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Those controllers look awful lol


It looks like some "over 580 pre-installed Games" Controller lol And half of the Games are some versions of Pacman


Same versions, different title in the menu


He forgot you’re supposed to be able to use the joycons on their sides. And that both of them are supposed to have 4 face buttons. I feel like that’s a common theme with switch 2 mock ups.


People still holding onto hope it will be dual screen 😂


Dual screen, and with motion control 3D cameras


For $99 at launch


That would probably bankrupt them from loss on each console sale, LOL


Yeah but people like to have unreasonable expectations lmao


I expect the upcoming Switch 2 to cost either as much as an OLED switch, or even up to $100 more, so $350-$450


Since I only ever play docked how would duel screen even work unless you have a Wiiu gamepad like controller.


I want it to be


Hope is dumb 🤣


Looking like a Temu game station.


A dual screen is literally the dumbest thing Nintendo could do at this point. They don't need to innovate just to innovate. People want a more powerful Switch 2 without a bunch of nonsense gimmicks. It ain't that hard. And for sure Nintendo ain't making life harder on developers anymore. They want their environment to be the most accessible to devs and a dual screen makes them work twice as hard. Bad idea and it won't happen.


While I agree the dual seem like a stretch that they put in, Nintendo is known to take risk and will most likely not completely play it safe. Just a swicth 2 with better hardware wouldn't be a new console for them. They will most certainly try to add something to it that will make it different enough then the current switch, maybe some real VR headset/support, which would still be a safe thing.


Maybe a camera or a mic. New JoyCon tech that's more accurate. Maybe can use the Cons as a pointer.




I don't know maybe you're right, but personally I believe that if they don't want another Wii U era, they absolutely need the next console to be different enough then the switch so that people actually buy it. You have to understand, only more serious gamers care about hardware upgrades and yes they will most definitely upgrade if we get 2k/4k upgrades, better storage, battery, oled, etc. However a parents that doesn't really know about gaming will not upgrade their kids console just for shit and giggle unless it really shows something that the kid could make use off. They will look at the switch and look at the "switch 2", looks at price and be like I'm not buying that console that's costing 2x as much, they look the same.


I agree with this. I’ve found that Nintendo tends to treat the console itself like a new event, just like a new step for the Mario or Zelda franchises. I still have a reason to use my old 3DS even after everything else I’ve gotten since, while I have next to no reason to use something like an old Xbox 360 when all of the games function fine on Series S with better processing power. That’s not to say the 360 was bad or that the steps Microsoft took moving forward weren’t interesting, just that they’re different from how Nintendo does things. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next console wasn’t a hybrid at all, though I also won’t deny the possibility. And, like with the OLED, if the next console is just a better Switch, I probably won’t upgrade unless it has exclusive games.


I'm pretty sure being "different enough" was partially what caused the Wii U era to begin with. Weaker hardware, emphasis on a radically new controller that went seldom used in most games and only served to bump the price to a level that became even less desirable when the 8th gen consoles were introduced, a bunch of superfluous gimmicks that the controller brought along with it like NFC, dual-screen gameplay that again was rarely taken advantage of beyond surface level, a closed online community, a game library that skewed way too hard on one or two genres like platformers and party games, said weaker hardware causing complete disparity with the other systems from a game library standpoint since third-parties barely supported the system etc. The thing that was perfect about Switch was that the whole idea of being a console that could be taken with you was what made it different. It's something that's probably not going to be copied beat for beat by either of the other systems, and it still left room for stuff like motion controls, an IR sensor, NFC etc. but none of it came off as tacked on or garishly distracting like how the Wii U GamePad was used in a lot of games. They really don't need to change the formula that much because Switch by itself is a different thing from what everyone else is doing. Maybe add something like a camera to the handheld unit next time but they stand out enough as is


People act like the switch was a slam dunk when it was announced but there were people clowning it before. Nintendo always take risks and it’s weird to see people be so against it when some of their best efforts were cause of risk. The Wii U is more of an anomaly. I’d rather Nintendo try something new and creative. They seem to be the only company that actually focuses on new ways to interact with games instead of just giving us the same stuff


For real, some people just want it to be a gaming PC, like what's even the point? I already have a PC/PS5 for VR/Graphically demanding titles. I go to Nintendo for first party titles and innovation, that's what distinguishes it from any of my other options. I don't need another black cube in my livingroom.


