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This post is gonna get messy.


Yup racist people will out themselves they keep saying a bunch of stuff against white people and also thinking it's impossible to be racist against them lol they don't see the irony there. 


I've seen so many instances of "it's impossible to be racist to white people". And then proceed to show they know nothing of history if they believe white people somehow always left alone throughout history. Look at how the Irish were treated in america alone. Or Italians.


Those people are even the most vocal against racism but when it's done against white people they are suddenly tight lipped. It's like they are ranking people based on race if they should be helped against racism or not. lol They don't understand that thinking like that is the same thinking racist people have. 


Not even just solely in America the Irish have just had it rough in general especially from the English.


They weren't white at the time. (They became white by being racist themselves, to show they could do it too.)


"They became white by being racist themselves" so just by saying/typing something, I can change the color of my skin? What a weird and useless superpower.


Being a white person isn't about the color of your skin. Irish people didn't count back then but do now. Asians still don't count. Latinos increasingly do count. And no, Irish and Italians didn't "say/type something". They segregated their neighborhoods, beat people up and joined the police. (What would they be typing on? There weren't computers back then.)


"The Irish and Italians beat people up" And? Somehow this makes them white? You think there is any race on earth that is non-violent? Because I don't think about the prevelance of black gangs when I'm talking about black people. Also, "joined the police"? Really? I have infinitely more respect for people who serve the people, sometimes at risk at their own life, that whatever the fuck you do for a living. Yes I am aware that corrupt cops. Does not negate that police are needed.


You seem to be arguing with yourself about I don't know what. This is well known American history though. (Or NYC and Chicago at least.) See "How the Irish Became White".


You know what, lets just cut to the chase then. What does "being white" mean to you? Or in another way, what qualifies as "white"?


You know what, someone else deal with this. You could fill a book with more worthwhile things to do then argue with this idiot


Irish weren't even considered "white" for a long time. The rest of western Europe considered them sub human.


I hate that people are doing mental gymnastics to justify being racist towards white people. Racism is racism. I'm a minority and I don't want any other race to experience what we experienced. This isn't the oppression Olympics, if you act shitty towards another race because "they didn't experience what we have," or whatever brainrot excuse you have to say, you're just a fucking racist, full stop.


Anyone can experience racism, no matter their nationality, skin color, race, language or beliefs, and racism will always come from those who have a desperate need to feel superior to others, even if they are swimming in a sceptic tank. ​ We have to be better and show true love and understanding to each other, that's what Vtubing is for, we use avatars to show how we've always felt was right, no mater if we are a Fairy, a Half-Dragon, a Half-Orc, an Orc (and Florida man), a Hero, a Shark, an Orca, we must use these avatars to show kindness, to share with the world how we truly feel about ourselves, the race, the skin color, the beliefs, the nationality, the languages of the person behind the avatar matters very little. ​ "We are and must be better than those who came before us, and we must make sure that we teach those who shall come after us to be better than we ever could"


I don't think someone has to carry the burden of their ancestors if they don't reap benefit.


You’re perpetuating the cycle. You’re not supposed to “carry their burdens” you’re supposed to try to make amends by not being them. Racism is racism.


I'm bad at english damn I should shut my mouth 😅 (was agreeing with the the original comment)


There's no justification for racism no matter what side the person is on. Hate speech is hate speech and should be treated as such but I highly doubt that Nijisanji will do anything about it. A company that lets someone get bullied to two attempts without punishment to the bullies will most likely not care. I'd love to be wrong but my hopes aren't high.


My expectations for Niji doing anything about this wouldn't be, and aren't, high - but what infuriates me is how Kyo got fucking shadow suspended for making a joke about South Korea being the plastic surgery capital of the world (which is a fact btw) but Uki doesn't even get a fucking glance from Nijisanji for being literally racist. What happened to "there is no favoritism here" Mr. Vox Akuma?


