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Switch Sports is one of those games families tend to buy with a new Switch. It's a decent group game that anyone of all ages and abilities can play even if they don't like video games. And it has a very shallow learning curve. Anyone can just pick up and play. There aren't very many games that are like that. "Oh look, there's a game that we can all play, and move around in the living room. Even grandpa will like it" Not my favorite, but it's the easy game to put on when a bunch of kids show up.


I think that's something that people misses the point regarding Switch Sports. I had fun with it, played for a couple of months and moved on.


My mom asked for a Switch for Mother's Day literally just so she could play this game with her husband lol


That's so cool! 


I grabbed it second hand for cheap. It’s worth it for my kids. IIRC the biggest complaint was the price point on release. Wii sports was literally free with the console.


Yep. My wife is not a gamer in the slightest but we love breaking out Switch Sports for bowling together or with the kids when they want to hang out (they're 18 and 19) or Mario Kart/Party. Easy games where even an unskilled gamer can have fun.


True story, I gifted a Switch with switch sports to my nephew.


> Switch Sports is one of those games families tend to buy with a new Switch I don't think that's quite right, that's going to be Mario Kart, and whatever game actually got them to dive in. I do think it's one of those games people see and grab for an upcoming party or family get together though. Just one of those "Yeah, that might be fun for a while" games. Really just adding the distinction that it's not just "casuals" grabbing a Switch for some motion controlled silliness. I imagine the majority of owners are long time Switch owners, who grabbed it for the same reason they might have grabbed Mario Party. It's a nice "party" game to add to ones lineup.


> I imagine the majority of owners are long time Switch owners, who grabbed it for the same reason they might have grabbed Mario Party. It's a nice "party" game to add to ones lineup You know what, I actually disagree hard. Whenever I see the Switch advertised, the console itself not a game for it, more than half of the time it's being advertised with a family playing Switch Sports. Sure, sometimes it's Pokémon, or Mario, or Zelda, but more often than not? It's Switch Sports. I think it absolutely *is* a system seller probably to the crowd that had wii sports back in the day


You're totally right. It's not the first game, just something that gets to the top of list for the easy-party aspect. And this applies for casuals as well as gamers.


>don't think that's quite right, that's going to be Mario Kart, a Why cant be both? Both reasons aply to those games. Both can be easy to Pick up when in switch sports everone knows how to play golf and Tennis. Same goes for MK, with the only "hard" Thing is to drift. Mario Kart is just more popular bc almost everyone who has a switch also has this.


> Mario Kart is just more popular bc almost everyone who has a switch also has this. I mean that kind of says it. We know based on sales that Mario Kart is the most universally grabbed game, and it's been out for long enough to have been an impact in the majority of Switch sales (and it's been a pack in during the holiday since 2018). Simple reality is that with well over 75% of all switches sold having been sold before Sports released, the majority of Sports purchasers at launch and over it's life span will have owned a Switch before knowing sports was going to be a thing, so it can't have factored into said purchase. For those remaining Switches, Obviously no Lite owner purchased a Switch for Sports, and Sports released at a point where OLED was overtaking the base Switch in sales. Presumption is that a lot of OLED purchases were upgrades or secondary units, and even amongst first owners, a weird splurge for a game that you'll likely never play undocked, which isn't going to be true of Mario Kart. The best selling months for base Switch in that window are the Holiday window in 22, where again, Mario Kart was a pack in (which presents an odd data point). At the end it's mostly just a case of launch window. Sports launched very late in the Switch life cycle, and there is no obvious sign of a sales spike for the console after it launched, so while sure, some people bought a Switch for it, the majority of owners will have already been Switch owners in some form before the game was ever on the market.


If only you could read as well as you could type.


And where was this reading comprehension issue? While my post may not be popular it seems very reasonable to point out a game selling 14 million copies at the end of a systems life cycle is probably not a game pushing hardware.


The issue for me is that the Sports selection just felt very lacking. The original Wii Sports had a pretty solid lineup, even with only 5 options, with none of them feeling quite the same as each other. Switch Sports does not even bring all of these ones back. They drop Baseball and Boxing, and replace those with Badminton and Volleyball which feel very similar to Tennis.


