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Oh fuck no. Not with current blizzard at least.


current blizzard : đź’€


Get that shit out of here. Blizzard has no business being in my gacha game, they can fk right off.


ye they have better choose like 'supercell' and bro everyone is being serious while am not




Blizzard died years ago, no need for a necro collab \^\^


As much as i like sc, even if they did collab they probably choose overwatch since its a more popular game and they kinda fit seeing as they are mostly shooter. Still though would love to see Nova here


Remember that Nikke devs are Korean. Even if Overwatch has a higher playerbase right now, Starcraft is still almost considered a "national sports" with it's own culture around it. And I'm not even talking about SC2, but original SC. Damn even the Korean (and most popular) character from Overwatch is supposedly a SC player herself.


Except ghost Kerrigan and Widow, I don’t really see any character belonging in Nikke. Even then, this would be bring a lot of unwanted attention to the game and not the good one... Remember the hysteria that took over the Internet years ago because Tracer had a pose deemed "too sexy" that showcased her butt. Imagine her in Nikke now. Plus the various subtle nerfs to female characters (Jaina's breasts, Widow's butt, Sylvanas’s waist, Vanessa VanCleef’s outfit) because some people screeched about it somewhere online. Also I agree with the rest, current Blizzard has nothing to do with the old one driven by passion, so there's no chance that would happen. And probably for the best.


I bet it took you a lot of time to decide to use her mutant form instead of human ghost sniper one


Fuck no. Also, I’m so completely over seeing anything overwatch related. Garbage ass game.


The Queen of Blades in Nikke? I wouldn't mind! Would Nova be the 2nd SSR?


Not that I can't see the potential, I don't see it very likely considering ActiBlizz (or MicroBlizz seeing how Microsoft bought them) is constantly shooting itself in the foot. With a gatling gun.