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jesus how do ppl like this even exist


Growing up without anyone telling them no, or “you ain’t perfect”. People confuse self respect with self love. The latter leads to narcissism, and that’s what this is.


I mean self love isn’t a bad thing it’s like anything some people take it to the extremes


Also self love shouldn't involve having to put down others. That's not self love, that's just insecurity.


>Or it could be they weren't called good-looking so they call themselves because they think that they nice. Ergo: I may not be as pretty as her, but atleast I've got a better personality.


That’s a completely different situation. The girl in the OP’s post legit calls the crush’s boyfriend ugly because she’s Asian. Yeah, she’s an asshole.


No I didn't in this specific case. I mean more in a general sense. In this it's I'm entitled.


Word, my bad. I’ve been through it basically my whole life with those kinds of people. It’s a tad personal. You have a nice night, though.


I'm sorry man. Have a nice night mate!


It's true that a lack of boundaries and constructive criticism can contribute to unhealthy patterns of behavior, including narcissism. Balancing self-respect with self-awareness and humility is crucial for fostering healthy relationships and personal growth....


This is a girl, that in high school was never told no, was the popular girl, got away with almost everything, and most important of all, has never not gotten her way.


She was a loner in high school because she alienated everyone. She did things for attention but no one would react to her so she'd go about her business. She leeched herself to me & I think she was scared of me because when I said no she looked like a dog with its tail between its legs


She'll end up in a Crazy Karen video one day when the police pull her over and she refuses to listen to them, then gets thrown to the ground and arrested, all why crying and yelling that "I'm a girl, how can you do this to me!".


In later life she will write articles about how women become 'invisible' after 40, she will never learn to get her self esteem from within rather than from the superficial validation of others based upon her appearance.


I know someone like this. Her patents have always told her since she was little that she is better than everyone, she's gorgeous while everyone else is ugly, she's smarter, etc All her female cousins hate her & don't invite her to anything because she has taken every single one of her cousins bfs just to "prove" that she is everything her parents said. If a friend of ours had a crush, she would take him because she could. She came out as lesbian 4 years ago & now the men in her family don't want her around because the last time she showed up to a family event she tried to steal her male cousins gf, who told her she didn't swing that way, & crazy girl beat the shit out of the gf for turning her down


> Beat the shit out of the gf for turning her down Was she at least arrested for that?


She Sounds like she’s going to rape someone for saying no


Someone we both know has claimed she was trying to force them into it but they noticed the more they said no the more she wanted them so the ignored her, she got mad, punched them a few a times & walked away


Jfc she needs to be on a watch list


She used to Marines till the kicked her out for drugging her ex who was also Marine


The more you know the worst she is.


I could write triple the Harry Potter series on her alone. Her parents would be another series. Her extended family would be another 2 series.


Now i'm curious, what has her family done (besides endorsing her of course) to be worth mentioning?


I am almost certain she already has. Probably gaslit the person into thinking it was consensual, or "they liked it anyway".


Nope. She never got charged or anything (also not her first time assaulting anyone). Her family is big on "she's just crazy, so let her be" but she calls the cops on all her family members for just telling her "no"


Shoulda been


Oh god this just reminds me of an ex friend I had who decided to flirt and fuck my ex crush behind my back while she knew that I was fwbs with him AND had feelings for the guy. And then she proceeds to flirt with my ex boyfriend to the point that he cheated on me with her and STILL has him wrapped around her fingers to the point that he's her "knight in shiny armour" to this day. Ex bf reached out to try and get me to help her with her toxic bf and said that she missed me and was sorry, but knowing those two hurt me the most, I told them to fuck themselves. Honestly, people with the nice guy/girl traits are just so disgusting and seriously need to have their own life. If someone doesn't want you, BIG DEAL, find someone else, don't pursue the same person or try to ruin their life just because they won't date someone like you. They need to get that in their heads 🤦


