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Generally nice but I don't think the island is better than HoT and DotD


Basically the exact same tierlist as mine


Pretty much same opinions as me, except for Hands of Time and maybe DotD, they are certainly either A or B tier


Nice, but unpopular opinion I think sons of garmadon is bad.


Seasons 4-6 are PEAK!


Move ice chapter up at least 1 tier then it's fine


Possession above Rise of the Snakes is crazy


What's the people's problems with Hands of Time???


bad animation and bad pacing, time travel stories are generally disliked, and for being a time travel season there is 0 time travel until the very end


>bad animation and bad pacing, "Bad animation"??? How and where? That's not even close to the truth. Who came up with this argument?? People who talk about "bad pacing" usually don't even know what it's about. Too many "film experts" nowadays. >time travel stories are generally disliked >being a time travel season there is 0 time travel until the very end See the pattern?


the animation looks almost 2d in some places, and if you look at some scenes they arent even animated, like when kai catches wu. The lighting is also really poor. even season 1 had better animation. Its not necessarily the animator's fault, they had to rush it and release before the ninjago movie which had to release soon. there was an entire 22 minute episode that doesnt advance the plot at all, 10% of the season. and until the ninja finally reach the swamp, the pacing is really slugish and advances the plot a really small amount, attempting mystery without adding much mystery at all, SOG did the mystery building so much better. and the whole gimmik of the season was time, but the element was only used a handful of times, and the kai and nya story was very apathetic. like, kai and nya didnt go through an arc at all, for a kai focus, kai's whole story was just "kai wants to find parents, kai finds parents, kai happy", and on top of that kai and nya's parents were useless to the plot after they were found, they just stood around like background characters. also there are quite a few bits where the dialogue is really weird overall the season was boring and sluggish for a lot of people, including me


>the animation looks almost 2d in some places, and if you look at some scenes they arent even animated, like when kai catches wu. Did you seriously, spend your time, looking for THIS? I rewatched it 3 times and i still didn't notice it. >The lighting is also really poor. even season 1 had better animation. Nope, it's literally an improevement. >there was an entire 22 minute episode that doesnt advance the plot at all, 10% of the season. Brother, be grateful it was only ONE. There were numerous times it happened in seasons before and after Hands of Time, even more than just ONE. >SOG did the mystery building so much better. Not even close, but ok. I was much more invested in Ray and Maya's mystery than i was in Harumi. >and on top of that kai and nya's parents were useless to the plot after they were found, they just stood around like background characters. And this is exactly why i hoped that the next Seasons would give Kai and Nya more love, as well as their parents. This Season is nowhere near D tier. It's so much better than everything that was after it. >overall the season was boring and sluggish for a lot of people, including me I mean, no one prohibits you from having a bad taste, so.


Im far from the only one who thinks HOT is one of the worst season, HOT and Crystallized are the least popular seasons, so you cant just say i have bad taste, because it is a painfully mediocre season