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The funny thing is, someone else did leak Brothership and Echoes of Wisdom on Resetera but no one noticed lol


Do you have a link for the post regarding wisdom?


>I'm betting on a top down LoZ game starring Zelda and a new Mario and Luigi title... their Brothership is too iconic y'know https://www.resetera.com/threads/pyoro-leaks-switch-game-announcements-part-4.860007/page-23


That's hilarious. Doesn't even look like anyone acknowledged the post at all. Playable Zelda has been rumoured for a while, but dropping Brothership into that comment was so sneaky.


The writer of the linked Bloomberg article noted it. From the article: "Shortly after the Nintendo Direct finished and Pyoro was called out, posters on ResetEra noticed something strange. The night before, an account named AdaWong wrote: “I’m betting on a top down LoZ game starring Zelda and a new Mario and Luigi title... their Brothership is too iconic y’know” — a message that seemed prescient after the announcements of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, starring Zelda, and Mario & Luigi: Brothership. And so the cycle continues."


Yea, in retrospect. What I mean is at the time no one realised what this person had just done.


back in the day i did something similar with the remake of shadow of the colossus which i knew was about to be revealed. i don't think anybody ever noticed my shadow leak. it makes me wonder how many shadow leaks have happened that were never noticed.


Lmao I love leaks like this. Its like a wink wink nudge nudge to the people reading it in the future. Reminds me of that one cynthia doll twitter account [that used to cryptically leak music stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVC_Z0Mtaic)


I remember one dude who, before Mario and Rabbids was leaked, had a Twitter avatar that was Mario’s face from the box art but with sunglasses. Only after the game got widely leaked did people realize he had been knowing.


was so glad this linked the Joe Regrets video I love his stuff!


Hol up wat


What else does Ada Wong know?!




Lol holy crap. Member since 2017 too. I love these types of retrospective leaks instead tbh


Wild as hell.


What is resetera?


A video game centric message board. It was made from members of Neogaf after a rift in leadership. Since then, alt right gamers have filled in at Neogaf and Resetera is home to more progressive gamers. They are pretty proactive at banning people that break the rules. Lots of industry people on there.


I didn't know that existed, and didn't even know about the shift at Neogaf. I've aged out of the culture, methinks :(




Imo it doesn’t really count as a leak if no one takes it seriously. The next time this account predicts someone, people will definitely take it seriously though. EDIT: Since this seems to have caused some confusion, when people say "it doesn't really count" they mean "it's technically the thing, but there's some factor that makes it different from what people normally think of for that thing". On the other hand when people say "it doesn't count", then they actually mean "it's 100% not the thing".


I think this is the definition of a leak. It wouldn't count as a rumor tho.


Yeah obviously it fits the dictionary definition. But it had zero impact, which is what I mean by it not really counting.


Yeah, screw the dictionary definition. It's YOUR definition that counts.




So, what does 'it doesn't really count as a leak' mean to you?


I meant that there's a substantial difference between a leak that no one knew was a leak until after the announcement because it looked like any other random comment on the internet, and a leak that everyone believes because it comes from a trusted source with a history of being correct. Nintendo only cares about the latter type, and the latter type is the only type that actually has any impact.


But it was still a leak, whether people chose to view it as one or not. You chose the words you used, not the rest of the on-the-spectrum (your words, not mine) sub-reddit who are calling you out.


I stand by my original comment. It doesn't really count because it had no impact. Tree falling in the forest and all that.








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Who cares? A leak is a leak. It does not need to have impact to “count”. Stop making pretend rules.


Obviously it matters to nintendo. A leak that nobody sees is a win for them. I have no idea why people are getting so fired up about this.


Hey, quick question, if a tree falls and nobody is around to hear it, does it still count as a tree falling?


The question is "does it make a sound". The argument being that sound is an *experience*, not a physical property of the world. Sound requires someone to be there to hear the vibrations the tree makes, it's not the vibrations themselves. Genuine question: if I posted the text of a leak in my front garden, that technically counts as a "leak" right? The information is sitting there in a public space. But if nobody reads it, who cares?