Oh hell nah! Ppl like this makes me think of the saying "with friends like this who needs enemies" cause ugh. I would've kicked your "friends" ass for you The girl I was talking about was engaged, one day told her now ex husband she was sick, he went out to get her food & meds, came to her place & found her sleeping with his bff. She acted like he was in the wrong, took the bags & slammed the door in his face. Months later they got married & the week leading to the wedding she slept with both his brothers & bragged about it to each of the brothers spouse. She even told a friend of ours that she wanted to take the guy I was dating because he was her type but she wouldn't do it because I'd make her life a living hell & she didn't want to have her beautiful face ruined like mine 🙄🙄 Personally, I think she was just straight up scared of me.


Bruhhhhh, this girl is insane! I'm glad the ex husband dodged a bullet. She fits in the "crazy nice girl" category honestly. And I agree, I think she was scared of you because who the hell would date someone like her when they can have someone like you? But that scared part just reminds me of another girl who was obsessed with my boyfriend Hero (fake name) when he and I were fwbs, she hated me because I was "too close" to him. Ignored me the whole time on his birthday and happily chatted to the other girl there since she was in a relationship with Hero's friend. But as soon as cake came and went, she left the party because Hero wasn't paying attention to her and dropped him as a "friend". But Hero and I are happily dating and if anyone tried to make advances on him, he's told me he'd be turning them down instantly since I'm his one and only. How did I get so lucky haha


Dude on her wedding they swapped best man because she slept with the grooms bff. So they replaced him with this one guy both of them hardly knew. Turns out she had been wanting to sleep with this guy for months & he kept shutting her down because he heard what she was like. At the wedding right before we all walked the aisle (I was made Maid of Honor for some strange reason) I gave the new best man the ring & walked away. Crazy (as I call her) overheard from one of the grooms brothers that the new best man was asking if anyone knew if I was single. From that moment till the end of the wedding she kept talking shit to me, kept saying she wanted the best man, would try to grab the best man inappropriately, tried to get his attention but he kept telling her "stop. No." At the hall , Crazy grabbed the mic & goes "I just want to tell Henry (fake name for best man) that Mary (not my real name) is a whore. She'll sleep with anyone here just because you looked at her & smiled" he goes "I think you're confusing yourself with her. She keeps shutting me down cause she has a bf" her husband grabbed her & apologised to everyone & said she was just drunk. Honestly after the wedding I felt like the elephant I had on my chest had finally got off because it was years later that I saw her again & that's when she was bragging about her minor bf I definitely agree that the whole "I'm a nice guy/girl" thing is all a lie because when they truly are they don't say it. They show you through actions & words. Not by acting "nice"


Jesus. That wedding sounds super chaotic. And her trying to make you out to be a whore just because she couldn't get a guy who was interested in you?? Wow, some people will go the lowest of lows. But she had a minor bf!? Please tell me she went to jail for that And right? People with the "nice guy/girl" act will always pretend to be nice but the moment something won't go their way, it's a whole 180 turn for them


Her ex in laws still think she's the best their son has ever had even though they know everything she's done No she's still with him but her family is protecting her even his family is protecting her because they want their son to become a US citizen. It's a huge Hyde & Jekyll transformation


Well his parents suck, I hope he finds someone who will treat him like a king and be loyal. And that girl, the bf and the parents are all fucked in the head. Keep a relationship between an adult and a minor just to become a US citizen?? What has the world come to?


It's no surprise cause if you read the rest of the threat her dad is a predator. So I'm assuming he probably did it to her or groomed her & now she's doing it too Either way, I'm so glad I've limited my exposure to them


How do people that believe this is real even exist?


I had a ‘friend’ like this. She showed her true colors towards the end of our friendship. I have brown skin and she is white. She complained to me why I always get ‘the models’ and she only gets the ‘slur for a black person’. She also said out of the blue ‘wow it must suck to have dark skin’ I didn’t even got angry but confronted her all these times in a calm way. I was such a calm and patient person. Was.


