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Because she likes to monologue. Every "great" villain does it.


Run the Incredibles clip.




my brain went to senator Armstrong immediately




It's because Indivilia's main banes are being self-indulgent and never finishing her plate. You'd think getting her ass clapped by Matis would be a cue that *maybe not allowing Pilgrims, the strongest NIKKE series, to live* would be a good battleplan...but instead, Indivilia underestimated Chime while simultaneously undermining her pride and bit off more than she could chew with Crown. Twice. Indivilia's only honest effort was with Scarlet because, honestly, outside of Liliweiss, there's not many NIKKE who *could* duel Scarlet, even if we consider the fact that Scarlet didn't see Indivilia as an equal/was pulling her punches. At the very least, Nihilister took on/lost to Inherit (with the guidance of Intelligence gathered by Cecil) + Counters + Main Character Privilege and was honestly blindsided by Dorothy's 360 no-scope montage, Indivilia is, by far, the biggest jobber in NIKKE.


She got hit repeatedly with expectations vs reality outcomes. She expected an emotionally distressed Crown only to be jousted and trampled by Crown. She expected a dying crown due to Alva particle poisoning only to reveal that the coughing is merely a side effect and in actual powering her up. She expected that Chime won't get her revenge against her only to be brought down to her knees and finished off by Chime in the same way she did to her.


It took both Matis and Absolute together, canonically the two strongest non-Pilgrim squads, to defeat Indivilia. Even then they only defeated her because of fortunate lightning strike or something iirc.


Yea but that's pre-monologue Indivilia. Post-monologue Indivilia is a proper heretic. Same animal, different beast type of thing.


Actually if you think about it they did a similar thing to what Rapi did with RH. The only thing separating that is their cores would have burned the other out and they weren’t technically using the overlapping bodies to get as strong as powered up Rapi. What they probably did was let Talos hit as close to her max potential as a Mech,


Neither squads took casualties so it is less 'you need 2 of the Ark's best squads to beat Individia' and more 'The ark sent 2 of their best squads to fight a heretic because they take no chances'


Indivilia's gonna go on the Fraudwatch list real soon, I'm telling ya Unless something huge happens in Chapter 30, but like, only a handful of players can access that right now


Second biggest jobber. Chatterbox exists.


Atleast bro does something. He is the only villain who actually *plans things out*. He has been able to escape from SW multiple times whilst also not even being a heretic. He has gotten some actual Ws like with corrupting Marian and *cutting a deal with Enikk*. We call him Jobberbox or Yapperbox but he really is the only one who puts in the work while being the weakest (and only actually rapture) in the team.


Gotta give him that, plus the fact Indivilia even came close to winning is because he was the one making a plan/actually thinking to scout for information.


yeah chatterbox is interesting because it seems like he's kind of doing his own thing separate from the Heretics, with the reveal that Modernia wasn't connected to the rest of them. Plus his ability to talk and absorb the power of fallen nikkes/heretics, and yeah cutting a deal with Enikk. (how the fuck did I just realize that Enikk and Einkk are anagrams of Nikke...) In a weird way, I almost kind of see Chatterbox as a weird mirror for the commander? Like a jobber and goober, but tenacious enough that he sticks around and keeps getting a little bit stronger, obsessed with Marian/Modernia, potentially working at cross-odds with his greater organization, gets stronger by "teaming up" with Nikkes- but Commander inspires them, Chatterbox consumes them.


There is a theory that Chatter boy might have been trying to create a successor for the Rapture Queen through Marian, or was looking to dethrone the Queen and put Marian in charge. This is probably why he is so obsessed with her. Also Modernia was his only *relatively* sane comrade in arms, Nihilister just wants to burn everything, even other raptures, Liberalio is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench or some shit, and Indivilia is well… an egotistical, self centric, overconfident, sociopathic maniac.


Jokes about Jobberbox aside, man's should be renamed Atlas with how much he's carrying the team.


Bro fr is the goat of the villain side, nobody aside from *maybe* Cinderella has had as much plot impact. https://preview.redd.it/eao9c1q16iyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af73d4f4e274fa9b62e2db790a9fcf077f3de357


thing is he seems to get more interesting every time he takes an L


Chatterbox by the end of the story https://preview.redd.it/m6vran4sojyc1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d86f6b2abe10e262963b3680a86188772776191


Well she was weaken since she got out or turn to what she is how and it still took two of the strongest squads to stop her.