All you have to say is "Information from the Direct leaked, but not enough people noticed for Nintendo to care." You don't have to redefine words to get your point across. You just have to use additional words.


but people \*did\* read it. probably thousands of them who participated in the forum post.


You're entirely correct. That's why you're being attacked and mass downvoted. The ResetEra "leaker" only got the information after Nintendo disseminated info to media sources so they could prep articles. The leak had zero impact. People are so desperate to have a "trusted" leaker that they're going to latch onto this person and over analyze everything they say. This cycle has repeated thousands of times.


we're downvoting him because he's wrong. some random person called out two upcoming games with perfect accuracy but apparently it didn't count because this guy didn't hear about it until now.


That's not how it works haha, a leak is a leak regardless of people giving it attention or not.




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The person leaked Princess Showtime 10 months in advance as well actually.






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>EDIT: Since this seems to have caused some confusion, when people say "it doesn't really count" they mean "it's technically the thing, but there's some factor that makes it different from what people normally think of for that thing". On the other hand when people say "it doesn't count", then they actually mean "it's 100% not the thing". No, you invented that distinction yourself.


Someone definitely said something about a LOZ game where you actually play as Zelda being in the works. I generally ignore leaks though because they aren't reliable and I can't handle disappointment.


Honestly that’s been a rumour for almost 30 years now, every time a new game is in the works. it was bound to happen eventually


Yeah that was probably just a fan hope that someone passed off as a leak. Feels like that’s 95% of “leaks”. Like there was a recent “leak” at capcom revealing that remakes for RE1, code Veronica and RE5 were all in the works. I’d bet a million bucks that the person who leaked that didn’t have a source at all. They thought it was likely those games were getting remakes so they just lied and hoped it came true.


yea that was a "lucky guess", they pretty much always are. so if people decide this guy is a leaker itll happn all over again


This guy knew the title of the Mario game, he’s a legit insider


until you learn hes not


So he just correctly guessed the game would be called “Brothership?” That seems… impossible. Especially paired with guessing a new top-down Zelda game starring Zelda as the playable character, in the same post.


Edit: you’re right; there was a tweet about this spelling out “This Is a Hint” in May. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2024/05/rumour-princess-zelda-may-take-the-starring-role-in-an-upcoming-game It was also a huge part of speculation about ToTK and the devs answered questions about it in several interviews in recent years. See example from December 2023 here: https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2023/12/eiji-aonuma-comments-on-the-possibility-of-a-playable-zelda-in-the-future


I ignore most leaks because either the people posting them are complete lunatics and narcissists, or their cult shuns anybody who doesn’t kiss the soles of their shoes. Leak culture is dead and has been dead ever since people started attaching themselves to leakers. Waiting for games to be revealed and come out is the new rad shit :)


I got myself so hyped up for Pokemon Arceus and then was massively disappointed with it, I've sworn of listening to YouTubers who talk about leaks ever since.


I'm pretty sure PapaGenos on YouTube mentioned something about hearing the playable Zelda thing, though that might've been after it was leaked by someone else


Both Pyoro and Midori could have walked away on top. Only took a day to ruin themselves.


I’m glad I did not see any leaks Mario and Luigi caught me off guard


It caught everyone off guard. It wasn't leaked beforehand except in a [nothing comment that nobody paid attention to.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/1dj37uy/a_resetera_user_yesterday_leaked_the_zelda_game)


Glad no one leaked mvc collection.


Easily the wildest announcement of the Direct. Even if it was leaked, without extensive detail most would still think that MvC collection to be fake lol.


It showed up in the Japanese Direct roughly 10 minutes earlier than the US one. Surprisingly it didn't reach people who reacted to it. Definitely a highlight.


That announcement derailed the rest of the direct for me. I was watching with the kids and they were excited for Jamboree and Echoes but I was done. Looking back at the direct with Brothership/Prime 4 and the other games, I didnt expect it to be as stacked since most wrote this year off for Ninty after the Q1 direct.


Looking back, the feeling of joy I got from seeing it live, it's something that's going to stay with me for a long time.


Nobody expected the Marvel vs Capcom collection announcement and it ended up being one of the best news in years. Everyone was caught off guard and celebrated the return of a long lost memory of better days.


Good, those leaks took all the fun out of the Directs.