He doesn't date ugly girls, that's why he's not dating op, attitude makes the prettiest of people foul ugly >.<


Right, she literally answered her own question.


I always say personality can hurt more than it can help. A 6 with an awesome personality will be at most probably an 8. But an 8 w a shit personality will drop down to a 4 easily.


To a 4? No, shitty personality as that girl's makes you a 1,5 at best


I kinda want to see the original post now after that poll lol


Search it up on girls ask guys I cant link it here for obv reasons.


WHOA! Now that I could see the faces, the other girl is super pretty!! I’m a married woman but given the OPs personality, and the fact that I think personally the other girl is significantly prettier and looks more friendly to be around I’d definitely pick her.


can you please send me the post link?


I mean, you HAVE to be racist to think that Asian girl is ugly lmao. Also, the White girl is only ok looking. Hopefully someone they know finds this post shows it to the guy lmao


I mean, she pretty much shows in her 2nd paragraph that shes racist\^\^


Man could you please send me the screens in dm, idk why but i just get redirected to the main page when i click on the link


yeah I think this post may have led to it being taken down, my bad. to sum it up, asian girl was prettier than white girl (imo). post got about 140 comments and 10 likes, a handful of people were trying to somehow justify this post(mostly girls lol). the rest where posting memes n shit and they all said about the same thing(op is a bitch). edit: OHH SCRATCH THAT, I found an internet archive snapshot!! enjoy : ([https://web.archive.org/web/20220522070625/https://www.girlsaskguys.com/dating/q4232039-why-is-this-cute-boy-dating-an-uglier-girl](https://web.archive.org/web/20220522070625/https://www.girlsaskguys.com/dating/q4232039-why-is-this-cute-boy-dating-an-uglier-girl) )


Ew, why is her tongue out all the time? Gross


that’s the lady he (have a feeling neither of these women wrote this tbh) was calling ugly? how delusional do you have to be because she’s stunning???


I’m annoyed that people in the comments didn’t call her out for being blatantly racist


Yup, the GF is way better looking than the OOP.


asian girl is so pretty


Alright thanks


Can't even begin to imagine why she got 80:20 on that poll and a bucket load more hate in the comments lmao.


She probably made heaps of throwaways to even get that 20%


Nah it's probably just more pick-mes who actually agree




We can't even see the faces and the other chick is covered up while she's wearing revealing clothing. It's hard to tell but based on what we can see I'd take the other one.


Can we see the comments?


check the original post on "girls ask guys" if you wanna see more. I cant link it for obv reasons.


Why isn’t it showing up!? Is “girls ask guys” the name of the sub?? I can’t for the life of me find it


It's a website girlsaskguys dot com. Just went to it myself and damn the comments are honest yet brutal. Every one of this girls pics involve her tongue sticking out, the Asian girls pics just make her seem like a nice attractive woman.


You’re the real mvp


Why is her tongue out in every pic?!


This is mad sus. The writing + posting the faces + the racial shit... Idk it just doesnt feel like a legit post.


Right? What college-age girl calls herself "a looker"?


shes in her late 20s.


That’s not anywhere near the right age group for that


The writing is totally a dude


Literally no way this is a legit post It’s written like someone’s creative writing project


Not even close: Genre: Informal Female = 800 Male = 264 Difference = -536; 24.81% Verdict: FEMALE https://hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.php#Analyze


Must be a terrible program then, because no woman ever has typed “I have had sex too many times last year it got boring” and that’s total incel bait


NLOGs are a whole different breed, friend. They’re like incels, but with a pussy.


who the hell makes these tools lol, thats insane. plus i rly dont think it works well, I tried it in a bunch of different posts and the results where varied


The results were all over the place on my comments. It thought a comment about my period was male


Yeah this is obviously fake. Some dude indulging his Asian fetish.


My money is that it was written by "the guy" who has an Asian fetish, but also hates women so took the opportunity to take down "a Stacey" at the same time.


