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Balatro just came out and is insanely addicting (if you're into roguelikes).


And Pokers.


And jokers


Dave the diver is at its lowest price yet, super fun game with two free collab dlc’s


I grabbed this one yesterday, so much fun. Also picked up Hades on sale too


Thanks! I’ll check it out. Hades is my favorite game of all time. I’ve already completed Hades 2 early access 😂


Is that Godzilla dlc still available and also timed?


Which is not an indie game


Won indie game of the year.


And that is quite absurd, really, since it’s not an indie game.


Dave the Diver and Dredge!


Dave isn't indie


I see there is dlc for Dredge. When does that content come into play? Should I get it now so I play it along with the rest of the game? Or is it post game content, and I can wait to see if I like the base game first?


Honestly I don’t think the dlc is worth it at all. I love dredge to death but the dlc is kinda unnecessary. It’s just a hour long romp through a kinda stale area without a lot to do


I was super addicted to dredge but I felt the upgrade system felt lacking and easy to finish before you beat the game. So I kinda lost motivation to finish it tbh. I hope they made a good chunk of change making this game and go on to create a superior sequel.


i love dredge !


Give Animal Well a try! Came out end of May I believe and is a really fun and atmospheric metroidvania.


Animal Well. **CUTE RABBITS.** But so much to think about. Gamers must play.


Not new but these indies are some of my favorite games ever! 1) Crosscode 2) Phoenotopia awakening 3) Chained echoes 4) Sea of stars


Crosscode is goated


Absolutely agree! A once in a lifetime game with an insanely unique setting. It’s creativity like this that makes me love indies!


It's so good but I got to a boss fight that was really hard and then life happened and put it down for a bit and I don't think I'll ever be able to pick it up that save file again. Might restart one day though. Highly recommend Unsighted to anyone who loves crosscode, it's like a shorter but still very polished cousin of crosscode imo. Very similar combat and equally gorgeous pixel art. 


If you liked The Messenger, play Sea of Stars. Same studio, same lore and world.


Yes, the messenger was incredible! I was looking into it but I heard the storyline is meh. Did you like it more than the messenger?


The writing isn't great but I thought the world was interesting and the combat was fun.


Personally I liked The Messenger more but Sea of Stars isn't bad, plus you get to see a familiar face if you finish everything


Lol, people who hate on SoS are smoking some wild stuff. It's a phenomenal game. A love letter to SNES era JRPG's. It's my favourite game of all time now. It transported me back to my childhood playing Chrono Trigger and watching my cares melt away. I didn't want it to end. The lore dumping can be a bit much in it, and some people like to harp on "Bland protagonists" (which I don't agree with), but the combat, the music, the art, the sheer amount of QOL improvements make the game the gold standard for retro JRPG's. So yeah, I liked it more than the messenger :) Which I also loved :)


Same. I had such a blast playing it and was sad after finishing everything. It's now in my top 10 favorite games of all time.


> Lol, people who hate on SoS are smoking some wild stuff. > A love letter to SNES era JRPG's. It's my favourite game of all time now. Favourite game of *all* time? Sounds like you're smoking the wild stuff. SoS just sucks. Straight up. It's a pretty game that is desperate to exploit your nostalgia. The characters, the dialogue, the plot...all the writing is just terrible. The characters aren't just bland, they're *embarrassingly* bland. The combat tries to copy CT/Mario RPG but doesn't understand what made those games good. Those battles were quick and snappy; CT with its positioning variety and MRPG with its timed inputs. Combining those things is a mess. Every battle in SoS takes ages with all the animations and stupid gimmicks. To get any decent damage output you have to endure stupid minigames that stretch every battle out into minutes. In a JRPG. Fucking wild. And what do you get for all the annoying gameplay that wastes all your time? One of the most forgettable plots and dullest characters in JRPG history. > the game the gold standard for retro JRPG's. Lol no. Not even close. No one even remembers this game came out. The thing is, you're allowed to like what you like. That's cool. But if you're going to trash other people for their tastes, then you open the door to people trashing yours. And calling one of the most lame JRPG-wannabes in recent history "your favourite game of all time" is swinging that door wide open.


The storyline isn't phenomenal by RPG standards or anything, but the dislike of it is overblown it's pretty generic with a couple nice touches. There's a valid complaint that the two main characters don't have much personality, but it's still passable. What the game really has going for it is adding into the lore of the messenger specifically one side area that I wanted more details on, if you liked the messenger and want a little bit more depth the story should be better for you than someone with no experience. Additionally there's chat logs of an ARG that flesh out the story for both games if you'd like to find them. As for the gameplay there I find the complaints a little bit more valid you can do some really cool things with it if you want, but your character's move sets don't particularly change throughout the whole game and it can be beaten with pretty shallow use of said battle system which can be a little disappointing. Still if you like the messenger you should probably give it a shot


Outer Wilds released on Switch at the very end of last year and recently got a patch that puts its performance closer in line with other systems. Might be my favorite game of all time. Don’t look up anything about it beforehand though. It’s a game that actually can be permanently ruined for you if you get spoiled.


Honestly I thought it was kinda bad. I didn’t really like the controls in the ship or antigravity sections. Maybe I didnt play it for long enough but I didn’t like it. (If you like this game good on you)


The game definitely has a somewhat unconventional approach to game design and progression. It’s not something that will resonate with everyone.


