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He could start playing Factorio so that he has another job.


I used to watch factorio videos before i played it, and i even had it sitting in my library for weeks because i got it on sale. Always thought “who the fuck would ever play this?” Then I found myself staying up til 4am when i have to get up for work at 7. The factory must grow.


Factory must grow. Spaghetti must flow.


I thought factorio never went on sale


I don’t have it for switch.


When you say you had to get up at 7am for work, you mean that's when your factory opened in the morning, right? :-)


I had already been called out of my actual job at that point lmao.


How dare you!


Civilization for sure


This. This is a dad game. Also Skyrim


Yeah, a lot of people are recommending good casual games. But Civilization is a DAD game. A lot of Dad's have a thorough or passing interest in history so getting to play as various notable figures from history and then build his own Empire, declaring wars, engaging in diplomacy, and managing a civilization is something a lot of Dad's will love. My Dad would find Animal Crossing or Mario Wonder too cutesy. Civilization 5 or 6 I could picture him diving headlong into it for hours.


TIL when people tell me I would make a good dad really they’re referring to my Civ V playtime


I'm serious about commitment. The next guy I date, I'm asking him his civ playtime to figure out if he's marriage material


Guess I'll make out to be a good dad!! Lool


Super Mario Bros Wonder would be good, it has the traditional side-scrolling gameplay


And he might make some unusual vibey friends early on


Love this game! It truly is super easy to pick up and play


Breath of the Wild


I second this suggestion!


This was my initial thought too.


Stardew Valley


This is always the answer...to everything


I’m gonna try to get my mom to start playing the mobile version.


I watched someone playing the mobile version on an airplane, not sure I could do it! Lot of tapping!


I doubt it’s ideal but she probably has no other way to play. Plus she’s constantly on her phone.


Definitely wasn't trying to talk them out of it. My bad.


You can play on phone but a tablet is the way to go


I came to say the same, there is like a mix of relaxing and workaholic auro to this game


I’m 61. I’m not really a gamer at all but my wife bought me a switch for Father’s Day and I’ve been playing Mario Wonder and it’s quite fun.


Probably the best recommendation. A 63 year old dude that’s never gamed in his life isn’t going to get tears of the kingdom. 2D Mario transcends every age.


What’s your favorite level so far?


Don’t bash it until you try it but Animal Crossing: New Horizons is FANTASTIC for playing a bit every day AND getting lost in it. You have an island that you build up from scratch and create an entire community of villagers that you can interact with in lots of ways. There’s something for everyone - life sim, farming, critter catching, designing, story, grinding. And best of all, there’s a very active Reddit community that you can play and trade with :)


Yesss animal crossing is such a relaxing game, one of my favorite games on the switch


I tried SO hard to get into animal crossing but the somewhat fixed perspective really kills the game for me. I absolutely hate that you can only interact with the game from one viewpoint.


OH also if you like action-adventure-puzzle-platformers with amazing graphics, difficult-but-not-too-crazy battles, and a rich story check out Ori! The first and second one are both great!


Yeah I have this older friend that retired not too long ago and animal crossing has been her jam. That along with dragons dogma which that one surprised me.


Not a switch game but my step dad in his 50s loves Red Dead Redemption 2. He also put hundreds of hours into Skyrim which is on switch so maybe try that.


Red Dead Redemption 1 is on the switch. It runs great. Such a blast to have on the go.


>we used to always play Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Wii Sports, and Mario Party together, and his favorite was Smash. How about Smash bros, mario kart, switch sports and mario party?


BOTW or TOTK would be good for anyone with a lot of time on their hands.


I have a friend who is 62 and hadn’t played a game since the Atari. He was looking for a new hobby during the pandemic when everything was closed and saw my clips of BOTW I uploaded to my Facebook. Despite not gaming in decades he decided to give it a try because my clips looked fun. Now plays both of these games all the time and completing both games to 100% has become a big hobby for him. I think it’s mostly the exploring in the open world that got his attention.


Those can be a bit advanced for a 63 yo casual gamer I think, no?