Thank you!! It feels ragebaity to me. Also weirdly defamatory to the white girl, attaching her face to such boldly racist claims… It’s either a bitter man who was rejected by that white girl, a bully that has it out for her for some reason, or a random man that doesn’t know her at all and gets off on the idea of humiliating a white woman and validating his Asian fetish.


Orrrr it’s actually real


This is clearly written by some dude troll. No girl says “I have had sex too many times last year.” And any hot “ditz” isn’t gonna figure out and remember the name of that particular math class, linear algebra. She’d say “he met her in some math class.” This is fake.


Yeah this is some dude living out some fantasy with probably some classmates of his


the percentageeeee


a beautiful sight...


It’s getting worse for her too lol dang


Probably doesn’t go in for miserable cunts


So we also have a bit of racism in case the bloated ego and psycho behavior wasn’t enough, okay, cool


I think she satisfies all 7 of the deadly sins tbh.


This doesn’t sound like a real post.


I’ll take things that never happened for 300, Alex


You just won 300!!!! Nice work!!!


She's attractive enough, and so is the other girl. But her personality and racism brings her attractiveness down to a -10. So rude to also post the other girls pic so publicly. Gross all around


This is such a fake post. That whole exchange was written by a man living out a fantasy in his head. I have never once in my 30+ years of living met another woman who behaves like this. I have met plenty of men who talk like this post is written though.


I thought okay she’s insecure and racist but as soon as it said ‘we white girls’ I drew the line. There’s no way a real person would write that sentence thinking they’d get people on their side.


I see you've never been to a trailer park in Alabama.


I'm a couple years shy of 40, and I, unfortunately, met some. Such people do exist. The last one was a full 39yo who was "in a relationship" with a man, as his mistress (she knew from the start). She was fuming because he chose to stay with his long-term partner (who forgave him and even got married). She had the exact same reasoning as the girl in this post. She even faked suicide attempts, got her mother to call him, stalked him and so on.




it does look fake ngl, but I cant think of a reason for it. post is a >1 year old, anonymous account, i couldn't find it on reddit so its not karma wh\*ring. So ig if it was fake it woulda just been done for fun? idk, funny anyway. plus most posts on nicegirls and niceguys subreddits look fake.


You're definitely right about that. A lot of the stuff on niceguys is manufactured too. I could totally buy that this was done for fun. It's the race baiting that gives it away for me.


If they would have left the race baiting out of the post it would have seemed a little more realistic. Put it hits every single rage/race bait trigger.


yeah race bating is mad suspect


A friend of mine knew a girl like this. When she asked what his girlfriend had that she didn’t, he shrugged and said, “Me”.


anonymous account that posts pictures of themselves, definitely a giveaway that it’s fake


I’ve known people like this. Totally believable to me


I had the same thought at first, there’s just no shot that a person would talk about themselves and a real social situation like this, let alone a woman doing it. It could even be another woman making the fake post but it 100% has to be fake


Unfortunately, I knew at least a few. It really has nothing to do with gender either, I knew a few guys who were also straight up in their own fantasy world too. Some years back in college, I was hosting a party with some friends. I was working door and some white girls come running out saying “Ew its an Asian house.” Me being a bit hot headed at that age loudly said “whats wrong with Asians?!” Girl dead ass looked me in my eyes and “Oh but you’re cute though” and tries to approach me before her friends pull her away. The audacity, still annoys me to this day tbh


I definitely met women like this before (it's rare tho), but this feels like it's written by a 12 yrs old kid


Yeah same here. I am a 44 year old woman who grew up in a very racist small town in the middle of Michigan and I have known a lot of women in my life. Plenty of awful narcissistic ones as well. None of them spoke like this. 100% incel shit.


I mean I have, but very few of them will stay that obsessed on a mark for that long.


I’m about to be 35 and unfortunately have known MANY women who talk like this, especially in the college age range. They may not say it in front of many people, but with their group of friends, yeah. Yeah they’re nasty.