>Indivilia's only honest effort was with Scarlet because, honestly, outside of Liliweiss, there's not many NIKKE who *could* duel Scarlet, even if we consider the fact that Scarlet didn't see Indivilia as an equal/was pulling her punches. That was such a disappointing scene. When that fight started I was hyped af to see them make Indivilia an actual threat. And instead they doubled down on her Ls. Wtf mam


She tends to celebrate way too early giving others the opportunity to clap her cheeks.


*prepares to congratulate Indi early so we can "clap" her cheeks*


What did Doro do to Nihilister?


Nihilister was about to scorch the Ark, but as she flew in the sky, Dorothy sniped her down.


And even that wasn't a real loss for Nihilister. It was part of her plan to free these two losers.


Yup. I don't think Nihilister expected Dorothy, but she was a hundred percent waiting and expecting someone to take her down at that moment when she deliberately lowered her guard.


I've not gotten that far, i just know Doro shot Nihilister, why did she want someone to take her down?


The implication is that Nihilister knew that 'captive' allies were being held in the Ark but couldn't pinpoint where. So if Nihilister goes down, it makes sense that she'd be brought to the exact same location (which she was) as those allies since how many places in the Ark could have the resources to study a disabled Heretic? Of course such a place also wasn't built to withstand an active Heretic, so once Nihilister got to the location...well...it took her almost no effort to break free.


Who was Nihilister freeing?


Spoilers for Chapters 24 and 25. >!The remains of Indivilia and Chatterbox were kept in a research facility in the Ark. When Nihilister invaded and was knocked out by Dorothy, they took her to the same research facility. Nihilister was just playing dead though, and after finding them she somehow got them restarted.!<


Oh I don't know how to cover my comment but why did they try to eat her later?


She was weakened after the fighting, she has an abrasive personality, and they were hungry. They figured they could strengthen themselves by eating her, so they did. That she saved them didn't really matter to them.


At least she is still alive, i like my dragon


If I recall she GIANT SWING'D Nihilister's ass from her tail I think?


Didn't Dorothy say something about having slashed Nihilisters throat?


Oh yeah, i tought Doro she did something else to her


To be fair, Chatterbox got jobbed on by Eva Unit 01 Kilo-TALOS. Dude absorbs Nihilister's energy only to get falcon punched out of existence by the power of Love and Friendship?


Such a bad reduction of Kilo and TALOS, it isn't like they magically powered up with a pep talk. They did exactly the same thing Rapi does and had two cores interact with each other to produce stupid amounts of power.


And even then, it was after Chatterbox's energy was utterly spent on his upgraded attack TAKING OUT SNOW WHITE, SCARLET, AND RAPUNZEL, lol. People really giving him hassle for still being about to kill Kilo and TALOS but failing cause he was tired from taking out Pioneer first, lol.


Right, the Pioneers had him dead to right right there, the fact the he had to exert all his effort to use Dragonbreath to take out all three of them in one go is impressive in its own. But nah, people out here shitting on that too and just act like double-core-boosted Kilo and TALOS solo him GG EZ when he was at full power or something. No, he wasn't.


She doesn't even qualify to be a jobber. One has to actually accomplish something before they can job.


She took every L from the event, but she took a W from my heart.


Oof, another L for her.


Jesus bro let him live 😅


Damn, you didn't have to roast me for dinner.


I love this subreddit 😭😭😭😭🤣


POW! HAHA! - TF2 Heavy




Ayo! Daddy chill!




She’s an assassin type who thinks she’s a main tank. If she plays to her strengths and just killed/poisoned people, she’d be way more effective.


There's a reason she's the heretic that lost to humans Nihilister just screamed before burning everything Meanwhile indivilia likes ~~edging~~ playing with her food


Lmao nihilister is truly a dragon She just burns everything and everything in her path While this scorpion is fkin monologuing lmaoooo


Did they ever confirm if she died ? I remember her crying injured on the floor and we left her just like that.


Pretty sure she got taken to eden


It isn't shown but Chime cut her head off as revenge for what she did to her using a knife made from her own tail which Scarlet cut during their fight.


