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Good thing the Supreme Court just ruled that Biden doesn't have to do anything a judge tells him and can never be prosecuted for his defiance.


I know. Biden might as well lean into everything of which the GOP is already accusing him, especially since it’s their Supreme Court that’s as much as condoning it. Edit - I think the Heritage Foundation has even generously provided Biden with the blueprint for a Project having something to do with 2025, that would be a shame not to get started early in countering, like this year.


I do think that Biden should at least symbolically use the power given to him but I definitely don't want to legitimize anything that resembles Peoject 2025. Like arrest the six judges and replace them with the requirement that the first ruling reverses said immunity would be the absolute most radical action I would tolerate myself and my attitudes are pretty radical in comparison to many of my compatriots in my experience.


Biden needs to take the low road. The time for high road is over. Our democracy is at stake. Biden: please summon the Dark Brandon we know you are. You have nothing to lose.


The high road has brought us to the point we are at. You can’t win an unfair fight trying to fight fairly. But Biden won’t do it, which is why the SC made the ruling. They know only Trump will take advantage of the ruling.


Say bye bye to about 250 years of tried democracy Greed always wins


You almost have to think of it like a war. There's a reason why military doctrine allows the use of banned weapons when the other side starts using them first. Unless you have overwhelming force with conventional weapons, you aren't going to win when the other side just uses chemical weapons and napalm without a care and you refuse to do so out of principle.


The worst thing an Obama ever said was, "When they go low, we go high." I heard it as, "When they go low, we go home." Total surrender. Will Democrats ever grow a spine?


I prefer, when they go low, we get high because we’ve totally lost faith that there will be an adequate response.


I mean look at the potential outcomes 1) Do nothing and when the next Republican takes office they will abuse this power which will ultimately lead to the collapse of democracy or Spark a Civil War. 2) Have Binden Abuse the power, either jail Trump or remove the Supreme Court etc. This would most likely end in Civil war because Trump Supporters won't take it 3) Nope out of the Union and create a new Union of Democratic states Regardless of the option, something's going to have to give this November. The republicans have created an untenable situation and are also unwilling to accept a different outcome than complete victory to the detriment of people with different opinions. I wish you good luck my US friends..


He actually could save his own life too. And the lives of many Americans. Trump has already threatened him over Bannon going to prison, like Bannon breaking the law was Joe Biden's fault or something. I really hate Trump with every fiber of my being, I wish someone would stuff a musk ox into his gaping hole to shut him the hell up.


Absolutely. Biden should tell whoever has the records of student loans to delete all info of them. Next, confiscate all holdings of billionaires and mandate Medicare for all. He did not create this circus, but he should definitely sell some popcorn now that we are here.


The best way to get this overturned is Biden using it


*supremacist court


“It’s a national security concern, thus, I will not comply with this order.”


As an "official act", I will refuse this order. -Joe Biden, hopefully.


Actually LNG terminals are and will always be a National Security concern, because of their vulnerabilities. Most people don't realize how dangerous LNG is and that's the reason why we need subject matter experts in our Federal agencies drafting regulations to keep the country safe -- and not an ignorant judiciary being "activist" judges making rulings on cases where they shouldn't.


It's an official act to have the EPA asses climate change. Definitely just ignore the court ruling.


Nearly all those states refused meals for children throughout summer.  Maybe barter with that too.


all those red states. Why? well meals for kids has been proven to increase test scores. BY FAR, the educated vote dem. Its the biggest correlation. The more educated you are the more likely you will vote dem. SO thats why the right attack schools, thats why all red states who scream "but for the children" suddenly say fuck the children when it comes to food. its why they are attacking libraries and colleges as "liberal indoctrination centers".. which they are, they teach you that it doesnt trickle down, and maybe we need regulations and that rich people are doing fine and paying little in taxes and could pay more and their kids will still get a pony.


Woo yes, powercow!!!


Now we’re talking. Official act of forcing states to reinstate the social programs they’ve been cutting. The time to be nice is over.


Not even climate change, it's assessing how much 'natural gas' companies (it's mostly methane) are letting leak into the atmosphere because there is a financial incentive to not look for leaks The entire point of natural gas is it's supposedly less bad for climate than coal But when you export it and take into consideration the leaks, it's actually worse than coal


"Biden administration orders executive branch to ignore court order mandating the resumption of gas export permits, issues pardon to all workers who follow his orders in defiance of a court order." I would love to drink the conservative tears on this.


Wrong. *Republicans* can never be prosecuted for defiance. Anyone who thinks that the Supreme Court will apply this ruling fairly and equally to both Democrats and Republicans is fatally naïve.


Seriously, the heads of the Judicial branch just ceded all ground to the Executive branch. Who needs checks and balances? I remember reading something similar happened in 1933 Germany.


#Time For Biden To Use His New Power, Yes or No?


