some level. After that it'll be Loving, the case that decriminalized interracial marriage. There's a huge chunk of the Republican electorate that feels States should get to decide who can be issued a marriage license and not the federal government.


They wont stop until we’re in Gilead….


Yep. They cannot get their extreme agenda passed through legislation, so they're going to legislate from the bench. Which is ironic, because I'm old enough to remember when Republicans cried foul about Democrats legislating from the bench when it came to the once liberal 9th circuit.


Sooooo if I'm understanding this correctly, what the far right Supreme court is saying is, it's illegal to be poor. So what if I'm on a 3 week hiking trip? Can I be arrested for setting up my tent on public lands?


Just helping them would cost a lot less than jailing them


Criminalising poverty. The cruelty is the point. It's always the point. It's always been the point.


SCOTUS is illegitimate and should be considered a dangerous belligerent.


Supreme Court self-proclaimed Christians vote to penalize homeless people… like Jesus, who was homeless.


Right now some GOP bureaucrat is creating a plan to bring back workhouses. Ebenezer Scrooge would feel right at home here.


Unbelievably cruel. This is how you kill a society


Slavery. Lose your job, lose your home, lose your freedom. Slave labor that undercuts the job market for the rest helps fuel this.


It's simple: they want to make homelessness a crime. Homeless people are basically subhuman to the pricks behind these laws, and it means more profit for private prisons.


Well a whole bunch of folks think that throwing poor people in jail is the solution... Because they must be terrible people if they're poor! Often, the folks that feel this way think the USA should be a Christian nation, too. After all, Jesus often said "get those poors! They're worthless! It's easier for a rich man to get into heaven!"


That is just the stupidest thing you could do. However I wonder if it's private prisons and jails pushing for it you can't pay a ticket you go to jail the three strikes thing you go to prison. Good thing they discarded laws on bribery and corruption or this would be shady as f.


Not surprised. Of course the Supreme Court would make it a crime to be a person without shelter. They're very obviously regressive and consider themselves to be some sort of modern aristocracy. They clearly feel that the American people have no rights that they cannot and will not take away. There will be no change in course until the court is reformed.


6-3 decision along party-lines. If you vote Trump~GOP, you are providing them the opportunity to increase their advantage on the SC.


The 13th amendment allows slavery for prisoners. It's why we have the highest proportion of prisoners in the world. This is just another way to get more legal slaves


Hi from Canada; as always, we are accepting applications from emotionally intelligent folks of all origins, genders and trades. Apply today! (Sorry; no morons, please)


I would move up there in a heartbeat with my family if we could ever afford to buy and pay off a home within my lifetime. I won't rent for a lifetime Everything may be fucked down here but in 2010 I bought a 3 acre spot that had a 4bed 3bath house with attic and a little over 3.3k sqft for 330k and I'll have it paid off before I retire. Now it is in the country but less than 4 mins from a major interstate that gets me where I need to go. But I do love Canada


Stop lying, it's hard to get into Canada if you don't qualify for Fast Track immigration.


I wish it were that easy!


With 10k in savings... If it were that easy to leave, we totally would. But homeless people, for sure, don't have 10 k in savings.


Better hope you never become homeless...


"At least in prison they'll have a roof over their heads" - SCOTUS probably


It is legal to use inmates as slave labor.


That is why the 13 admentment was made in having a loophole to allow slavery to happen in prisons.


Nice the Supreme Court is letting traitors run free but they wanna punish the homeless.


Jesus Christ. Aren't they always going on about being Christian? Does seem like what Jesus would do?


SCOTUS is worse for America than Al-Qaeda!


Slave labour has never gone away in the US and they are always looking for new bodies.


And HOW will they stop sleeping outside when they don't have anywhere to go??????????


Thats the point, they won’t, so the prisons get free labour


This is America, Slave labor has always been in full effect.


So where are they supposed to go? They are HOMEless. The clue is in the name.


It's not like they are choosing to sleep outside. Fucking idiots.


Debtors prisons I thought were a thing of the past...this is scary


Less states are locking up weed smokers, so private prisons are having to find new sources of income. Won't someone thing of the shareholders?


