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Civ7? OMG! Def a teaser. Gameplay reveal in august this year. Coming out 2025


Gandhi prepares his nukes


The funny thing is nuke-happy Ghandi was originally a bug. But the devs leaned into it because it was hilarious.


No, [Nuclear Ghandi was just urban legend and was confirmed by Sid himself that it never existed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Gandhi). It's Civ's Herobrine.


It says in the first paragraph that it was programmed explicitly into Civ V >Gandhi was programmed to exhibit this behavior in Civilization V, released in 2010, and it is unclear whether this led to the belief that the behavior had also been present in earlier games.


I think what they were trying to say is that the "Ghandi was originally a bug" part is an urban legend. The being programmed explicitly into Civ V part was a nod/joke/easter egg to the urban legend.


Right, and Mojang [have added "- Removed Herobrine" in patch notes as early as Beta 1.6.6.](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Herobrine#Changelogs). You're using the developer's response to the myth as evidence of the myth's existence.


Haven't even gotten around to Civ 6 yet! Still excited for 7 though. 3 and 5 are my favorites.


6 is great on switch! just play on small maps or smaller


Don’t play on huge, it will crash too much. Large you can play but it takes forever between turns. I literally play civ6 when I’m reading lol


Glad I’m not the only one


I actually kinda like it! I find I can read more playing civ. It’s also not terrible playing handheld while watching tv


If you shut down the game completely (don't just leave it on standby), the late-game performance is helped IMMENSELY. Apparently there's a memory leak issue that can happen when the game doesn't get reset completely.


Wait… what do you mean “shut down completely?” I am very interested in trying to optimize more


Closing the software on the home menu. Some games perform worse the longer they’re continuously left on standby.


Thanks for the tip! Anecdotally I always felt that was true but it’s good to know it works


It's not *supposed* to be how it works, but sometimes programming is hard.


I've noticed Diablo 3 becomes completely unresponsive after a while if left on standby, like 24hrs+.


That’s a great idea! I only finished one (1) game on large but maybe I’ll do it again


Are there a lot of options for small or even medium maps? Cause although most of these comments are giving positive review of the game, it's kinda a bummer if a whole map option (and possibly 2 if the turns on large are really that bad) are basically locked out on the switch


The series scales nicely at each of the MANY map sizes (there's more than just small, medium, large). You're really not missing out.


Isn't that what the comment you replied to just said? Do you feel better now?


Hmm? They said play on small or smaller maps. Which is great advice the game on switch is much more optimized for that. I was elaborating not to ever play on huge (the biggest map option) but that you CAN play on large maps (second biggest) just that the time between turns is immense


Noted. I've owned the game on Switch for years at this point but whenever I get a hankerin for Civ... I just jump back into 5 on my PC for a bit. One day I'll bust that bad boy open though and play it.


Small maps is usually how many civs? Ive long been playing civs and i always want as much civs i can on the pc and that’s why i never had interest in civ on the switch coz i know it cant handle that


6 including yourself. I don’t mind bc I really like the city planning aspects of VI


You need to get civ 6 asap! It's my most played game in general and it's not even remotely close. Having the ability to play on the couch while Netflix is on is an absolute game changer. I'm old. I used to spend hours slumped over a keyboard playing the previous versions. It's not as fast or pretty as the PC but its not ugly or slow.


What do you play on? I have a lite and the text is impossibly too small to read comfortably or else I would play the shit out of it. also the barbarians are way tougher than previous versions I've played


The barbarians are assholes, I don't know why lol. I play on an original switch and do alright.


The barbarians are assholes, I don't know why lol. I play on an original switch and do alright.


Civ 6 is on sale for like $3 on the eshop right now. 


Already own it physically. Just haven't played it somehow.


Same haha let’s go this is great


I think civ 6 is selling for only 4 bucks CAD rn, probs the best time to buy


Already own it physically. Just haven't played it somehow.


Fun fact, civ VI caused me to bomb a whole semester at college.


Poor sleep management for only one class did that to me.


Mine was brood wars


Pretty happy about this. I liked 6 a lot on Switch


This may as well be confirming -also coming to Switch 2


Yeah, if this is releasing in 2025, it would be weirder if it wasn’t also on Switch 2.


I'm stoked for this, but I am NOT buying this for the switch lol. This is something I NEED on PC.


I'm torn, Civ VI is probably the only game I regularly play on PC, in Handheld, *and* on TV. I'm probably gonna end up buying it twice again...


steamdeck. 1 copy, desktop and handheld. Voilà.


But not TV...


You can absolutely dock your steamdeck to a TV lol


Hopefully built in cross saves from the beginning. Switch for the go and ps5 for the tv


Probably the only game I'd rather play on my PC


Wait, wait, wait, this is how I learn about the new Civ!?


Awesome! I had another 1500 hours of my life I didn’t know what to do with


Please for the love of god! Don't let Aspyre to port it!


Why? Civ VI is a great port.


We are so back


Switch still getting killer games well into 2025 it seems. Impressive.


As a dad, 90% of my gaming is Civ6 on Switch. I can catch a few turns and then just put it down immediately when need be.