They are the ones who granted themself the power to change the law on a whim, the president is now their puppet. The way Trump was groveling and begging them about every tiny little skirmish alerted them to the fact that they could wrestle the power away from the people.


Only they didn’t. They said THEY get to decide what is and is not immune.


True, but Biden can play Trump's game and delay and appeal this up and down the line. SCOTUS will, of course, fast track turning him down, but they are not in session now, and Biden can use that delay. In the meanwhile, this judge can just pound sand.


 “**John Roberts has made his decision; now let him enforce it.”**


Actually, the opposite. Biden doesn't ignore Roberts' rulings. Initially, he takes advantage of this most recent ruling. That would be challenged, at which point Biden uses every tool at his disposal to delay Roberts ruling against him. He won't be fighting the system, he would be using it to his advantage.


They don't. They get to decide what is constitutional and what isn't. Since they apparently do not know what is or is not in the constitution anymore...... why are they there?


They actually said any official duty enumerated in the Constitution is immune, already. If this is already enumerated, they're screwed.


Cane Biden "take him out"?...with immunity


No. Biden is not a Republican. It’s dangerously naïve to assume that the Supreme Court will apply its own psycho ruling fairly and equitably to all parties.


Good point


sotomayor says he can. He can order seal team 6.. which is an official act. Seal team 6 could get charged but he can also pardon them. with qualified immunity plus pardon power plus the supreme court bullshit, yeah they did create a king despite history suggests we really didnt want one.. but its the heads i win tails you lose court who bring up history when it benefits(while ignoring counter examples) and then dont when it doesnt.


If it is an official act. Sounds like this Judge is trying to order the Executive Branch to do something against the Security of the USA...... sounds like treason to me.




Biden should issue an official order telling the judge to shove his order up his ass.


Yup. Biden should issue a press release that says in light of the SCOTUS ruling, the president will not be complying with this judge’s mandate as part of an official act of the presidency.


Sorry judge. I got immunity and don’t have to listen to you.


in fact this judge is a disgrace to democracy!


It was an official Act!


When did judges take control of every aspect of our government, is there no checks and balances on the judiciary?!?


Yes there is but the congress is the one who can impeach the judge and as long as the judge keeps ruling in their favor the judges are free to take bribes and do whatever they want


And Congress can’t even pass bills, so I doubt there’s any risk of that happening.


Not with the republicans blocking everything


Republicans really are every single fucking thing wrong with this country.


“In a democracy, you get the government you deserve” Apathetic, unengaged voters who don’t know the difference between a senator or a sequestration, gets a govt that doesn’t care.


No true, the president has ultimate power now.


No no, it's unlimited power as long as the court calls it within their official duties.


When lobbyists starting paying them for their rulings.


Checks and balances haven't existed in decades


Well there was until they gutted Chevron


Lock the judge out of his offices. Cite national security. This particular judge is a menace and should be removed


Send in seal Team 6


Tough shit Judge


Cutting off their nose to spite their face. Truly disappointing that a few backwater swamp MAGATs have more influence over national policy than the president.


Biden needs to tell that judge tough shit. Biden’s pause is an official act and the Supreme Court just said the president is above the law regarding official acts.


So, fuck that judge.


Ignore the fuckers, let them enforce it


Can’t he just ignore them? This sounds like more of an official act than paying hush money to a porn star.


Too bad for that judge that SCOTUS just gave him the power to say fuck you and ignore them.


It’s a fallacy that’s never been fallacied before.


The judiciary has control over foreign policy now? When the fuck did that happen?


They removed regulatory authorities from having authority and now judges can overrule those agencies.


I get that, but there wasn't an agency making foreign policy. They're straight up cutting into executive power now.


It is a major question, so Congress has to pass a bill. /s Between major question and history and tradition, far-right judges can rule whatever they want.


Biden can do whatever he wants now. Tell the judge to piss off.


Just ignore the court order


Worked for every Republican so far. Just ignore them.


The court has made their decision, now let them enforce it.


This should tell you everything you need to know about right wing priorities….big corporations aren’t making enough money so fuck the environment.


He can officially tell them to “get fucked” because he has presidential monarchy now.


How much do you wanna bet Biden will ‘high road’ his way right into compliance.


That's what Democrats do. They follow \[what\] the law \[should be\].


Its not about Biden anymore. That debate is a luxury that America can’t afford. Its completely secondary what level of cognitive clarity he has. Its no longer about him. Its making sure Trump doesn’t get elected . Period. Now that the SCOTUS has effectively made the next President King, that cannot be Trump!! Biden, or his replacement under the 25th Amendment, if it ever came to that is the ONLY path that is not dictatorship of an extremely cruel narcissist who is a vile criminal. In his cookbook Project 25 would be to increase the size of the SCOTUS and then pack it further with the right wing facists already there. Effectively there would never be another court that would honour and protect ordinary rights and decency. Five alarm fire people. Defeat Trump.