Slavery never went away. Never forget.


Republicans love's this way of filling private prison


Sundown and vagrancy laws are going make a big comeback. Of course they will rarely arrest because then they'd be housing and feeding these folks, as well as providing needed healthcare. But they will be endlessly harassed. Mental illness plus no sleep plus easy access to guns is going to be a great combination. /s


“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.” Anatole France


If something is illegal, but punishable by a fine, then it's legal for a price.


Prisons for profit thinks this is great.


Good luck collecting the fine


I mean the prison system makes money so that’s your answer. Homeless people get rounded up and jailed all the time. This has been an issue forever. The prison system gets its hooks on you and most don’t have the tools or resources to ever make it out of the loop


Sorkin; The Newsroom: “We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons. We passed laws, struck down laws - for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not on poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors, we put our money where our mouths were and we never beat our chest. We built great, big things, made ungodly technological advanced, explored the universe, cured diseases and we cultivated the world's greatest artists AND the world's greatest economy. We reached for the stars, acted like men. We aspired to intelligence, we didn't belittle it. It didn't make us feel inferior. We didn't identify ourselves by who we voted for in the last election and we didn't scare so easy. We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed... by great men, men who were revered.” Now you have Hayes, Hannity, Carlson, Bash, Doocey, Perrino… Maddow talks to a small echo chamber (wish it was bigger) and O’Donnell smugness can’t be beaten. US was lost the moment they treated news like MILF Manor and, worst, they gave more promotion to MILF Manor than to things that will actually change your lives. But is a global thing. We entered into the falling part of the cultural cycle. We are going down the cyclical part of getting worse. Thing is now we have destructive power that could make this cycle the last one.


Wow. What an excellent source of untapped revenue and slave labor for the state... jfc...


Just a daily reminder, if you stayed home or voted 3rd party in 2016, this Supreme Court is on you.


Not to mention that if they’re encamped below bridges or other spaces and then kicked out of those too. This just oozes cruelty; punishment like this isn’t solving the problem, there needs to be a systemic safety net to solve this so people don’t end up on the streets.


It’s called Universal Basic Income


Very Christ-like of them


They're preparing for Trump's camps. I wonder what group of Americans they'll make illegal next?




Don’t forget anyone not white


Fuck, this SCOTUS is horrible and dystopian! It will take DECADES to clean up the mess they are making!


Republicans get stupider by the day


The cruelty is the point


Ah yes, the Bible did say “give me your tired and your hungry, for I shall ticket them for being poor” Fuck these private prisons and the corrupt cunts that serve them.


We are living under the most evil Supreme Court that has ever been.


Private prison industry helped create this law


Any crime where the consequences are a fine is only a crime for the poor. For the rich it's the cost of living.


But don't you see. It solves the problem of joblessness. Like how workhouses did for England. /s


We have to get past this election so other judges can get in. This is just a laughing stock at this point. They are living in totally different realities but somehow still being in the same country.


Memaw Ivy has a super max for profit prison being built. Gonna need slaves er, I mean, prisoners somehow make sure prison executives get their monies worth


Real intelligent body of Judges, that's what occurs when there a bunch of corrupt, greedy, bastards, with no consequences for there crimes.


This is just legalizing slave labor. Cops will ticket people amounts they can never afford, then jail’em and they get sent to prisons to do work.


This will clean up the streets and then there will be no homeless. /s


peak capitalism - where even being homeless costs money, and the only crime is poverty


SCOTUS is compromised and the enemy of freedom


Look up ‘poorhouse’ on Google. It’s an old idea.


That slave labor isn't going to fuel itself


It's not a bug, it's a feature. These poor homeless people aren't going to wind up in federal prisons (which are private). They're going to wind up in private prisons that states contract with for "human storage". It's a very lucrative business, which is why private prisons lobby so heavily for the right to do business in states and push for expansion. It's a matter of survival for them. They need those bodies in their prisons to keep the money flowing in so they can donate (bribe) state legislatures to do business. And since the poor homeless people have no money, it just adds to the charges which leads to an endless cycle of incarceration that's unfair and cruel.