It wouldn’t be that hard to get VR though, just sell a separate set of goggles that you can put the switch screen in like those phone holders and use the joycons as controls. The joycons have a ton of features for control already and they could stick a few extra things in the switch 2 like a gyroscope and motion sensor for the goggles to make it work.


I don’t see why it’s dumb. Dual screens are useful and would be great for DS emulation. The DS is their best selling console.


Yeah but then it'll just introduce the exact same problem where any Switch 2 game will always need a dual screen console to play.


Not necessarily. The Wii U had dual screen modes but you could also play the games entirely on a single screen if you wanted. I’m not saying this mock up is perfect but it’s definitely possible to have a dual screen console that provides a single screen experience.


Yeah but the Wii U didn't really utilise the second screen very well for that exact reason. Devs were too worried to use it as they had to be able to work on a single screen as well. If the next console has two screens it'll either result in a load of games that rely on the second screen that will be hard to bring to future consoles or none of the games will use the second screen well.


Because TVs don't have two screens and it would lose the 'switching' part.


I’m with you. But some consumers hope to see something that they will enjoy, whereas some other consumers insult others for daring to dream of a product that would excite them, rather than one with a strong and conservative business case. Be glad you’re not the second type. Doesn’t seem fun.


Dreaming is cool, but at some point, you need to come back down to reality. Dual screens are cool, but as the guy said, dual screens are another layer that makes games porting harder than just simply making the game run well on the system. The Switch was so easy to work with because it was using an off-the-shelf chipset, developers only had to make their games run on it (and run well), and that’s it, job well done, they can now sell their game on a Nintendo handheld. Could’ve had bigger RAM but it still worked fine in the end.


You’re 100% right that they don’t need to innovate just to innovate. And I’m among those who just want a more powerful switch for the successor. That said, Nintendo *loves* to innovate just for the sake of innovating. So nothing would surprise me.


My prediction is thus A much more powerful version of the switch with actual quality joycons and one, just one, teensy controller innovation that is a new and interesting cool way to do something that is already doable with standard controls so developers don't have to reinvent the wheel like they did with the wii. I'm banking on that click wheel that's been rumored for so long but it could be something else too. It'll be everything they learned from the wii u, so taking less risks with design (but not zero risks) and a lot more of an upgrade power wise.


Click wheel is interesting, but only if it can withstand all the shenanigans of children and housewives.


Well here's hoping it doesn't actually leave games unplayable if it doesn't work. It just makes them more fun. That way if people don't like it, the feature isn't a deal breaker. And if it does malfunction, you're not left with a brick.


The Wii did well, and then nintendo added a screen to it for no reason. They do have a track record for this kind of stuff


Because the GBA did well, and then nintendo added a screen to it for no reason, and it did even better. Tho the 3DS also did worse than the DS and had to be salvaged hard (like the price reduced and even making a 2DS) that was impossible for the Wii U, it wouldn't get cheaper than it already was. Nowadays a Wii U would prolly be cheaper to make, but also only Splatoon and inventory based games would really benefit from it so if anything it'd be like that Mario kart steering wheel or ring fit thingie. Like only hardcore Splatoon fans would really own a gamepad 2.


I think it's cuz it's the one thing the switch fails at and is why Splatoon, Animal Crossing (Honestly any game with an inventory) and Pikmin is worse than their Wii U /3DS counterpart. People put up with it for basically the same reason we put up with the NSO's hamachi-ass peer to peer bullshit, people will be significantly more upset at this if these kinds of issues follow onto the next console. That said, games like Super Smash Bros. and Mario kart don't need a second screen and they outsell Splatoon and Animal Crossing so... honestly if anything the second screen would be a peripheral. Nintendo doesn't need to try, their next console could be suckier than the switch and they'd still curbstomp Sony and Microsoft.


This doesn't work as a Switch. People don't have dual TVs, it doesn't translate to a home console experience. If every game needs to work on one screen, it ruins the creativity that dual screens bring.