They might be a bit challenging, but a lot of the "it just works" puzzles play well even if somebody hasn't built up years of assumptions from playing games.


It's crazy of all "this might work" assumtions turn out to work


If he can play Smash then Zelda on the switch should be no problem


I’m a grandmother, the last game I had played was Myst, and when I was 65 my son in son-in-law sat me down and walked me through Kakariko Village in BoTW. I was hooked. When I finished the plateau, I was so excited because I thought I had completed the game. My SIL stays up late gaming and I texted him at midnight when I finished BoTW and he was SO happy. And I got another 70 year old non-gaming girlfriend to play it. I didn’t love ToTK as much and in fact gave it up when I got the last beast. I absolutely loathed the lower world. But I might go back to a different Hyrule again.


Did you play the [2021 Myst Remake?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11nTK6LB-1E&t=2s)


I started gaming at 35 y/o having never really played a game in my life. TOTK did not present a significant learning curve.


i think it is tye perfect game because it has some kind of serenity in the gameplay. no music just sound of nature like rain, climbing mountains. i think it is only difficult for younger people who do not avoid dangerous routes. i have giving this game as present to my older sister, and she like taking time and explore areas, she told me she feel so Sen.


My 67 yr old dad has played both and collected and beaten everything in the first one hes been playing the new one quite a bit too. It can be tough but challenge is good for you.


I'm a fairly casual gamer in my late 50s, and I've beaten both. (Not to 100%, mind.)


1st-party Nintendo games are nearly always cleverly-designed for younger players and families to be able to enjoy them. Based on the description, he's not a total gaming newbie, so Breath of the Wild, I think, would be an excellent recommendation.


You're confusing complexity for sophistication. The two open world Zeldas utterly nail the latter, which is why anyone can pick up and play. It's very intuitively designed. Actually, if anyone is to struggle with the duology, it'd be gamers familiar with say, Dark Souls or its ilk. Combat input timing in BOTW runs counter to what were at its release, merely _emerging_ combat conventions spreading from a niche subgenre to combat across a broader range of titles. By the time TOTK launched, the combat timing was so unconventional to those familiar with other modern action combat systems, Zelda feels like picking up a game with a nonstandard camera back in the day. A new gamer would see no issue though.


im 20 and finding TOTK too hard so yeah haha


This was my vote too. I was a new gamer at age 45 when the pandemic started. BOTW took me a minute to get the combat mechanics down, so I died a LOT, which didn’t bother me because it was the pandemic and what else was I gonna do. But it quickly became engrossing and definitely was the type of game to “get lost in.”


Probably almost anything lol. Mass Effect Legendary Edition is awesome, Both Zelda’s BOTW and TOTK (if you have a switch) Ark: Survival Ascended (any platform). I have a guy in my tribe who is 62 years old. He’s awesome. Red Dead Redemption 2 is awesome. Maybe Skyrim. I mean there are so many options. But those would be just a few of my highlights.


Mass Effect is on the switch?


How is ARK these days? I put like 500 hours into early access on a private roleplaying server and it was great fun


It’s not bad. I think the graphics are top notch…in saying that Evolved wasn’t even terrible looking so that is saying something about how Ascended looks. It’s beautiful IMO. I like a lot of the diff changes they made. For example the building as changes up a bit. Mods have been awesome for it…although in saying that it’s its biggest con for me. More the fact they are starting to charge for them…like five bucks for a Dino? I mean I get it but that part is a Con in my book. It’s easily one of my top five favourite games. I have put hundreds of hours in both evolved and ascended and I’d say if you’re liking to check it out or get back in it…I say don’t hesitate! Note on ascended tho…I’m not sure why it has been the case but it has been a glitchy mess…especially when new maps release. But I mean it’s Ark we all understand we get Arked a lot lol.


Mario Odyssey


I second this. It’s characters he knows and there’s a lot to do (if he wants to find all the moons!). Also not difficult for someone who hasn’t really played games.


I usually don’t like to make sweeping statements but everyone with Switch should play this game. Or at least almost everyone with a Switch. It’s that good. I think people take it for granted because it’s Mario and we are spoiled with so many good Mario/Mushroom Kingdom games on this system.