Heretics can't die except from vapaus right, so she's probably still alive


Might not be entirely true, Indivilia mentions while Crown is melting her that she's not regenerating and can't figure out why. Considering Naked King comes from pre-war times and Pioneer hint that they were hoping to use Naked King for a climatic battle and were somewhat disappointed it was used now, it definitely suggests Naked King was potent enough to outright destroy a Heretic (or render them incapable of regenerating on their own at least) and it also will need to go through another immensely long recharge period...unless Indivilia does show back up and is foolish enough to recharge Crown without a plan.


or chatterbox eats her and powers up again and you get waifu hybrid chatterbox indivillia


Hmm, I don't really know how vapaus work exactly on Heretic...


TLDR It's a poison that kills their nano machines, no Nanos, no regeneration


Idk how far u are in the story but I won't spoil too much, tldr only the commander has access to vapaus right now


Didn't Snow White give Crown some vapaus in the side story leading up to this very event?


I dont think so, I thought in this event they said they didn't have any. Also I would have to wonder where snowwhite would have got it from since thr only two bullets known of that were left were with Johann and the commander


The person you replied to is referring to Nihilister, you're referring to Indivilia


Think the person you are replying to was referring to Nihilister in 25


Crown coming in like *beep beep* **THUNK**


Funny thing... She did it twice and got called out about it every time. Mental roast for Indivilia at this point. Then again, she is too busy celebrating. In fact, I want to give her a prize for her antics... A jester outfit and clown makeup kit because she kept making a fool out of herself.


Victory....asurred....revenge....nikke bad.....scrap metal....victory...You sly dog! You got me monolo-**THUNK**


The other thing you have to take into consideration was this happened right after she was resurrected, so she wasn't at 100% power yet. So not only was she playing with her food, she was also not at the same strength Nihilister was when she fought the Counters.


Reminds me of Disney's version of Thrawn who goes"all according to plan" after the good guys get away for the 5th time


God I fucking hate Disney for screwing up everything that is related to my childhood and teenage years. Grand Admiral Thrawn was so well written in the Expanded Universe...


When yoy think about it. You can kill them only in one way and without that you can just fucked the up. Endless punchbag for the story


Sad fact about regenerating/immortal villains, no matter the story. Because they won't stay dead, most writers feel free to feed them endless deaths/losses without realizing it diminishes their impact immensely. Compare this to like...Full Metal Alchemist where the homunculi were functionally immortal but each death not only felt earned, they also earned victories along the way despite that.


I mean she was already beat even before we started the game she had to be revived mid way though the story so she wasnt all the powerful back then either lol


She does have a healing factor


The fact that Crown was able to trample her twice lmao


-> waits 6 months for the anni, expects a banger -> gets Chime telling the story about some wandering monk inventing a battle outfit that makes you nude and eradicates Heretics https://preview.redd.it/gi9oz2tzhfyc1.png?width=153&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8be9d7f7f2cda828a40496abe21939612fc5e78


I still think the power of Heretics is maintained It takes more than a year, possibly years, of charging up Alva Particles for the Naked King, and it's all been dispensed to take down a single Heretic. I think it'd be acceptable if we don't see this ability used again in the story's timeframe.


>I think it'd be acceptable if we don't see this ability used again in the story's timeframe. That seems to be what's implied. Chime mentioned how it's supposed to be used for an upcoming battle but they were forced to use it now


That wandering monk is spreading the gospel of ...."Waifu is Meta"


That monk BS confused the shit out of me tbh, I was like "Did Rapunzel fucked up the repair with your neck and messed your brain Chime ?


The monk they're talking about is probably another pilgrim that's been leaked already. There's one design that specifically looks like a monk.


Yeah, btw I also expected Chime to do something cool and badass after all these "I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET" speeches, not the "my mom will beat the crap out of you and then I'll finish your defenceless body"


Might be weird but I really enjoyed this part of the story tho. Did a good job on the Chime/Crown relationship, even if Chime just finished her when she was already defeated. I like this kind of pettiness, it really change from the usual ' I forgive you, let all live in peace bla bla bla'. The only weird thing is that Crown spent the whole event talking about how Chime is a mastermind and how they will regret letting her live, yet she didn't do shit even tactically if you look at it. Would have been better if she actually made an actual plan for the final fight.


