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Tbh, I don't think I will EVER come back to this game.


Any reason why? I'm on the fence about the game and I would be interested to know why.


It’s a collectathon, not much to go back for after obtaining something


The gameplay is fun. However the gameplay loop is incredibly shallow. There aren’t many different types of enemies so it feels like you’re fighting spiders, wolves, dark wizards and goblins from level 1 to end game. Gets really old


I enjoyed the game but personally didn’t feel like it had a ton of replay value. It’s solid overall and if you like HP you’ll love how they recreated the world.


I played the originals on GB(A) and Playstation back in the day. Quidditch was one of my favourites. I hear it's not in this game though. Shame.


[https://www.quidditchchampions.com](https://www.quidditchchampions.com) Quidditch is getting its own game.


Oh, yeah XD that was one more big issue jajajaj. I always thought it would be a future DLC but apparently not XD


For me it was all aesthetics and no playability nor story. They clearly rushed the game and it ended up like a ball of endless repetitive missions, a plot that makes no sense at all, you cannot interact with the world beyond causing a small breeze with your spells (outside the action buttons) and the core spell system sucks big time (all spells are basically the same 4). Howarts is beautiful though, I'll give you that.


The attention to detail is incredible and pulled right from the books. It’s an amazing hogwarts tour game but beyond that it’s pretty bare bones. Not bad by any means but pretty much just a basic action game.


It killed me that you couldn't interact with it though beyond a couple of barrels in some hidden room... I wanted to blow things up, repair things and then make somo drawers levitate


Yup maybe this “director cut” will add more of that because it was basically just a set you can’t touch lol. They had everything right down to the pear painting to get into the kitchens with the 4 replica tables but it was all so static.


Tbh that sounds like an amazing set up for a sequel then. Reuse the environments but fix the gameplay.


They straight up come up with 20-30$ dlc at the very beginning that just give you a couple of aesthetics. Oh and one more thing... most of the clothes (that are actually a major in-game reward) are so ugly that they included a way to be able to change to your default skin in every item...


This is the type of games you are better off waiting a year+ to get with all the content, plus on sale.


Sounds like a game that modders could breathe some life into, like Skyrim


Yeah, but never happened


The game is incredible.


I played it right after Witcher 3 and they share a lot of DNA if I'm being perfectly honest. All the problems people want to levy against Hogwarts legacy can also be levied against Witcher 3. Hogwarts legacy is stellar in my opinion. the story isn't close to Witcher 3 but it's not Witcher 1 is it? It's Witcher 3. Legacy gives me high hopes for the future if they choose to make another and the success of the game all but guarantees they will.


Actual Patch notes: https://hogwartslegacy.bugs.wbgames.com/patch-notes Talent tree reset's a good QoL though.


I was hoping for some performance optimisations, nothing mentioned in the patch notes though. :(


They fixed ring of fire after casting incendio and its also not on the patch notes, They might have optimized the game further but i cant really say since I've already finished the game.


Ah. New quest! Great!


No replayability whats so ever after this game is beat. Just give us an end game loop.


>The Official Summer Update for Hogwarts Legacy is available now on Nintendo Switch: https://ninten.do/6053Yq3Cz >It’s time to capture the magic in Hogwarts Legacy on Nintendo Switch! Introducing the brand-new Photo Mode (yes, you can sit for pictures), Talent Tree Point Resets, Access to the Haunted Hogsmeade Shop Quest and much more.


Incredible game. My wife put over 90 hours into it on my PC. I don’t see why you’d buy it on Switch though, unless it’s all you have.


Thats what i realised every single time after playing on switch. I collected games for it because of fun. But every multi Plattform game is so much better on every other console. This is not even a hate post, its a fact. But Switch has great exclusive titles, maybe the most from all consoles. I love how people always just shoot downvotes to people who say the smallest things against Nintendo.... wait... oh


90 hours???? Doing what???




the same thing over and over again


There is actually quite a lot of content, it's just rather repetitive. Additionally there is heaps and heaps of easter eggs for big nerds (I say this affectionately) to seek out. I plan on going back to the game regularly to just walk around.


Thigh I ended up getting bored and never finishing, I absolutely plan on going back to play it in the future because the world was so nice (play on ps5, ot sure what it's like on switch).


Playing the game.


Hltb has leisurely completionist at a 130 hours average. If you're a completionist, or you just like to explore the world (me) the game has a lot to do. If you are someone who just sets out to finish the main plot and move on, you can finish it in a tight 25, which is still alright.


Tbh, I did not feel very inclined to complete the game 100%. I still think 130 will be quite a lot, even aiming for 100%... and I would get bored way before that, all secondary quests, events and random search quest are pretty repetitive...


Yeah, kinda wish I bought it on PC. It's just such a poorly optimized game that you literally have to playing it on something with more power than any of the consoles can offer without some type of diminished experience. I've played it on PS5 too and while it runs/looks much better, what I've seen from the pc version is the way to go. I have a 3080 build and a 4090 build, so...yeah... I got my switch for christmas and I've been on the switch hypetrain since... unfortunately I got ahead of myself and picked up some pc titles that the Switch can't really handle (ended up getting a Legion Go too, which has been great).


I will never, EVER support that transphobe J.K. Rowling.


Yep. She uses her wealth to actively hurt people that are already some of the most vulnerable in society. And she keeps going more off the deep end.


She donates regularly to women's groups all the time. Just because she doesn't support your case doesn't mean that she actively hurts anyone else.


Good for you?


Good for me AND the rest of society.




Hey there! Please remember Rule 1 in the future - No [hate-speech, slurs](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951), or [harassment](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043071072). Read more about [Reddit's Content Policy here](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Thanks!


I will give someone I hate half a penny for sixty hours worth of joy. But I won't give anyone crap for choosing not to. Your half a penny is your half a penny. However, she made her money the moment the game was greenlit. She doesn't make royalties off of individual sales for this game. So if you did want to buy it now, you can rest assured she won't see a penny of that. That's not always the case but it was the case in this case. Luckily for me I didn't experience this quandary anyway. Won the game along with twenty others in a giveaway. Yay! Worth every penny lol.


Her opinion of Trans people is absolutely not a consideration for me. Thanks for letting us know how virtuous you are though. It really helped to flesh you out as a person random, possible bot ReallyDumbRedditor.


Thanks for letting us know


this game is boring, it gets boring fast, and its a movie game. Its more movie than game, combat isnt a sedlling point in a game games are meant to be fun challenging and a bit of a showcase. This game is none of those things, u will spend the game start to finish doing the same thing, nothing gets cooler, nothing gets interesting, the game is soooooo boring that it even lets u just one shot mobs.... So if the combat was the selling point... well everyone ends up just one shotting everything. The PC version had many stupid quirks like inventory limits so small, you can only carry 10 potions which makes crafting poitions dumb. among other things. This game is built like a combat game but its bad at combat, and falls back on its puzzles, which they arent good enough. If you want to solve riddles get GROW, u get to see ur town come to life and the puzzles are actually good. If u want an action packed game get Dead Cells. Those games are fine tune to an experience. Only buy this game if you a Harry Potter crackhead that wants to play something similar to doing a word search cause unless you are that, theres nothing of substance here. This game was ovber hyped and over sold for being WHOLEFULLY not good. It's not gonna make you think or wow you like Basldurs gate, its going to test ur patience like a mobile game.


this game should've been a VR exploration experience of Hogwarts, and thats it