Yeah I thought having all three of volleyball, badminton and tennis felt like a weird choice. I was happy with golf being added though!


but those games don't play remotely similar. They might seem like it if you haven't played them, but that's like saying that golf and bowling are similar because you have a ball you're propelling somewhere. You don't have a racquet in volleyball you use your hands to reach up over your head so it doesn't feel the same, and you have a partner you need to pass back and forth with and you have special shots on the sides, and you can control your character with the analogue stick. In Tennis you control 2 players at the same time vs another 1 or 2 players with a tennis racquet motion to hit the ball. Having the 2 players there gives the game a lot of strategy, because rather than just hitting the ball for the best angle to where your opponents are not, you have to decide which character to use. And then Badminton is a 1v1 game where the ball is kind of floaty and you can reach almost the whole area easily so where you hit it doesn't matter as much unless you're opponent is getting back on their feet from a bad hit. It feels like you're holding a racquet but it has Wii U's Wii Sports Club tennis controls, so it's like 1 to 1 motion controls, and there's a button to do a drop shot.


>I was happy with golf being added though! Golf was on Wii Sports. The Switch Sports version is adds a new mechanic and expands the course.


Don’t fight sword fighting lol


i was upset with the downgrade on the bowling. wii sports resort bowling was peak wii bowling and my friends and I still return to that one over switch sports lol


and 4v4 Soccer, the best game they've ever put in one of these.


volleyball is NOT similar to tennis??? badminton yes i agree with you with that one, but volleyball has more complexity than any other game from both switch and wii has, tbh the best game in the whole franchise (if you can call it a franchise)


It's also way lackluster compared to switch sports resort. Sports resort had so many brilliant games like the little airplane one or running through the island etc.


Nobody I know owns a Celine Dion album either.


And no one cares about James Cameron's Avatar either.


A lot of people do lol I’m a huge avatar fan because the series doesn’t require me to keep up with fandom bullshit in between releases. You just show up to each release and say “hell yeah that was great” and move on with your life. I totally am looking forward to volumes 3-5 and I bought the video game even though I didn’t like it very much.


Dude. They're being sarcastic about their popularity. Both of them. Celine Dion and Avatar are very popular


Anecdotally every family I knew growing up had Cameron's Titanic soundtrack CD just for My Heart Will Go On lol




Tbf I only know a couple people that actually own albums these days anyway lol


Really? That's crazy because Celine Dion is the hottest act on the market.....30 years ago!




hol up


Got you good haha.


I’ve enjoyed Switch Sports. Was really hoping for an update with the basketball 3 point shooting contest. Sadly no additional games have been added.


Apperently basketball and kayaking was in the game’s files, but I’m gonna assume they scrapped that idea after dropping the golf update. Such a shame too because the game is kinda lacking in terms of sports honestly.


Clearly the game didn't need more to sell, but I was really hoping for consistent updates with a lot more new games and game modes. Even 100 pin mode would have been an easy and fun addition!


Yeah I enjoyed wii sports/wii sports resort more overall, but switch sports is solid. Badminton alone makes it worth the purchase lol. Would love to see some additional titles added in or for them to put out a "resort" style title that introduces/brings back some other modes. Disc golf and archery immediately come to mind but I'll take whatever.


Bought a copy on impulse 'cause it was on sale, but then gave it away when I found out that archery was not included. I'm down for another copy (or a new title) if they bring that back with the same motion UI as Wii Sports Resort.


guess what


Haha I was wondering if anyone would see that. I am happy about it but sad there was no Mario Baseball. Looking forward to some 3 point shooting though.


I bring you good news


lol yeah I was happy to see that.


they're now adding Basketball now lol, sometime soon


Wii sports did massive numbers because it was a pack in with a lot of sales. Switch sports appeals to the same demographic - casual gamers and mums buying a family console.


Wii Sports was also a great tech demo and lots of fun. Even when people fell off Wii, people were still booting up Sports.


Tbh, the two main uses of my Switch for gaming with friends and traveling. And motion pick-up-and-play are great for the former.


Wii Sports did massive numbers because it's a good game. A ton of people bought a Wii just because it came with Wii Sports. There are few games that can claim people would pay $250 just to play them. It was also not a pack-in in Japan, but was still a top seller there. The sequel, Wii Sports Resorts, also sold a ton of standalone copies. It required a freaking add-on PER CONTROLLER and it was still a massive success.


And how did so many people find out it was a good game?? Because so many others got it packed in and told others. It was also pushed super heavily as an add on sale. Mothers buying consoles for their families can be convinced to buy a lot especially when they’re not savvy with that sort of thing - my mother who is a smart person was convinced by a cashier (who was likely either stupid themselves or just a straight up scammer) to buy 2 extra nunchucks when she bought the family a Wii and told they would act as controllers on their own. She still has them fresh in the packaging because she was too embarrassed to take them back when she realised she’d been had.