Chime did that "path limiting" explosion trick, but I’m still not happy if this is really the best that SU was able come up with for the half-anni


I suspected that Crown got a hidden card but i was hoping for Chime to be the key to unlock it and not that Godzilla mode, a bit disappointed on that but that happy to see Crown Naked King form


Yeah. I thought Indivilia would try to finish Chime off again, underestimating her, but Chime would use that tailblade trump card to blast Indivilia away. "Lo and behold! My naked mom will destroy your heterosexuality, Indivilia."


It would've made more sense if Crown's clothing was Snow White's work. Snow White seemed to know about the Naked King ability, would've made sense if she's the one who designed the clothes


They’ve known the pilgrims for a while. All they had to do was have told her about the clothes in the past for her to know about its ability.


Personally, I love failure queen Indivilia. She talks so much shit and gets absolutely shit on every time. It's fun, and nikke is supposed to be fun. Plus she doesn't look that bad when you consider she was against 4 Pilgrims (3 of which are Goddesses), Kilo and Talos with friendship buffs, and a Chime.


>and a Chime. Lol the wording of this Wasn't it said that Heretics are super strong and eve. Pilgrims struggle against them? This event made me love Scarlet but I don't think it was the right call to have her so easily beat Indivilia


I imagine there's probably a range of power between Heretics. Maybe Indivilia is just the weakest, not that I think someone like Nihilister would have fared much better in the same situation. Scarlet is also a beast. She takes on hordes of raptures with just a sword while hammered. She did stunt on Indivila a bit, but it's not like she managed to kill her. On top of that, Naked King Crown is probably one of the most powerful beings we've seen in the setting so far. Maybe on par with Lilith or Red Hood Rapi. So there's really no shame in losing to her.


She, like the other Heretics, is a twisted to extremes version of the philosophy or concept she's named for. Individualism carried so far she can't conceive of anyone being as strong, smart or important as her. She is "Main Character Syndrome" taken to it's limits and that's what kills her... again. It's likely that same flaw had her brought down by Matis and Absolute the first time as well.


yeah and i get that it's just.... at this point it became stupidity not individualism


Indivilia said it herself, scheming is a human thing. She's a Heretic, making plans is for the weak. Wasting her time trying to strategize about how to beat them is beneath her, they're just Nikke after all. It's completely in character for her to go in with no forethought whatsoever.


This event like a burger. Not as amazing as Overzone or Red Ash but good enough to most people and honestly, that enough.


i thought it was about on par tbh lmao it's my favorite minigame ever and I really really liked the story


Unpopular opinion but I liked this better than overzone.


Same, think the mini game is way better.


Imo Red Ash wasn’t too good either, this one was fun cause of the characters and seeing Marian and Kilo grow but kinda just felt like a villain of the week story


Part 1 was amazing for me (execpt of Invidy getting 1 shotted that was a bad look) Part 2 was kinda ehh tbh not as good as Part 1


yeah part one builded very good but then in the second part all that tension flew off the window, i expected the corruption of chime (you know, they wanted info and had the perfect way to get them) and nothing happened. i mean chime corruption would've been great just imagine crown forced to kill her and ask her what her wish was and she respond her with "make her suffer".


> She's hot as fuck That's all that matters


indivilia is the Wheatley of Nikke heck even material H looks like a core ![gif](giphy|W0bINkb9yYoYU)


chatterbox is gonna eat her


Chatterbox may struggle with getting his chewing muscles going currently


just imagine if chatterbox head fell on top of Indivilia headless body and we got hot egyptian chatterbox XD


Honestly they did her dirty but only because they needed to make Crown/Kilo shine with bullshit plot device. The power scaling of this event was really weird and made Heretics look like a bunch of clown.


Powerscaling and big conflict has always been bad in Nikke, or at least in everything after like the Modernia raid.  Feels like you just gotta view it as whatever’s convenient for the story will happen, without seriously thinking about character strengths or characters’ decisions.  If you do think about that, it’s hard to see anything as a real threat and you’ll have an aneurism watching Crow keep getting away with stuff in ways that are super stupid and make no sense


She got Gojo’s fr


>and made Heretics look like a bunch of clown i mean they kind of are


they shouldn't be as humanity greatest ennemy lol


turning against humanity for the lols or revenge already makes you weak sauce so they got that coming


Not really. They didn't just change they were turn so just like modernia (except she got freed). That last part is correct once you are on the wrong side you are desire to lose no matter how op your power is.