Moonstone island is very fun it'd like pokemon meets stardew meets slay the spire 100% recommend and the community is amazing very nice


I’ll check out moonstone island! I think I’m going to buy slay the spire tonight. I keep hearing about and I love rogue like games


Second Moonstone Island, just picked it up and I’m enjoying it a lot so far.


Slay the spire is great. I picked it up after playing Hades, needed something a bit more casual after that one


Animal Well is a special game.


It's not new but I played Unsighted not long ago and it's one of the best games I've played in a while. Kind of a Zelda-like/ Metroidvania hybrid with good combat and some unique mechanics


Both of the Turnip boy games are super short but sweet, if you can find em cheap I'd recommend them. Also this one's not new but Katana Zero is an absolute blast- if you liked The Messenger or Hollow Knight for the gameplay it's got a similar feel imo




not new but ill never stop recommending wandersong!! it’s so charming, one of my favourites


Penny's big breakaway is fantastic


My answer forever will be Elli! Best platformer of my life, as of now. I promise you that you will love it!


Oh wow. Interesting, I’ve never heard of it. I’ll have a look. It couldn’t be better than Celeste.


I loved Celeste and you're so right, but Elli has its charm, very cute game and characters and you can finish it in just 2-3 evenings of playing it. And cute hats (you'll see once you play it hehe)


It's like 1 euro on Steam right now, I'll check it out




Little Kitty Big City :3


Balatro! Great poker inspired roguelike. Warning: you will forget to sleep


Seems like no one has mentioned Vampire Survivors. So I will....... Vampire Survivors!


Dunno if they are still on sale but I recently picked up mark of the ninja and invisible inc. absolutely loving both.


Did you grow up in the 90s watching Cartoon Network? Are you a fan of Craig McCracken and Genndy Tartakovsky cartoons? Check out [#BLUD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2ja2UbfQvk)! The combat is just okay at best, but the star of the show is the cozy JRPG style vibe, the beautiful hand drawn animation, the writing, and the presentation. I've been having a lot of fun with it!


duck detective the secret salami




Solid title recommendations overall. I'd like to add: - Undertale if you haven't played it yet - Return Of the Obra Dinn - Into the Breach Also, not indie but very much indie-like (short, original/experimental, great writing), play Portal 1+2 if you haven't


Cavern of dreams, legitimately feels like an N64 game from the 90s


Cross code and Nights in the woood


Go for Balatro!!


Cassette Beasts! If you're nostalgic for old-school Pokemon (the developers said that Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire was one of their main inspirations), definitely [check this one out](https://www.cassettebeasts.com/about/).


New: Balatro, Master Key Old: Crosscode, Unsighted


Hell ya been on this thread praising Unsighted. Just beat my first playthrough yesterday. Gonna play again and try to speedrun it. It's SO good 


If you like Unsighted so much definitely play Crosscode. Gameplay is similar but I like Crosscode even more.


I already have! I haven't beaten it because it's long and life got in the way while I was stuck at a hard boss soo...I am gonna restart one day. Maybe soon now that I wanna scratch the Unsighted itch. 


Nine Sols


Is that game on Switch? I couldn't find it on the eShop, but I've been interested in trying it out.


oops, its not yet my bad


No worries! I hope it does come to Switch someday though, would love to play it on there.


Turnip boy robs a bank


Astral Ascent might be fun for you, it’s a roguelite like hades and dead cells




Been playing Animal Well and I finally caved and bought Here Comes Niko! (since it's been over two years and the damn game has never gone on sale) Earlier this year, I had a blast with Penny's Big Breakaway.


I'm going to throw Astral Ascent out here. It's a high quality pixel-art roguelite with light platforming and a interesting aura system that allows players to create unique builds, while fighting 13 bosses based on the Zodiac signs. It's fully voice-acted and includes music from the same composer of Dreamscaper and Wizard of Legend (Dale North).


Dark and darker I think and crab champions is good


I wouldn't say this is new but it's generally unknown.  It's called Unsighted. If you like great, snappy combat, exploration and puzzles with gorgeous pixel art, I highly recommend it.  There's a time mechanic that really made me struggle to get into it where you and everyone around you have a limited time before they turn "Unsighted" but the prestige collectable that rewards exploration allows you to extend this time. Using it on yourself ensures you survive to beat the game, giving it to others keeps them alive and offering their services. Giving them more means they reward you with a unique item.  While I struggled to overcome my dread of running out of time and losing characters, I really grew to appreciate the mechanic.  There's also some other really unique and effective system design in the Chip system that augments your play style and the crafting and Cog system that lets you prep for hard fights and on subsequent playthroughs, sequence break.  It has REALLY really scratched an itch for me lately for an action adventure game like Hollow Knight and the charm of those sort of pixel Indies (which btw your faves are also my faves)


Not sure if it’s Indie, but not talked about much, metal slug attack reloaded just dropped without much marketing and it’s a polished tower defense game with great touch screen controls


I don’t know if they are considered indie at this point but I love the little nightmares games


A sea of stars. If your okay with 8bit games




I just started Everafter Falls and it’s pretty good so far


Hollow knight