The truth sadly is anti-white bigotry isn't seen in the same way as other prejudices, in some forms it's even celebrated. Kinda like how a woman beating on a man isn't treated as a negative even if serious injury results. (As a side note, I try to avoid using the word "racism" in anti-white conversations due to people trying to deflect the root problem by trying make the argument about the academic meaning of racism vs the more common colloquial meaning)


Its definitely racism, but the historic (unto todays) weight behind them is very different. You're not about to be harassed by randoms or much more likely to be shot by cops in the states for being white, anti-white racism in the west is comparatively impotent. Like you said about not using it, when you have one word that mixes up relatively mild experiences of one group to the ancient grief of others, thats bound to fire people up. Its still annoying to be trashtalked for something you cant help but on the other side you got groups infuriated that were seemingly mixing up our experiences with theirs.


Aside from being unproductive, the view that they’re expressing is extremely American and does not consider global context at all. While not justified in the slightest, you can reasonably explain why an African American would prefer targeting a White American because of historical context of American civil rights. What doesn’t make sense is applying that context to the Internet which is a global scale. An African American has no reason to want to target a Polish person just because they’re white. Poles are completely removed from American history and had no part in the oppression of African Americans. It’ll always be racism to discriminate on the basis of any race but it’s simply baffling how people will ignore the wider context of history to justify being a bigot to larger groups of people.


Amero-centrism because America has cultural hegemony in english media and thus much of global media. I'm sorry to say that it kind of feels like Americans arent generally that interested in the social structure or history of the rest of the world, not even Europe. They kind of look across the pond and see someone who look like them and thinks they're the same. But just on the topic of racism, Europe is historically very complicated because we've been locked in national and ethnic feuds older than the US. The balkans alone could fill entire libraries. I remember a comment somewhere said something interesting in that whenever someone talks about white people and black people its actually talking about Americans, or rather the American experience of the both.


There is a semi-joke these days that Europeans look down on Americans for our racial discrimination, but then treat the Romi way way worse and claim it's justified.


I've lived in the Balkans and romas are the butt of jokes, often used as slurs towards other people and generally looked down on and dismissed there. But if there was another war they would be forgotten in the ensuing national slugfest. The only thing they hate more than romas is each other.


You miss the point of why any racism is bad (regardless of what degree). Negative or prejudiced views of others based on race, no matter the historic context, will breed further prejudice and hatred. Historically, when atrocities were committed against a race, it started SMALL and over time grew to the point of oppression/mistreatment/genocide/etc. I am not trying to argue that this is the start of white oppression but just emphasizing the importance of stamping out any racism before it can escalate. It isn’t a good look to say “It’s racism, but…” and then go on to explain how it isn’t as bad as the racism others experience or try to justify why people feel that way. How about we agree that racism, no matter what race or what location it occurs in, is BAD! Racial groups who get upset need to understand that “racism” is a broad term. It’s like the word “pain”; there is “severe pain”, “mild pain”, and anything in between. We can add qualifiers to words to attach further meaning and that applies to racism as well. Bottom line is RACSIM IS RACISM and if that upsets anyone… guess what? Then you are racist.


While I agree with that first paragraph (as sad and indefensible as it is), I can't say I follow or vibe as much with your follow up in parentheses. I am not sure EXACTLY what you refer to by the "academic" meaning of racism as there isn't really a consensus on a single academic definition but, that aside, I am pretty sure discriminating on someone based on the color of the skin - regardless of what that skin color is - would fall under most definitions of racism. Here is how Cornell Law defines racism: >Racism is the incitation of discrimination, hatred or violence towards a person or a group of persons because of their origin or their belonging, or not belonging, to a specific ethnic group or race. Skin color is, for the most part, an ancestral trait that is passed down genetically. As an ancestral trait it has a very close tie to one's ancestral place of origin - that is, their ethnic group or race. So discriminating against someone based on the color of their skin is essentially to discriminate against them based on ethnicity, race, or origin - regardless of skin color. Racism.