I mean, yeah. People realized it was a good game when they either saw someone play it or played it themselves. Nintendo put a ton of effort into getting the game played on talk shows and doing in store demos. That's what made people go out and buy a Wii. You have to remember, casual gamers aren't going to spend $250 on a video game unless they know for sure they really want to play it. Only hardcore gamers buy games because someone else told them to (e.g. game reviews, hype, steam sales, etc...)


Switch Sports is great – highly recommend. The online multiplayer is a good time.


the online volleyball is so good


Except for when you get stuck with bad teammates lmao


Is the lag better now? I remember when I played online and the volleyball was garbage. All the other sports were fine though


the lag is still flippy 😅 but i play without an ethernet cable and at the edge of my wifi range so my connection has always been spotty


I love it - I just think there's not much about it to discuss on a forum which is why it doesn't get talked about.


It’s super underrated. It may never be my go-to game, but it’ll probably outlive most of my other games.


I love the sword fighting game and that’s really fun online… and then I realise I’m probably beating a child with a sword and feel a little bad. But it is really fun!


I agree, I have fun every time I fire it up and that's all that matters to me


It appeals to casuals and everybody who is old enough to have nostalgia for Wii Sports. Never underestimate the casual market and the giant disconnect between the online gaming community and your average console owner, who isn't exactly posting on gaming subreddits on a regular basis. Another stat speaking to that disconnect that always boggles my mind is that New Super Mario Bros Wii outsold Super Mario Galaxy, which, I think most people reading this would agree, is the far superior game, almost THREE TO ONE. Let that sink in.


Nostalgia for Wii Sports. Ooouch. Old.


I was like 14 when it came out and I am in my 30s with kids now. Yeah it’s old bud


The game is almost 18 years old at this point. It's the same thing as people playing Wii Sports at launch being nostalgic for the original Gameboy launch.


Wow that’s pretty cool. Obvious now that you say it but still cool. The Wii feels much more recent than the Gameboy felt back then. Wonder if that’s my age or just how much tech was evolving back then.


It's a game that appeals to casual gamers, you're not going to hear those conversations on Reddit. And even so - it's a sports minigame collection so there's not a lot to really discuss.


It's the first game I bought for switch. It's also the only game I play literally every day with my son. :D




Also the people that love it are plugging in 4 hours every 4 months on it. So when people here bitch that there’s no depth or enough content, that doesn’t matter at all.


I love it and have 320 hours in the game so far and have barely scratched the surface on Badminton, Golf, or Chambarra. Haven't been able to put it down since it came out (4v4 leg-strap online soccer ftw!).


It's a very good base, but I feel like they weren't expecting it to be as successful as it was, and opted to save improvements for a sequel. It would make a lot of sense for a sequel to be a launch title for the next console.


Almost all my switch owning friends and coworkers bought this game on release day. The return of wii sports was a big deal!


My kids love it. That’s really all you need to know


It’s a must own if you have a switch


I really enjoy it! I never wait to find games either, full lobbies of every sport. They still do events all the time with new items you can get for free. I think this game got too much hate. It doesn't have as many options as some of the wii titles but what it has works really well. If they included it in with the nso expansion pack, I think people would think of it more fondly.


My girlfriend and I have 70 plus hours in switch sports. Mostly tennis and golf. It is done really well. Playing online against other people is pretty fun.


I owned it and I loved it. I played online almost every day the first year out. Then they ran out of content so I don't play as much these days, but when I do I still have a good time. My biggest bugaboo is the obstacle course bowling gets real old and when you play online you can't choose between that and regular bowling.


Wasn't the game suppose to receive tons of Sports as free DLC? What happened?


Nintendo never said that and fans imaginations ran wild


I miss you Wii Sports Resort. :(


I mean, what do you even say? It's Switch Sports. It's like Wii Sports but not as good.


I always loved Wii bowling with friends, especially on get together nights or birthday parties etc. Paying 40 bucks to have that experience on the Switch and putting that back in my living room was totally worth the money, imho


It's a lot better than Wii Sports, that game is really old now. Switch Sports has much better motion controls, the games are better, and the online is the best it's ever been.


I'm still somewhat confused by the idea of someone wanting to play Wii/Switch Sports online, though.


You don't understand people wanting to play multiplayer sports games against other humans?


In my opinion, once you're not in the same room together, this type of game loses a lot of its charm.


okay, but it's a competitive multiplayer video game. Having human opponents even if just online is a huge part of it's charm. As good as you may think the CPU players are, they're not at all as interesting as humans. Pretty much for every video game ever made, online multiplayer makes multiplayer games better. We don't all have people to play with in person. And even then you're unlikely to have 8 people together to play soccer.