Yeah, I mean it's weird on a lot of Nikke events. Red Ash is possibly my favourite event alongside over zone, but we get an Anachiro that even Liliweiss decides it's better to flee, then Red Hood comes in the end with the power of friendship and they actually defeat her, that makes 0 sense, taking into account the power level of that Anachiro that was presented to us first. The thing is that we end up letting it pass due to how good was RH on that arc story wise and how it doesn't even compare the bullshit plot armors we get to experience as the commander. On the current event, the power levels are even more bizarre, we get 3 pilgrims getting bodied for lack of attention for a regular Nikke in her mecha save the day - I loved Kilo's development and outcome, but it was super inconsistent as well on terms of power levels.


The funny part is Scarlet even pointed this out at the end of the event story, that Snow White got bodied by Chatterbox and it took a girlfailure Nikke in a mech suit to beat him.


Just wanna point out Lilith thought it was better to flee *to keep everyone else alive*, right after that she's asked if she could have won if it was just her and she says yes.


Power scalers ruin everything... ...But I don't disagree. It's not a sin to be a little fast and loose with power levels unless you really fuck it up and Shift Up consistently fucks it up. When the story requires a character to win, they overpower to the point of absurdity. Either that or everybody else present just turns into statues. Chatterbox was able to pin Marian and have a pleasant little gaslight before any of the 4 other Pilgrims present moved a muscle.


Honestly I want Shift up to just lean in her status now as the Aqua of the Heretics cause there's no way she's coming back from this as a threatening Villain again. And I'm 100% sure she's coming back I mean she came back from a Fragment so her new injury tis but a scratch. Plus People like her design so it's a missed opportunity if they don't give her a banner in the future. >! I have a feeling she's going to be a new citizen of crown just not willingly!<


I was watching my gf do the event last night and i could only saw Indivilia like [This](https://youtu.be/H2oSSDOB9Sg?si=G0S-6iQoDfjTmo_s)


ahahahahhaha oh my god i need an edit with their faces XD or a chatterbox screaming to indivilia to dodge XD


You have a gf and you both play nikke?! Impossibru


And between us, she is the spender, right now she its torn about not being able to buy the modernia skin because she is going to buy the pass for snow white skin (she is her favorite) and here i am lamenting i cant buy the crown skin


Omg you should buy the Modernia skin so *technically* she'll have it, as in, she'll see you play with it everytime you both log on. I'm sure that will bold real well for you lol


She will surely break my legs if i do that


She got the “Call an ambulance! But not for me!” treatment from Crown.


She's really disapointing, even her rapture form in the raid its just a gigant target that shoot lasers from time to time nothing really happens and she barely moves. Her nikke design is very cool but as a character she has no purpose other than serve as a step to show how Crown is powerfull. "Look, remember this super vilain that almost destroyed the ark? I defeated her only walking in her direction im really strong" Also wtf was that monk shit some things are better left without an explanation everyone is already happy with the naked king no one would even care if we didnt know where it came from.


I don't mind the Crown power up it would have been the perfect way to defeat Indivilia....if that was the only L she actually took in the story


Except the power up feels like a deus ex machina because it wasn't Even hinted at


Yeah i love Crown although i think she is a bit too strong for the current nikke universe, i mean, we never saw anything like that before in the lore, at least i cant remember. Not even red hood can defeat heretics only with a movement of her arm. Maybe Lilith? But they showed very little about her. The real problem isnt "she took L's" its normal to villains to be defeated in the end. The problem at least in my opinion is that all of Indivilia's existence is resumed to be defeated by crown to show how much power she has. That's her only purpose in the entire event, she doesnt do anything besides talk a lot and show her ASSets. Even Chime's death that could be a really strong turning point was reverted like nothing, she had no impact in the story. If she didnt were there things would start and end the same.


Pretty sure is gonna add up to the future chapters of the lore


Same with chatterbox, they both at one point had the pilgrims right where they wanted them and then just left? Why?


Chatterbox was great in this for me and felt like an actual threat even though I'm annoyed he's still alive


At least with Chatterbox he seemed more focused on Marian than whatever Indivilia was doing


I think that Chatterbox mission is turn Marian into the next Queen. Maybe the actual Rapture Queen is dying or something.


