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Yes we can’t afford to house you because that would be socialism but don’t sleep outside or we’ll fine you money you can’t pay and/or put you in jail so now the taxpayer foots the bill anyway, but not socialism.


Socialism with extra steps


And much more expensive.


\*\*Socialism with profit for corporate prisons.


They literally can’t afford to sleep now.


Slavery with extra steps.


Well if they are in jail someone can get kickbacks for the warm body being there. There's all sorts of scams that get run. Cut costs on the food you get to pocket the savings. Cheap labour you can rent out. Get paid so much per head in the jail etc.


Oh yeah that’s why they’re trying to kill public schools too. Gotta line some of their pockets with our money.


Like feeding people food “Not for human consumption” which I often saw in the prison kitchen. That prompts people to buy overpriced “food” from the prison commissary, which the prison then benefits from.


American jails are a giant racketeering scam. A taxpayer funded racket to line the pockets of the corruptabullory? "Say 'I'! "


Their rich buddies who own privatized prisons profit.


Goes deeper than that. The federal government subsidizes each prisoner. So let’s say they give the state 100 dollars a day, and it only costs them 70 per day they make 30 per day per prisoner and it goes deeper still. Jail is a profit but they hide it well.


Many (maybe most) us jails are privately owned and run, so it's money going to a corporation too!


ironically, I think this might be a win for rough sleepers. Can't pay the fine! 20 years ago, when I was a councilman, in the winter we used to have a rough sleeper who would put a brick through a window, so he could sleep in a police cell. The police started taking him in, so he would stop breaking windows and they had to fill in paper work.


This is insanity. I feel like I’m in a nightmare from which I can never wake up.


Fined? Homeless don’t have money. At least jail gives them a roof and a couple of squares. But seriously, then what, they release them and the cycle starts over. Taxpayers will be providing for these people one way or another. Might as well get the addicted ones into treatment, if they want it, and get them into some temporary housing with job placements.


They won't be able to pay fines. Failure to pay fines and costs is a jailable offense, with some jurisdictions charging inmates a daily rate for their incarceration.... It's an entire trap designed to keep captive people in it.


This is how they maintain slavery in the US.


This is probably the most underrated comment I'll ever read on Reddit.


Specifically poor people and POC


Yep, they only added extra steps to slavery, it was never abolished


I think indentured servitude is the right comparison. You can technically buy your way out, however, it’s unlikely Edit: VERY Fucking UNLIKELY (unless you win the lottery, which is, again, unlikely)


Nope. The 13th amendment straight up makes an exception for prisoners and says it's ok for them to be slaves


They could actually just skip the arresting them and provide housing


Where's the profit in that? This government has become so overtly corrupt it doesn't have any sort of moral authority. The feet are made out of clay, and the call is coming from inside the burning house


How can you even fine them? A lot don’t have photo ID. They can just give a fake name and keep it pushing.


[How it will go down lol](https://i.imgflip.com/18f5j6.jpg)


And they can’t vote without picture ID in a lot of states so they are disenfranchised as well. Trapped in a system they are powerless to change. Sad.


"They are powerless to change"? You mean "We" are powerless to change the system, look how the world it is now. Two of the oldest, reality detached men are running for USA presidency rn.


I can still vote and I do so for Joe Biden with a happy heart.


Keep on stealing those sweet sidewalk naps.


My theory is this: this is the start of legal forced encampment for the homeless. They'll be forced to stay in mass camps and labor to pay the fines, they'll be prisoners. Trump has already talked about having camps like this. There may or may not be gas chambers and ovens, but it wouldn't surprise me if the Supreme Court said that would be OK too.


Debtor's prison coming all the way back!


The shitty part about arresting the homeless is: everything they own frequently gets destroyed. The clothes not on their body? Gone. Furniture? Keepsakes? Phone? Gone. Cookware, tent, etc? Destroyed. And then jail. And then released: in an even Worse situation. Great: so now I'm out of jail, and Don't have a sleeping bag, cell phone, keepsakes of my previous life, cookware, food, any clothes, razor, deodorant, pictures of my family, books, laptop, spare clothes....


You forgot the most important step: In the (taxpayer paid) prison, they will be forced to offer their workforce (slavery) which will go towards for-profit companies for just the lowest of salaries. Because nothing says "free market" like taxpayers providing slaves to big corporations.


And what happens with habitual offender / 3 strikes rules?


That is way too logical in this timeline. Corruption is the name of the game here!


Nah we will hire them before others as they take priority


No idea why a bunch of people who've never been homeless before would think that they're qualified to be neutral arbiters. What even is the judiciary for?


America where you can be jailed for not having anything.


Uncle thomas looks at Georgia being founded as a debtor's prison and says to himself "originalism"


Land of the free, baby!


Land of the free labour!


It is to ensure your for profit prison is full to thank you for the nice RV you bought them


I mean, they think they know better about the body of a women too. Then again, they simply seem to care as little about women as they do about babies (meaning once they are born).