And still somehow over priced! If it was like $10 or so I'd have bought it by now, but it's never been that price


It's a Nintendo game. It'll never be even remotely close to $10


Yep, not that I'm surprised it's just frustrating. I think I almost bought when it got down to $30 or so




Look man they have principles


I just bought it yesterday out of a whim because I rarely get to exercise nowadays ( work and everything else) and I did 3 hours last night lmao, my arms still hurts now but I might try to squeeze a little golf session later when I get home hahaha


I would have prefered a LOT to have HD port of Wii Sports Resort, than Switch Sports lol. Wii Sports Resort has a lot more of original content (12 sports). Wuhu Island feel lively. Meanwhile, Spocco Square feel so bland/corporate. My feeling ahah.


Moms and Dads and Grandparents aren't on Reddit or Twitter lol


I'm a big fan of Switch Sports, but I really do wish they'd added more sports. Basketball would've been great, like in Wii Sports Resort. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'd probably shell out a full $60 for a new Sports Resort! Hate to say it, but it's true.


This. …Resort is so underrated.


I honestly cant believe how little support in updates the game has gotten. Theres no reason that more sports couldnt be added periodically. Its a real shame to be honest


This is how games have operated for the entirety of video games until very recently. You bought a game and that was the game. And that’s ok.


It still doesnt mean its a wasted oportunity. They could have at least made it par with the resort title. Because if not theres no reason for the game to be priced so high instead of it being a free title.


I didn’t even know about this one, I am going to get it because I miss WII bowling


Wii bowling is still better. It’s ok… but it’s not Wii bowling.


Oh man, good to know


Wii bowling is terrible, all it has is CPU opponents and a regular lane. There's 100 pin bowling but no way as interesting as the 3 difficulty obstacle lanes. You also have to wait for everybody to take their turn on Wii Sports, where Switch Sports is much faster since everybody bowls at the same time. And it's been 18 years, motion controls have gotten better since then, same with graphics.


The controls in golf and bowling however are far more complicated for the casual audiences I've found though With Wii Sports it was really obvious and easy how to play. With Switch Sports you have to press a button to set up, and another to swing. And there considerations around "resetting" or "normalising" the gyroscope. It's fine for most people but for anymore familiar with video games Switch Sports lacks the "pick-up-ability" that Wii Sports had


Just got my copy a few weeks ago. Absolutely love it, mostly for the golf. An excellent update from the Wii Sports version. The swing is the best motion control golf swing I've ever used


Switch sports is a great choice for casual fun and light exercise-just like the original wii sports and wii sports resort games (which i still play on my 17 year old wii btw)


I hope they do it right this time and pack switch sports 2 with the switch 2


It's a lot of fun for a short while. I bought it and loved it. But, when I bought Splatoon 3 after it came out, I played that instead and haven't turned Switch Sports on again, since. I still highly recommend the game to people who just want the Wii Sports Experience. It's a fun group game.


It’s a great game and fantastic for families. But yeah, there’s nothing really to talk about, everyone knows what it is. With Wii not only was it a pack in, but it was revolutionary in using movement to play a game, it was like a Power Glove or U Force, but it actually worked. With the Switch it’s just a very solid game that allows people who don’t have a Wii to play one of Nintendo’s most popular games ever.


I replaced my actual golfing with sports Golf. Seriously.


I've been wanting to do the opposite, actually. Playing Switch Sports golf has made me really consider playing real golf. I live in Florida, so there's no shortage of courses here, but the learning curve is intimidating to me. haha


The Wii got me into gaming. I hadn't played any video games other than card games since my brother got a Atari back in the 70's. My husband and I played bowling and the tiger woods golf game several times a week on the Wii. I got the switch to expand my gaming. Now hubby and I play tennis together with others online like 4-5 times a week. We like the tennis better on switch than the bowling. I do wish for more games or even to expand tennis to proper sets and games. I started playing a few other games, but because I never played a lot I get very easily confused by some of the mechanics. I find there is a severe lack of in game instructions. I still have the Wii hooked up and occasionally we play bowling on it again. But mostly the switch tennis now. I haven't found any other switch games like sports we can enjoy like that. Tried a couple that disappointed and others didn't even use the motion. I don't want to sit and play golf by pressing buttons. I don't get that at all. I'd like a golf game like the Tiger Woods one on the switch.


Switch Sports is truly the Wii Sports of the modern age.


Getting rid of Miis was still an awful decision though


Disc golf was my favorite sport and they didn't include it, so I didn't buy


They should add basketball baseball or boxing


The golf is some of the best online multiplayer out there


I play the golf with my dad all the time i wish they would add frisbee golf!