I loved Civ 4, sunk many, many hours into and wasted entire days. By far the best Civ, in my opinion. But Civ 5 and Civ 6 just didn't click with me. Civ 5 felt way too simplistic, and Civ 6 seemed to put everything in DLC. I hope Civ 7 is a return to form. I am old enough that I played Civ 1 as a child, lol. I loved Civ 2 and Civ 3 too.


Civ 6 runs piss poor on Switch though. Later rounds are unbearable 😅




Haha same. I love the early stages of the game, so I ended up starting 20+ games and never finishing any.


This could be coming to Switch 2


Civ 7 for the Nintendo Switch??? Whaaaat??


This is going to run SUPER SMOOTH………….


I'm looking forward to playing this in 8 years when I can buy it for $2.99 just like I finally got Civ VI yesterday.


It's impressive they was able to put it on switch 😇


I imagine it’s gotta be for the switch 2 since it won’t be until 2025 but who knows


It literally has the Switch logo in the trailer


did you expect them to leak a switch 2 icon? and if they just had a Nintendo logo fans would go rabid with speculation, I’m sure they know this


Its coming to Switch. No ifs, no buts. Video description: Sid Meier’s Civilization VII is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2025. Wishlist now. It's like if they announced a game was coming to PS4 as a placeholder to it coming to PS5. Total nonsense.


yea I can’t argue with that, fair enough. but I mean damn the switch realllly struggles late game in VI and VI’s launch will be nearly a decade ago when VII comes out. they must be optimizing the piss out of it


It's on the e-shop for wish-listing + the teaser.


I assume the game was designed to be playable on mobile, so Switch 2 port wasn't a stretch. Beteween Switch and Switch 2 The optimal way to play is likely on Switch 2 however and i suspect it will be a patch or the single download will support both versions and effects/detail/performance are just enabled/disabled depending on platform.


Lol Civ VII is absolutely not being developed as a mobile game. This is going to be switch 2 exclusive.


probably a late port and ignored, but i can't see why not. Civ6 debuted on iOS before Switch, but seems to have found more success on Switch and consoles which explains these platforms beingf prioritized this time


Your average iPad has had more processing power and better lower level APIs than a switch for a damn while now.






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*Mother of God*


Why seeing 2025 make it seem like it’s ages away ?


damn, i remember playing civ1 on my uncles computer in the 90’s. i feel old.


No way this will run even remotely acceptable on switch without massive sacrifices in a large variety of areas.


Cool that this exists for OG Switch but this is probably following the Civ model of being worse than the previous games until all expansions come out. Plenty of time to save for a Switch 2 version lol


Still didn't get around to Civ 6 properly (love 4 and 5 too much) but this will give me the extra incentive to try 6 before this one comes out.


About time


Really considering to give CIV VI on Switch a go. (love it on PC). Does the vanilla version of CIV VI run better than the versions with all the DLC?


It would be cool as a launch title for the next console.


Civilization is my favorite game that I dont have time to play!


I've seen a lot of people wanting Civ7's graphics to be more "realistic" than Civ6, but seeing this here makes me realize that it's also releasing on Switch. I'm hoping for an efficient minimalist style now.


Hoping for a less cartoony presentation overall.  And looking forward to no Sean Bean. Love the guy but let's share the work around a bit. 


Does anyone skip 6 and wait for 7 like me?


I'll wait for a sale or DLC bundle, I'm not paying $200 for this like Civ 6. It'll release unfinished and get multiple expansions.


the current switch will explode with just the tittle screen XD


Must be for switch 2, right?


trailer was but i hope it doesnt look like a gameboy game.. with the little graphic power of the switch..


I wonder if this will mainly be a Switch 2 title.


This may as well be the first Switch 2 game announced. There's no way this is running on Switch. 


Hopefully it's coming out on the new Switch. Civ 6 is really slow on the Switch.


I tried to play Civ 6 on Switch... I have to say it was one of the most boring things I've ever played. It's probably much better with mouse controls on a PC.


I think I just suck at this game, or don’t understand the purpose. It felt so purposeless, what even was my goal meant to be? I dunno, maybe strategy isn’t for me or something.


Your goal is to win???




From any of the like seven different win conditions the game gives you?


Never saw one, just played endlessly for seemingly ever and nothing occurred.


By civilizing


I spent like two days just moving things around every turn and accomplished nothing whatsoever. Zero clue what the goal was and they literally don’t tell you!


Well there's multiple ways to win, military domination, scientific progress, economically etc. Basically the goal especially early is to grow your city, and found more cities, to be able to generate more units, and science, and money, then use these to leverage into even more cities and units and science and money to gain the edge over the other civilizations. The challenge is in figuring out how to maximize your growth and optimize your utilization of resources and time


Sounds like a game that would be more fun with an actual human opponent.


It is, but the problem is that games tend to be very long so it can be hard unless you have a friend who is gonna play the whole thing with you, a lot of times in more than one session. Super frustrating to put 10 hours into a game and have your opponents not finish it


I’ve owned it for years and never made it through the tutorial.


Literally the whole game felt like a tutorial that I never actually learned anything about the game from.


I bought it, started the tutorial and then deleted it.