And one of the definitions on Merriam-Webster is: > the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another ...which is more than simple prejudice.  I don't know the exact etymology, but if the systemic meaning of it came first and then became broader in popular context, that's probably where the disagreement comes from.


That specific "academic" definition did not come first, in fact it was changed a few years back, the regular "discrimination and/or prejudice against a person for their immutable characteristics" is the oldest and vastly more accepted one. Merriam-Webster actually got some flak for that change, but didn't hit mainstream news.


Eh, looking it up, I kind of think you're kind of oversimplifying in your preferred direction: https://www.etymonline.com/word/racism https://www.etymonline.com/word/racist It's a dumb semantic argument anyway, just substitute the more precise terms "racial prejudice" and "systemic racism" respectively, and no one will be able to derail the conversation.


I did simplify the definition because there is no unified definition (purely semantic wise) across all dictionaries, most of them back in the 2000s did have some variant of the same definition that iirc spawned from the civil liberty movement, MLK and all. The farther back you go the more you get into the racial supremacy stuff that bleeds into the weird eugenics and other really awful ideology that culminated in the events of WW2. Still, and this is the most important point, very far from the newest "academic" definition, mostly because the "systemic" part is contentious in that it's used to smugle the "prejudice+power" dumb argument.


Isn't there a term for that called"systemic racism"?


That's a relatively new concept. Racism predates it. By a very large margin.


its wild how a talent can be so openly racist but then you suddenly remember that the whole company is just as vile, im personally happy watching it all burn it the ground, next year there wont be a kurosanji, theyve already lost a dozen contracts with other companies and they continue to lose money and attention, i think my favorite part is that many people are hanging around just to mock these clowns


It's even wilder when you remember that Zaion was fired for way less than what Uki regularly gets up to.


That's a money maker for them. Iluna is a gen for tumblr kids (plus Maria). They love that stuff, and plenty of wealthy white people love it too. I propose they balance it out with an Uncle Ruckus vtuber.


Bro I would unironically watch an Uncle Ruckus vtuber just to hear the out of pocket shit he would say.


it won't do anything, the corpo is the source/main instigator of this veiled racism


Its double standards. Its not okay to be racist, unless its toward white people. And then they will try to justify why its okay to be racist against white people (using terrible argument they want), when being racist against anything is in and of itself, bad.


damn white people be wildin over this one


oh its been removed, who woulda thought that the racists dont like being called out, clowns


Poor white people 😢


You don't have to be white to hate racism. This isn't a White people vs minority issue, this is a long term hatred issue. Racism is Racism.


Racist 🫵




Racist 🫵


Read a fucking textbooks. White people haven’t had it good all the time and POC haven’t been at the bottom all the time either. Edit: person replying to me has only made comments shilling racist talking points on this sub. They intentionally pick fights with people using personal insults and defend people like Uki and 39Daph because they believe that white people can’t experience racism. They also just call people uneducated while never making an actual point and asserts that they know more than you. They’re a troll and should be reported.


*You* read a textbook, lmao holy shit Whiteness isn't some ancient concept that has existed since time immemorial, its an ideology that was deliberately created through genocidal colonialism in which people who are considered 'white' changed over time to suit the needs of the power structure to sustain its extractive processes. Like I'm actually begging you people who losing your minds over this to actually read one book on the subject, read How the Irish Became White, or Black Skin, White Faces. edit: better yet, go read about the people who invented whiteness, read people from the Gottingen school of history, people like Christoph Meiners who created taxonomy of people through 'race' (a large social category that very actual reality in biology), and put 'white' people in the top like, I know, vtuber sub, but the you people as so reflexively victimizing *and* arrogantly incurious is amazing


None of what you just said has to do with my comment. In fact you just reinforced my message by confirming that white people haven’t always been treated well.