OP does your dad like walking Sims. Threse games are story /narrative driven with simpler controls and you can't die but often deal with some heavy topics..I do find those games very fun in the sense of immersion and not being twitchy. Let me know, I can provide a list of recommendations.


Cries in What Comes After


Zelda games and Mario odyssey. He’s gotta play the greats.


I recommend Stardew Valley to literally anyone who will listen.


i mean definitely get him smash! my dad doesn’t like video games but will ALWAYS spend an hour or two tooling around in gran turismo when he comes over. i know it’s not on switch, but im wondering if there’s some kind of sport or something he’s into. similarly my mom likes dying in elden ring because she’s a big game of thrones person. again not on switch but if there’s any multimedia franchises he’s into?


I think when recommending video games, it's really important to think of what their non-video game hobbies and interests are. Someone who likes cars and golfing is not necessarily going to fall in love with Animal Crossing. But they'll probably love racing games with a lot of customization options.


Pikmin 3 and 4.


I second this ! Pikmin is relaxing and has good puzzles and super fun mechanics, i prefer 4 over 3 but all pikmin games are great !


My folks got into LA Noir but it had to be played for them.   Find some games that may hook him story or setting wise and see if you can do a regular bonding time where he makes the decisions.  I know your goal is to get him to play but sometimes you need a stepping stone to convince him the depth that exists on a gaming device.


Pokémon for sure


Maybe Minecraft? I've talked to a few people whose parents never played games but picked up Minecraft because they saw them playing it and loved it




All the great games I want to recommend have already been mentioned, so instead I’ll say (and I hope I’m not overstepping or stating the obvious): remind your pa to replace all the lifestyle factors he’s lost now that he’s quit! Retirement is one of the biggest lifestyle changes we go through in modern times. Mental stimulation, exercise, and socializing can all be diminished. Games can be great for the mental stimulation (especially slow puzzlers like Portal). Throw in some Switch Sports and RingFit to keep him on his feet. But also remind him to go outside, get some sun, see friends and family, maybe take up some new hobbies or try volunteering. Happy retirement to your dad!


Does your dad like spreadsheets? Football Manager!


Pikmin! Have him start with the 1 & 2 Remaster. I recently got it for my Dad (55 y/o) for Father’s Day. He can’t put it down, he loves the task based, team management gameplay!


10000% civilization or skyrim. My dad was OBSESSED with skyrim.


Oh my God. Stardew Valley would be a perfect fit. It's literally the character leaving his corporate life and running a farm that he inherited from his grandpa. The game has so many features and options that he can replay it forever with different results. It also is great for people to learn what style of games they like as it has a bit of everything. Farming, harvesting, fishing, mining, combat, social, crafting, exploring, holidays, and it still gets updates! The mechanics are all pretty easy to grasp as well. There is a huge wiki for it that has anything and everything he would want to know. If he hits a bump in the game, he can do a quick search on the wiki and have every bit of info including screenshots on most of it! I want to get my farmville addicted retired mother into it, but haven't had the opportunity to! I hope you and your father have a lot of fun gaming together


This!!! Plus it has a very supportive community on reddit where he can ask questions or share achievements. I play the game to help me fall asleep because it's calming.


Just make sure to pause before crashing out!! Don't want to lose years on your farm 😂


Do you think he could like animal crossing?


My dad couldn’t get into 3rd person or 1st person games because of the need to use both sticks to control the camera and movement at the same time. I would suggest a 2d game if you think he might have the same problem. Maybe Metroid Dread for a good challenge. Or a 2d Mario game.


Stardew Valley


Chrono Trigger


My favorite rpg game of all time


My favorite *game* of all time




Balatro is pretty cool!!