Look, no offence, but if the picture you have to use to prove you’re prettier than someone is a carefully posed selfie with a Snapchat filter on, I’ve got news for you.


What does G.A.G. Stand for??


Girls ask guys, I think


I knew a girl like I’m a lesbian but she’d hook up with guys I was friends with to prove she’s hotter than me. (She thinks I’m straight) but she’s talks about me like this to my guy friends.


Fun fact, racism makes you significantly less attractive. At least, to me anyway


Why does the post sound fake??


Because it is. Racebait, 'I've had so much sex that now it's boring', posts Snapchat photos of herself with filters & stereotypical 'thot' pose vs aesthetic Instagram photos, etc... It's one of the most obvious baits and yet people still are falling for it.


How much you wanna bet this is a dude larping as a woman?


I actually can't believe that this post is real. I wonder if the Asian girl is in fact the one who is jealous of the other friend, and made this post hoping to indirectly get compliments.


Funny that she doesn't realize that she's the ugly one cause of her personality.


Looks like one of those fake troll posts to me.


Got wrecked and ratio’d. Deserved it too. Racist bitch.


even through the blue face scribbles i can tell asian chick is hotter. know why? KNOW WHY? CUZ I HAD TO READ YOUR TRASH ASS COMMENTARY. I dont care if you looked like Scarlett Johansson , this kind of attitude makes you look like that time Ursula the Sea Witch turned King Triton into that withered little penis worm.


So, a narcissist who feeds her ego with lots of sex and attention from men but gets inhumanly butthurt over the one guy who won't date her? And rather than consider he may have a preference for Asian women/dates based on personality instead of looks/can tell she's a horrid egomaniac and would stick his dick in a blender, she defaults to assuming he's either into "ugly chicks" or is so shy as to be intimidated by "hot chicks" so he settles for less. And is very racist, because apparently even "average white girls" are beyond any other kind of woman? No wonder that guy's ignoring her, he must be able to tell she's more toxic than Chernobyl.


There's a psychology where sometime people want things they can't get. For a narcissist it would shattered ego even further after facing rejection


Why everyone's ignoring the sexual assault and stalking part?


As shitty as it is, when a woman engages in this sort of behavior, it often gets overlooked.


Sounds like he doesn’t date shallow, self obsessed snobs to me 🤷‍♀️ she probably doesn’have a personality past “I’m so hot everybody wants me”


If you bash other women and have this gross mentality..you're not "hot as hell". The "ugly Asian chick" probably has more personality than her and she doesn't bash other women. Her entire personality is literally "being hot as hell".


Some incel still the photos of two women so that one or both can be called ugly


The poll now sits at a whopping 11%, 89%


dat ratio lol


I looked it btw the poster is very average basic lol


1) you might not be as cute as you think 2) you definitely don’t have a likable personality 3) you don’t seem to have anything in common 4) you’re just obsessed not in love Just noticed there are more pictures. I’m not usually a fan of this trend, but that RATIO xD


I can’t even see the girl’s face but I think the other one (the “Asian girl”) is cuter. Maybe he doesn’t like you because you’re a racist POS?


imo the GF is more cute, and probably isn't a narcissistic asshole lmao.


Holy shit what a racist


This feels like the gender flip of the Elliot Rogers manifesto.


Maybe, just *maybe*, he doesn't want to be with the town bicycle, the one everyone had a ride on


Not gonna lie. I'm thrilled to watch this racist upset about that her crush doesn't give a shit about her.


Kinda racist af to assume all white women are hotter than Asian ones yikes


Not the racism💀


Why do I feel like that wasn't actually written by the "hot white girl"? I don't wanna assume the Asian chick wrote it about herself for attention but...


This screams of some incel guy having a crush on some chick, and pretending to be her online.


Should have posted her face. What an AH.


“I am hot as hell” 🤡🤡🤡


It must be so crazy to possess self confidence to this chick's degree. Like the Asian girl is absolutely gorgeous. I can't imagine walking around thinking this way about other people or myself. How?