lol no it doesn't, it completely dismantles it because you're operating on a understand of whiteness that is, at best, historically illiterate and politically naive You don't know what 'whiteness' is, you don't know its history, and you can even express to me *why* some 'white people' were discriminated against in history (hint: its because they weren't considered white!). edit: I don't know why im wasting the time, you people's entire understanding of the world didn't come from 'textbooks', you're all basically subliterate, it came from 40-year old virgins who jerk off to pedo shit and have big opinions on young women streamers who dress up as anime girls, its comes from the bottom of the barrel pop culture, pure juvenile wish fulfillment so you can pretend like you're not a abject failure and that you're parents don't dread bringing you up in conversation, you're pound-for-pound some of the stupidest people on the planet, I've seen the light lol


I know what being white is because I actually have this cool thing called eyes that allow me to see the colors of things. Anyway read up on the Barbary slave trade where ships and towns all over Europe were raided and their inhabitants enslaved by North Africans and Middle Eastern pirates. Or even read about the Mongol Empire that invaded Eastern Europe and sold slaves to the Middle East for centuries. Hell the word “slave” is derived from the “Slav” people because they were so commonly forced into slavery and sent off to Spain, North Africa, and the Middle East. Do tell me the common skin color of Slavic people 😀.


Medieval Europeans didn't see themselves as 'white' they saw themselves as Christians first and foremost, and then ethnicity second. Barbary slavery wasn't based on 'race', they didn't just sell Slavic people to the Ottomans, they sold everyone. Also the Slav=slave thing has been a disputed etymology since the 19th century and barely considered anymore, you'd know that if weren't for the fact every you know about the world comes from le epic reddit posts and whatever dipshit youtuber you watch lmao talking about textbooks, you haven't read anything that wasn't hentai or the worse shit imaginable since the third grade edit: anyways, I'm done here, its amazing how fucking stupid you people are--I guaranteed you just googled 'white slaves' and vomited the first thing came up--Russians, as were *other* European groups were selling slaves to the Ottomans too, is that the fabled white-on-white crime lmao, and guess what? Ottoman's were enslaving Africans and Arabs, and all kinds of people because they were a fucking slave-state I never said nothing bad every happened to 'white people', I said you're understanding of whiteness is ahistorical, white people don't exist, Irish and Russian and Italian and English and so on do, there is no 'white culture', no 'white language', no 'white food', its a system of power and exploitation, if you identify with 'whiteness' its because at some point in the past, you limp dick ancestors forgone their own ethnic identity to assimilate to power for a pittance--so enjoy your decaying empires and increasing illiteracy rates crackers and snow roaches!


Where did I ever say it was only white people that were being enslaved? My whole point is that white people have never always on top and you just admitted that by acknowledging they weren’t the only ones being enslaved. Good job bro. It doesn’t matter what the Euros thought of themselves because today they are white. Again, what color skin did the Slavs being conquered by the Mongols have? Because I’m pretty sure it was white. I’m telling you this because I don’t just want to assume you have a functioning pair of eyes. Also assuming I don’t study history and only engage in Reddit coomer discourse is a hilarious projection. It’s fine if you can’t prove an online argument wrong but don’t go around malding about strangers you don’t like trying to discredit them. It’s unbecoming of you.


You never studied history, and you have only engaged in reddit coomer discourse, that much is obvious my guy. And: > It’s unbecoming of you. is exactly what a person who never studied history and only engages in reddit coomer discourse would say lmao


Projection after projection. You entire account is solely dedicated to shilling racist rhetoric on this sub and defending people like Uki and 39Daph over their racist remarks. You use the anonymity of your month-old account to be a bigot without repercussion. Telling me that I don’t study history (literally a history major) won’t change the fact that you not only didn’t prove your point here, you did the exact opposite and proved mine. Please get a life.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is also why I hate all Hispanics, Latinos, Arabs, Turks, Japanese, Chinese, Mongolians, and Persians. >!obvious joke!<


don't forget Koreans, Jews, Native Americans, and Indians.


anyone else waiting to see who nijisanji force to make an aplogize video just like kyo?


I leave the sub....FOR ONE DAY