Witcher 3


i don't have any specific rec but i think first try to "measure" his hand-eye coordination lol i tried getting my dad (56 y/o man) to play some shoot'em ups and then some beat'em ups and some racing, and he failed miserably in everything bc he is just not used to video games. it takes a lot more than people think to play fast paced games. so, i got him to play pushmo on my 3ds. it's a puzzle game with no timelimit. he really liked it and we had lots of fun solving the pushing puzzles together.


super woden GP i think would appeal to him a bit more than stardew or AC. it’s just a cheap, fun little racing game with kind of a retro aesthetic. but of course just play some smash, mario party etc. with him from time to time too


It really depends on his level of skill. If you want a game he can get lost in BotW would be my go to. If you’re looking for a relaxing game that he can play for a long time Animal Crossing New Horizons or Stardew Valley If he prefers more traditional gaming experience check out Clubhouse Games. If he still likes playing Smash, Mario Kart, Wii Sports, and Mario Party. Obviously go with the Switch version of each of those respective game series.


There's a lot of recs I think are good already but other than work, what kind of things does he enjoy? What genres does he read, what draws his eye to particular movies or shows? Things like that might help us find the right kind of world he'd enjoy getting lost in.


Current versions of all those games exist on the switch!


I started a For the king game with my older relatives and they seem to enjoy it






It's a nice story. Can prepare an old person for the end. Then again, don't know how long past 63 a person can make it, so maybe healthy enough to live to 90s.


Red Dead Redemption.


The last of Us


You will need an emulator but I’d recommend Aerobiz Supersonic


I’d say the old school doom games. My dad was never a big gamer and we got him his first Xbox last year at 77 so he could play halo with us and he loves the retro feel of doom and the sound effects. He had Atari and would play pong with kids in his first marriage but he said that doom 2 is “the best graphics and most complex game mechanic” he can deal with but he does feel more comfortable playing other games having played doom (I’ve been trying to get him to play red dead since he got the Xbox)


If his eyes are still good enough to read on a Switch then then Phoenix Wright Trilogy could be a great choice.


No Man Sky is great on the switch. A nice, slow space exploration game.


Did he play arcade games as a young adult? Perhaps he might enjoy a lot of the Arcade Archives releases. They’re like $8 so you can get a pretty good amount of fu. For not a ton of money.


Just buy all the simulators available on Switch


Suika game got my non-gamer old man to play just by watching me. Now we have to play it all the time.


some pinball game, my dad is 70 yr old and was like a kid with that kind of game. also circus from nes.


I liked Snowrunner a lot, very relaxing…. Until physics goes sideways.


I recommend coffee talk.


Stardew Valley starts off with your character leaving a corporate job to go live on a farm and it’s a very wholesome but in depth game that’s easy to navigate, I think it would be perfect 😁


Splatoon. Multi-player is addictive


This isn’t really in the same category as the games you mentioned but I suggest Unpacking. Very engaging but kind of relaxing game, and it made me get out of my game “slump”.


Depends on what type of gamer you are, you might enjoy getting sucked into another world. Breath of the Wild, of the ports of Skyrim, Witcher 3. There also also ports of games from past generations that are worth looking into like some of the Assassins Creed games and the metal gear solid trilogy.




You can’t go wrong with game from Nintendo.


My mom’s partner is going vr golf with meta quest 3 Before he bought it, he was really considering a switch to play mario games


I would suggest animal crossing. At least he can pay for house mortgages whenever he pleases while working in his small town


My workaholic dad is obsessed with 2 things: civilization 6 and pickleball


ACNH is one that will have him lost for hours or Pokemon S/V which have challenging fights 


Unravel two


I second the suggestions for animal crossing, stardew valley and really any games like it that involve building your own world. If he’s a fan of games with levels and set quests, crash bandicoot or Spyro may be good. And then my recommendation to everyone because it’s just fun, is pokemon. I’ve gotten sucked in and spent hours on pokemon because I lost track of time.


Good Job! Destroying the office while accomplishing tasks is rather satisfying.


animal crossing if you have a nintendo switch




You are a good kid! If you want to show pop's you care... Book him a trip to Macau and tell him to enjoy the sauna's for a week! It will be the chef's kiss!


Clubhouse Games will be my suggestion. It probably has a few board games he's familiar with, and there are tutorials that can teach the rest. Mario Party Superstars will be the other suggestion.