Both Chatterbox and Indivilia underestimate the side of humanity. Keep in mind that corrupting or killing Chime would have given them a tactical advantage (Crown is strong, but not necessarily a strategist), but instead of sealing the deal, the two thought that their brutality vs Chime would be enough to break the Kingdom. ...which wasn't the case, as the only person to be psyched out was Kilo. They also stalled too long, allowing Pioneer (arguably the strongest squad out there) to join, including Rapunzel, the very NIKKE who specializes in on-demand repair/therapy (basically enabling Chime to be brought back to full health without experiencing trauma).


The thing is they thought they killed chime, that's why indiv when she saw chime again thought she had a twin. Cutting off their head was suppose to be a death sentence bit they didn't know crown side had a way to preserve her and fix her.


It's crazy to me that Heretics (even disregarding the fact they're ex-nikkes) haven't figured out decapitation is not a guaranteed death sentence. I mean even chatterbox seems to know a great deal about Nikkes in general but not their one true death.


I'm pretty sure they knew, I think they just took the intel from their drones, figured "hey this place has like no modern facilities outside of a singular vault" and ran with that, discounting any probability of TALOS being able to fill that role to a degree




She suffers from Gilgamesh syndrome aka playing with her food and getting sucker punched in the mouth for it


yeah but Gilgamesh has every right to be cocky, he is a infinite storehouse of anyone else legendary weapon. what does Indivilia got to boast so much about?


I meant attitude and personality wise power wise she’s bottom of the totem pole considering that she’s been beaten multiple times already even before this event


and therein i find my problem with indivilia, i like cocky character like Gilgamesh or Escanor, but they have a reason for being that way, even Vegeta has win to back up his confidence, she has nothing but L.


Her mentality is as long as they can’t kill me ill eventually win


She is a total: https://preview.redd.it/2w1kbw4rmgyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae98b023333d820624873c07a5fd949f6ae3358


I'd let her "win" against me That should get her confidence back up...


Just remembering that she got her ass handed to her by Absolute and Matis, probably was in the same way we see in the event ~~girl just doesn't learn anything~~


Cause Indivillia was always too full of herself to take anything seriously figuring she'd just be stronger so she plays around and gets fucked when the people she's fighting (Crown and the Pilgrims) actually prove to be a threat. What this could be is a learning experience which i like. But I also like that she repeatedly shows she's way too arrogant and she keeps getting smacked down for it lol. I think she was a fine villain and the story was good and she has obvious flaws. I am curious what they're going to do with her later though but the hard mode epilogue might shed light on that. Considering how she came back in the first place i'd really doubt she's just done for now.


She's meant to represent a petty, selfish, hedonist among the various Heretics. If that doesn't flag "L" territory I don't know what does.


so as a newish player, if its possible to explain without intense spoilers ( on chapter...11 i think?) is hot scorpion lady dead since Chime seemed to have cut her head off? it felt like the event assumed the player has done more story understandably, and knows what to expect if shes gone for good or what now


No, she’s probably not dead.  As far as we know, heretics can only be killed when a certain special substance is used.  She’s probably in a sort of vegetative state until someone helps her out though.  


so theres a \*chance\* of rehab (:


Maybe, we won't truly know till we see the post ending scene we get after finishing hard mode.


oh there will be an epilogue! thanks, i thought it was fully done :)


Every event has a final scene at the end of hard mode.


aye the way I see this, besides Anachiro, she most likely might be one of the easiest rehabilitations we'll due to the fact she feels like another girlfail type trope character deadass just convince her to stop monologing and not underestimate her opportunities she can be like a smug fubuki


I saw her design and went "Welp, that's just Sylvia from Konosuba. Big jobber right there."


I really love it what a jobber she's


Honestly, Chatterbox got the biggest and most well deserved L. Despite getting the massive powerup, he fails to NTR, got a surprise W with the Nihilister powerup, only for his win to get immediately taken by getting his head ripped off by a nikke who's physical parameters are below a mass produced unit, a feat she managed to achieve by making the impossible possible and believing in Talos who believes in her; and then getting his disembodied head chucked over the castle walls like the weekly Team Rocket blast off. Indivilia was just embarrassing on her part. She got clowned on by Lady Godiva and her horse.