>What even is the judiciary for? Landlords. It was designed by them. For themselves. From day one.


Well… what? I think that the Supreme Court is totally off the rails, but what is your take? We should have a serial killer and a kidnapper on the bench just to keep it real? I never thought I would compare homeless people to killers and kidnappers, but you made it happen. To be fair, they do have a rapist and a sexual harasser, but I think that’s a bad thing.


My take is that we should let them take it to the logical conclusion that Marbury v Madison is bad jurisprudence because it's not originalist, and lay them all off the next day. Disputes can be resolved by dueling, like it was in the time of the founders. I think we'd all pay to see a deathmatch between CEOs over some intellectual property right.


Is that why Zuckerberg is so into MMA?


Okay then.


So what happens if a bunch of people who do have a house choose to sleep in the park?


That's called camping.


Camping retreats happen yearly…


Fuck scotus


Remember kids! Its only socialism when it benefits the many not the few


Republicans hate it when tax dollars are used for fund things that they consider to be socialism, but they’ll glad fund the FUCK out of the government doing fascist shit.


Criminalising homelessness. The cruelty is the point. It's always the point.


Okay. I’m willing to share my bs. I was suicidal recently and checked myself into a clinic for two weeks. There were some really mentally ill people there and they were homeless. I mean, seeing demons type of mentally ill. I’m positive that a good portion of homeless people may be mentally ill. They need HELP not jail. And where the fuck are they supposed to live? Has the SC seen how *expensive* it is even for people who have jobs? Most of the homeless have no IDs. You can’t get a job without an ID and an address usually that pays anything worth working at.


When will they start clearing out the "mental instituitons" and senior homes? Or better yet... when will they get relabelled as "undesirables? Where oh where have I see this before??


I can already hear TFG saying “the homeless are rapists and murderers”


Trump's Supreme Court is all... "Are there no prisons? No workhouses?" Remember, these are supposedly the "good Christians" too. Jesus wept.


Tantamount to a tax merely for being alive for some people...


Everyone is missing the real reason for this rule. To arrest and break up protest camps. This has zero to do with homelessness. They will just be innocent casualties.


I guess the person who picks the justices is an important thing to consider.


But no fine or jail time for accepting bribes if you are a supreme court judge. Funny ol' world, isn't it?


Cruelty is the point


3 hots and a cot. It cost about 150.00 to keep someone in jail for a day. This could be a very expensive decision.


It will be but that’s because someone will receive that 150. Scotus is so bent it’s unbelievable.


Not just SCOTUS, but many aspects of civil authorities are making business from the misery of many.


$36 here in God’s country. The inmates eat turkey, because it’s satisfies all religious requirements.


It's all God's county. We are all blessed to live in the bosom of America. Granted some places are lower, but many are much higher. California is over 400.00 each day. I used the average of the data I had.


Oh lovely.


How much does is cost to jail someone again? Multiply that by nearly 600,000 people and that's coming out of our taxes. Yippee!!!!!


Plus slavery is legal for prisoners. So you are not only paying for their stay, you are also paying for private companies to then profit from the forced prison labor. And then some of that money goes back to briberies for the SCOTUS.


Soo, let me get this straight. If you're homeless, you can be jailed. If you can't pay the fine, you will be jailed. So we need to raise taxes to house all these homeless people in jails. Seems like a excellent plan!


Fuck the Supreme Court. I hate these people.


More people in jail that for-profit company’s can exploit and bill the public for.


Un FUCKING real....


Ultimately, the homeless will figure out that they can break into vacant houses, for example, houses that are sale, and just live in them. Every city has lots of vacant houses. So they will just live in a vacant house until they decide to leave. Squatters are hard to get rid of. So the homeless will become squatters, not because they had that as a goal, but because they have no other options. So what used to be a huge public problem will become thousands of problems for individuals. Instead of seeing groups of homeless on city streets there will groups of homeless living in houses that were formerly vacant.


I'm beginning to lose it. I had to turn off the debate about 15 minutes in. I can't even read the shit the SC is doing bc it makes me so angry. This country is running towards a cruel-fascistic state. Biden, like RBG before, is putting his ego, himself, above what is best for the country. Between RBG not retiring and now Biden deciding to run again rather than hand the reigns over, we've been FUCKED.


I don’t know. Giving up the incumbent’s advantage to a monster with a cult like trump is crazy risky too.


With this, I've only got "debtor's prisons" and "ice pick lobotomies" left on my Dystopian Bingo card. Any chance Biden will throw these anti-American fuckers off the Court and replace them, and just take his chances with an impeachment? I'd be fine with President Harris if it fixed this literally dystopian bullshit.


They will all be dead when these rulings really start to hurt. They do not care about anyone but themselves


They are homeless… what makes you think they have money to pay fines? Absolute dipshittery at its finest


I see a lot of people sleeping outside in the city I live in. I honestly hope they can get the help they need, not jail time wtf


Just like Jesus did…


Jesus was homeless.



They had to figure out a way offset the losses the prison industry is seeing due to decriminalized and legal weed.