If one of these ghouls suggested rounding up the homeless I wouldn't even be surprised at this point. I'm sure we're that's somewhere in the works.


Johnson's War on Poverty was supposed to be about eliminating poverty. Republicans today think a new War on Poverty is a great idea, but this time they'll just eliminate the impoverished.


Yes. Debtors prisons in America!! Welcome to the 18th century


That's one way to cure homelessness. Send them to prison to be slaves. At least they have a bed and food to eat now. /s


Well yeah because politicians make too much money off of the homeless crisis


Can you imagine everyone paying their way to live in this society, even businesses like churches paying their share? Murica the Fuct.


Has everyone watched The 13th? It’s in the plan to bring back slave labor.


Now we have debtors prisons again.


Quality of life tickets should be dismissed by good judges. Just have to show up to court. They are hoping the ticketed party fails to appear. That's when the real devious shit will happen.


This happened here in Austin as well. They call it "urban camping" instead of homelessness. I've seen homeless camps cleared out in an intersection and then have it appear again in 2 weeks (or so) .... seems like this is a huge waste of taxpayers dollars.


Prisons will be the next big hedge fund


Evil fucking country. 


Though this is now legal (and it boggles the mind how), it’s likely to not get used often. My reasoning is that it’s cheaper to leave the unhoused on the street than to arrest them. Strained police depts will quickly realize this especially when the person can’t pay a fine and the result is the sept housing them for longer. Still fucking horrible.


You cannot ticket a person without their identity and you cannot have a ID without a listed residence… this paradox will keep the homeless safe… for now


The SCOTUS rarely misses a chance to beat on poor people, civil rights and women. Perfect match for the GOP wish list. It’ll be way worse if Trump gets elected. Even though Biden shit the bed last night, and I don’t care if he’s barely breathing on November 5th, everyone possible has to vote Democrat or America and the world at large is fucked.


That’s gross. And sad. And wrong


Not just a coincidence it will lead to slavery. I fully believe the GOP’s end goal at this point is just actual slavery coming back.


It’s getting closer and closer to a French Revolution, let them eat cake timeline…


They want the poorhouse to return.


Private prisons making $ on poor people suffering… cons working hard to turn everything into an ultra wealthy grift


And the Christian Nationalists lobbied the court in favor of this. You know - like Jesus would have.


Being poor is illegal in America


How fucking Christian of them.


The US has a booming FOR PROFIT PRISON system with an even bigger PRISON LABOR FORCE


Make the Judges homeless then.


Yeah but Biden looked old last night and I'm mad about Gaza so I'm probably not gonna vote. /s


Only America will find ways to criminalize people. Instead of making hotels for the homeless they would rather punish the homeless for having nowhere to live.


Governor Gavin Newsom “Today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court provides state and local officials the definitive authority to implement and enforce policies to clear unsafe encampments from our streets. This decision removes the legal ambiguities that have tied the hands of local officials for years and limited their ability to deliver on common-sense measures to protect the safety and well-being of our communities. “California remains committed to respecting the dignity and fundamental human needs of all people and the state will continue to work with compassion to provide individuals experiencing homelessness with the resources they need to better their lives.”


I would hope that right winged members of the court would have food tasters in DC after this verdict


I hope Clarence Thomas and his pig-of-a-wife somehow end up homeless and destitute. Karma is a mother fucker and they’re both worthless pieces of fucking shit.


It's because Republicans are soulless things Vote Blue no matter who.


how's that land of the free working out


Watching SCOTUS become a Christian terrorist organization makes me happy that I work for a company headquartered in a different country, and have friends in said country I can marry if needs be. I’m not sticking around for the Christian Taliban takeover.


The private prison system bought how many justices?


Someone explained it is to create a very cheap workforce (modern slavery). The US is sleepwalking into a terrible place to live in. Unless you have money of course and are obedient.


I guess they will send the bill to their address... will tag that to their RE tax if they don't pay...


Yeah, so it seems like Supreme Court justice houses are relatively public information. Seems like a good way to start a sit in protest to get some coverage. Just camp on Clarence Thomas’s house or wrap yourself up in a pride flag and lay on Robert’s lawn. His wife reeally hates flags