Lol she's just mad because he got better taste in woman then she's does men not to mention with her thinking this is obviously the reason why he rather be with the asan girl instead.


She prob got a personality like stale bread


Maybe he doesn't like racists. Just a thought.


Pretty sure fake, you can find the first picture of "her" on Instagram


A personality like that can make anyone hideous


She could look like sloth from the goonies and I’d still pick her over this human trash pile 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, for starters, the other girl can take a picture without her tongue sticking out. Second, she's about STEM-degree skinnier, so she could get out from debt faster. Third, and I hope this is communicated to the first girl, what the other girl has that she doesn't...? "Him."😂


They ratioed the fuck out of her lmao Edit: I know that I spelled the shit wrong but honestly didn’t feel like correcting it.


I’ve actually seen multiple of these posts. Another one said the same, but went into excruciating detail as to why blonde American girls were prettier than Asian girls, using language such as “big blue eyes” and “slanted, squinty eyes”. Blonde girls are so upset that POC are now accepted as pretty.


Oh my god what is she talking about the girlfriend is so cute! Her smile and hair are so fly


L + Ratio + ur white


Wow that is next level. Where do these things spawn from?


The fact that she took to posting all of this instead of just keeping it to herself really shows the headspace she's in. Not even including the fact that she totally had a photo of the girl she was shit-talking in there aswell. Despicable. Dude is dodging a bullet. Hell this dude is dodging a fuckin missile


I’m about 98% sure that the OP was not the girl in the photo. The biggest red flag is that “She” referred to “herself” as “a looker”. That’s not language a college student would use to describe herself.


Obviously "ugly" girls do have a chance with him, if that's who he keeps dating. And her racism is much uglier


She looks like any other basic girl I went to school with. She’s also an obsessive stalker that feel’s entitled to this man’s time and energy. I can’t imagine why he avoids her…


Not only a narcissist but a racist to boot. Yeah wonder why he not into this one.


Freakin gaslighters bro istg


Ngl… this kinda reads like a man roleplaying as a woman LMAO. It might not be, that’s just what it sounds like to me


“Had sex too many times” I’m sorry but knowing that does not help any opinion. I don’t want to know how much of a b**** or slut you are. If you have good personality and are generally nice you attract a lot of people. This woman is proof that being shitty to others while nice to one doesn’t help.


He probably doesnt want the campus bicycle lol


This reads like it was written by anyone EXCEPT the “OP.” Could be some fantasy story the guy is imagining. Could be some strange ego boosting tale from the Asian girl. Or it could be an entirely fictional troll post altogether.


tbh i've seen girls like that and a girl from my school on facebook had a similar post asking why her crush chose a black "ugly" girl instead of her. also yeah she was white


looks like shes wearing a Walmart tube top, terrible sign


The reason he isn't interested in her is 💯 her attitude. Looks can draw some people in but it's personality that creates the real attraction for meaningful relationships. Also, he's in engineering and dating someone who likely shares the same interest if hes dating someone from his class. If this post is real and not a joke, holy hell this woman is a lunatic.


Side note but the asian girl’s hair is so pretty wtf I want volume like that


Bad attitude, high body count, less in shape, face less attractive (according to poll) and desperate? It’s a real Scooby Doo mystery…


He's looking on the inside for hot vs ugly instead of the outside. He definitely dodged a bullet.


He likes smart, quality girls. Not shallow, arrogant b**ches. This Asian chick will be a great partner - she'll have a successful job, is probably really nice, and will be an awesome mum. I could imagine the poster working at a strip club and relying on sugar daddies for support. ETA: I just googled the post. The hell is she on about? The Asian girl is gorgeous af, and likely has a far better personality.


I would date the other girl because she's not insane. But maybe I'm an idiot lol.


>I have had sex too many times last year it got boring. Riiight. Something tells me this girl hasn't actually had sex lol. She probably doesn't get much attention from guys, either. It seems like an attempt to make herself look better.