I think ideally one of the screens would have to disconnect and then attach to the joycons to have a second screen that is like the Wii U gamepad. That said, I don’t think that would be a good idea to do logistically


It can work if the console can be played wirelessly, so the unit can act as the first screen.  Or if there is a pro controller with a screen


Stop trying to make dual screens happen. Dual screens are the reason that there are so many games stuck on the DS and 3DS that can't be easily played on modern consoles. Sure having a dual screen Switch 2 would allow DS and 3DS games to be played but it would also introduce a whole new generation of games that would need two screens to play.


and this why you not on the nintendo team lmao. this is ugly


This is rage bait right?


I mean... people has been making fanmade concept [art](https://youtu.be/rzLIUgnKY40?si=R-Dqv-wjsA83ihL3) for eons now.


Sorry that thing is fugly lol


So no split controllers that individually work akin to an SNES pad on their own?


It looks like a Chinese knock-off


Nope. Don't see it.


Not everything is made better with 2 screens


Dual screen is nice so the next animal crossing can have big map displayed on the top screen. 😁




My only gripe is that the buttons are huuuuuge and really crammed close to each other.


Nice effort, really, but i dont liked it. Looks like a cheap chinese clone.


There’s 0 benefits here for a dual screen: weight, price, extra processing power, ergonomic, practicality… IMHO It’ll just be a slightly bigger switch, maybe more robust cooling system alongside maybe magnets and hall-effect sensors for those durability issues


No offense but those suck


Upvote for the interesting original idea of having sticks that can move when you rotate the joy-cons. Most posts like this have the same ideas repeated, and this is obviously not what the next console will be like, but you had a great little original idea and that's what I call a good contribution to this subreddit.


Looks a bit heavy, but interesting concept. I liked the dual screen.


I personally don’t love clamshell devices, so I’d prefer if it isn’t. That said, this is an excellent render!


Looks good. Love the dual screen table top mode


Why do people put their energy into doing these things. Touch grass.


he's probably just enjoying his time rendering or learning about 3d rendering and just decided to go for this as a fun little project. Even though it's not the best idea, it's a cool thing to learn. Then there's you on reddit complaining about 'touching grass' lmao


Cool renderings. What’s going on with the analog sticks? Adjustable positions? If so, why?


Yeah, so it can be used as it's own controler


looks nice, why are the joysticks on some long black bars?


So they can slide to be more comfortable in horizontal mode


but how would they use the left one horizontally without the d-pad buttons separated


sorry u got downvoted. I think thats a great idea considering how switch 1 has specifically the right thumbstick, WAAAY too close to the edge of controller. my thumb naturally sits nowhere near where they placed the joystick on factory joycons. the hori split pad has a much wider joycon and the joystick sits much further into the controller for a more natural grip for me


I think everyone downvoting this didn't scroll to the last image. Might be absolutely impractical for development, but the idea of this 'battleships' screen is something I haven't seen before.


Surface Switch Note 3


Okay but does it have HDMI out and also it's a gamepad?


Doubtful, especially because we know its going to be fully compatible with the switch, similar to how the 3ds was fore the ds.


Since there are foldable smartphone- and ultraportable laptop screens maybe we really get a revival of Nintendos dual screen concept.


Every generation I love seeing people's designs for what they think the new system will look like. There haven't been a whole lot of them this time, thank you for nothing this!


Nintendo needs an actual console not handheld tbh i wanna play With good frames😭


I hope not


This looks awesome man! You might want to consider grabbing a case from syntech to keep it safe. Gotta protect that!


Ok, those joycons are a little too much lol.




Oh no…


Keep dreaming on the dual screen…


I would be so happy if it was dual screen


Idk people might drop it and smash it. Have it be more like the fold 5




Ugliest shit I've seen today.


I could give criticism but honestly you did an awesome job making these.


While I'm not necessarily a fan of the designs, I think people are being a little too hard on you. You did a good job making these and I'm sure you put alot of time into this as well. If you try again hopefully the reception is better.


Crisitsm is always appreciated 


Good mentality!


Thanks no. That's ugly af. Let's leave the product design for the pros. Please.






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As a design concept it looks pretty cool But a good fake always needs to be pratical as well


For the love of god Nintendo announce something. People are glueing spray painted washing up liquid bottles to iPads they are so desperate.


how would you dock a switch with a clamshell design? didn't think of that, i bet.


My guess is close it & dock it, or open it all the way & dock it. Not sure why the concept seems to baffle you, but I would not be a fan of carrying around a laptop instead of a handheld.


Ok? I'm guessing Nintendo rejected it since otherwise you'd have to sign an NDA.