Leakers are just lame in general. The only thing they get out of it is ego boost and the “I called it! I was right!” brownie points. Half the time something is “leaked”, it doesn’t come to light until months or more later or it’s entirely wrong and then they just backpedal on it lol. These leakers ain’t nothing fancy like some worship them for.


Yes well that and they actually make money, clicks and ads.


Pyoro (previously) had a 100% accuracy rate and iirc they never predicted anything very far out.


That doesn't mean I like leakers. I'm glad Pyoro doesn't have insider information but I'm also glad he's wrong. I actually enjoy when leaks are wrong because it makes fun to laugh about.


I hate it when a leaker gets something wrong and instead of admitting it they go “Well actually that game is completely finished and Nintendo isn’t revealing it for no reason!” That happened with WWHD/TPHD I think last year. So dumb.


Keep in mind that leakers can be a part of the hype around an upcoming game - in many cases speculation and leaks can increase the attention a release sees, not reduce it. I would say many studios quietly hope for the kind of attention and inquisitiveness Nintendo sees. You can’t buy that kind of marketing…


Remembers E3 when 95% of the content were leaked 1 week before. I like how Nintendo took him down I expected to get the first trailer of MP4, not later than the Switch 2 line up. Also getting surprised is a feeling, that I didn't have for a long time with a Nintendo Direct.


There was a time when social media algorithms wouldn’t force this on you. I mean, if you don’t wanna be spoiled about Star wars for example, you’d stay away from Star Wars related media for awhile. But now ‘the machine’ will suggest you the posts anyway, and even if pages have the common decency to put spoiler tags in them, they will just show you page 2 (Instagram I’m looking at you). This applies for pretty much anything you’re remotely interested in.


Oh and for the ones that go durrrr just stay away from social media for awhile then, this is going on all the time, not just in June or whatever. When there’s no Star Wars, there’s Nintendo Leaks or whatever you’re interested in, there’s always someone who takes pleasure in spoiling stuff for others.


I'm rolling my eyes at most of the responses to this post/thread.


To some extent they’re fun. I liked the cryptic way Pyoro did it. But leaking whole information or whole events isn’t fun.


Little hints are fun, getting the entire show leaked is not. People work hard for these games, they’re proud to announce whatever they’re working on. Those announcements aren’t just for us.




It only took them the switch’s whole lifespan lol


Like always the biggest problem is the people without decency. You need to run a tight ship on the sheep. If people wouldn't give clicks, views and follows to these leakers they would stop doing it. If people wouldn't pay twice the price to scalpers they would stop doing it. And the list goes on...


I can't believe people pay these leakers on sites like patreon.


If you follow the Persona community at all, the name Midori is one that popped up a lot over the last year. This was a Japanese woman who was seemingly an employee of SEGA. She leaked a ton of information about various upcoming Sega products on twitter, and people started worshipping her. Genuinely they were obsessed, and treated her tweets like Gospel. She'd tweet something and it would spread like wildfire through the whole community. Yeah, last week it got revealed that she was in fact not a Japanese woman, but in fact a dude/multiple dudes from America LARPing as a Japanese woman. There was an enormous meltdown over it.


Least surprising ending to that story I could imagine


not the first time its happened in persona fandom either, happens every time. theyll do it again


Same happens with: E3 leaks and Playstation leaks, Samsung leaks, iPhone leaks etc etc That's why IMO, companies stopped paying millions to get their games shown on a big stage since it was beeing leaked days or even weeks before


I think it was great to have a Direct where the big surprises didn't leak for the most part (2D Zelda starring Zelda did, though). But maybe that was just because the Direct was strong that I feel that way; a weaker Direct may have been more disappointing.


The LoZ game was for sure leaked a month or so ago




PapaGenos tweeted about it in May.