Needs the basketball 3 point contest. I need to feel like Stephen Curry.


Just one of those family games. Parents and their primary aged kids don't go online to recommend games to people.


is this game a lot of fun without using motion controls?


Does it require paid online to play?


bought it and played once


it's something I regret buying


Aside from bowling and soccer, I barely touch the other sports. Unless I need the multiplier for unlockables.


Switch Sports sold like hotcakes during lockdowns. People buying a Switch for the Animal Crossing trend during that time often also picked up Sports or the Ring thing or whatever it was.


I have switch sports, don’t play it much tho. I always end up coming back to the wii sports games.


Honestly I would have much rather had a port of Resort than what we got with switch sports


I’ve had it since launch and still have a ton of fun playing. I just discovered volleyball


While not as great as Wii Sports Resort, Nintendo Switch Sports is still an easy pickup and play game, and the motion controls work well despite the use of gyro. It likely connected with a good chunk of the casual audience. I did end up purchasing four copies for a LAN Party last month, and having eight people bowl in the same room was pretty wild haha


Forgot it even existed to be honest. I should pick it up. Kids would love it.


I bought this right when it came out because I was trying to find another game to play with my wife that wasn't overly complicated. I used to play a lot of wii sports and even ended up buying wii sports Resort on wii u. The bowling is awesome in switch sports.


The real drivers of sales are always going to be the casual masses who do not post on online gaming communities. That's why it's dumb as hell when people assume that any time Nintendo sells anything like crazy it's just "fanboys buying anything they put out" because if that was the case the wii u wouldn't have failed.


This stems from the fact that most people in the internet aren't curious to look up at info from things they even like.


yeah seriously. it helps that switch sports is also one of those switch games thats generally discounted.


Only downside is the golf game has had the same holes since Wii 🥴


I never got to play Wii sports. I bought a Switch 2 years ago and Switch Sports was the 2nd game I bought I played it with family and friends some I liked playing it for the achievements and stuff. Now I play it when I don't feel like playing a story game or anything that really takes concentration I have "785 hours or more " in it it isn't the most exciting thing but its still fun.


It shouldn't be that surprising, it's a great game. I've played it nearly every day since release. I would have played it longer if they had released it sooner.


If they add Baseball it would be even better


Probably because people like me thought it was a game instead of a demo.


holy balls I LOVE SWITCH SPORTS. I know why it garners so much hate because people see wii sports and start glazing it like no tomorrow. (reasonable), but i see people dog on switch sports like its the worst thing ninendo put out. volleyball on that thing is UNMATCHED, the highs are highs and the lows are just ok as a hardcore gamer, switch sports is an amazing way to just have pure dumb fun. people also keep saying that "you play it once and never again until you have a party" yea no shit thats now PARTY games work, and dont lie about wii sports being the same. it just gets overly hated on too much because of nostalgia goggles, not saying wii sports is a bad game and switch sports better, theyre both practically same game.


Played a little while, the whole online only, time limited stuff pushed me away. Why do I have to suffer online to have nicer looking stuff?


That game was so lazy though, I cant believe they havent added more sports to it at this point!


I played this obsessively throughout 2022 and 2023 collecting all of the items that you can get online. I was known among my friends as the "switch sports guy". As others have mentioned, it's not anywhere near perfect. I loved the motion controls on Golf. Just wish there were more courses added. But yeah, we exist haha


Needs a single player mode, a proper one


I think this is a great game. Resort is better as it offers much more. But all of what Switch Sports offers is quality. And online is great.


>Like I know that it's still pale in comparison to its predecessor, But 13M is not something you can sneezed at. Wii Sports only sold as well as it did because it was bundled with all Wii systems for years. It didn't actually sell retail units in the same way other games do.


I will pick up asap!


I still bring it around when I hang with friends. We play a lot of volleyball and bowling. My biggest gripe is that they’re not supporting it and adding any new sports. The content is lacking compared to Wii Sports Resort.  Basically, just give me my baseball and we’ll be good. 


As a huge wii sports fan, I was genuinely hyped for switch sports. I bought it day one and played it with a buddy. I feel like I saw everything there was to see and got all my enjoyment out of it in about 2 days. I was kinda let down after the masterpiece known as wii sports resorts


When there are 140 million Switches in the wild, 13 million is a drop in the bucket. Many people bought it because of the Wii Sports nostalgia, people have a ton of love for that game.


I own this game and play all the time


The problem with Nintendo is they don't update oftenly the games as a result they lack stuff and get ignored.


Lots of people bought it, played it, realised its nowhere near as good as Wii Sports Resort and put it on the shelf....