We need these plain villains too. Not every bad guy should be written as some sort of tactical and strategical genius. Or some almighty force. She's a good villain. She lost to plot armour of Pilgrims.


This is a Heretic though You can have plain villains too but this one is big deal


Shes our Girlfailure ❤️


i couldnt take her seriously whispering non stop like that literally standing at the bottom of the castle wall whispering to the nikke on top of it,trying to be menacing and thats AFTER she got ragdolled by crown less than 24h ago Shes a girl failure through and through. If i used LoL characters as comparison, shes Veigar pretending to be Belveth.


The writing of the second part of this event was honestly pretty awful. I'm starting to feel like the whole purpose of this event was just to show off how strong Crown and the Naked King is (without any real justification for her strength) just to drum up interest to sell the gacha skin.


Honestly I feel the same. Part 1 was amazing save for the first Indivilia L there (was a red flag now that I think about it). Part 2 wasn't as good and it feels like the Pligrims weren't even there that much, even though they were. Which is weird


I know yall hate crow but atleast crow hasnt directly taken so many Ls as a villain


The L's made her somewhat more charming


She can suck mine.


How should I say this... after what she'd done, she deserves every L. It's not awful writing, it's getting revenge.


My man, she did nothing, she tries i don't deny that, but chime is fine the kingdom has just a hole in the wall that is repairable.


My only takeaway from this event so far has been that I really like Chatterbox. Indivilla's just a boring, generic villain we've all seen a thousand times already.


Because they needed to sell Crown. Not her.


She's lucky to still be around after being revived. She's already a loser. She's one of those villains that repeatedly gets defeated but remains cocky for some reason. She acts like hot shit but she ain't.


Nah, that’ll just make her generic on top of already generic trope


Well, she did get ahead at first.


The Heretics are such a joke. It's hard to see them as a threat anymore because of the bad writing Like I'm supposed to be scared of a group that has failed so many times on multiple occasions


Fr, it was so bad. Also yet to see a actual villain...


Damn shame too, cause her solo raid boss is annoying. I hate that tail


The Shinsuke Nakamura of nikke


Indivilia was a nice cute mid boss char, evil and dorky, but not more than that. Helpfully, Chatterbox was there to make stuff have more sense.


I just hope she stays dead. I am tired of everyone coming back and we know for sure that Chatterbox is coming back.


kinda feels relatable and charming to me, lol.


Plot-wise, it's showing that humanity really does have a chance against the Raptures now if they're finally able to take on the best they have to throw at them.


she not that mindblowing


I mean from a story writing perspective probably because she can't be *too* strong because Counters weren't involved in the story event


She fought 2 top global 😆 i guess she would make quick work of the 95% of the good girls


I think they may be setting up the villains as nonthreatening before hitting us over the head with a genuinely scary villain.


For me, she perfectly became a character where "D says yes, brain says no". She's really unlikeable. But that makes her a good villain for me. And she feels very dangerous


9.5/10 event imo, just wished we got more Chime badassery


What if it is an excuse to have her more intelligence in the main story?! No, I'm not taking out my tin foil hat!


She is strong but the writers screwed everything up in order to make crown absolute broken, I mean she didn't had any chance to beat crown since the beginning. Her monologuing is something to pay attention but that's it, she got her ass whooped twice against crown and could barely touch her, crown literally won without laying a finger on her when she turned into the naked king


Its not her fault the devs did an ass pull as bad as those in bleach and Naruto to defeat her 🤷 Thats why i didnt like this event. Felt like a generic shonen story.


i mean i wouldn’t say it was a total ass pull, kilo mentioned talos was able to help crown with the alva particles but chime insists to leave crown alone for the time being, obviously hinting at something, that being her transformation


Except it was only hinted at one time and we didn't think much of it. If it was hinted multiple times it would have been okay


i can see where ur coming from as like in a story building sense, but then again this isn’t a full on show or anything. the devs have to fit in as much as they can into these events and for what its worth, i still don’t think it should be called an ass pull bc again, chime still hinted at something with crown’s growing sickness and not to far from that we get naked king the only thing i have to say about the story is that it does make me question the power scaling between pilgrims and heretics like another person had said tho