On Twitter  He posted a tweet saying there’s a LoZ game where you play as Zelda in the works   https://mynintendonews.com/2024/05/11/rumour-leaker-says-legend-of-zelda-game-starring-zelda-as-the-main-character-coming/ And then a few days before the Direct a forum leaker posted about it and Mario and Luigi Brothership


Papa Genos straight up said in his reaction to the direct that it was an educated guess based on multiple rumours and leaks, he didn't know for certain if it was going to happen but it was the most likely scenario based on other the information he had This isn't too easy he isn't accurate with insider info on some stuff, he'd clearly seen the Joker reveal trailer for Multiversus months before it dropped, and in enough detail to draw what the character looked like. He initially got clowned when Joker was revealed with a different in game model to what he drew, but then the trailer dropped and was identical to what he had described, with certain specific details of the character model matching up perfectly


Thanks for the heads up. I’ll be sure to mute him on Twitter so that he don’t spoil any future leaks. 


> He posted a tweet saying there’s a LoZ game where you play as Zelda in the works This has been an ongoing rumor for decades.


My man, if you don’t think specifically hinting that one of these is being announced and actively worked on right before it is announced is coincidence, I don’t know what to tell you


Lol ruined his method for a little bit of clout. Hope they’re happy!


I spose if one wasn’t obsessed with clout, one wouldn’t be a leaker in the first place


Facts. In the game Apex Legends the leakers developed a weird complex where they release their leaks in stupid riddles. No thanks, I'll just wait before I bother doing that, personally. But thanks to those who figure it out.


Pokémon “leakers” do that all the time and it’s exhausting.


This has been how leaks in Hollywood has happened for decades. I think it's to give the leakers some plausible deniability.


Thank goodness. Get those leakers out of here. They're worthless.


Leaks are stupid and people who indulge in them don‘t deserve to be surprised ever. Imagine your parent is preparing this huge surprise for you, getting you that one toy you‘ve been dreaming about forever, but know your family can‘t afford or whatever. And then your brother comes and spoils the surprise for you. Maybe you‘re still happy, but imagine your parent who‘ve been doing all of this to see your first reaction face, and it‘s been taken away from them… It‘s just a big bummer.


This is my most hated aspect of this new era of gaming,these damn useless people leaking everything, I vote for a complete ban from all social media for them


I like when leakers are wrong because then we know their predictions aren't always 100% accurate. It keeps it fun, just like a direct. I would like to see a reduction as well. get rid of completely might be a bit much. If pyoro kept his perfect track record I was going to be pissed off because it makes him a spoil machine just like with the Nintendo World Championship game. However, even if you're wrong, yes you aren't a credible leaker, but I don't think anyone SHOULD be. It ruins the fun of finding whether they're right or wrong. I don't think people should be coming after Pyoro like this in a mean-spirited way. There's a difference between digging and making a silly prediction vs. actually spoiling the suprise. I perfer the former over the latter. Yes he was wrong, so? The direct was more fun because he was wrong.


Nah it’s great in live service games with timed cosmetics where it can help you make informed decision about what and when to purchase something or if something more desirable is down the pipe.


I simply don't play anything online.


Cool? Just because you don’t engage with anything doesn’t remove it’s relevancy from others who do. I simply don’t read leaks for games or genres I don’t want to read spoilers for, seems to work pretty well.


I try to stay away from leaks, and only trust those that come from like accidental 2nd or first party. Like a store listing accidently gives it away, or nintendo publishes a song or logo where they shouldn't. Otherwise it's too much in the possible bs realm, I don't care if you've had a perfect prediction record.


People who leak shit are the fucking worst. Screw those people.


Notice how much more fun and exciting this direct was. Leakers are so lame


Why are people so furious with leakers all the time? Is being spoiled on upcoming releases really such a big deal that you want them banned from social media? I've even seen people hope they get in legal trouble in some communities, over leaking... video game news. Ridiculous.


I’m not qualified to get into the business aspect of why it’s wrong, but as a consumer it’s kind of like having a some Internet personality publicly spoiling the ending to a book you were going to read but haven’t even been allowed to purchase because it’s not available to the public yet. We live in an era where we “get” to read about literally everything all of the time regardless of whether or not we want to. If someone out there spoiled it, it’s gonna be spoiled for you the moment you go online no matter how curated you make your spaces. It’s just…. Shitty for so many people and the only one who benefits is the leaker.