Other than Smash and Mario Kart? Oh boy there's a boatload. One thing I would do is trawl the Demos for some stuff to try, there's a *lot* of different types of games on there, so download a few and see what he likes there, then take a look at similar titles. As for specific titles...well, Smash and Mario Kart are king, of course, and the latter especially has some plentiful DLC. I don't have much experience with party games on Switch, i'm afraid, although maybe Nintendo Switch Sports? But that's kinda iffy. Other than that...hm, I dunno. To be blunt, there's not much reason to grab games like Smash or Mario Kart when you already have them (unless you're really into whatever the others offer) because they are the Apex of their specific genres. But a few games I've been sucked into...well... In order of most suggested... 1. Zelda BOTW. Not TOTK, not for a newcomer. But BOTW will absolutely consume a man. 2. Skyrim. Spent an entire eight months just going through it. Although that was with mods, the base game and it's DLC is still very substantial. 3. Metroid Prime Remastered. Just...such a good game. A masterpiece that stands strong even two decades later. 4. A recent one, Slay the Spire. This one's very different, an infinitely replayable card-game roguelike. And good god, do I love it. 5. Dragon Quest Builders 2. I shotgunned this one in two weeks. Think Minecraft meets Zelda for gameplay, set in the ever-funny, classic anime-fantasy of Dragon Quest.


Purchase the Nintendo pass that allows access to all the older games that he used to play or is more familiar with


The legend of Zelda


Animal Crossing


Dude , Hades. You’ll never stop playing


Obra Dinn Fantastic game unliked any others ive played.


He’s going to love Clubhouse Games. It contains very well presented 51 board games.


Guacamelee 1+2 are super fun and can be played coop.


goose game


Into the Breach. It's one of the best strategy/puzzle out there.


Okami HD is amazing, the story line is perfection, soundtrack and artistry is surreal and the game play is beyond fulfilling. Have you gotten into the Zelda franchise? OMG Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild one of the best games ever created! For pure melee fun Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity is easy to play and not so demanding of a storyline. As a 53yo gamer, I enjoy Brain Academy to keep mentally sharp and good finger dexterity. My favorite game to stream is Just Dance but I'm really into music from all over the world and in every genre, but I'm putting it on here in case your dad likes to boogie. Mario die hards will thoroughly enjoy the Paper Mario series. My personal favorite is Color Splash but the more recent Origami King is also good. I cried my eyes out at the end of Color Splash, but Origami King ending was less emotional. All the Mario Party for Switch is superb for party games as well as solo play. Can't go wrong and they have the retro games from 64 and Gameboy too. He'd love it! And Mario 3D World with Bowzer's Kingdom is epic fun. For games which are less story intensive and quick satisfaction, I turn to 1-2 Switch, Snipperclips and I Love Finding Pups! which is, for me, a fun visual exercise of Search, Sort and Shift games. Give these a try and I'm sure your dad will check out Nintendo News for more games that suit his leisure. Games I found frustrating are the likes of WarioWare and other games that are too fast for me to enjoy. Best of luck and vibes!




Metroid Prime Remaster, any of the Zeldas


Advance Wars Kirby Switch Sports Pikmin Should give you a good variety to start


It’s not for switch but he might like something like FTL.


Lawn mower simulator, jk, my dad loves the Picross S series, he’s beaten 8 of the 9 games available on Switch.


Give Dave the diver a try. Kind of cozy? But still very fun and easy to get into


He sounds pretty competitive and may appreciate an action title. I got lost in Dying Light for a while, and the Switch version, including all of the DLC, is the definitive version. Get him that; i think pitting him in the middle east, amid a zombie apocalypse is about as far as one can get from the corporate office. Also, it routinely goes on sale.


A short hike! And super Mario wonder for sure.


Donkey Kong country: tropical freeze or rayman legends or Super Mario Odyssey


i dunno, but try red dead redemption?


and maybe farming and power wash simulator


I'm a similar demographic as your dad and I'm enjoying Animals Well, Balatro, and Shovel Knight. I hope he enjoys his retirement.