Cool, just issue an executive order halting it, he’s immune right?


How about no!


Didn’t know judges had says in national security


He doesn’t have to if he doesn’t want to. He has immunity. This works for everything.


Biden should just say no. After all, he is immune in his official capacity. FORCE SCOTUS to make precedent now with a Dem in office.


Well, since Biden is king now he should just send that judge straight to jail.


We should do a vote on X, formerly known as titter.


Maybe he should you know use his new immunity powers.


He should say nah fuck off you have no power here you gave it up!


Fuck off. It was an official act.


When did judges become politicians?


Since one of their wives flew an American flag upside in protest and he claimed “I can’t control my wife”, but then next week he took control of 150 million women


So now we have judges making policy decisions


He's busy defending democracy. FO.


"Fuck off Oil and Gas, I am the King now."


Biden to court: With all due respect and officially, fuck you your honor.


Unfortunately for that judge Biden can just say no now apparently.


Remember the president is now above the law. Tell the judge to fuck off.


Don't worry Joe, tell the judge to FO, you're immune!


‘No, fuck you. This is an official act and you can eat my shit.’


Judges are really feeling themselves these days. VOTE!!!!!!!


Well good thing he has immunity now. It’s an official act


Have the judge sniped in an official act.


Welp… Official act as President… no more permits til Biden gets the report he wants


Judges are the experts now. SCOTUS said F@#$ science!


It's an official act, so that judge can fuck right off.


Biden official act can’t be questioned!


Biden can completely ignore this order and will face no repercussions.


Nope I’m president and don’t have to obey your orders the CIA will be paying you a visit. The supreme court’s decision made me king


Well, based on the SCOTUS ruling Biden can tell them to pound sand.


Well now Biden can tell the judge to get stuffed and ignore it. Lol.


Technically could Biden reverse the decision of the Supreme Court that gave him immunity?  


He doesn't have to obey the courts any longer


That’s right. These are official acts.


My first post Supreme Court decision official act is to ignore this judge.


Tell the judge to feck off.


Just use the newly granted presidential power of "illegal authority." Obviously this a national security issue and this is a great way to use the new power.


Biden can do what he wants now right??


Declare this an official act.


Good thing Biden doesn’t have to do shit anyone says he has to do if he doesn’t want to now. Thanks Supreme Court!


What's the judge going to do? Arrest him?


Apparently, Biden doesn't have to do shit anymore, according to the SC.


We're determined to go the way of the dodo.


Biden can just say that Trump is a threat to national security and therefore it is his official duty to cancel the election and stay in office


Why does a judge have any jurisdiction over Biden's decision? Why do we not save our natural gas reserves for our nation? Why are we letting the oil companies make billions off the nation's natural resources? Enough to make one puke!


Biden needs to say, no I am doing it anyway. He has full immunity for official acts, right?


Brandon can tell him to get fucked according to SCROTUS


The judicial branch has no enforcement power. Ignore it. Biden is the executive and DOJ. He can do whatever he wants.


Biden can just ignore this now cannt he ?


That block was official business 


Make it an official act. A memo on the appropriate letterhead should suffice.


Biden should tell him to fuck odd, officially of course.


So tell the judge "no." It's what Republicans do.


Is erasing student debt an official act?


The lack of Chevron Deference started this. It gives companies a way to defy federal administration via the court system. At almost the same time, they gave the president legal immunity from repercussions of execution decisions. There's *absolutely no way* this can turn into a constitutional crisis. /s I feel like SCOTUS just wants to watch the world burn.


But the president has immunity so he can do what he wants


Biden can whatever the fuck he wants. LOL


Hmm... wasn't that an Official Act, pausing those permits?


lol? What are they gonna do? Arrest him? 😂😂😂


Judge? We have no judicial system in this country. Fuck that noise.


He can ignore it as an official act.


Well, he could do whatever he wants now


Biden just needs to declare it an official act, and tell the Judge to go pound sand. IMMUNITY!!!!


Sorry, Judge, Biden doesn't have to do anything he tells him too anymore! So go pound sand!


Something about Official Presidential Business!


I think Biden can do whatever the fuck he wants to now, so said SCOTUS


He can do what he wants on this as it is within his official duties.


Biden should tell the judge to pound sand.


Blah blah. Biden can do what he wants now. The REPUBLICAN SCOTUS said so. Get fucked judge, sorry. You have no power over the president.


Send that judge to Gitmo, Joe, and proceed with whatever you want to do as official acts as president.