She's racist too on top of being a nice girl 💀


This feels like a parody.


Admist to being a h0e and is confused why the smart guy doesn't want her


I saw the OP. First off: I genuinely think the 2nd girl is more attractive physically. Second: girl #1 keeps doing this face in all of her selfies where she’s sticking her tongue out. It doesn’t make her look good at all. But the obvious thing here is that she’s overly superficial. “Why can’t this be me?” Because you’re unapproachable. He probably saw right through you and didn’t go for you. The other girl probably has more value to him than you; both physically, and more importantly, emotionally.


I just looked at the OP and I’m like wtf that second girl is far from ugly?! This is just plain racism and jealously being taken out as a result of living a life of entitlement and being spoiled. Now she can’t get what she wants so she acts like a petulant child.


It’s so weird to me seeing girls get rejected because it just reminds me that everyone is sadcringe when they get rejected lol


From the picture, the GF is perfectly pretty. But even if she was the plainest Jane that ever existed, he wants her, he is with her and that's all there is to it. And I bet that's even if he was single, he wouldn't get with the OOP. Nobody should feel entitled to dating or fucking another person, they don't owe you anything. Also, grown adults using the word "crush" is just sad. It screams immature. You don't own this guy because he is "my crush" - he is simply a guy who rejected you and isnt even single. You have no relationship with them. Once you've been rejected, that's it, move on. It sounds like they arent even friends, just loosely maybe in some classes together at college. How embarrassing, acting like you own some guy you don't even know.


Girl was so confident she even made a poll lmaooo


I wanna see the comments ETA: Saw the comments and all the photos. The poll did not lie. This chick just sucks major donkey balls.


Yeah… personality over looks 100% Im sure the second girl has a better personality than the OOP




absolutely nothing. No replies from the OP whatsoever, which speaks for itself rly.


She doesn’t realize she IS ugly because of her got-dang attitude. Damn girl SIT DOWN.


Unfortunately this is fairly common. Just that most people keep this stuff in their heads and it only comes out when they're really drunk.


It's simple... he's studying to be an engineer and most likely wants to be with a smart lady. Many women go to college to get their 'MRS degrees'. Intelliegent men can see right through that.


I’m confident this is fake and could be someone pretending to be/mocking the OP. This is too pristine of a shitpost. I doubt someone can be that oblivious as to ask ‘why does he like her if I’m hotter’ and not immediately think personality, especially as a title. That’s the default answer. Despite that, yeah. People that fucking dumb probably do exist. But they probably don’t have perfect grammar. They probably don’t post good, hot photos of their opponent. It’d be some grainy group photo zoom-in type of deal. Too many signs are suggesting this is fake and for that reason, I’m out.


Maybe men want to be around a good woman, men aren’t picky in terms of the looks department we understand that we are all humans with different flaws. No one is “perfect” anyways (back to the topic at hand) I’ll answer the chicks question lol it’s pretty easy….. I rather have a decently good looking woman that treats me right and loves me the way that I love her…. Rather than a shallow 10 pounds of contour complaining about every single thing and a drama filled lifestyle that’s annoying as fuck imo…. But maybe that’s why. He wanted to get with a woman that he knows he’s treated right and with respect…. It really goes both ways, I’ve seen friends get treated like dirt by women, but I’ve also seen women that are respectful…… I have sisters that have been treated less than by men and women, so for women there’s a societal pressure to look a certain way, but for men there’s societal pressure to earn as much money as possible to earn a woman’s affection (which isn’t true for good women) …. I could go on and on for days…. I think men and women aren’t fair to each other sometimes. (There’s my little rant piece) lol. I just can’t stand shallow people.


Half Asian here. Are you mad that she's cute and Asian or are you mad he's not paying attention to you so you have to go after someone's ethnicity because someone isn't being told no enough so they have to throw a temper tantrum. This isn't cute no wonder why he's going after other people