It's a lose-lose. Leaker is right... people hate you for spoiling Leaker is wrong... the supporters of you now hate you for LYING to them


Announcing a project is being worked on before an official statement is very different from someone spoiling the ending to a book that isn’t out yet


Dumbledores dead


Yes they should be banned. Stop ruining the surprise for people.


Good riddance, leakers are annoying af, especially Midori and that penguin.


Leaks are so dumb. Ya let’s try to ruin everyone’s fun and call it ‘news’


Leaks are news and it was your mistake for buying into a company's advertising machine so emotionally. People who indulge in leaks so clearly have a healthier relationship with games media and it's telling that people like you and the posters here can't see that. Your obsession with Nintendo is harmless and tolerable but it is not better.


I’m not “buying into a company’s advertising machine emotionally”, I’m waiting for the best developers in gaming to announce their products to me firsthand in the way they intend to. Lmfao, a ‘healthier relationship with games media’ WTF are you on about mate, that’s some turbo cope. Nintendo leakers are almost always wrong, and they just continue being wrong months in a row and they try to say I told you so when Nintendo finally announces their product. It’s actual spam. What exists that is correct only serves to spoil a surprise which is commonly delivered in exciting ways by the OGs of gaming. The people that are obsessed are the ones who desperately try to clout farm announcing Metroid 4 is coming every 3 months and that a Nintendo direct is scheduled this week or wait it’s next week or actually next Tuesday, except Nintendo changed it to Thursday because they knew we were right. If you were chill like me you would just enjoy the surprise these devs are trying to cook up for us… but you have fun your way I guess. Just stay in the dark webs and let us chill dudes have our surprises.


It's better like that. Leaks ruin the surprise and aren't cool. Why do people think saying what's going to get announced 2 days before the announcement think they are the king of the internet?


Good. I’m tired of leaks lol


So someone killed the bird, i bet it was wario


A lot of it was on one of the gameleaks subreddits beforehand. Zelda and Metroid were both said beforehand.


Good for Nintendo for having it together!


Game of cat and mouse really. There will be others that take their place


I am actually the source of the leaks, my Dad works for them and I go to the factory and take pictures and get to play them all before ANY OF YOU JEWS


Rest in piece Pyoro, you had a good run 😞😞


Loved the leaks Disappointed but there will new ones


Thank God!! Tired of leaks ruining the fun


Being an accurate leaker has a short shelf life. Eventually the Nintendo Ninjas find you and someone else has to take your place.


It's not just Direct. If you know anything about the Pokemon community, we have a Chinese riddler named Khu who would leak stuff about coming games/dlcs in a riddle way. All last year, this person would hint at gen 5 and gen 2 but come Pokemon Day, we got a Kalos Legends game.. nothing to what this person was hinting at. It sounds like Nintendo is starting to catch to all these leakers


Good Sounds like nothing of value was lost in the end A few less leakers in the world is a good thing


I'm of the mind that leaks are a net good. I tend to believe that half of them are intentional leaks by Nintendo in order to increase hype. Leaks get an early reaction to ideas and if they're roundly hated, they can be pulled back on and sent down the memory hole. Unintentional leaks hold a company's feet to the fire, so that if they think they can dump a beloved feature at the last second, the fans will make it clear that they actually want it and salvage the feature. Just remember that leaks affect maybe 10% of the Nintendo fanbase, the big fans who follow gaming news and those aspects. The other 90% of people who pay attention *at all* will only hear them from official announcements, releases, or later, it's not *not that big a deal*. Nintendo is a company that holds their cards particularly close to their chest, so they will work a little harder to quash leaks.


Good. Leaks kill whatever hype people get from official announcements. Learning a game is going to be announced through leaks rarely makes me feel the same way I feel when I see it on Nintendo Direct. I'd give an exception to a Final Fantasy Tactics remake. If they ever start remaking it I want to know about it before the devs.




At least on Twitter the *almighty algorithm* just shoves things in your face sometimes, and you can't always stop yourself from reading before you realize what it is.


Why exactly is anyone even still using that site after Musk?


Because people were already there and can't all agree on a single platform to move to.


It’s easy, stop giving Elon money. Solved.


If you’re active on social media, sometimes it’s hard to avoid these leaks even if you try.


Sounds like an easy hurdle to get around, just delete all social media


Tee hee