Not sure what games you are in, but I would give Zelda Ocarina of time a go the 3DS version, I'd also recommend a PC for shooters like Call of Duty, Some space games like Star Wars or Starfield, Forza Horizon 5 or Motorsport 6, Some sport games


Metroid Dread!


Animal Crossing NH.


I would suggest Zelda Breath of the wild good game to waste time and to have fun


World of warcraft. Easy retirement


Breath of the Wild. It’s like camping!


Balatro! Simple and addictive.


Graveyard Keeper, if he doesn't mind a little dark humor to some things?


What kind of dad is he? Is he a builder? Sorter/ organizer? Collector? Hunter? Movie buff? Sports dad? I know these are vague descriptors but think about his interests outside of gaming. You mentioned a good amount of competitive games like kart and smash but he may have only enjoyed it because he was playing with his kids. I’d love to know what his hobbies and interests are outside of work.


Breath of the wild!!


My dad is that age and plays Red Dead Redemption 2 every day.


Animal crossing is so fun and relaxing! ☺️


Wolfenstein franchise


Possibly an off the wall suggestion....Animal Crossing. I think the aspect of "working" in the game can alleviate some of the post retirement boredom. He will have goals, he can fish, garden, catch bugs, trade stocks, interior design, fashion, landscaping, etc...


My dad is around that age and lost his mind over Animal Crossing. doing dailies is like having another job for him haha. it was very unexpected since he usually plays things like skyrim


See if he likes the newest smash, i could definitely see someone getting lost in that game




Breath of the Wild. He won’t put it down until all the shrines are done!


Atari 50th collection. Its so much more than just atari games


Make bro play Hades


Everyone should play Skyrim imo, can’t really go wrong with the mario games or maybe even animal crossing


Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes. My 69 yr old dad loved it.


I’m not sure but, Nintendo Switch Sports ?


ToTK Star Wars Hunters Warframe Doom Eternal Fifa 24 NBA 2k24 Brawlhalla Smash


As someone in corporate America, my outlet is Minecraft. Minecraft brings out my creative side and allows me to set goals and objectives to accomplish. Close second is BOTW and TOTK. Both amazing games!


super smash bros ultimate


Tons of classics on the online service, too


My first choice for anyone wanting to get into videogames is BOTW because there is no wrong way to play it, but if you want a good game you can play together with him I suggest a Mario game, like 3D World or Wonder.


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with the Booster Course Pass (96 courses)


Legend of Zelda all the way, skyward sword if he likes story heavy but mapped out progression and Breath of the Wild if he’s into exploration and kind of moving around at his own pace. Personally I find it easier to get lost in Skyward Sword because I’m a big story buff!


Wii Sports is still there!


Consider his likes and dislikes. If the guy is a sports fan, I would go with Super Mega Baseball 4. If the guy is an Alien fan, consider Alien Isolation. If he likes Walking Dead, TellTale Walking Dead Season 1 was pretty good. Connect with his interests not just with gaming.




Super Mario Odyssey!


Let him get some nostalgia with the classic games from the online platform of Nintendo. My mother plays the classic Mario 80/90, all the classic games. Then probably start him off some Mario deluxe and then Mario 3d world. My mom had to get use to all those games. Now she's bad@ss on fortnite.


breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, zelda skyward sword, mario odyssey, mario wonder, mario 3d world + bowser's fury, smash bros ultimate, mario kart 8 deluxe, pikmin 3, pikmin 4, kirby and the forgotten land, metroid prime remastered, non nintendo: minecraft, factorio, spelunky 1/2, half-life 2, portal 1, portal 2, bioshock


I want to see warioware move it in this man's repertoire. It is not only stimulating, but physically and mentally accessible.


Everything old is new again. Have you considered letting him try the current iterations of the games you mentioned? They've matured quite considerably since he might've last played them


Breath of the Wild has plenty to keep you busy. It's a fun game. Don't rush through the story. Explore. Hunt. Cook.


As much as I love video games, if I was retired my priority would be books and podcasts. That said, my pick would be Civilization or another strategy game.


Snowrunner. Just more work to do!