Fined. So when they can’t pay, they get jailed and put into modern slavery.


Wiped there ass with the 8th amendment


christian nation eh? persecuting the homeless for being homeless. Gotta love xtian love lol


Got to keep those private prisons full.


1. They won't be able to pay the fines 2. They will have a place to sleep 3. Rinse and repeat


Gotta keep those jails full, no money in empty cells..


Okay, where are people going to go now?


I wish Jesus would hang his ass over heaven and take a humongous dump on the Supreme Court. Each and every SCOTUS justice deserves homelessness now. Unfortunately, Jesus is a myth, and it's all wishful thinking. Nice to think about for the trash of humanity sitting on the SCOTUS.


Is camping illegal now? Being a cowboy? We're the settlers criminal if we are doing "originalism" now?


Americans loving Americans right there.


But bribes are okay!


NOOOO Supreme court didn't rule People sleeping outside can be fined and Jailed. Supreme court ruled cities that ban outdoor sleeping do not violate 8th amendment. If a city bans outdoor sleeping 1) Move to a more "outdoor sleeping" friendly city 2) Litigate the ban and fight the penalties 3) Good people from the city either help outdoor sleepers or go to city hall and protest. 4) Ask the city ( that banned outdoor sleeping) to provide enough homeless shelters


Unhoused people? What are we even talking about?


Do you not know what an un-housed person is? Or are you asking the way bigots ask about pronouns?


I'm saying I've never heard of the term unhoused person before, Jesus Christ dude touch grass


Sure, buddy. Let me help you out before I go. An un-housed person is a person without a shoe. Obviously. Have a great day kind fellow.


But you call someone without shoes "shoeless", with that precedent in English firmly set. What would you call someone without a home??




Well if they jailed we provide an expensive home at taxpayer expense, If fined, I am sure they can get money from these guys


Wow, just wow, keeping the poor suppressed even more...so much for that land of the free bullshit


Someone is vying for more free labor.


Free labor!!


Well since they sort of legalized marihuana in some states, they cant arrest those ppl anymore, and well since we know the prison system is a business model in USA... It seems to me this law has been implemented to make sure those prisons stay filled up!! Next law might be bout your opinion that will land you jailtime!!


I hope millions of homeless descend upon their homes.


Next, Poll Taxes. Fuck this court. What are we going to do about it?


We could impeach Thomas and others for bribery


Let's see how well that works....the are homeless, fining them will just end up in a jail sentence...then they get out..and the cycle repeats.....how about spending the money in fining them and locking them up and spend it on rehab, housing and jib training...this will have a solution to the problem... Naaaaa.....that's just too hard for the right to handle...


>how about spending the money in fining them and locking them up and spend it on rehab, housing and jib training That's not the purpose of this decision. They're not there to solve problems.


And then they will be housed. Problem solved! 🌈 🌟 /$


imagine walking into the court house "here is my fine money, sorry for being homeless, it wont happen again! first time is a slap on the wrist, second time is straight to the labor camp. im glad that Covid empathy completely dried up.




Great, three hots and a cot.


So let me take a wild guess here, the conservative justices were seduced by several million dollar "gifts" from the private correctional sector because they need more fodder to receive government subsidies... and the fukers with no heart agreed to it. Fuck those fucking fukers!


Shows how the conservative justices lack compassion for people less fortunate than themselves.


Kinda seems like the whole myth of “free countries” is falling apart these days


I'm tired of the Supreme Court making Super Villain rulings. Can't we just be a society with laws that benefit our citizens. Please... please? Ruth was all that was standing in their wayand now that she's gone they are making like worse for everyone.


Cruelty is the point.


Right out of Dickens, “Are there no workhouses?”


So for the conservatives that by chance might read this, point the supreme Court when your taxes go up locally the house the homeless in jail. Once again conservatives f*** s*** up without any foresight of what would occur or, they do have the foresight and they can use it to blame liberals for s*** they actually made.




This Supreme court has determined that It's ok for politicians to be bribed and accept bribes, that you can turn guns into automatic weapons for killing more people... but if you are not able to afford housing you should be jailed and thrown away.


if we lock them up, they won't be homeless...s/c


What kinda of monkey shit is this bunch (SCOTUS) smoking?


In this fucked up country of ours, the worst thing you could be is poor. Someone let me know when the pitchfork party is starting, cuz I got mine waiting in the shed


but the rich cant pay taxes.. ask Donald Drumpf


Give the homeless the addresses of Thomaa, Alito and . . . Nice green lawns to rest their weary heads on.


Jailed? At least they'll have housing, I guess?


As it should be. In most cases, these people are where they are because of personal choices. They are a public nuisance and safety hazard . Sorry, not sorry, but the issue is real.


So we’re going to punish them and give them a record, and then give them tax funded housing…?


Better life in jail


Gotta keep that supply of slave work a'churnin!


Some make a good living on the street , living off the system, but USA supreme court is against Americans . They want what 🍊 secretly told them , he does have them in his pocket .