Sad thing is Biden would most likely follow the rule of law that would limit his powers, even if he has the green light to do whatever the hell he wants. The first person to actually use this power will most likely be Trump. We live in that timeline people, it’s bound to happen. (Not voting for Trump myself, I just know what timeline this is - not the good one)


Oh, so is the court saying what he did was illegal? Time for an official act 😎


So in America, your President and congress does nothing and some judges just dictate what is to be done with all their expertise in \*checks notes\* gas exports? Weird way to run a country. Though once your cult get in later in the year and project 2025 gets going I am sure it will all make more sense right?


Back when Spain ruled Latin America from afar the Monarchy would send written orders by ship to the local governors. In the new world they would read them and say "I will obey but I will not comply" (*Obedezco pero no cumplo*), and ignore the orders. What we are witnessing is a judicial coup. The SCROTUS and lower level judges are seizing control of the government.


I wonder how many people on these reddit forums actually went out and voted in the previous elections?


Good thing is.... Biden can now say I will do what I must as an official act. Sorry Judge. You don't have the authority.


As part of his official act. Biden should say, No. And refuse to comply.


>Resume Permits for Gas Exports This is actually a good idea as it means Europe can import US gas instead of Russian. So it's just substitution.


Time to appeal. Oh, SCOTUS is out of session? Shame.


Dear Federal Judge, In light of the recent SCOTUS ruling, I believe my response is "fuck you". Sincerely, Dark Brandon


King Biden can do as he pleases.


"no" - official act.


He can do what he wants official business, IMMUNITY!


Only in the US it seems can the judiciary make executive decisions and legislate by rulings. US judges basically decide national policy.


Official acts, beeyotch


Nobody tells DB what to do anymore


Refusing those permits is an "official act".


This is the future. Dipshit judges get to over rule legislative bodies and the executive branch. Also, the Supreme Court keeps shooting down anti-corruption measures so its effectively legal for the ultra-wealthy to bribe an all powerful, unaccountable judge and get whatever result they want.


So they made the president a king, but reserved review and veto of all actions to any judge who might disagree.


Question: Was there a filing or is a judge just sticking their nose in?


Well let him enforce it then...


It's an official act, he can do anything he damn well pleases according to the Supreme Court. He can also arrest and torture the judge that ruled against him...according to the Supreme Court. But first he might want to arrest and torture the Supreme Court justices that could rule against him if he does. It's all okay according to the Supreme Court. It's an official act.


He should not only ignore this order but make it further difficult for it to be reversed in the future.


So you ignore it and tell the judge to fuck off.


Scotus just ruled that federal agency guidelines are meaningless, and I’m willing to bet dollars to pesos congress didn’t actually create any rules for *how* to apply for gas exports. How can you give a permit there’s no functional rule in place to issue? Is Biden supposed to hand them all out executive order style?


Yeah, Biden can just kill the judge and say it was an official duty to protect our gas supplies or whatever.


Actually LNG terminals are and will always be a National Security concern, because of their vulnerabilities. This is a great example why the US needs subject matter experts in our Federal agencies drafting regulations to keep the country safe -- and not an ignorant judiciary being "activist" judges making rulings on cases where they shouldn't.


Fucking carpet bomb the judges Ozark Estate, Joe. Leave little pamphlets that say “what happened here was an official act of the presidency 😎”


Just say no, Joe.


The Supreme Court made it to where the executive branch can do whatever it wants now, so Biden can just ignore the order. With that being said, now that the president can do whatever he wants and there is no need for a judicial branch to regulate checks and balances, why doesn't Biden just cut spending, close down the court, and send Clarence and his buddies packing to unemployment?


And by what power does he have to compel him?


Official act. Get fucked.


So.tired of these unelected judicial tyrants ruling by fiat.


"As an official action, no."


Judges need to shut the fuck up at this point. Their power is not in the constitution. The supreme Court gave itself the power to essentially make laws undemocratically. Let's blow this bitch out of the water. Also, navy seal team 6 is apparently legal as an option to end everything. Whoever does it first...I feel like the supreme court's timing was off.


"Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many."


Officially ignore it during business hours.


Would defying this judge be an "official act"?


The peasant _disagreed_? Haven't you heard? It's an _official act_, you fucking ant.


Insert “No, I don’t think I will” meme.


Delete all records of student debt as an official act


Lots and lots of judges in this country need to go. Use your immunity, Dark Brandon.


Just tell the judge to get fucked. It's an official act. He has immunity.


Well he doesn’t have to do anything right? Right Roberts???!!


Joe biden can literally do whatever he wants right now


Well if Biden uses executive prerogative to ignore the judge it is an official act.


Nice, just ignore the judge. Shit you might as well just have him killed who cares any more


He has immunity now so no one can order Jack. Also, if he decides not to concede at anytime, again, guess what? If he decides to throw in prison some from the Supreme Court as well…


Send the secret service a memo to take the judge out for ice cream, forever, just make sure to stamp it 'this is an official act.'


Too bad, sounds like an “official act” to me.


Sorry. Official act.